by Meg Morie
I looked at him and had to wonder how in the world he knew about that. I certainly hadn’t said anything about it, but it had happened, just like that.
“How do you know?”
Jack looked uncomfortable, and I had a feeling that he had seen it all. Where had he been? I was certainly tipsy and not worried about anything when Billy was sucking me off, but I would have seen Jack, right?
“Let’s just say I know what goes on in places like that.”
The silence as we pulled in at the hotel was my fault. I didn’t know what to say, and I got out before the car was even in park. My face was bright red and hot. I had never been so embarrassed in my life. How much had Jack seen?
When we got into the room, I was mortified at my own words. If only there was a way to somehow suck them back up and never let them out again, I would have gone that route.
“You aren’t going to say anything about this, Jack, are you?”
“Hell no. Your dad would have both our asses. Just stay around here, and I will try to make this as quick and painless as possible.”
I smiled at him, but he was more worried about getting the door locked and taking off his jacket. Jack looked tired, and I wanted to rub his shoulders. When he sat down on the edge of the bed, I moved in behind him. At my touch he jumped, but I told him that I was just trying to help.
“Seems like the right thing to do when you think about all of the trouble I caused.”
Jack didn’t resist much longer. I had spent time doing massages, and I knew just what to do. It wasn’t long before he was groaning in pleasure. It wasn’t the sort of pleasure that I was looking for, but it would have to do for now. We had nothing but time, and I was going to have to learn some patience eventually. I wanted to make Jake feel good in all ways, and I was content if this was how it was supposed to start.
Moving down his back, I asked him if he wanted to take off his shirt so I could do a better job, but he told me that he didn’t trust me that much. I didn’t blame him. Nothing that was going on in my head was good. All I could think about was what he would feel like inside of me and what kind of a lover would he be. While I was banking on passionate, I hoped that there was a little more aggression in him than what I saw now.
The mood was relaxed, and as he turned, I kissed him on his lips. I desperately wanted more, and when he started to groan against me in a different way, it was all I could do to stop myself from doing more. We kissed for a minute before Jack pushed me back. “We can’t, Tommy. We just can’t. You have been drinking…”
“I didn’t drink that much. I wanted you long before I started drinking, Jack, so don’t use the liquor as an excuse to keep us both from what we really want. Let’s not pretend anymore. I want you to take me and make me yours. All of me. I am so fucking horny right now.”
Jack wasn’t going to argue, and he got up. “The ice melted. I got to get more. Do not take off again, Tommy. I will be back in a minute.”
I whined as he left. I was rock-hard again, and I still wanted Jack. So much so that I wanted to kiss him again or follow him to reassure myself that it would happen soon.
Why was he leaving me again? I hoped it was because he was just that turned on and was trying to be good. It was better than the latter, that he just wasn’t interested. I couldn’t stand the idea of that.
I knew I was going to have to take care of things before I could ever get to sleep. I slipped off to take a shower and wash the spit off my length. Billy wasn’t my type, but he was a good stand-in. Then I was thinking about Jack being the one on his knees. As I stroked myself to completion, I whimpered out the one name that I knew I was wrong to. He was still not interested enough, and he was still my body guard. I was just going to have to wait until the time was right.
Going to sleep, I didn’t bother getting dressed. I was still buzzed and was just too exhausted to do so. I went to bed thinking about Jack in the most delicious ways, hoping that he would come back and realize that he needed it as badly as I did. I liked the idea of waking up to him sliding his cock inside of my mouth. From the look of the hard lump underneath the towel from before, I knew that Jack would be more than just a mouthful. He would be far more than I was ready for, and I was ready to stretch some limits and boundaries.
Chapter 10
I was supposed to get ice, but I found myself getting into my car instead. This job was already testing me in ways that I hadn’t even thought about. When Cal had told me about it, there was no way that I was thinking about how it was going to turn out with Tommy. I hadn’t known that I would be attracted to the man, but I was, very much so. I wanted him more than I was comfortable admitting to. He was young and naïve, but there was another side of him, the rough-and-tumble side that he got from growing up where he did. He was a surprise every time I turned around, and the massage was skilled. It made me wonder what else those hands were good for.
So instead of going back to the motel to torture myself further, I went back to the club I had seen him at earlier. I had made a scene, but I was only there for one thing. No one seemed to notice me when I made my way to the back. I went into the bathroom, prepared this time for what I was going to find. It was what I was looking for, and I made my way into one of the stalls.
It wasn’t long before someone came in and after a minute got into the stall next to me. I wasn’t sure if I could go through with it, but I was so horny that I stuck my hardened cock in the glory hole and waited. It was hard to focus on anything when my dick was so exposed. It made me want to say something, but the anonymity of it all was what I liked best. As I had said something to Tommy about picking up strangers and how unsafe it was, he had pushed me to the point that I had to do it myself.
