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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 90

by Maren Smith


  “You need to get a handle on your girl,” Rachel murmured, turning so that her back was to everyone else, leaning toward him to make sure no one else could hear her.

  Inwardly, Saul sighed. She wasn’t wrong. He just wished she wasn’t right.

  Vicky was a steady worker, a talented pastry chef, and the kind of cheerful energy he’d been happy to have in the kitchen. She wasn’t always very creative when it came to what she made, but she could make just about anything and do it well, time after time, when she knew what they wanted. She was better at it than both Darnell and Audrey, truthfully. Unfortunately, the competition was eroding her confidence and making her think less of herself. The fact that he prized her capable skill and consistency over creativity didn’t seem to matter to her as every week passed.

  Well, at least the competition was held on Monday mornings when the restaurant was closed, so now they could go home and neither of them would need to be back at work until Wednesday. Saul tried not to pull too many strings as Executive Chef but ensuring he and Vicky had the same days off each week was one of the exceptions he was willing to make.

  Saying goodbye to everyone, he managed to get Vicky into the car before her bad mood exploded.

  The trip home was not pleasant.

  She was mad about Darnell winning—again. She was mad about the things Rachel had said. And she was mad at Saul, apparently.

  “You’re harder on me because you don’t want anyone to think you’re favoring me,” she said, finishing up her rant as they pulled into the parking spot in front of their townhouse.

  Shoving the car into park, Saul turned to look at her, aghast. “Do you really think I would do that?”

  Shrinking back slightly, shame on her face, Vicky dropped her gaze from his. “No… not really… I just… it wasn’t that bad, was it?” Her dark eyes came up again, pleading with him for reassurance.

  “It wasn’t bad at all, sweetheart,” he said, reaching out and putting a reassuring hand on her thigh. “The flavors were good, and it was a creative idea, it just…”

  “It just wasn’t as good as Darnell’s.” She spat out the words bitterly, pushing his hand aside and yanking the car door open. “Again.” She stomped her way up to the front door.

  Pressing his lips together, Saul watched her, the sexy curve of her ass swaying as she moved. Yup. His little brat was going the right way for a spanking tonight. That might not be a bad thing though. When was the last time he’d spanked her? Hm. Nearly a month ago.

  No wonder she had so much pent up negative energy.

  Well. If she kept up that attitude, he knew exactly how they were going to expend it.


  Crap on a cracker.

  Saul had that look in his eye, the one that he got when he thought she needed a firm hand to her bottom. Not meeting his gaze, she hurried to the bathroom to take a shower and wash the smell of the kitchen off of her.

  As she got undressed, the door opened, and he squeezed his way into the bathroom. He wasn’t that much taller than her, but his shoulders were broad, and whenever they were in the small room together it seemed even smaller. That might just be because of his sheer presence. He always managed to make her feel like he was so much bigger than her in every way.

  Today she didn’t appreciate it, though. She didn’t want to feel little. She wanted to be big. To kick ass. To not be a fucking loser.

  “Hey, sweetie.” Strong fingers pressed down on either side of her neck, massaging the tight muscles there. It felt good, but for some reason it made her feel even more resentful. She could tell he was trying to soothe her, and she didn’t want to be soothed. “It really was a good dessert.”

  She wanted to kick something.

  Saul had told her she was a bratty submissive and right now she really felt that. She didn’t want to be cooperative. She didn’t want to be soothed. And she kind of didn’t want to share the shower with him. Because he was going to try to make everything all right, but everything couldn’t be all right until she wasn’t such a fucking loser.

  “Vicky, talk to me please.” His voice was still soothing, but with just a hint of steel in his tone. The tiny bit of bossiness that usually got her hot and bothered, because she loved it when he took charge, but right now just put her back up even more.

  “It’s fine. I’m fine.” She bit out the words, hating herself for being a total stereotype even as she did so. Obviously, it wasn’t fine, and she was lying. She had turned into a walking, talking meme.

  When a woman says she’s fine, it’s time to hide!


  “It’s not fine,” Saul said firmly.

  Vicky rolled her eyes, pulling herself away from him so she could lean into the shower and turn it on.

  “Okay, it’s not fine, but I’ll get over it. Seriously. Heck, it’s probably better that I don’t win.” The words poured out of her, bitter and leaving behind an unpleasant taste. “If I ever do win, everyone will probably just think it’s because we’re fucking.”

  “That’s it.”

  For a second her brain didn’t understand Saul’s response, but then his arm wrapped around her middle like an iron bar, yanking her off her feet and away from the shower. Shit! Shit! Shit! Too far! You went too far!

  “Lemme go!”

  Ignoring her demands and her wriggling, Saul turned off the water, hauled her out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where he sat down on the edge of the bed, flipping her neatly over his lap with her vulnerable butt up in the air. A little voice wailed inside her head.

  Dammit, why couldn’t she have just shut up while she was still ahead?


  Cupping his girlfriend’s beautiful ass, Saul kept his other arm resting along her spine to hold her in place. Vicky was a squirmer, which he absolutely enjoyed, but it meant he had to take extra measures to keep her in place sometimes.

