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Prison Moon - Warlord's Mate: An Alien Abduction Sci Fi Romance

Page 27

by Lily Graison

  Allok was smiling. Had he finally gotten through and read her mind? She hoped like hell he hadn’t. He looked at Aris, then at the guard. “Cut him down.”

  She’d take that as a no. He still couldn’t read her thoughts but he was still trying. She tried to hide her surprise at Allok’s command to release Aris. The binds holding him up were cut, and he fell as if he was boneless, moaning loudly when he hit the ground. She fell to her knees beside him and rolled him to his side so she could see his face.

  His lips were so dry they were cracked and there was dried blood at the corners of his mouth. His golden skin had darkened to a deeper tone, and the nub left from his severed hand looked barely healed.

  “I need water and bandages.” When no one moved, she raised her head. “I’ll not do a single thing for you until he’s taken care of. He needs food.” She looked at the other men hanging on the other wooden structures. “They all need water and food.”

  Allok studied her for long moments. Marcy met his gaze without flinching. He would either do as she asked or refuse. He finally looked at the guard, staring at him hard before the rhino-boy ran back toward camp. Apparently Allok could communicate with the majority of the aliens here telepathically just as she’d suspected.

  Aris opened his eyes and looked up at her. Marcy smiled, even though there was nothing to be happy about. “How bad are you hurt?”

  He grabbed her hair, pulling lightly on it until she lowered her head. “Is Jorrick here?”

  She barely heard him. His voice was scratchy from either not using it or some injury she couldn’t see. “No, he was out on a hunting trip when the camp was attacked.” She told him of the carnage done by Allok’s men. “There’s nothing left. It was on fire when we were taken away.”

  Aris’s jaw clenched. “At least Jorrick is alive.” He glanced at Allok out of the corner of his eye. “Has he harmed you?”

  “No.” Allok hadn’t done much other than scare her shitless and torture others to get her to do his bidding but physically, he hadn’t touched her. “Not yet, he hasn’t.”

  “Then continue doing what you have been until Jorrick arrives. He will come for you.”

  “I’ve been hoping the same thing but what men weren’t killed were brought here with me. There weren’t enough men with him on the hunt to attack this camp and win.” She’d been wishing for the same thing since she was tied to the others and marched through the forest. “There’s no reason for him to come.”

  Aris grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “He’ll come for you.” The look on her face must have told him she thought otherwise. “Trust in what I say.” The corner of his mouth tilted up into a half smile. “I smell his scent on you and that fresh bite on your neck says he’s claimed you multiple times. His hatred for Allok is intense but if he’s marked you, he’ll not let another have you. He’ll come.”

  He lowered his head to the ground and closed his eyes. The rhino-looking alien returned with a bladder of water and thrust it at her.

  Allok was still watching her as she gave Aris a long drink, then started to bathe his face and neck, then poured a good bit on the bloody stump where his hand used to be.

  “I trust you’ll give me what I want when you are finished?”

  Marcy nodded. “I said I would.”

  Long minutes later, Allok walked back to the light of the fire in camp. Marcy exhaled a breath, relief like a living thing sliding off her shoulders.

  “What is it he wants from you?”


  “For what?”

  “The usual. Kill his enemies and conquer the world.”

  Aris smiled. “You have a way of saying mundane things in an amusing way. There’s no wonder Jorrick was taken with you, e’mahn neok.”

  She stilled at the words. “What does that mean? Jorrick calls me that a lot but my translator won’t translate it.”

  “Well, the way Jorrick says it, it would be an endearment.”

  Heat rushed to her face. “An endearment?”

  He nodded. “The literal translation is my little red one, but if he’s said it to you more than once, it’s meant as an endearment.”