I felt lips and a hot mouth wrap around my member and a tongue lashed out, licking the underside of my cock. I tried to hold in the pleasure, but it was hard to. I was so turned on and raring to go that it didn’t take long at all for me to stay rutting into the hole. I couldn’t see who it was that was pleasuring me, but it didn’t matter. It worked out better because now I could imagine whatever I wanted to. I didn’t have to pretend that I liked the person who was sucking me off. I could pretend it was a man I couldn’t have and the main reason that I was here.
I whimpered Tommy’s name as I filled the anonymous mouth on the other side. It kept sucking me dry, and I was hypnotized by the feel. It was exactly what I needed, and I was already feeling like myself again. Now I could go back to the hotel and not worry too much about the man next to me, I was going to be able to go on and do my job. That was the whole reason I was here after all.
Against assumed etiquette, I didn’t spend the time to help the guy out on the other side of the wall. He didn’t seem too interested, and since there were more noises coming from the other stalls, I slid out of there before I stayed any longer. I didn’t think Tommy was going to go anywhere, but I wasn’t sure what he was going to do. All I knew for sure was that I needed to get back.
When I got to the hotel room, Tommy was already asleep, and I was thankful for that fact. I didn’t know what to say to him, I really didn’t, but what I did know was that I didn’t have to. He was asleep and even though he was half-naked and not even covered up, I tucked him in and lay down on my own bed. I stared up at the ceiling longer than I usually had to, and it took a while for me to get some sleep. All I could think about was what I had just done and what I wished that I had done earlier. If I would have known about places like that, would I have been going to them earlier? It was quite a place to go, and I wasn’t going to say that it wasn’t convenient. Who would have thought that places like that even existed? Tommy was opening my eyes to many things, and it was only the first day. But it was hard not to see how conflicted this all left me.
When I woke up, Tommy was up and about, talking about breakfast. I didn’t get enough sleep, but I squinted my eyes in the light and looked at the young man who was sit
ting on the side of my bed. He still wasn’t dressed all the way, and the fact that he was wearing the same clothes made me realize that he was not as prepared as I was for an extended stay. Had they even told him where we were going before they left to bring him to me?
“We need to get you some of your belongings. Why don’t we stop by your house and grab some before we start for the day?”
“That would be great, Jack, thanks. I didn’t know if you were going to let me or not. I didn’t know that this was going to be something that took more than a couple of hours. I didn’t realize that I was going to be stuck here for days on end. Not that I mind being cooped up with you, Jack, but I at least want a couple of changes of clothes.”
I told him that I would take care of it as soon as I got dressed. I was still thinking about what I wasn’t supposed to do, even though it was out of my reach. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to want Tommy, but it didn’t change anything. I still wanted him, and I was still painfully aware of what I had done the night before because of him. It was wrong, and I regretted it, but the relief I had found from that sin was real.
We were about to leave when I got a call from Nick. For a moment I was afraid that someone had told Nick where Tommy and I were the night before. I wasn’t sure if that was the case, but there was no way that I was going to be able to make a case for myself. I had let things get out of hand. It was just that simple.
“What’s up, Nick?”
“Is Tommy with you?”
“Of course. I am looking at him right now. What’s wrong?”
I could tell that something was wrong by the way he sounded on the phone. Something was going on, and his tone had me worried and looking out the motel window like there was someone coming for us.
“They got another one of my guys. Terry was shot and killed last night while he was doing a run for me. I don’t know how the hell they knew where he was going to be, but they gunned him down like a dog. I need you to take Tommy to where we discussed. I know that it wasn’t what we planned, but I can’t have anything happen to my son. I don’t get him, but I can’t let anything happen to him. He is my legacy and the next leader of the family. We can’t be shown to be weak.”
I was quiet for a minute because I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew that going to the safe house was an option, but when I took the job, I didn’t think it would be one that I would have to choose. Now I knew that it was going to have to be this way.
“Okay, I will have him there within the hour.”
“Don’t let him out of your sight, Jack.”
I told him that I wouldn’t, and Nick was off the phone very quickly after that. I had made it through another conversation with the man, but I was just as confused as I was before. I didn’t know what to say or think about any of this. Another man was dead, and the risk to Tommy was even higher than before. Tommy couldn’t be running off like he had last night. I was going to have to keep a better eye on him for his own safety.
Once I got off the phone with Nick, I started to gather up the few things that I had brought with me. It was now a good thing that Tommy didn’t have much with him because it just meant that we could leave a little faster. After what Nick just told me, I knew that I had to get Tommy out of here as soon as possible. It seemed that we were going to have to find somewhere else to keep him safe. The motel wasn’t that big of a loss though.
“Change of plans, Tommy. We’ve got to go somewhere else.”
“What about getting my clothes?”
I knew that he had overheard some of the conversation, and he still wasn’t that bothered by everything. I just didn’t get it. I tried to, I really did, but there was something that he just wasn’t getting through his head. “Terry died. You know Terry, right?”
Tommy didn’t look all that happy, but it was clear that he didn’t like Terry and wasn’t going to be all that upset about him being gone.
