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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 81

by Maren Smith

  Heva and Welana looked at Merilla with wide eyes, aghast that she would voice such a plea when she had already felt the stern consequences of defiance.

  Lord Jason sighed, as if exasperated with Merilla. "Sweetling, if I have to punish you again before we reach the capital, I must do it with something more painful than my hand, I am afraid."

  He shifted the diaper to his other hand and took from the crate the pink leather paddle, to hold it up so that they could see the writing stitched onto its face: FOR NAUGHTY GIRLS. The eyes of all three girls went very wide. Merilla's lips parted, but no sound emerged.

  "I think you've seen, Merilla, that I don't hesitate to discipline a young woman when she needs it. Have you seen that?"

  Now the girl's sweet little mouth closed, then opened, then closed again. The transport had already come far across the rocky surface, and Lord Jason knew that though his back was turned to the front windscreen the girls could see the glow of their occupied capital's dome behind him. The gimbel-mounted cabin swayed very little: on this well-traveled roadway safety-belts weren't even necessary. Young captive women could be diapered in peace.

  Merilla's mouth opened again, and Lord Jason felt a jolt of arousal between his thighs to see the way her forehead crease. The girl's internal struggle matched — exceeded maybe — that of any war-tribute he had ever trained as a little bed-girl.

  For a moment the chestnut-haired girl didn't reply. Her hands clutched the dressing gown closer, clearly responding to an instinct to cover herself more, so as to deny the reality of her coming naked — indeed, worse-than-naked — humiliation. Then, very softly, she said, "Yes, sir."

  "Do as I've said then, sweetlings," Lord Jason said, beginning with his eyes on Merilla, then looking at Heva and Welana in their separate seats as well. "Take off those dressing gowns, so I can get your diapers onto those adorable bottoms and pussies. Merilla, sweetling, I think you asked why you must be diapered when you meet your daddies. Once you girls are naked, I will tell you."

  Heva and Welana looked at Merilla, and she returned their gazes with a still-furrowed brow, as if begging them to join her in rebellion. But Heva shook her head, and Welana had already begun to rise from her seat so she could obey Lord Jason's command. Seeing the red-headed girl shrugging the pink dressing-gown off to stand naked in the narrow aisle of the transport, Merilla shook her own head, but Heva, too, rose and slipped off her dressing gown, eyes downcast.

  Merilla now could only chew on the inside of her cheek and look out the window for a moment before, clutching the lapels of her dressing-gown, she turned and began, eyes closed, to shrug it from her shoulders. He beckoned her, and she came to him with fearful eyes.

  As he pulled the diaper between her thighs and lifted it to cover her pretty pussy, so wickedly alluring in its pink smoothness and its girlish bareness, he spoke gently to her, but in a voice loud enough for the other girls to hear him.

  "New girls coming to the garrison for the first time wear diapers, to help them understand how helpless they will be as they learn to please their Magisterian daddies," the lord deputy said.

  Merilla's forehead creased so deeply between her chestnut eyebrows that Lord Jason thought it must feel painful. She worked her lower lip between her teeth, and a little whining sound came from her chest, as the Magisterian fastened the magnetic locks embedded in the fabric at the corners where once, on Earth long ago, parents had used safety pins to keep their youngsters' diapers securely on their bottoms.

  "This diaper is locked, now," he told the lovely girl, now so alluring to a dominant eye like Lord Jason's in her humiliating, youthful diaper.

  "Locked?" Welana whispered from her seat. Merilla herself only closed her eyes, her cheeks so red at the feeling of the thick white synth-cotton that Lord Jason almost thought he could feel the heat radiating from her face.

  As he answered Welana, he put his hands on Merilla's hips and began to turn her around to go back to her seat so that he could summon Heva for her own diapering.

  "Yes, sweetling. Tribute bed-girls aren't allowed to remove their own diapers. Only a daddy can do that." He put his right hand under Merilla's bottom, cupping her little cheeks through the heavy fabric. The girl gave a little cry as her daddy squeezed the places he had so thoroughly punished at the town hall.