  So, Jorrick was more or less calling her sweetheart or honey? A pleasant warmth rushed through her body while wiping the rest of the blood away from Aris’s arm. Someone by the fire yelled. They both glanced that way. Marcy sighed. “I’ve thought since the day Jorrick took me from the arena that I’d die at his hands but it looks like it’ll be that crazy one over there who finally does me in.” She glanced up at Aris before looking away. “Does Allok like to torture all his victims or will he just kill me quickly?”

  “Why not use your power to end him instead of his enemies?”

  “Because despite popular belief, magic isn’t something I possess. Why will no one believe me when I say that?” She shook her head and finished cleaning the torn flesh at his wrist.

  Aris grabbed her hand and squeeze hard. He motioned to the rhino-looking alien who was watching whatever depravity was taking place near the central fire. Aris grabbed the back of her head and leaned up, whispering into her ear, “Run. Run now and don’t look back.”

  Run? She puzzled over his words a moment, then realized what he meant. The guard wasn’t paying them any attention. His back was to them. Aris squeezed her hand again when she sat there doing nothing before he gave her a slight nudge and pointed to the woods behind them with a nod of his head. He mouthed the word run again and gave her another push.

  She leaned down so he was the only one to hear her say, “Are you crazy?”

  “No. This may be your only chance. If you truly do not possess magic, then run like your life depends on it because more than likely, it does. When you do not give him what he wants, he will make you suffer for it.” His amber eyes narrowed, his mouth forming a harsh slash across his face. “Now go.”

  “They’ll catch me.”

  “Would you rather die trying to escape or sit here and be slaughtered without lifting a finger?”

  He motioned to the forest again. Marcy stared into the darkness and knew he was right. When allok found out she had no magic, he’d kill her—if she were lucky. If not, he’d use her until she wished for death.

  Her stomach twisted into a knot, fear making her sick in an instant. She couldn’t outrun these aliens. They’d find her and—

  She closed her eyes. Did it really matter? Aris was right. She’d rather die trying to escape than sit here passively and wait for it. She nodded at Aris and gave one last look to rhino-boy.

  “Don’t look back and don’t stop running.”

  Aris’s whispered words filled her head as she jumped to her feet and ran. Unlike when they were dropped off by the aliens who’d kidnapped them, Marcy knew what waited behind her this time. The Chase, the game these aliens liked to play with the women they dropped off here, had been terrifying. She’d had no idea what the creatures that lurked on this world had looked like. Now she did, and she knew how fast some of them were.

  She ran into the darkest part of the forest, pushing back limbs and praying she didn’t fall and had begun to think she’d gotten away unseen when she heard a cry go out behind her. She knew without looking they were coming for her. The voices in camp grew louder, the sound echoing through the trees and the ground seemed to tremble beneath her feet moments later. Heart in her throat, she tore into the darkness, panting for breath as she ran. It was so dark, she had no idea which way she was going. She didn’t know where to go had she been able to see.

  You’re free now.

  The words whispered inside her head as she jumped a small log but where did she go? The warlord’s camp was destroyed. She didn’t have to run back to him at all. She could head to the red mountains, search for Sara and Toren, and live with them in seclusion for the rest of her days.

  But what about Jorrick?

  The moment she thought of him, something in her chest pulled tight. She’d been waiting for him to rescue her like some
gallant knight until she realized this wasn’t a fairy tale. Despite what Aris said, she didn’t think Jorrick’s feelings ran as deep as his brother thought they did. He’d never led her to believe they did. Sure he fucked her until she felt weak and unable to walk but sex wasn’t love and she didn’t see him risking his life to come get her despite how much she wished him to. She may want him despite him being so barbaric, but that didn’t mean he wanted her in return, so where did she go? And could she get there before she was caught?

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It took until nightfall to get close to Allok’s camp. Something had happened that had everyone in an uproar. At first, Jorrick thought they’d been seen as Allok’s men had come running out of camp. He’d ordered everyone into the trees and climbed as high as he could and waited but it wasn’t their presence that had Allok’s men scrambling. They’d run past them, deeper into the forest while the noise in camp continued to rise.

