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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 87

by Maren Smith

  “What is it?”

  “Toilet paper,” he answered matter-of-factly. I took it from him and reached beneath myself, following his direction. The toilet paper felt rough against my new untouched skin, renewing my curiosity of the new parts I hadn’t gotten a chance to investigate.

  “You certainly are an anomaly, little girl. Drop it in the water and flush the toilet.” He pointed to a silver lever on the back of the toilet.

  The noise the toilet made as I pulled the lever scared me and I sprung up off the seat and into Wade’s arms. “Did I break it?” I asked as I turned and watched the water disappear from the bowl.

  Wade laughed. “No, you didn’t break it. The water will refill for the next use in a second.”

  “Oh good.” I sighed with relief. “I have a bad habit of accidentally breaking things.”

  “Accidents happen, but how do you remember that?” he asked surprised, setting me down.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged and looked away. Lying to Wade was hard, and I didn’t like it, but I had no other choice.

  “Don’t be shy, little one. I’m glad there are little glimpses for you to remember. Maybe it means this little memory issue will resolve itself sooner rather than later. Now, we’re already here, let’s get you in the bath.”

  I bit my lip.

  “I know you don’t remember. I’m right here to help, alright?”

  “Thank you.”

  He closed the toilet and sat me back down. I watched as he turned a silver lever and water poured into the big white tub. “Sorry I don’t have any bubbles or anything. Hopefully, we can pick up some more feminine products soon.”

  I looked into the tub, but I could see at least ten bubbles floating on the surface where the water poured down from the spout. As usual, I had no idea what he was talking about so I stayed silent. Oliver must have sensed my discomfort because he nudged my hand and laid his head on my lap. It was a small comfort and I loved him for it.

  “Let’s take this shirt off and get you into the water,” Wade instructed.

  “Take it off? But you were so worried about putting it on.” I hugged myself, gripping my shirt, all of a sudden shy about him seeing me in that way that made him quickly look away.

  “You can’t bathe in clothes. I’ll have some clean ones ready for when you are finished.”

  “I don’t need to bathe.” If I’d known he was going to make me bare myself, I never would have agreed to this in the first place. I didn’t want to take my clothes off. He’d just made me put them on, and I already knew what would happen. I could practically see him flushing uncomfortably and flinching away. It upset me.

  Wade crossed his arms over his chest and regarded me in a way that made me squirm. “You like to argue,” he mused. “I’m just going to tell you right now, I will go rounds with you anytime, but when I am done, you will obey. I do have to reopen my shop at some point today so as much as I’d love to battle, we don’t have time.”

  Without any other warning, he grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tugged it up over my head before lifting me up and setting me into the water. The temperature surprised me, but not in a bad way. I had enjoyed the occasional hot pockets that would form in the ocean, but this was a whole new level of hot. I moaned and sunk all the way under the water, holding my breath for as long as possible. I hadn’t realized just how much I missed the water in such a short amount of time. I suppose that would be normal seeing as my entire life had been spent there.

  Wade tapped the top of my head and I looked up to see him. Even through the distortion of the water, he was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on and my new parts tingled.

  “Are you trying to drown yourself?” His words were muffled. I missed the quiet of the sea. There were no loud sharp noises like there were in the human world. His voice though? I liked to be able to hear it and all of the rich rumbles that came with it.

  I came up out of the water and shook my head. “Why would I try to drown myself?” Mermaids can’t drown. Thankfully, I kept the second thought where it belonged, in my mind.

  “You were under there a long time.”

  “It feels good.”

  “You’ll feel even better once we get all the sand and grit off your body.” He put something in his hands and rubbed them together until little bubbles began to form. “This is shampoo, it cleans your hair. May I?” he asked, kneeling at the side of the tub.

  “May you, what?”

  “Wash your hair. I’ll show you this once and in the future you’ll be able to bathe on your own.”

  I nodded, and he went to work massaging my scalp with his fingers. The soap smelled of fresh air and salty sea spray.

  I relaxed against the side and closed my eyes. “It smells like you.”

  “Is that a good thing?” he asked, amusement laced his voice.

  “Mhmm, I like it.”

  “I’m glad.” His voice was low and heavy, slightly different than before and I opened my eyes. He was watching me, staring at me with a look I could not decipher. But my body responded with those tingles I was really starting to like, but wished I could explore further. I rubbed my legs together.

  He picked up a cup and filled it with water. “I’m going to rinse this soap out and then we can put in some conditioner. Close your eyes. If you get soap in them it will burn.” I obeyed, and he poured cup after cup over my head, continuing his massage with his other hand. Once finished he filled his hands with a white silky looking substance and applied it to my hair.

  “You have the most beautiful head of hair I have ever seen,” he complimented.

  “Thank you. My father wanted me to cut it, but I couldn’t bear the thought.” Before the words finished leaving my mouth, I was cringing.

  “You remember your father?”

  “A little bit.”

  “That’s great.” His smile melted my heart and made me want to cry. I was a horrible being. How could I keep up this facade? It was getting harder and harder to lie and I had not even been above water for a full sun cycle.