  Chapter Four

  Merilla fell asleep for the last few minutes of the journey. When she awoke, with a start, she saw outside the transport the gathering of men in uniforms like Lord Jason's, obviously waiting for the transport's arrival.

  She counted eight of them, in a line, their uniforms showing slight differences in their insignia that must indicate different ranks and units. All of them stood tall, and had their right hands upon their chests in what Merilla supposed must be a salute. They looked straight forward even as the door of the transport began to open automatically, and Lord Jason rose to stand in it, his own hand placed in the same position, acknowledging the salute.

  "Welcome home, sir," said a tall blond man on the end of the row, as he drew his hand away from his breast and approached the door of the transport to stand just outside and peer at the girls with a grin on his face.

  "Thank you, Peter," Lord Jason said, stepping out of the door himself to stand on the concrete floor of the garage. "I'm glad to be back, especially bringing such a pleasant gift for you." He turned and pointed to Welana, who shrank back in alarm when she realized she had become the focus of the men's attention. "That one's yours. Her name is Welana. Why don't you and Jeffrey and Wesley go first?"

  Peter nodded, his smile growing even wider. Merilla's tummy fluttered like it had real butterflies in it, though she had never seen an actual butterfly except in pictures, at the way he looked at Welana. The blond man turned away, and called back to the row of Magisterian officers, "Jeff, Wesley — you're going to like this. Come on over."

  Two other men, just as big and tall as Peter and Lord Jason, approached. Peter came aboard the transport, then the other two, looming over the girls in their seats.

  "Hello, girls," he said, moving his bright blue eyes from face to face. "Look at you in your diapers. So sweet." He turned to the other men, Jeff and Wesley, though Merilla of course didn't know which was which. "This one's ours," Peter said, pointing at Welana. "Her name is Welana, I hear."

  One of the other men, a man whose hair blazed an even brighter red than Welana's own, said, "Is that your name, honey? Welana?"

  From across the aisle of the transport, Merilla watched Welana's troubled eyes look from the red-head man — Jeff or Wesley — who had addressed her, over to Heva, as if begging the other girl to say something, so that Welana wouldn't have to answer.

  Peter spoke then, his voice becoming a little stern. "Welana, honey, I'm pretty sure you've already learned that you need to respect your master-daddies. This is Daddy Wesley. Are you going to answer?"

  Welana's forehead creased deeply, and her nostrils flared. Her cheeks had gone bright pink.

  "Yes," she whispered. "Welana."

  "That's a good girl," Wesley said. "I don't want to have to put you over my knee before we even get to our quarters."

  Lord Jason spoke from outside the transport. "No, Welana's a good girl. Not like my Merilla, over there on the other side of the aisle. She got her little bottom spanked before we left her settlement."

  Merilla felt her whole body go hot, as if every inch of her skin blushed at her master-daddy's casual mention of the time she had spent across his lap.

  The third of the men who had boarded the transport — Jeffrey, it seemed — spoke then. "We should have a look at her quim before we go. She needs to know her daddies can inspect her whenever they want."

  "Of course," Lord Jason said, as Welana gave a sob of dismay. "Go ahead and unlock the diaper. It's a pretty little cunt — you three are going to have a good time breaking her in."

  Merilla's hands tightened on her own bare thighs as she watched the black-haired Jeffrey reach out a little device that he ha
d taken from his pocket, towards Welana's hip. A soft beep sounded, and then, though Merilla couldn't see past the three men clustered around Welana's seat, a soft cry from the girl could only mean that one of them had pulled down the front of her diaper.

  "Oh, honey," Peter said, "you do have a sweet pussy, don't you? You're so pink down there."

  Welana gave a sob, then, and Merilla remembered how it had felt to have Lord Jason's hand between her thighs. The breath came quick and uneven through her lips as she tried in vain not to imagine what Welana's three daddies were doing.

  "That's it, Wesley," Peter said. "Nice and gentle. Make her wet for her daddies. Put your finger inside her, so she knows what it feels like to have her daddy there."

  "Please…" Welana moaned. "Please."