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d been up there. Allok’s men had roared in triumph when they finally returned and Jorrick didn’t dare move closer until he could see what was going on. When the sun rose the following morning and lit the camp with bright light, he knew. And he was going to rip Allok’s heart out and eat it while he watched.

  His mate was covered in bruises. Jorrick clenched his fists, searching her face for signs of pain. He saw none but as scraped up as she appeared, he knew she had to be feeling some sort of discomfort.

  She was tied to a pole in the center of camp, her arms extended above her head. She was awake, her head turned so she could see those around her.

  “What’s the plan?” Wyvind whispered from the next tree over. “Do you want us to pick them off one at a time or just rush in?”

  “Both.” Jorrick looked at the surrounding trees at the others. There were so few of them. They didn’t have a chance in hell of coming out of this alive but he’d not sit by while his Mar-see was harmed. “Let’s split up,” he said. “Look for Allok’s sentries along the perimeter of camp and end them quickly and quietly. As long as we're not spotted, we have the element of surprise.”

  “And what about you?”

  He looked back at camp. “I’m going to get what is mine.” He didn’t wait for them to ask more questions. He climbed down the tree, landing soundlessly after jumping the last few feet and started for camp.

  Allok’s sentries were worthless. He was within shouting distance before one of them saw him. He tossed one of his knives. The tip plunge into the sentries throat and Jorrick watched him fall, stepping over his body when he reached it.

  He debated on just circling the camp with the others repeatedly until he’d taken Allok’s men out one by one but he didn’t have the time to waste doing it now. Not with Mar-see injured. He stopped beside a large tree, scanning the camp. Not a single person looked his way. Had anyone been paying attention, they would see him plain as day.

  There were a lot of females here, but unlike those in his camp, these looked haggard. They were filthy and bone thin. He turned his attention back to Mar-see. She was looking at something off to her right but from where he stood, he couldn’t see who or what she was looking at.

  He counted six sentries scattered around camp. Any other day, he would have been able to take them all on without a worry. Now, he had his mate to think of. He couldn’t protect her and fight off so many.

  Anger filled him to the point of rage a moment later. If those dragons had come, this would all be over with by now. He’d have Mar-see and the others far away from here and safe.

  A shocked gasp drew his attention. One of Allok’s men had finally spotted him. Jorrick started into camp as the sentries yelled and ran toward the only wooden structure he could see. Everyone else stopped what they were doing to watch the sentries. As voices grew, Mar-see turned her head. Her eyes widened the moment she saw him, her mouth opening as if shocked. It wore off quickly, a smile covering her beautiful face a moment later. Her entire body seemed to slump against the binds that held her as she looked at him. As if seeing him made her so weak her legs would no longer hold her. The sight made something in his chest pull tight.

  He had no idea where Allok was, nor did he care. He headed across camp toward Mar-see and had nearly made it to her when a spear landed at his feet. He stopped and looked in the direction from which it was thrown.

  Allok and the sentry who had seen him were walking his way. Of all the warlord’s on Prison Moon One, Allok was the least imposing. To look at him, one wouldn’t have thought him capable of doing much harm but he knew better. The Salitorian species was known for mind control and he’d seen Allok bring down men twice his size with nothing more than a glance.

  Jorrick turned to face him and crossed his arms over his chest. Allok stopped a few feet from him and glanced at Mar-see who still hadn’t said a word. He looked at her too. There was a knot on her forehead. Her left eye and most of her cheek was varying colors of blue and black. Someone had hit her—hard. Scrapes and small cuts, and even more bruises were scattered across her skin from head to toe. If he had to guess, he’d say he knew what Allok’s men had been doing the night before. They’d been chasing her. His little mate had run away. She’d escaped and had paid the price for it once they’d caught her.

  “I wondered if you’d come.”

  Jorrick faced Allok when he spoke. “You should have known I would.”

  Allok smirked. “You never have before and we both know you’ve had reason to.”