  He lathered a cloth with more bubbles. “This is a washcloth. It will scrub the dirt and oils from your skin.” He rubbed the soft cloth over my shoulders. It felt good and my nipples stiffened which usually only happened when I was exploring my body alone in my private grotto, but this was something more. The good feelings went down through my core, settling beneath my stomach. He continued scrubbing in silence, watching my response. The attention felt so good I moaned. Unable to stop myself, I slid my hand down my body to that new unexplored area and rubbed my hand over the top.

  “What are you doing?” Wade froze.

  “I’m… I don’t know. This is all so new and it feels so good. I’ve never had anyone touch me like this before.” I moved my hand, pressing my fingers into the folds between my legs. “What is this called?” I moaned, stroking myself.

  Wade cleared his throat. “The body part, or what you are doing to it?” He shifted, looking uncomfortable again, although this time he didn’t take his eyes off my exploring hand.

  “All of it.” I moaned, arching my back and increasing the speed and pressure of my movements. Pressure was building in my lower body and I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I had to keep going to find out. My body was screaming at me to continue and I was helpless.

  “Coral, stop.” Wade grabbed my wrist, halting my pleasure.

  “What? Why? Let go!” I yanked my hand away, but he kept a tight grip.

  “No. Fuck, you’re killing me.” He sounded pained. “That is your pussy and essentially what you are doing right now is masturbating.”

  “Why did you stop me? It feels so good. I want to do it more.”

  “You can’t. I mean, you can, but not in front of me. I’m trying to be a gentleman and you are making it damn near impossible for me.”

  “I don’t care about gentle. I need it.” I tried to free my hand again and this time he let me.

  “If you’re going to
continue, I need to leave. Here is the washcloth. Call me when you are ready to get out.” He didn’t wait for a response before he was all but running from the room, slamming the door behind him. That was fine. I didn’t care. All I cared about was the pressure and the pleasure. I reached back down and renewed my efforts, but something was wrong. It didn’t feel as good as it had when Wade was washing me. The tingles had subsided and no matter how I moved my fingers, I could not get them back.

  I screamed in frustration and Wade was back at my side in an instant.

  “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “No! It felt so good and there’s so much pressure, but I can’t make it feel good again. Will you help me?”

  “Help you? Hell, what are you doing to me?”

  “Please, please make the ache go away. I’ll do anything,” I begged, but he spun away instead. He didn’t walk away though.

  He stopped, hesitated, and when he looked back at me, it was with such hunger in his eyes that I finally understood exactly what being naked was. It was blatant vulnerability, being openly exposed, just like I was seeing Wade now—openly, blatantly, nakedly hungry for me.

  Picking up the washcloth again, he lowered himself beside me again. My nipples stiffened into greedy little peaks as he looked at them, at my pussy, at all of me in turn before at last he touched me. Not between my legs where I so badly ached for him, but my breasts. First one, then the other, he used the washcloth to caress me. Rubbing in slow, teasing circles, plucking at my nipples through the cloth. “How does that feel?”

  “More.” I cried, lifting myself almost all the way out of the water to get him to replace my hand with his own. “Please touch me more.”

  “Calm down. Daddy will make it all better, but it will be on my terms not yours.”

  Daddy? Who was Daddy? It didn’t really matter. He said he was going to make it better and that was all I was concerned about.

  I forced myself to relax and let Wade do what he wanted. Everywhere he touched sent me higher and higher and I felt like I was going to explode if only he would move his attentions lower.

  “Please,” I begged again.

  “Please what?” Wade asked.

  “Please, Daddy?” I asked.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “You’re irresistible, do you know that? I need your full permission before we go any further, little one. If you want this, I need you to ask for exactly what you want.”

  I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I knew I couldn’t let him stop. “Please Daddy. Please touch my pussy. Please rub it and make the ache go away.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” he responded, abandoning the cloth. Feeling his fingers against my skin felt so much better than it had through the cloth. He added his other hand to the water and toyed with both nipples before the first slid down to where I wanted him the most. I grasped the sides of the tub. “You’re beautiful,” Wade praised as his fingers slid into my folds and immediately the pressure intensified.

  “Yes,” I encouraged, arching into him.

  His fingers kept going lower until I felt him push into my body. “What are you doing?” I thrashed my head back and forth.

  “I’m going to make that ache go away.” He rubbed in and out and I flew higher and higher and just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, he proved me wrong. In addition to the thrusting, he slid another finger to the top of my pussy to a spot that made it all come together. I screamed as pleasure exploded and coursed through my entire body. Wade continued his caresses, lightening them until I was able to relax and sink down into the water again. When he removed his hands, I opened my eyes to see him smiling. “Do you feel better, little one?”

  I nodded. “What was that?”

  “That, my dear, was an orgasm.”

  “Can we do it again sometime?”

  I watched Wade’s expression change from hunger to regret in an instant. “No, I don’t think that’s wise.”

  “But why? It felt so good. Did it feel good for you?”

  Wade shook his head. “That was for you not me. It was amazing to watch but we can’t do it again. Our situation is complicated enough.”