  “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay?!”

  One side of his mouth lifted in a reluctant smile. “What are you apologizing for, sweetheart?”


  “Um… my attitude?” Her voice lifted at the end in question.

  “I appreciate the apology,” he said calmly, caressing her beautiful ass. Already he could feel her softening against him, moving to a more submissive headspace. “You have not had a great attitude since leaving the restaurant, although I understand why. That’s not why you’re getting this spanking.”

  “Then why are you going to spank me?” Half-demand, half-whine, and all brat. God, he loved her. He just wished she could see herself the way he saw her. Smart. Capable. Talented. So what if she didn’t excel at experimenting with new flavors and recipes? Not everyone did. Not everyone should. The kitchen needed more than just experimenters to flourish. It needed good, steady chefs just like her.

  “Because you were talking badly about my girl.”


  The first swat wasn’t very hard, it was almost more of a warning tap, right in the middle of one of her cheeks, making her jerk. He wanted to ensure she was paying attention to what he was saying.

  “I did not!”



  “Yes, you did,” he said, ignoring her little wriggles and the dark glare she shot him over her shoulder. “Everyone knows you’re a good chef, Vicky. And if you ever win the weekly special contest, they will know it’s because you’re a good baker. And if you never win it, you will still be a good baker, and everyone knows that too.”

  She muttered something under her breath that he couldn’t quite hear.

  “What was that?”

  More silence.

  Smack! Smack!

  This time the swats were harder, hard enough to sting his hand despite the many callouses covering his palms and Vicky shrieked, bucking on his lap. Saul leaned into his arm, pinning her in place, his hand resting atop where he’d just spanked her. Warmth was already emanating up from her skin.

at did you say, Vicky?” This time his voice was deeper. Harder. Demanding an answer. Vicky slumped over his legs, defeated.

  “I said, Rachel doesn’t think I’m any good,” she muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

  “Rachel absolutely thinks you’re very good. She’s said so on multiple occasions.” Once again, he had to wonder at the grudge Vicky held for Rachel. Granted, Rachel wasn’t exactly a warm and fuzzy person, but she was a consummate professional and she had never treated Vicky any differently than any of the other chefs. They’d gotten along when Vicky was first hired, but even before the contest had started, Vicky had begun behaving oddly about Rachel.

  After the contest got going, she’d definitely gotten worse.

  Vicky muttered something he couldn’t hear again.


  This time he didn’t even have to ask her to speak up.

  “I said, she would say that in front of you.” Vicky’s voice dropped again, although not so low that he couldn’t hear it this time. “Doesn’t mean she actually thinks it.”

  “Why would she lie to me?” It was hard not to let his exasperation seep into his voice. Sometimes it felt like Vicky was determined to think the worst of herself, all evidence to the contrary.

  “Um, because I’m sleeping with you and she wishes she was.” The way Vicky said it reminded Saul of a bratty teenager, completely confident that she had all the information.

  He couldn’t help it, even though he immediately knew it was a mistake. He laughed.


  Oh no he didn’t.

  Utterly enraged, Vicky bucked against his hands, struggling to get away from him.

  He was laughing at her.

  How dare he?

  “Calm down, sweetheart, I’m not laughing at you.” His hand caressed her ass, making the sensitive skin tingle, especially where he’d spanked her. But Vicky didn’t want to be turned on right now. She was mad, dammit. And she hated it when she was mad, and it felt like he was reading her mind. “I’m laughing at the idea that Rachel would be interested in me. We’re just friends.”

  “Uh huh.” Just cuz he didn’t see it didn’t mean it wasn’t true. Even if it was true on his end, it didn’t mean Rachel saw things that way. “Let me up.”

  “Oh no, sweetheart. You are still getting your spanking for talking down about yourself. Everyone watched us get together and they were cheering for us the whole time. No one thinks you got or are keeping your job for any reason other than you’re a good baker. Has anyone said otherwise to you?”

  “No,” Vicky admitted grudgingly.

  “Has anyone been disparaging about the contest to you?”

  “No.” She gritted her teeth.

  If she was being completely honest, everyone had been sympathetic. Encouraging. Willing to help with ideas for the next week. She wasn’t the only one who had never won, which would probably be Saul’s next point. Steve and Karen had never won either. But neither of them worked at her station, they both had more competition because they were on the grill, and neither of them were sleeping with the boss. It wasn’t the same at all.

  Yeah, no one had actually said anything to her face, but they were all thinking it.

  How could they not?

  “From now on, you’re not allowed to say anything disparaging about yourself or how you’re doing in the contest either. In fact, every time I spank you, I want you to tell me that you’re a good baker.”

  She groaned. She hated it when Saul wanted a response to a spanking.


  “Yes, sir.” She grated the words out.

  “Good girl.”

  The accolade was like a warm balm, one that she constantly craved and that she could never get enough of. Unfortunately, it did absolutely nothing to take the sting out of her spanking.


  She shrieked.

  Saul paused, waiting.

