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My Little Pony--Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse

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by G. M. Berrow


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  First Edition: March 2017

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  ISBNs: 978-0-316-30163-3 (paperback); 978-0-316-30164-0 (ebook)




  Title Page




  A Grand Entrance


  Sleight of Hoof


  Tricks of the Trade


  A Razzle-Dazzle Rehearsal


  The Big Reveal


  The Glow Rush


  The Hoofi-Cure


  Follow the Yellow Trick Road


  Grim Prospects


  The Radiance Remedy


  Cloak and Swagger


  Torn and Restored


  The Starmane Society Ball

  For Josh Dean, John Feulner, and the Baltimore convention that celebrates the Magic of Friendship and community

  A Grand Entrance

  The blue Unicorn leaned back, tilting her chin high to the sky to catch a glimpse of the tip-top of the highest castle spire. Her long, pointy wizard’s hat fell backward off her head and tumbled to the shimmering floor. “Oh fizz!” she grunted, fumbling to pick it up. She squashed the wide purple brim down over her pale-blue mane again.

  “Helloooooo?” Trixie knocked her hoof again, growing impatient. It took all her willpower to refrain from using a glittering smoke bomb to vanish and reappear inside. She was following the rules. Twilight Sparkle loved rules. So first she would knock. Then Trixie would be welcomed into the Castle of Friendship for an extended stay.

  Nopony knew she was coming. She usually parked her wagon near the castle and camped out. But this time, Trixie thought it might be nice to stay in the comforts of a place that had more room to stretch her hooves. It was a gigantic castle, for Celestia’s sake!

  In truth, Trixie had not always gotten along with Twilight. After all that had transpired between the dueling magicians, the two still saw each other as somepony to impress and simultaneously challenge. Even if one of the ponies was a “princess” now. Trixie still couldn’t fathom that Twilight had received the honor when the two of them really were quite equal in talent and charisma.

  But finally, Trixie and Twilight Sparkle had something undeniably special in common: their friendships with Starlight Glimmer. Trixie would never admit it out loud, but it felt wonderful to put the rivalry to rest. Besides, Trixie reasoned, there was still plenty of time for Princess Celestia to decree that Trixie was a princess, too. Stranger things had happened in Equestria before: Princess Luna had once been banished to the moon, Discord had become friends with ponykind, and an entire horde of changelings had been taught to love one another.

  It could happen.

  Trixie had just begun conjuring images of herself at her grand coronation when the heavy door swung open. A familiar magical aura danced around its edges. Trixie perked up. She’d know that glow anywhere! It was exactly the pony she wanted to see—her new best friend and unexpected confidante, Starlight Glimmer. Trixie exhaled with relief at the friendly face.

  “Trixie!” Starlight beamed. “I didn’t know you were going to be in Ponyville!” She lifted her hoof and gestured to the cavernous abode. “Come inside and have a slice of apple pie. It’s been ages since you’ve visited me.” Starlight was unusually sunny today, for somepony so sarcastic and rebellious. “We have tons to catch up on since that whole epic changeling-hive journey where we saved everypony from certain doom,” Starlight joked. “Let’s keep it a little more casual this time, eh?”

  “The Observant and Suspicious Trixie notices that you are in a particularly great mood.” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

  Starlight smirked. “Can I vent for a minute?” Her face morphed into a frown.

  “What are friends for?” Trixie replied, eager to hear the dirt. This was the Starlight she knew.

  “Well, it’s just”—Starlight entered the castle kitchen—“friendship lessons are great and all, but sometimes I feel I’m not getting anywhere.” She sighed. “I guess that’s it. It’s just a little frustrating.”

  That was the big venting session? “Oh,” said Trixie, trying to hide her disappointment. It’s not that she wanted things between Starlight and Twilight to be unpleasant; Trixie just wanted Starlight to like her best. Was that so much to ask? “Sounds rough!”

  The purple Unicorn activated her magic to open the pastry cupboard, where an enticingly fragrant apple pie with a latticed crust sat. “At least I finally know how to bake the perfect pie, thanks to Applejack. Can you believe that we baked this using zero magic, just the Apple family recipe and good old-fashioned hoof grease? Here—have some.” Starlight’s smile beamed with pride.

  The golden crust shone as Starlight put the pie in front of her guest. Trixie took a huge bite and spoke through it. “I don’t understand—you’re actually happy to be doing slow, boring things with Twilight and baking pies?” A confetti of flaky crumbs rained down.

  “Well, yeah.” Starlight shook her purple-and-teal mane. “But I’m also happy because the second you showed up, I realized I have been working way too hard lately,” she explained. “I need to have some totally wacky, pointless fun, and you’re the perfect pony to join me! What do ya say?” Starlight smiled hopefully.

  “Pointless fun?” Trixie raised a judgmental brow. “What’s the point of that?” She hoped this project wasn’t going to hinder her best friend’s ability to help her with her very important magical mission.

