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Tell Me What You Feel

Page 3

by Susan Sheehey

  Skylar had stopped looking at the lake two summers ago. Couldn’t bear the memory of that day. The lake before her now didn’t give her the same anxiety. This one felt warm, inviting, peaceful.

  Or perhaps it was Riggs beside her.

  The sun beat down on her shoulder, and with all the hot meat roasting around them, she soon wiped a sheen from her neck.

  “You’re working up a sweat.” He lifted her hair, and blew across her skin.

  Her sex throbbed, instantly wet, and she bit her lip.

  “It’s hot out here. Ready to go?” he asked.

  Am I ever.


  Back in the truck, the A/C felt like a Godsend. “I don’t know if I'll ever get used to the heat down here.”

  “You will. What you’ll have a hard time with is the drought.”

  “That bad down here?”

  “Going on ten years now. But not to worry.” Riggs glanced over, and threaded his fingers through hers on the console between them. “I’ve got a raincheck ready to cash in. If you are.”

  Her heart leapt, which she fought to tamp down. “How fast can this sucker go?”

  His teasing gaze pinned her to her seat. “As fast as you want it, sweetheart.”


  Skylar’s house reminded him of an Ikea catalog. Functional and comfortable furniture with storage doubling as decor. The bright curtains in her living room matched her personality.

  “This is so you.” Riggs watched her lock the front door.

  Then she tossed her keys in a little dish on top of a waist-high bookshelf.

  “Nurse on a budget.”

  He grinned. “It’s adorable. Just like you.”

  Her blush made his heart weaken a bit.

  “Care for a drink?” she asked.

  “Sure. After.” He held out his hand.

  Skylar slowly moved across the room, and her mouth curved up. The freckles on her nose were a little more pronounced with the few hours of sun outside.

  He took her hand, and pulled her in.

  Her breasts pushed up against his chest, and her hips pressed flush against his.

  Riggs claimed her mouth, sweetly…patiently. Teasing her with the promise of what was to come. “You ready to cash in your raincheck?”

  She licked his lip. “And then some.”

  “Then I’ll let you drive. Whatever you want.”

  A shy look crossed her face, and her fingers trailed down his chest. Only to grab the hem of his shirt, and pull it over his head. “Well, fuck,” she murmured.


  Her hands traced the edges of his pectoral muscles. “You’re chiseled from granite. This is wholly unfair.”

  “I agree, not fair at all. You’re still wearing a shirt.”

  Skylar bit her lip again, making his dick harden. Her thumb found the white scar at his shoulder, the size of a silver dollar. “That looks like it hurt.”

  “Not as much as you’re fall from heaven.” He smiled.

  She smirked. “Come up with that all by yourself?”

  “I was inspired.” He lifted the hem of her shirt, and skimmed her stomach. Smooth and silky under his fingers. “This shirt looks itchy. You should take it off.”

  With a hitch in her breath, she pulled her own shirt off, and dropped it on the floor. Her curls landed just above the hem on her strapless purple bra.

  He swallowed. Stunning breasts, and looked the perfect size for his palms. Plump and firm. Riggs ached to bury his face between them. The sun had kissed her shoulder from the afternoon at the park, and he wanted to taste her. “Now that's unfair,” he admitted.

  “What is? Skylar asked.

  “You have complete mind control with those beauties.”

  She grabbed his hands from her waistline, and brought them to her breasts. Covering his palms with her own. Her breath hitched.

  Massaging them was instinctual. So was slipping his finger inside the hem, and grazing along her nipple.

  Skylar reached behind her, and unclasped the hooks, then dropped the bra to the floor.

  Riggs wanted to beg at the site. Beautiful pink nipples, perky and at full attention. He lowered his mouth to one, drawing the sweet bud into his mouth.

  Yes, perfect fit.

  She tilted her head back, scraping her nails along his scalp.

  The sensation shot straight to his dick. Oh, how he could take her right now on the couch or on her coffee table. He’d have to concentrate extra hard to keep himself in control. With a beauty like Skylar, he’d certainly be pushed to his limits.

  Time to drive her to hers.

  Riggs suckled like an ice cream cone. Her skin was sweet and savory. Her soap must’ve had a touch of vanilla, because he just wanted to keep licking along her areola.

  Skylar gripped the sides of his head, and yanked him up to eye-level. “Not that I don’t adore your mouth, but we’ve been at this foreplay for two days. I’m going to explode.”

  “That’s the point.” Riggs cupped her neck, and molded his mouth to hers. Tasting her, as he sashayed her backwards to the couch.

  When she lay back on the cushions, he knelt on the floor beside her, and helped her out of her jeans and panties, pulling them down together.

  The sight of her naked, smooth sex, he couldn’t help himself. He glided his hand up her thigh. Goosebumps rose along her skin, until he reached her apex.

  The soft, bare skin between her legs was silky, and so inviting. Slipping his finger in her seam felt so natural. So damn hot.

  Skylar was already so wet for him, and he caressed her swollen clit in small, slow circles.

  Her body bucked and twitched, and her moans were like a siren calling for his dick.

