Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1) Page 28

by Siobhan Davis

  I burst into the room behind Kalvin, watching Addison with hawk-like concentration. Tiny beads of sweat— the only indication that she’s nervous—dot her brow. I know this is all a pile of donkey poop, but who knows what Ky is feeling. This girl seems to know exactly what strings to pull.

  “I was going to tell you, I swear,” Kal says, eyeballing Ky directly. “I was totally trashed, and she came on to me. I tried to push her away, but she took off her clothes and straddled me. I”—he drags a hand through his hair, gulping loudly—“I was a fucking idiot, and I regretted it the second we were done. I’m sorry, man.”

  Ky is the epitome of cool, calm, and collected as he goes toe-to-toe with his brother. “She claims it happened the opposite way around. That she was drunk and you took advantage of her.”

  “No way, bro. I’m telling you the truth. She pounced on me.” He slants a venomous look at Addison.

  Ky nods once before stalking toward Addison.

  She stabs her chin in the air, attempting to convey superiority.

  “Whatever game you think you’re playing ends right now. Do. Not. Test. Me. Again.” She takes a step back from his heated glare. “And just so we’re clear, I had zero intention of getting back together. Every touch disgusted me.”

  Addison’s nostrils flare, and my lips twitch.

  Is it wrong that I’m enjoying this?

  “I was playing you, and you were playing me,” Ky continues, “so we’re done now. Walk away, and I’ll do the same. If you don’t”—he leans in menacingly, and I spot the telltale vicious glint in his eye—“I will ruin you.” He straightens up, pointing toward the door. “Now get the fuck out of my house. You’re not welcome here, or anywhere near me, ever again.”

  Slightly rattled—although she’s killing herself not to show it—Addison steps around Ky, striding toward the door. At the last second, she turns. A triumphant smile graces her lips. “Not if I ruin you first.”

  Her threat lacks bite, but I’m still uneasy. I only risk breathing again when I hear the slamming of the front door and I know the Wicked Witch has left the building.

  “You fucking imbecile.” Ky shoots an angry look at Kalvin.

  Kal shifts awkwardly on his feet. “Sleeping with her is unforgivable. I know that. I’m sorry.”

  “I couldn’t give two shits about that!” Ky fumes. “I told you she’s less than nothing to me, and I meant it. She’s up to something, Kal, and you’ve exposed yourself, exposed us. Think back. Was there anything she said or did that was suspicious?”

  He lifts his eyes to the ceiling and sighs. “I was too wasted to remember much,” he admits a minute later. Dipping his head, he looks sheepishly at his older brother.

  “Maybe I was a bit hasty. Should’ve strung her along for a bit longer to find out what she’s planning.” Ky grips his chin with his thumb and forefinger, staring off into space.

  “She’s poison. You’re well rid.” I bend down and carefully start picking up pieces of broken glass.

  “I second that, if it’s what I think it means.” Kal grins, hunkering down to help me. I snort. You’d think he’d be used to my sayings by now.

  “Do you think there is a video?” I ask, looking up through my lashes at Ky.

  “I hope not.” He crouches down alongside me, taking my wrist. “Stop. You’ll cut yourself.”

  I stare into his worried blue eyes, and I’m immediately adrift at sea. A moment passes between us. He checks me out with that penetrating lens of his, his eyes burying into me, making sure I’m okay. I melt on the inside as my lips lift in a smile. A spark flares in his eyes, and a volt of energy electrifies the air. I eye his lips like a vulture waiting to swoop in for the kill.

  “I’ll, uh, get something to clean this up,” Kalvin stutters, most unnaturally. He edges carefully around the shattered glass and ducks out of the room.

  Ky pulls me to my feet, sweeping his arm underneath my legs, and carries me over to the seated area in front of the fire. He plunks into one of the red velvet chairs with me in his lap. “What has Brad told you?”