  “To enjoy ourselves! There doesn’t have to be a reason.” Starlight laughed and added, “Pinkie Pie taught me that.”

  Trixie grunted in response.

  “Gosh, Trixie. When did you become such a hoof-in-the-mud?”

  “All right, sheesh. We will go find some frivolity.” Trixie rolled her eyes. “But can we do it after you help me on my project?”

  “Sure!” Starlight Glimmer took a bite and gave Trixie a sideways glance. “What is this mysterious project that can’t wait?”

ll, that’s the problem,” Trixie admitted impatiently. “I don’t know yet. But I do know I have to come up with a brilliant new act practically by yesterday!”

  Starlight ate the last bite of her pie and licked the leftover crumbs from her hoof. “Well, sitting around here isn’t going to inspire us.” She looked around the cavernous, echoing room. Twilight and Spike weren’t even home at the moment. Starlight sprang up and slammed her hooves on the table. “Come on, Trixie! We’re going for a trot around Ponyville.”

  “Ponyville is supposed to be the friendliest town in Equestria and all that.” The slight hint of hometown pride in Starlight Glimmer’s voice rubbed Trixie the wrong way. She was starting to sound just like Twilight! Ponyville was okay and all, a great place to pass through and do a performance or two, but Trixie had never really seen the fuss. Starlight nudged her. “Maybe if you try saying hello to some ponies, you’ll relax a bit.…”

  “Relax?” Trixie’s smile morphed into a yawn. “Brilliant idea! Maybe Princess Luna will give me an idea for my new magic act in my dreams.” Small talk with random ponies was a complete waste of time. Trixie turned on her hoof and started back toward the castle. “Byeee!”

  “Hey, wait!” Starlight exclaimed, shooting some magic at Trixie. A glittery orb surrounded her, rendering her unable to walk any farther. Trixie pouted and knocked her hoof against the force field. Her eyes darted back and forth as she checked for wayward onlookers. The last thing Trixie needed was a bunch of ponies seeing that she, the Great and Powerful Trixie, couldn’t even escape from a simple shield spell! It would tarnish her reputation as a magician. “Let me out of here this instant!”

  “Oops!” Starlight said. “Sorry.” Sometimes she was a bit too impulsive with her spells. She sent a counter zap at the bubble, which popped immediately. Trixie tumbled to the ground, looking quite grumpy.

  Trixie feigned a yawn. “Bor-ing.” Trixie stood up and brushed herself off with the corner of her starry purple cloak. “Enough of this meandering! I’ve got a much better way to spend our time, O Wise and Brilliant assistant Starlight!”

  Starlight frowned. “But I—”

  “Hush, best friend!” Trixie interrupted. “Trixie has something of greater importance to achieve. You see, this brand-new magic act that we’re going to create has to be the best I’ve ever performed because…” Trixie trailed off as a wave of nerves rushed through her. Her knees felt wobbly. “Because…”

  Starlight Glimmer raised her brow, waiting. “… Because?”

  “Because I’m about to be the first magician accepted into the Starmane Society of Magicians since the Lunar Return!” Trixie was practically bubbling over with anticipation. “How, you may ask, am I going to achieve this impossible task? The answer is obvious. I am going to attempt a brand-new feat of magical trickery, the bravest stunt to have ever been dreamed up by anypony throughout the history of magicians. And you’re going to help me. Now, where’s my room? I’m going to need a lot of practice space.”

  “Your room?” Starlight had barely said anything before Trixie took off back toward the castle in a gallop. “Wait up!” Starlight shouted as she ran after the rogue magician. “Let me help you choose one!” Starlight recalled the secret, magical suite she’d recently discovered in the castle. It had turned out to be an Andalusian Amplifier, causing any magic performed inside to go haywire and create a vortex! There was no telling what might happen if Trixie found one of those. “Trixie, wait!” Starlight called out.

  As Trixie burst through the front doors of the castle and ran through the halls, the blue Unicorn couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. What harm was there in a little impromptu disappearing trick? She loved to keep her audience guessing, and her best friend, Starlight, was no exception. It was all part of the show.

  Sleight of Hoof

  Even though she still had to come up with the perfect magical act, Trixie got right to work on the rest of her impressively extensive to-do list around Ponyville the next day. No time to waste when Trixie is preparing to achieve the impossible! she thought to herself as she whipped up a hearty breakfast of toast, juice, and cinnamon-sugar oatmeal for her hosts. True, it was an attempt to ingratiate herself to Twilight and Starlight. But it seemed to be working. The ponies devoured the delicious meal and seemed quite surprised at her brilliant cooking skills. “Wow, Trixie,” Twilight Sparkle marveled through a mouth full of cinnamon-sugar. “This oatmeal is delectable! What spell did you use to make it?”

  “No spell. Just another thing that I’m amazing at!” she sang, only to be met with a double eye roll. After the three ponies ate, Trixie shooed her reluctant hosts away. She promised to clean up and give them some quiet time to work on their “important friendship lessons.” Trixie wasn’t positive, but she thought Twilight kept looking over her shoulder at Trixie as she left the room. She looked impressed!