  “I am a good baker.”

  “That wasn’t very convincing, sweetheart.”


  “I am a good baker!”

  “That’s better, keep it up.”


  Every stinging swat made her jerk and wriggle under his hands. Repeating that she was a good baker after every single one was not just annoying, it was starting to get into her head, the way things always did when she had to say them during a spanking. Like a little chant, punctuated by the painful reminder that she was getting this spanking because she hadn’t believed it.

  Worse, she knew that she once had thought she was a good baker. Had taken pride in it.

  Just because she wasn’t as good as Darnell didn’t mean she was bad.

  Tears started to slide down her cheeks as she bucked and squirmed under Saul’s hard hand.


  “I am a good baker!”


  “I am a good baker!”

  Her breath hitched on a sob. Dammit, she was a good baker. Why did she keep forgetting that?

  Chapter Two


  All the fight and resentment seemed to have finally left Vicky. Her bottom was now red-hot and glowing, her body going almost limp over his lap every time he paused for her to speak, and she had begun to sound like she really believed what she was saying. Would he prefer she believed it without the spanking?


  But if this was what it took…

  Sometimes his sweet little submissive could be extremely stubborn. She wanted to be a good girl, but deep down she was often a complete brat. Sometimes he wondered…

  He’d asked at one point if the idea of a Daddy Dom did anything for her and she’d shot it down hard. Lately, it had seemed like she might need more than bedroom play and occasional dominance though. But he wasn’t going to push it. Yet.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, smoothing his hand over her hot bottom. The little hiccupping sob was actually a good sign. She was winding down.

  Of course, now that the punishment was over, the fact that he had his naked, submissive, freshly spanked girlfriend draped over his lap meant that he was winding up. His cock was hardening fast, especially as she continued to squirm on his lap, the soft skin of her sides rubbing against the thickening organ.

  His fingers drifted down to her pussy and found her wet—as usual. It didn’t seem to matter whether the spanking was funishment or actual punishment, her body reacted the same way.

  “Saul!” she complained, wriggling, although that did nothing to keep him from swirling his fingers through her slick folds. “I’m all smelly from work!”

  “So am I,” he pointed out, the tips of his fingers seeking out her swollen clit. He stroked the little nubbin and Vicky moaned, bucking slightly on his lap again, although not because of pain this time. Letting the hand on her back move lower, he squeezed the hot cheek of her ass, making her whimper as he added another sting of pain to the pleasurable stimulation of her pussy.

  The sound went straight to his cock, which couldn’t possibly get any harder. It pressed against her side, throbbing with the need to be buried inside of her.


  A good hard fuck first, shower after.


  Lifting her up off of his lap, he moved her so that she was bent over the bed instead and he was behind her. The reddened cheeks of her bottom were hot to the touch, and he rubbed his cock all over them before sending the mushroom head sliding through the lips of her pussy. Vicky squirmed and wriggled against him, pushing herself up onto her forearms to give herself more room to maneuver.

  With a groan, Saul lined up his cock and began to push into her hot pussy. The slick warmth wrapped around his cock, pulling him deeper. Hands on her hot ass, he squeezed the soft flesh, making her whimper and clench around him, before he moved his hands up her sides, seeking out her hanging breasts.

  The firm globes filled his palms, wobbling slightly as he thrust deeper inside of her. Pinching the hard buds of her nipples, he pulled his hips
back before thrusting forward again, burying himself in her eager pussy. Crying out, she pushed back against him, clenching and shuddering beneath him as he began to ride her.




  It was so hard to tell where one ended and the other began when Saul did this to her.

  Her bottom was throbbing, but so was her pussy.

  The little jolts through her nipples as he pinched and tugged made her clench, and she couldn’t tell if it was because it hurt or because it felt so good.

  His cock thrust into her from behind, hard and deep, his body slapping against her chastised bottom, reigniting sparks of pain along the hot surface of her skin. Vicky both loved and hated when he took her from behind like this after a spanking. She preferred the intimacy of face to face sex, but there was something so hot about him bending her over, able to see his handiwork while he fucked her, putting his hands all over her while she couldn’t touch him… In this case, the lack of intimacy turned her on. The feeling of being completely dominated by him, like she’d been a bad girl…

  There was only one thing missing.

  Then with a final hard pinch to her nipples, Saul straightened back up again and Vicky squirmed as she felt his hands spreading her cheeks apart. His callused palms and fingers against her sensitized skin already wasn’t comfortable, and she knew exactly what he was going to do next.

  His thumb dipped down into her pussy juices, his thrusts slowing so he could get it good and wet, and then he pressed it against the crinkled opening of her anus. Vicky hissed as the little hole stretched, opening for the thick digit, and her pussy spasmed as the feeling of excessive fullness took over. So far Saul hadn’t actually ever done more than use his finger there, but she knew he wanted to.

  The idea scared her, but deep down… deep down, every time he played with that little hole, a tiny part of her got excited that this might be the time he pushed that line. She hadn’t told him no exactly, but she wasn’t screaming ‘yes, put it in my ass’ either.


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