  “I’m so ready, Riggs. I want you.”

  Her words were music to his ears. Hot, sultry, sexy music…the perfect soundtrack.

  “I’ll make you shatter. Just let me do all the work.” Riggs swirled along that little bud again, then slid two fingers inside her.

  So damn hot and tight.

  She threw her head back with a gasp. Her moans escalated in pitch, and her body undulated against his hand.

  The second her sex started pulsing around his fingers, he drooled. “Hell, yeah, Skylar.”

  She groaned. Then gripped the side of the couch, her knuckles white.

  Riggs continued to pump in and out, and used his thumb to swirl her swollen nub even larger. Her essence slid down his fingers. “That’s it, honey. Just ride it out. Ride my hand like a stallion.”

  Her face and breasts turned pink. Her moans turned to little pants.

  His cock ached for a release, stretching farther as if it could sense her sex. He shucked off his pants and briefs, and pulled out a condom from the pocket. If there was a world record for slipping on a rubber, Riggs probably just broke it.

  Skylar licked her upper lip, her eyes closed. Like she savored the ecstasy still throbbing through her body.

  He so desperately wanted to feel that throbbing.

  Crawling slowly on top of her, he kissed up her stomach, along her breastbone, up to her neck. “Are you ready?” he rasped.

  Her eyes flew open. “There’s more?”

  He would’ve chuckled if he weren’t straining so hard to keep from exploding. “Many more.”

  Her gaze widened. “I’ve never…”

  “Had multiple?”

  Skylar shook her head, clearly embarrassed.

  “Oh, honey, that’s a crime.”

  “I didn’t even know that was…real.”

  Now, he did chuckle. “Sugar, we’re just gettin’ warmed up. We have all night.”



  Stars spun over Skylar’s head after the sixth orgasm that night.

  Six! Holy shit!

  She’d never known that was possible.

  Her sheets had never felt more wrinkled, or comfortable.

  Riggs handed her a glass of water.

  She downed it.

  Then Skylar registered the ridiculously proud look on his face.

  “Do you believe me now?” he asked.

  “Is there some secret club you belong to, or a book you read to be that good?”

  “You’ve been setting your expectations too low, darlin’.”

  She climbed out of bed—where they’d moved after her second climax—to head to the bathroom and wash up.

  Riggs gave her ass a gentle slap on the way there.

  Skylar pinched him back.

  When she finished in the bathroom, she crawled back under the covers and cozied up to him. Her body was tired, spent, and so comfortably numb. She'd just found a new addiction. “I’m going to make a confession.”

  “No confessions in bed,” Riggs replied, his eyes already closed. “Compels people to reveal too much.”

  “Not that kind of confession. I Googled you.”

  He didn’t skip a beat. “What did you find?”

  “Nothing. Literally.”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  “Confused. Not even one social media account?”

  “Wouldn’t you be disappointed if I popped up as your Average Joe?”

  She rubbed his chest over his heart. “I think you’ve proven yourself well above the Average Joe.”

  “Shame on those other men, who couldn’t truly satisfy you.”

  She swallowed her reply.

  Other men? Just the one. If I could call him that.

  “As a nurse, you probably know all kinds of ways to make a man holler.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. Not in good ways. “Which reminds me, what do you do for a living?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “To earn money? Or are you just living off your GI check?”

  The room stilled, or at least Riggs’ body stopped underneath her. He shifted slightly. “What makes you say that?”

  “The tattoo on your shoulder. I’ve seen enough vets to recognize a Marine.”

  She could feel his grin against her head. When he kissed her scalp and tightened his hold on her shoulder, she let his warmth relax her mind.

  “Now, there’s an awesome picture of you.” He grabbed a photo off her nightstand.

  She lifted her head just enough to see the frame.

  “Wren looks exactly the same,” he continued. “But your hair’s longer here.”

  Skylar registered the picture of her sisters, each holding a margarita. From three years ago. Her heart squeezed in on itself.

  “Who’s the one in the middle?” he asked.

  She sat up, and swallowed as she took the photo. Didn’t need to look at the picture. It’d sat on her nightstand every night since… “My other sister…Phoebe.” Just saying her name made her heart ache. She set the picture back on the nightstand. “We were celebrating my acceptance into nursing school.”

  “Looks like a fun night.” From the tone in his voice, he clearly noticed her mood change. “Does she live in Chicago with Wren?”

  Skylar tucked her body back in the covers, and refused to look at the picture. Or in his face. “No. She died two years ago.”

  The pause between them felt longer than it actually was, but it wasn’t long enough for her to take a decent breath.

  “I’m sorry,” Riggs muttered. “Can I ask how she died?”

  She shook her head. “Not tonight.” Her voice shook. I’m sorry never worked. The words had just made her angrier over time.

  His arms tightened around her. “That’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.”

  In the silence that spanned the next few minutes, memories of her sister filled her mind like a tsunami. Sitting at the kitchen table studying while Phoebe had pointed her through charts, and brought her more coffee. Trying on some of her scrubs, to see which brand she preferred. Watching their favorite rom-com movies until three in the morning.