  Jeffrey said, "Say, please, Daddy, honey. You're our little girl now, and we're going to train you."

  "Please, Daddy," Welana breathed. "Please, Daddy."

  "Alright," Lord Jason said from outside the transport. "Enough for now, Peter, I think. Fasten her diaper and take her back to your quarters. There are two other girls waiting."

  Merilla closed her eyes as the three officers led Welana away, and she kept them shut as the same thing happened to Heva: three officers, her Magisterian master-daddies, came onto the transport. They opened the blonde girl's diaper to look at her, then fastened it again and departed with her. Merilla found she had flown away, in her mind, to the stars, by the time she heard Lord Jason say, "Merilla, sweetling, it's your turn to meet your daddies."

  She opened her eyes to hear his voice so close to her, and she realized that he had come back onto the transport, and that two other officers had come with him. They all stood over her now, Lord Jason, and two men with blond hair a little bit younger than the lord deputy.

  "Sweetling, these are George and Carl. The three of us are going to share you, for the next two years, as our little bed-girl. You will call them Daddy, just as you will call me Daddy. Do you understand?"

  Merilla descended from the stars with a crash, her breath ragged through her parted lips. Did she understand? To her shame, as she felt herself clench in the awful diaper that she knew her daddies would take down whenever they pleased, she understood much too well.

  Lord Jason shared his sumptuous quarters with Major George Heathers and Captain Carl Oliphant. All the Magisterian officials and military personnel sent to occupied colonies had similar quarters — constructed of the finest Magisterian materials in the most luxurious style, for men who had to spend years at a time on planets whose standard of living fell so far below what a Magisterian had every right to expect, having grown up on the wealthiest planet in the galaxy. Lord Jason, however, thought that with the help of George and Carl — and even their sweet Borina, now returned to her settlement — the house at the head of the avenue that ran through the heart of the new Magisterian quarter of the Paternian capital had a certain provincial elegance that never failed to make him proud to walk through its door.

  The three officers escorted Merilla up the path to that door. The nearly naked girl blushed furiously to be made to climb out of her new daddies' car and walk up the flagstones to their front porch in only her diaper. She looked up and down the avenue, and the sight of two other young Paternian women, Anyara and Jalma, playing hopscotch in their pinafores next door, in front of Lord Michael's quarters, only seemed to make her face get redder.

  The two girls from last year's cohort looked over and waved hesitantly at the new girl in her diaper, but their faces showed that they understood how embarrassed Merilla must feel. They had after all arrived the same way the previous year — Anyara to serve Lord Michael, Lieutenant Summers, and Lieutenant Trent; Jalma to serve Colonel Green and his two aides-de-camp in the colonel's quarters across the street.

  When Merilla paused on the front walk to look over at the other girls, Lord Jason put his hand on the seat of her diaper and urged her forward. "You'll meet them tomorrow, Merilla," he said, "and if you're a good girl you'll be allowed to play with them. But now it's time to see your new home."

  Inside, she stared with wide eyes at the dark wood — real wood, imported from Magisteria's underground tree-farms — and gorgeous rugs. Her lips parted in astonishment when she saw the fire crackling on the hearth. The fire of course didn't burn real wood, but its imitation logs put on such a vivid impression of a primitive Earth heating source that even Lord Jason could lose himself in the impression that he had traveled back a thousand years and a million lightyears to the human homeworld.

  "I…" Merilla said, her hands drifting to her bosom and to her diapered loins the way a modest girl's always seemed to when confronted by some new surprise.

  "You didn't expect such luxury?" George asked.

  The lovely girl shook her head mutely.

  George smiled. "We live well, since we must be away from home. So you will live well, sweetling, away from your home."

  Lord Jason had stepped past Merilla and into the foyer, so that he could turn and look into the girl's eyes. "Borina was very happy here, once she got used to her duties," he said gently. "She's responsible for some of the furniture you see here — that comfortable chair by the fire, for example. Borina picked it from the catalogue and her daddies had it shipped from Magisteria for her."

  He exchanged a smiling look with Carl, and the ash-blond-haired major turned to Merilla.