  Needing to touch him, I press a kiss to his cheek as my hands wander around his neck. “He didn’t know anything about that email you received. Unless he’s the best actor on the planet, I’m positive he was telling me the truth. And there’s more.” I run the tips of my fingers through his hair. Ky leans his head back, and closes his eyes. “He was only with Addison one time. At some party. But he swears it was a one-time thing. He was drunk, and it was a mistake. He said he’d never intentionally do something like that to you, and I believe him.”

  I’m sensing a pattern with Addison.

  Ky’s eyes flash open. “But the email …”

  “Was clearly doctored,” I finish for him. “Someone wanted you to break up with Addison and to fall out with Brad. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

  “I agree, but who would do that and why?”

  I level determined eyes on him. “That’s what we need to find out. Please tell me you kept that email?”

  He shakes his head. “Why would I want to keep sexually graphic content of my best bud and my girl getting it on?” Sarcasm is thick like syrup atop his words.

  I guess that makes sense. I wouldn’t want to keep anything like that either. But our best means of tracking the manipulator is via that email. An idea pops into my head. “What about Keven? He’s studying IT, right? Could he retrieve it from your deleted files?”

  A slow smile spreads over his mouth. He taps the end of my nose with one finger. “Not just a pretty face.” I mock-scowl. “That’s a brilliant idea. I’ll ask him tomorrow.”

  “Ask who what?” Kal asks, popping his head cautiously around the door. I arch a brow. “Just checking you weren’t dry humping or worse,” he jokes, answering my silent question.

  “Can you get your mind out of the gutter for five seconds,” Ky hisses. “It’s that kind of attitude that’s going to get you in trouble one of these days.”

  “Don’t act like you’re a frigging saint, Ky. You’ve done your fair share of whoring.”

  “Enough!” Ky demands. “I need your head on straight if we’re to figure out her game plan.”

  Racing footsteps slap noisily off the porcelain floor downstairs, and we all freeze at once. “Wait! Please!” James calls out, desperation clear in his tone.

  “Get your hands off me! I won’t ever forgive you!” a clearly emotional Alex screams, charging the stairs amid heaving sobs.

  “What now?” Kal sighs as he slants an inquisitive look at us.

  I slide off Kyler’s lap and he rises behind me. Heat infuses me as I lean back against him.

  Alex is a blur of color as she rushes past the study door, oblivious to our presence. James darts past a second later. Kalvin moves to walk after them, but Ky reaches out, holding him back. He shakes his head in silent instruction.

  “I want you out!” Alex screams. “Out of this house. Out of my life. Away from my boys.”

  “Please, Alex,” James beseeches. “I love you. I’m sorry. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, so, please, please, don’t do this.”

  “Save your breath, James. No amount of begging or false promises will change my mind. Our marriage is over, and you need to leave.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Kal shoves Ky’s arm away and marches to the door. We follow hot on his heels. Stepping out onto the small landing, I duck down, as a bundle of clothing flies over my head. Kal isn’t quick enough, and a shirt lands on his head. Yanking it off, he peers up at his mom. Alex is standing at the top of the stairs, fisting handfuls of male clothes. Her hair is a tangled mess around her face and judging by her swollen red-rimmed eyes, she’s been crying profusely. My heart goes out to her.

  “Mom? Are you okay?” Kal asks.

  “Go to your rooms, please. Your mom
and I need to discuss this in private,” James instructs from his position three steps below us.

  “They stay.” Alex flings the contents of her hands down the stairs. “Do you want to tell them or shall that responsibility fall to me like everything else?” She perches her hands on her slim hips. “I should’ve known. You’ve always been fond of lying flat on your back while everyone else did all the heavy lifting.”

  James winces. “I get it. You want to hurt me, and I deserve that. Do your worst. It won’t push me away.”

  Alex half-laughs, half-cries. “You’re a fucking idiot as well as a lousy cheat!” she screams. “I’m not pushing you away. I’m divorcing you whether you like it or not.”

  Kal’s worried gaze bounces between his parents.

  “I won’t go.” James grips the handrail tightly. “I won’t lose my family.”

  Alex shrieks, bending down and grabbing more fistfuls of clothes. “You should’ve thought of that before you took my assistant into your bed!”