  Several of Allok’s men laughed. Jorrick waited. When they all calmed, he said, “I’ll be taking my mate now, along with any of my people you have.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. Your camp is surrounded. If you wish to live, you’ll let them go.”

  Allok glanced at the trees before meeting his gaze again. The moment he did, Jorrick felt pressure inside his head and knew Allok was trying to get inside his mind. He’d trained with the best teachers Tridian III had. He knew how to keep those with the ability to penetrating minds from entering his. Long minutes passed, the pressure inside his head so strong it felt as if his head would pop at any moment but as quickly as it came, it was gone.

  Allok grinned at him. “Given enough time, you would allow my entry, Jorrick. Others of your kind have.”

  “I’m nothing like the others.”

  “Ah, that’s where you are wrong.” Allok nodded to someone who stood behind Jorrick. “Bring him.”

  The urge to look behind him was strong but Jorrick feigned disinterest. Keeping a watchful eye on Allok was more important at the moment.

  Jorrick saw movement out of the corner of his eye. His gaze was still locked on Allok but he could see enough to know whoever it was making their way around him was one of those stranded on Prison Moon One with him. The flash of golden skin he’d seen was enough to tell him so.

  “Are you not even going to look?”

  “I’m sure whatever, or whoever it is you wish me to see, isn’t going anywhere.”

  Allok looked perturbed but his displeasure didn’t last long. He glanced at Mar-see and said, “From the moment you took my witch, I knew it was to get back at me. I waited for you to come and began to think you never would. Taking your closest confidant had been nothing more than pay back for taking the girl and I had thought his disappearance would be enough to lure you here, but again, I’d been wrong. Sending you piece's of him hadn’t been enough either.”

  Jorrick shifted his gaze when whoever it was beside him moved again. When he saw Aris, his entire body jolted, his breath caught in his throat, and it took every ounce of discipline he had not to move. Aris gave him a small, cocky smile, then tilted it in Allok’s direction, a silent sign to let him know he was all right.

  Allok took a few steps toward them, the amused look in his eye replaced by a hard scowl. “You left me no choice than to strike first, Jorrick. Had you sent me my witch, the loss of your followers would have been much less. But this one—” He started walking toward Mar-se
e. “She must be more powerful than I’d hoped if you’d let me torture your own brother just to keep her from me.” He stopped beside her and ran the back of one finger over her bruised cheek. “You would not start a conflict for your own flesh but you risk your life for hers.”

  She was staring at him. Coming for her hadn’t even been a question. Jorrick would have fought Allok’s entire camp single handedly if he’d had to. The taunting grin on Allok’s face held a smugness that made Jorrick’s teeth ache and he wanted nothing more in that moment than to knock Allok’s from his lying mouth. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to get on with this.” He turned and looked around the camp, meeting the gaze of everyone he saw before saying, “I challenge you, Allok.” He turned back to face him. “I challenge you for this camp, for your men, and for my mate.”

  Allok laughed. Jorrick had lost count of the men who had challenged him over the years. They’d step into his camp, brag about their feats in combat, and challenge his authority publicly. Not one had ever survived to take his camp from him and not many had been much of a challenge to fight but he’d never laughed at them. Allok doing so now just pissed him off.

  “We both know who would win a physical confrontation, Jorrick. I cannot win in a battle with you even on my best of days. I’m physically weaker. I will not deny it. Why do you think I wanted the witch?”

  “She’s not a witch, Allok. She holds no magic.”

  “So she’s said.”

  “It is true. Do you not think I wouldn’t have destroyed you already if she could wield magic?”

  Allok stilled in a way that was otherworldly. Jorrick took a quick glance at Mar-see. She was still watching him, the tiniest tilt turning the corner of her mouth enough to make him think if Allok hadn’t been there, she would have graced him with one of those smiles she gave only to him. He tried to tell her with nothing more than a heated look that he’d get her out of this. He wasn’t sure how but he’d see her safely away from here if it was the last thing he did.


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