  "That was a reward," he told her, "when she had been a very good girl for her daddies."

  "Let's show her her room," Carl suggested, taking pity on the girl, whose inner conflict showed so clearly in her face.

  "A very good idea," Lord Jason agreed. "Follow me, sweetling."

  Down the hall lay the little room done all in pink that had been Borina's until this very morning. It had a frilly bedspread on the bed, and the pillow shams had ruffles all around them. Against the pillows sat the brand-new stuffed bear Lord Jason had ordered from Newell's, the oldest toyshop in the galaxy, which still made its plush animals on Earth. A desk stood in the corner, but the beautiful dollhouse — more a doll-castle, really, modeled on the subterranean castles of icy Magisteria — dominated the room.

  Merilla stood and stared, her hands clenching and unclenching into little fists as she so clearly tried to figure out how she should react. In her face, Jason could see how very little she had expected to see anything so pretty or so soothing, or — in its aspect of forced youthening — so embarrassing in the way it affected her.

  George had moved to the closet, and now he opened it to reveal Merilla's little-girl clothes: party dresses for special occasions and pinafores for play. "Here are your things, sweetling. You may look at them now, but you won't wear anything but your diaper until you learn to be a good girl."

  Merilla looked at her platinum-blond daddy apprehensively, then turned her eyes to Jason, the unvoiced question very clear on her tightly closed lips — as well as, he strongly suspected, another need he had counted on developing just about now.

  "The first thing you're going to do, sweetling, is show your daddies you understand that they are in control of your little body. We're going to show you your bathroom now."

  A look of relief broke out on Merilla's face then, but it quickly passed away to be replaced by one of anxiety. Jason hadn't, after all, said that her daddies would permit her to use the bathroom — nor of course had he meant to say that.

  The diaper had, Jason knew, already suggested to the girl that her most embarrassing, most intimate bodily functions would play a role in her training as her daddies' little bed-girl. Now she stood looking at the lovely bathroom with its big tub — big enough for a daddy and a little girl together, with the naked girl on her daddy's naked lap — and its gleaming porcelain toilet. The expression in her eyes as she turned back to her daddies showed that Merilla had begun to grasp, to her dismay, how Magisterian forced youthening would change this basic part of her life.

  "Daddies?" she asked, a crease appearing between her eyebrows. Jason could t
ell that she meant to try as hard as she could to address them properly, in hope of getting the reassurance she obviously already knew, deep down, her master-daddies wouldn't give her. "May I… may I… you know… be… alone?"

  Jason looked over at George, who of the three of them always found bathroom play the most to his taste.

  "No, sweetling," George said. "Your daddies like to be with you when you go pee."

  "In your daddies' house," Carl told her, "good girls do what their daddies tell them to do. After you finish, we're going to take your diaper off, and get you nice and clean. Then we're going to take our uniforms off, and teach you how a little bed-girl makes her daddies happy."

  As he spoke, Carl put his hand on Merilla's hip, on the diaper. On her other side, George did the same. At that feeling, or perhaps at Carl's informing her that she would see her daddies naked so soon, she at last, with a soft cry, began to pee. With their hands on the diaper all three of her daddies could feel the way the thick fabric vibrated with the gushing, hissing flow of her unseen golden stream.

  "No," she whispered. "Oh, no."

  "Yes, sweetling," Jason said. "Good girl. If you make your daddies feel very good, you'll wear panties tomorrow, and use the potty. Now let's get you out of your diaper."

  The face Merilla turned to him, opening her eyes for the first time since she had complied with her daddies' shameful command, had a submissive gratitude that made Jason's heart warm, and his cock stiffen. She nodded, and he took her hand to lead her to the bench next to the tub, and sat her on it.

  "Lie down, sweetling," George said, coming over and spreading a thick towel atop the bench.

  Jason moved back a bit to let his golden-haired fellow officer put a big hand on Merilla's shoulder and urge her to recline on the towel.

  "Look at those sweet little breasts," Carl said, coming up behind them. "Take the diaper off, Jason. I want to see the quim."


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