  The look on her beloved sister’s face when they’d pulled her body from the lake…

  Just stop thinking. The ache will pass if I stop thinking.

  “I’ve had such an awesome time with you the last few days.” Riggs caressed her arm. “When can I see you again?”

  Skylar thanked God for the change in subject. “What did you have in mind?”



  The delicious feeling of sexual satiation filled her whole body.

  That’s how sex is supposed to be.

  Riggs had left shortly after sunrise, but not before an extra-long kiss, and nip on her lip. Clearly hungry for next time.

  Now, she stretched out on her sheets and relished her aching muscles.

  Her phone chimed with her sister’s ringtone again.

  “Still alive, Wren,’ she answered.

  “I only have a few minutes before my next customer. But I have to know how the dates went. Spill.”

  “Great. He wants to see me again.”

  “I’m sure. You sound like you’ve been misbehaving in the most pleasurable ways. Good for you.”

  Heat caressed her cheeks. There was no point in denying it.

  “I’m so proud of you for going through with it,” Wren continued. “I paid for the best, just for you.”

  Her smile slipped. “Paid?”

  “Yeah. You didn’t know?”

  A terrifying pause made the room spin over her head.

  “He didn’t tell you?” her sister asked.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Jesus, Sky…I’m sorry. I didn’t think—”

  “You hired him?”

  “He’s an escort. Well, a Knight. Higher end.”

  Skylar’s heart cinched in on itself, and she wanted to crawl under the covers. “It wasn’t real?”

  “I wanted you to celebrate your new job, your new life and independence, and be safe while doing it. I thought you knew, Sky.”

  “What exactly did you pay for?”

  “Three dates. To show you around and make sure you had a good time.”

  She cringed and buried her face in her hand. Three dates. The comedy club, the barbecue cook off, and the romp in her bedroom. “How much?”

  Her sister told her the amount.

  Skylar nearly choked on the vomit climbing up her throat. “Holy fuck, Wren. How could you do that to me?”

  “Sky, please, just—”

  She hung up, and threw her cell to the end of the bed. Tears pricked the back of her eyes.

  Rage had consumed her only once in her life—two years before—and she hated feeling like that.

  Betrayed by her sister.

  And that Casanova.

  He knew I didn’t know. The whole time!

  “Oh, hell no!” Skylar grappled for her phone, and found Riggs’ number in her contacts. As it rang, she had no idea which words would fly out of her mouth. A million garbled together in her mind.

  The call went to his voicemail.

  She hung up.

  What the hell do I say?

  Calling the prick would only confirm he’d gotten into her head. If the whole thing was just a business arrangement, then she should leave it there.

  The man had performed his job well. Exceptionally. Given her the most intense orgasms of her life. The only ones, actually. And she’d had a great time.

  Chalk one up to the expert.

  She tossed the phone back on the bed. Focused on getting her breathing back to normal.

  A few texts chimed through from her sister.

  No doubt an apology or some excuse defending her actions.

  Skylar didn’t want to hear a word.

  That was the last time she’d ever accept a favor or gift from Wren. She wouldn’t be calling her back for a long long time.

  She certainly wouldn’t ever see Riggs again. Not unless he wanted a hemostat up his ass.



  Sweat trickled down his back as he moved another hay bale into the stables. Aspen, his father’s Appaloosa stallion, nickered at him from the ne
xt stall. His bronze mane and neck were the only color on the white, black and gray spots covering the rest of him. Rigg’s favorite feature on the strong-minded animal.

  Riggs had left Skylar’s apartment early this morning to care for his parent’s horses, but he really just wanted to lay in bed with her the rest of the day. A body like hers, and her incredible appetite for sex…he’d never had a better time with another woman. The thought of calling her tomorrow and get something scheduled excited him. He didn’t want to appear overly eager, otherwise he’d call the second he got home. His mind had already created a list of several places he wanted to take her. Probably horse riding, if she were the type.

  “I don’t care what you say, you’re definitely a cowboy.” Roarke guzzled a bottle of water outside the stalls. “You know how to handle horses, and your twang gets thicker out here.”

  “Are you going to actually work, or do you want this pitchfork shoved up your ass?”

  “We just rode a whole hour in that heat.” His friend wiped his face with his gray T-shirt, now darker with sweat. “Besides, you’re the one who needs the arm workout. You’ve lightened up on the weights at the gym the last three sessions.”

  “These horses can’t take care of themselves. My parents won’t be back from their cruise until the weekend.” The barn’s large open doors sat open to let in a cool breeze and air out the hay and manure smell. , His parents’ small ranch house nestled thirty yards up the hill with a gravel path right up to the wraparound porch painted red. His mother’s garden flourished in the morning sun, and her Texas bluebells were just blooming. Riggs’ old room was the second window on the right on the top floor. He’d climbed out of that window a time or two as a teenager.

  “You’re such a boy scout.”

  My mother thinks otherwise.

  “Speaking of boy scout…” Roarke picked up a bag of feed, his arm muscles bulging. “What the hell is with Ben?”

  “Don’t start.” Riggs downed his own water.


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