  Kalvin staggers back. “What?” He spins and glares at his dad. “You fucked Courtney?”

  James ignores him, devoting his attention to Alex. “Please, Alex. Please don’t do this.”

  A determined look contorts her beautiful face as she stomps down the stairs, halting directly in front of her husband. “Let’s get one thing straight, James. I’m not doing this. You did this. You fucked yourself.” She jabs her finger in his chest. “You set this in motion the minute you fucked that slut.” Fury radiates off her in waves. She shoves at him, and he stumbles, almost losing his balance. I’m shocked into mute-form. Alex is the quintessential lady, and this is a side of her I haven’t seen. Not that I’m casting aspersions. It’s understandable, given the situation.

  Ky moves to his mom’s side, wrapping a sturdy arm around her waist from behind. She crumples, slumping in his embrace. He levels a cold look at his dad as he props his mom up. “If you care about her at all, you will leave. Give her some space. You owe her that much.”

  James looks defeated as he slowly bobs his head. “I owe her much more than that, son.”

  James turns, shoulders drooping, and descends the stairs, stopping to pick up articles of his clothing on the way. You could hear a pin drop in the room. Kalvin’s traumatized gaze lands on mine.

  At the door, James spins around, clutching armfuls of clothes. “I’m sorry, Alex. Truly, I am. I’ll give you time, but please don’t end our marriage, not at least until you’ve had time to process how you think.” He switches his gaze to the boys. “I love you. All of you.” His eyes stray to mine, making sure to include me. “Look after your mom.”

  The door bangs shut behind him, and a tortured cry escapes Alex’s lips. She buckles in Ky’s arms, and he swoops her up, carrying her up to her bedroom. Her anguished sobs follow me as I head to the kitchen to make her some sweet tea.

  When I return a few minutes later, Kalvin is hovering nervously on the stairs, a sad, worried look in his eyes. I touch his arm lightly. “Will you be okay?”

  Dazed eyes meet mine. “This is bad, Faye. She’s never actually thrown him out before. I can’t believe it. My dad’s a moron.”

  “Hopefully they can sort it all out. Try not to worry.”

  He harrumphs. “Impossible not to.”

  I give him a quick hug. “You should get some sleep. She’s going to need your support in the coming days.”

  Alex is lying on her side on the top of the bed, a blank, empty expression on her face. Ky is in the en suite bathroom rummaging through the cupboard. I set the tea down on Alex’s locker and join him. “What are you looking for?”

  He holds a small pillbox in his hand. “These. The doctor prescribes her sleeping tablets on occasion when work stresses keep her up at night.”

  I nod. “Stay here for a few while I help her get dressed for bed.”

  Alex is almost comatose as I undress her. Tucking the duvet back over her, I help her sit up against the headrest. She stares numbly ahead, completely unawares. “Ky,” I call out softly. “You can come out now.”

  I perch on the edge of the bed, and Ky rounds the other side. Somehow, he manages to get Alex to take the sleeping tabs, and he supports her trembling form while I help her to take sips of the sweet tea. Gradually, her eyelids grow heavy and she falls asleep in her son’s arms. Together, we settle her and turn off her light, tiptoeing down the stairs.

  Ky reels me into his arms outside my room, and I wrap myself around him. We don’t speak; we just hold each other. After a bit, I lift my head and look up at him. “Are you going to be okay?”

  His tongue darts out, wetting his lips. “I’m not important. She is.”

  I nod. “We’ll look after her.”

  He leans down, planting a feather-light kiss on my lips. “Thank you, for helping her. And for the track.” His eyes glisten with unfettered gratitude. “I should’ve said that sooner. May and Rick are ecstatic.”

  I smile. “That’s great.”

  His chest heaves up and down. “I’m glad you’re here, Faye. So fucking glad. You’ve no idea.”

  His words warm part of the frozen spot in my heart. “I’m glad I’m here too.” And for the very first time, I mean it. Which is weird, because everything is totally fucked up right now, but it feels like home. Like I’m where I belong. I’m too tired to dissect exactly what that means. As if to prove my point, a loud yawn escapes my mouth.