  Once the two of them were busy, Trixie slipped away and marched right to the Carousel Boutique, ignoring their warnings not to bother Rarity. Apparently, the Unicorn was immersed in a project of her own, sewing a dress for some fashion event. Pish, thought Trixie as she trotted through Ponyville. Fashion, smashion.

  “I love fashion!” Trixie shouted as she burst through the front door. She took a seat on one of the velvet loungers and made herself quite comfortable. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has graced you with her presence because she would like to commission a cloak of utmost importance.…” Trixie stood up decidedly.

  “Today.” She stuck her nose in the air and closed her eyes as if to illustrate the seriousness of her demand.

  “Oh, Trixie, you do know how to make an entrance, darling.” Rarity laughed, putting a polished gray hoof to her chest. “Which I, of all ponies, can appreciate.” She continued pushing a pearly swathe of chiffon through the needle of her sewing machine.

  “But honestly, darling, I’m afraid I can’t do that today. I’m terribly busy with this dress for the Glammy Awards. You know—the glitziest night of the year for anypony who’s anypony in fashion, music, or the arts? I cannot let my dear client Sapphire Shores step a single hoof onto the red carpet looking like anything less than pure perfection.” Rarity adjusted her red work glasses and looked up at Trixie sympathetically. “So, there will be no cloaks today.”

  Trixie’s face quickly contorted into a mushy frown.

  “You can add your name to my commissions list!” Rarity chirped. She waved her hoof to the long list on the wall with a flourish. “But it may take a few moons.”

  “B-b-but… I need a new cloak now!” Trixie whined pathetically. “It’s my only chance of getting in.…” Her lip jutted out. “Please?”

  “‘Getting in?’” Rarity raised a brow. Now her interest was piqued. “To something exclusive?” She stood up and trotted over to a ponnequin wearing a gauzy white gown. As she fluffed the voluminous petticoats, the fabric seemed to dance and swirl in the light. Trixie couldn’t take her eyes off it.

  “The Starmane Society of Magicians!” Trixie exclaimed, stomping her hoof on the floor for emphasis. “Also known as the only organization of magicians that means anything, anywhere. I simply must be made an offer of membership or I might as well not be a magician at all!”

  The swish of the fabric was silenced as Rarity paused. “At all?” She was intrigued. Ha! Nopony could resist Trixie’s charms.

  “Well”—Trixie smiled—“it’s practically impossible to audition for Starmane, but my plan is more solid than a rock farm’s foundation.” The pony began to pace around the room, gesticulating wildly with her hoof as she spoke. “First step: Have the most magnificent fashion designer in Equestria design me a new look. That’s where you come in, Rarity!

  “Then, while you’re busy working your magic, I’m going to stay here in Ponyville practicing my jaw-dropping feat of magical genius in front of a live pony audience until it’s flawless. Finally, I will sneak into the Grand Magician’s Ball and perform it for the entire committee of Starmane elders. They won’t be able
to tear their eyes away from my incredible talents, and then they’ll have to make me a member right on the spot. Ha!” Trixie was wild-eyed.

  “You’ve been invited to a grand ball?” Rarity cooed, clearly missing the entire point of Trixie’s speech. Trixie could practically see Rarity’s mind racing with visions of taffeta and couture headdresses. Rarity batted her eyelashes. “Do you get a plus one? For your designer?”

  “Uh…” Trixie laughed nervously and took a seat back on the velvet sofa. She pawed at a turquoise cushion. “I haven’t actually been invited, but—”

  “Oh, Trixie.” Rarity shook her purple mane. “Attending a gala you’ve not been invited to is rather passé, no?”

  “Not when it’s the only way for a pony to get noticed,” Trixie replied. She expelled a puff of air and slumped down. She was really trying to ham it up.

  “I truly wish I could help you, but this Glammys dress really needs my attention.” Rarity trotted back over to her creation draped on the ponnequin and started sending little zaps of magic from her horn to the fabric.

  Each time the magic touched a button or a seam, there was a tiny sizzle that activated a subtle glow. Rarity was admiring her work in the three-way mirror when she caught a glimpse of Trixie’s sad face.

  “On the other hoof”—Rarity spun around—“I might have a little extra time to fit it in. After the dress is finished.”

  “Excellent!” Trixie beamed, trotting over to join her at the ponnequin. “Make it just like this.” Trixie gestured to the gown. The mesmerizing garment glittered as it rotated. “You could just lose a layer of these excessive petticoats and sew it into a cloak for me right now!”

  Rarity frowned and kept on working. “That’s not what I agreed to—and I really don’t have time right now. I still have to add some gold trim here and there—”

  “Here, I’ll show you!” interrupted Trixie as she dove for the fabric. At the very same moment, Rarity sent a zap of glowing gold magic to the hem. It hit Trixie’s right forehoof with a sizzle.


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