  “Complicated? How is it complicated?”

  “We are strangers, you have suffered some sort of severe memory loss, and I have promised to take care of you.”

  “Isn’t making me feel good taking care of me?” I was so confused. He was acting as if we did something wrong. How could something that felt so good be wrong?

  “Yes and no. I can’t talk about this anymore. Finish washing yourself. I’m going to get you some clean clothes. Stay in the tub until I come back to help you out.”

  He left me again, but this time Oliver replaced him.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Wade gave me an orgasm and now he’s upset and says we can’t do it again.” I crossed my arms across my chest and pouted.

  Oliver’s eyes went wide. “Well then, that escalated quickly.”

  “What did?”

  “When I left, you were being given a bath. Now I return and the two of you have been intimate? I only went for a short walk.”

  I shrugged. “Everything felt so new and there was this tingle and this—”

  “Coral, wee lass, please save me the details.”

  “But, can you tell me why Wade says we can’t do it again? I want to do it again. Is there something I can do to make him feel that good?”

  Oliver stared at me for a moment before turning around and walking out of the bathroom.

  “Wait! Come back! I need your help!” He didn’t come back. “What good is a guardian that won’t answer my questions?” I complained as I picked up the cloth that had sunk to the bottom of the tub and began to scrub the skin of my feet and legs.

  “Did you call me?” Wade asked from the doorway. He looked a lot more relaxed than he had when he left.

  “No, but I’m done and ready to get out.”

  “Okay, let me go get you some clothes.”

  “I thought that's what you were already doing?”

  “I got… sidetracked. I’ll be right back.”

  I was so frustrated, I didn’t want to wait, but everything was slippery and by the time I had gotten to my knees and in a position where I could pull myself up, he returned.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting up,” I grumbled. “What does it look like?”

  “It looks like a little girl who doesn’t know how to follow directions.”

  “I’m not a little girl, I’m grown and I can do things on my own.” I didn’t want to be around Wade or Oliver or anyone. I wanted to be alone.

  Wade grabbed me under the arms and pulled me to standing.

  “From where I’m standing.” He straightened himself in front of me and I craned my neck to look up at him. “You are very little and your choices are those of a spoiled brat who wants her way. You won’t like the way I handle spoiled little brats, Coral. All I’m trying to do is keep you safe, it would behoove you to cooperate.”

  The reminder that he was only trying to help calmed my frustration, and I forced myself to let go of my snit. Wade helped me out of the tub and together we dried my skin and got me dressed. Putting clothes on the second time around was a lot easier than it had been the first time and gave me hope that I would be self-sufficient sooner rather than later. I wanted that so badly.

  Chapter Four

  Wade took me down to his shop and sat me on a stool so that I could watch him work. I asked about every single thing, from what he was doing to what things were called, and I watched his every movement, committing as much as possible to memory so that I could mimic them later on. After I exhausted all my practical questions, I moved on to questions about him and his life. He never got frustrated, he told me about his daily routine, about things he liked to do and about his hopes for the shop, but when it came to questions about his past, he was a little less forthcoming and when I pushed, it o
nly seemed to agitate him. I decided to let it go for now, but I would definitely get answers later.

  I changed angles. “Wade, what does Daddy mean?”

  His back was to me and he froze in place for a second before he took a deep breath and turned around.

  “Are you referring to what happened in the bathtub?”

  I nodded.

  “I should have seen that coming. Daddy has a couple of meanings. The way I used it was not the most common.” He looked around like he wanted to make sure no one could hear him, but we were alone, save for Oliver. “As a man, I have certain desires. One of those desires is to take care of the woman I am with. I want to protect her, spoil her, and provide her every need.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad thing.”

  “Let me finish,” he admonished. “In turn, I want her to submit to my authority in and out of the bedroom. She and I would create a certain set of rules and standards for her to live by and breaking those rules would earn her a consequence.”

  Rules. Consequences. I did not like where this was going at all. “What if you break the rules? Do you get a consequence?”

  “No. That’s not how it works. If I mess up, I have to find a way to fix the problem and make everything right. That’s my consequence. My little girl would be given a consequence and instantly forgiven.”

  “Little girl? You keep calling me that,” I noted.

  “Well, you are small and I am taking care of you, so it has just kind of happened. It's really just a term of endearment.” When he explained it, it made sense, but there were missing pieces.

  “Does that mean I should call you Daddy?”

  “That depends, there is a lot that comes with the title for you and for me.”

  “Do you want to be my Daddy?”

  “It would be an honor to be your Daddy, sweet girl, but I need you to fully understand what that means.”

  “You’re already taking care of me. You have fed me, cleaned me, and taken care of my hurt,” I reminded him. “And I really liked my orgasm. I want more of those. Is that part of taking care of me?”

  Wade laughed. “I’m glad you liked it, and yes, as a Daddy I very much enjoy giving my girl orgasms. However, I shouldn’t have let it happen like that. We need to establish a level of trust and understanding before things like that occur, but I can’t honestly say I’m sorry that it did. Watching you come undone was pretty spectacular.”


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