  “Go.” Kyler brushes his mouth fleetingly against mine. “You need to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I crawl into bed as if I’m half-dead. Exhaustion does a number on me, and I’m out for the count the instant my head hits the pillow.

  Sometime during the night, a pair of warm arms snake around my waist and I’m drawn against a firm body. “Is this okay?” Ky whispers, and I mumble something incoherent as I snuggle into his embrace. His faint chuckle is the last thing I hear before I succumb to slumber again.

  I’m alone in the bed when I wake the next morning. Rays of golden sunshine stream through the gossamer curtains, bathing the room in glorious light. I scratch my head, wondering if I dreamed Kyler last night. Nuzzling my pillow, I inhale his intoxicating scent as I smile to myself.

  He was here!

  My momentary burst of exhilaration gives way to a bout of anxiety. If James and Alex do end up divorcing, where does that leave me? The thought that I may have to leave here, just as I was starting to envision it as home, is upsetting. But I can’t dwell on that now. It’s selfish to be concerned with my own future when Alex is so devastated. The thought is sobering.

  I wander to the kitchen, enticed by the appetizing smells wafting along the corridor. Kaden is standing in front of the stove, shoveling mountains of bacon and eggs into a large, circular serving dish.

  The mood is solemn at the table as everyone sits down to eat. I don’t know when Ky found the time to contact Keven and Kaden, but I’m glad they’re here. Alex needs all her boys around her.

  We eat in silence, and only when the dishes have been cleared does Ky explain everything in more detail to his brothers. Wiping my damp hands along the side of my denim skirt, I drop onto the bench alongside a clearly distraught Keaton. I wrap my arm around him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

  Kaden takes immediate charge, warning all his brothers that they are to stay put here today. No one argues, and I’m loving how they are all rallying around their mom in her time of need. Filling a plate with food, he sets out in the direction of Alex’s bedroom. The boys converge in the sitting room, and I hover uncertainly on the fringes. Kyler motions me in, but I shake my head and return to the kitchen.

  I need a distraction and cooking has always helped center me. Rooting around in the fridge, I do a quick inventory. I pull Kalvin aside and convince him to drive me to the local store where I pick up the items I need.

  Hysterical crying greet
s us upon our return. The triplets and Keven are all cloistered in the lobby, shuffling awkwardly on their feet. “What’s going on?” Kalvin drops his keys onto the table.

  Keven tucks a sliver laptop under his arm as he shrugs. “She’s been like that for the last half hour. Kaden and Kyler are trying to calm her down.” He flicks his gaze to me. “Maybe she needs a woman’s touch.”

  “Sure.” I hand the bag of groceries to Kalvin. “Can you put the food away?”

  I take the stairs two at a time, and Alex’s anguished wailing grows louder as I get nearer. When I reach the top, I pause, my heart jackknifing in my chest. Alex is sobbing her heart out, curled in a fetal position on the bed, the tangled bed linen knotted around her thin frame. Ky and Kaden stand on either side of her, looking utterly dejected. Ky’s shoulders relax a little when he sees me approaching.

  A burst of guilt ambushes me.

  I advised James to come clean to his wife, and now everyone is hurting. Perhaps I should’ve said nothing, but is it better to live in blissful ignorance? To pretend that life is perfect, when it’s all a façade and everything is turning rotten underneath? I have some experience of that, and letting things fester only ends up ten times messier in the long run.

  The truth always finds a way to out itself.

  Alex was destined to be hurt the moment James slipped under the sheets with Courtney.

  “Your brothers need you,” I murmur to Ky and Kaden. “I’ll stay with her.”

  I kick off my shoes and scoot onto the bed beside Alex. Tentatively reaching out, I stroke her hair in a continual soothing motion, and gradually her sobs subside. She slides in closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. We don’t speak. I don’t think she’s capable of forming any coherent words, but I don’t mind. I let her lean on me for as long as she needs to.


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