“Well your dad wants me to move you somewhere safer. He is worried about you.”
Tommy scoffed and didn’t reply. He went to the door and waited for me to get everything else put up. I could tell that he wasn’t happy though. Tommy was at least going along with it, even though he didn’t like it at all. “I am ready when you are, but I am telling you, we are going to be fine. I thought you said you didn’t want him knowing where we were. If you are taking me to one of the family’s safe houses, they will be able to find me easier.”
“It is past that point now. Now you are going to have to go where I know you will be okay, and there are things in place to make sure that everything goes smoothly. It is going to be okay, Tommy. Those places are fortified for issues like this. It really is best for everyone.”
“You don’t mean one of the safe houses, do you?”
We were walking out, and I agreed that it was exactly what I was talking about. “Yeah, have you been there before?”
Tommy shivered visibly, and I could tell that not only had he been there but that the experience wasn’t one that he wanted to duplicate. “Yeah, way too many times. I have always hated that place. I wish I would have known that this is how it was going to turn out.”
It was a peculiar thing to say, but I let it go for now. I would worry about his comment later. There was a reason that Tommy was acting so nonchalant about everything, and I would figure it out, just not yet. Right now, I had to keep him safe. That is what I was making the big bucks for, and already I felt more compassion for the son than the uptight dad I worked for. It was hard not to empathize with Tommy. He was a good kid.
I just hoped that Tommy would make it a little bit easier this time around. I know that he wasn’t worried about getting hurt, but it could happen, may happen, and his lack of fear was not a good thing. I would have hoped that he had a big helping of it after hearing about another man who worked for his dad being shot. But once again, Tommy seemed far too nonchalant about it all, and it made me wonder why.
Chapter 11
I knew the long road well to the safe house. It was far off in the woods, and there was only a tiny beaten- down path to get there. It was almost thirty miles off a regular road, and because we had to drive so slowly, it felt like it was going to take forever. It felt the same way when I was a kid, and the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. I hated this place, and I didn’t have one good memory to hold onto. Every time I had to go to the safe house, it was miserable. This time didn’t feel like it was going to be anything different.
“Are you alright?”
I nodded that I was, but Jack asked me again like he didn’t believe the answer. He obviously could tell that something was bothering me, but I didn’t want to say it out loud. If I did, it would just make it worse and after how I acted the night before, the last thing I wanted him to think was that I was a bigger tool then he already concluded that I was. There was nothing I could do but sit back and try to get my damn heart to stop flipping and flopping in my chest.
“I said I am fine, okay?”
“You don’t look fine Tommy. Everything would be easier if you would just talk to me. I swear I am just trying to figure this all out with you. You need to tell me what is going on because you are clamming up, and I don’t get it. Since we are going to be together a bit longer, wouldn’t it be better to get everything out in the open?”
“I just don’t like this place. I have a lot of bad memories here, and this is the last place that I wanted to go. Can we just drop this and talk about something else?”
This was the last thing that I wanted to talk about, and this was the very last place that I wanted to go. If I would have known that this was how it was going to be, there was no way that I would have let this go this far. I should have taken off and come back when the dust settled instead of sticking it out. I would have been safer far away from here, instead of pretending that a man like my father could keep anyone safe.
“You are safe, Tommy, but I just want to know what is going on.”
I just nodded
and let him think that I was worried about anything besides having to be in this middle of the woods hellhole that I knew all too well. There was a person that was always on site, and that was what I worried about more than anything else. There were people and places that I hated to go, and this was a combo of both.
As we got to the final stretch of the journey, I recognized the elm trees that surrounded the house and everything else that went along with it. We were going to be there in a few more moments, and I steeled myself mentally and physically against the door before we took the last turn to see it. When it came into view, something came over me, and I was at a loss of words.
The house was as I remembered it. It wasn’t as big as other places that I was used to, but it was as stately as I remembered. There were only a few vines that grew up the side of the house, and that was to hide it a little better from the air. I didn’t like the way the place made me feel and when I saw who was waiting by the front to greet us, I thought I was going to lose it right then and there. This was one of the reasons that I dreaded coming up here, one of the top reasons. Dinal was here and like always, he had dark shades on that hid the look of contempt on his face that I knew I would find if I could see his eyes. If there was anyone that needed to be taken out of my dad’s forces, Dinal was the one. I hated him, more than I hated most of my father’s employees. The worst part about Dinal was that my dad treated him like part of the family. He was the son that my father never had, and there had always been a palpable animosity between us. Just the sight of him made me sick to my stomach, and I just wanted to get out of here.
Jack was putting the car in park, and I felt like I was about to have a freak out. I didn’t want to be here, and I would have given anything to go anywhere else. I didn’t want to spend any amount of time here, for no reason whatsoever.
“Why don’t we go somewhere else, Jack, anywhere else but here? I don’t care how nasty the motel is that you find. It has to be better than this place.”