Franklin, Benjamin, health
dread of colds (summary)
gout/kidney stone problems
illness following London return
pleurisy (1735)
pleurisy following Berkshire voyage
voyage to/France visit
Franklin, Deborah (wife)
relationship with husband
Franklin, Ebenezer (brother)
Franklin, Francis Folger (Franklin’s son)
Franklin, James (brother)
Franklin, John (brother)
Franklin, John (nephew)
Franklin, Josiah (father)
crafts and
views on Franklin
Franklin, Josiah (half–brother)
Franklin, Peter (brother)
Franklin, Sarah/“Sally” (daughter)
Franklin, William (son)
kite experiment
in London
loyalism—break with father
as New Jersey governor
Franklin, William Temple (grandson)
Franklinia altamaha
in France
Franklin and
Masonic lodges
French and Indian War (1754–1763)
See also Seven Years’ War
French Revolution/Terror
Franklin’s wishes to see
science after Franklin
Galilei, Galileo
Einstein as
Franklin as
history of term use
Newton as
Gentleman’s Magazine (London)
George III, King
Gérard, Marguerite
Grand Ohio (Walpole) Company
Greenwood, Isaac
Gronovius, Johann Friedrich
Gulf Stream
climate change and
De Brahm’s work on
physical aspects of
political aspects of
work after Franklin
Gulf Stream—Franklin
Franklin-Folger charts
Franklin–Le Rouge charts
politics of “Maritime Observations,”
speculations on
work after American Revolution
“Gulf” term use
Hales, Stephen, Reverend
Hall, David
Halley, Edmond
Halley’s charts
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, William
Hargrave (Hargrove), Charles
Harrison, John
Harvard College
Harvey, William
Health views of Franklin
microscope and
new definitions of
northern lights and
pulse glasses
See also Fire-place inventions/work
Helvétius, Anne-Catherine de Ligniville
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien
Hewson, Polly. See Stevenson, Mary (Polly)
Hewson, William
Hillsborough, Wills Hill, Earl of
History and Present State of Electricity (Priestley)
HMS Bounty mutineers
Hobbes, Thomas
Holland, Samuel
“Homespun” pseudonym
Honorary degrees of Franklin
Hooke, Robert
Hopkinson, Thomas
Hopkinson, Francis
Houdon, Jean-Antoine
Humanity’s connection
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humboldt, Wilhelm von
Hume, David
Humors (four humors within the body)
Hunter, William
Hutchinson, Thomas
Franklin’s interest in
“Maritime Observations” (Franklin)
measuring water temperatures/pressure
voyage times to/from England
work after Franklin
See also Gulf Stream
Immigration views of Franklin
Ingenhousz, Jan
relationship with Franklin
scientific work of
Iron Act (1750)
Iroquois Six Nations
Ives, James
Jackson, Andrew
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferys, Thomas
Jemima (slave)
Jerman, John (Titan Leeds)
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, John Paul
Josselyn, John
Kalm, Pehr
Kames, Lord
Kant, Immanuel
Keimer, Samuel
Keith, William
King (slave)
Kinnersley, Ebenezer
La Condamine, Charles-Marie de
Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de
Land speculation by Franklin
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent
Leather Apron Club
See also Junto
Le Despencer, Francis Dashwood, Lord
Lee, William
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
Legge, George (Lord Dartmouth)
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Le Ray de Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien
Le Rouge, Georges-Louis
Le Roux des Tillets, Jean Jacques
Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste
Le Roy, Julien-David
Le Roy, Pierre
Leviathan (Hobbes)
Lewis, Merriwether
Lexington battle
Library Company
description/work of
Franklin’s electricity work
Lightning rods
Light, nature of
Lining, John
Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné)
Locke, John
Logan, James
Loge des Neuf Soeurs
following Franklin’s death
Franklin’s early science interests and
Franklin’s first visit
London, Franklin’s second visit
illness following voyage
mission with Penns/taxation
return to Philadelphia (1762)
summer travels
voyage/settling in
London, Franklin’s third visit
Franklin’s fame/glory during
return to Philadelphia (1775)
travels during
voyage/settling in
London Chronicle
Louis XV, King
Louis XVI, King
Lunar Society
Lutwidge, Walter
Madison, James
Magic squares/circles
Aepinus’ explanations of
Franklin’s speculations on
Halley’s chart on
medical magnets
Malthus, Thomas
Mandeville, Bernard
Manhattan Project
Manual labor and status
Manutius, Aldus
Map of Pensilvania, New-Jersey, New-York, and the Three Delaware Counties (Evans)
Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements Adjacent Thereto, A (Popple)
American Revolution needs
marine cartography/atlases
of open oceans
political aspect of
See also Hydrography
Marat, Jean-Paul
Mariner’s Magazine, The
Maritime life
dangers of
early interest in
“gaol fever”/contagions and
impressment of sailors
knowledge and
longitude determination
Nantucket relatives of Franklin
sailors and the franchise
sheathing of ships
trade customs/secrets and
See also American Revolution—American Navy; Atlantic storms; Hydrography; Navigation
“Maritime Observations” (Franklin)
Martha Careful
Martin, David
Mary, Queen
Maskelyne, Nevil
Mason, Charles
Masons. See Freemasons
Franklin and
sciences and
See also Political arithmetic
Mather, Cotton
Matter composition
Descartes/Cartesianism views
Newtonian views
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de
Maury, Matthew Fontaine
McArdell, James
Mecom, Jane (sister)
Medicina Statica: Being the Aphorisms of Sanctorius (Sanctorius)
Melville, Herman
Meredith, Hugh
Mesmer, Franz Anton/mesmerism
Metabolism (animal oeconomy) studies
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Micrographia (Hooke)
Micrographia Illustrata (Adams)
almanac information on
nature of heat and
for American Revolution
France’s aid
Franklin in
See also American Revolution—American Navy
Mitchell, John
Moby Dick (Melville)
Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency (Franklin)
Montgolfier, Joseph and Étienne
Monthly Review (London)
Monuments to Franklin
“Morals of Chess, The,”
Morrel (Folger) Mary (grandmother)
Motion of Fluids, The (Clare)
Mount and Page
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Nantucket relatives
See also specific relatives
See also specific relatives
Native Americans
Britain’s relationship with
Franklin’s views on
French and Indian War (1754–1763)
lands of
Paxton Boys attack
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Newbury, John (“Tom Telescope”)
New-England Courant, The
Newton, Isaac
end of dominance
fame/work of
Franklin’s interest in
See also Descartes-Newton debate
Newtonian System of Philosophy, Adapted to the Capacities of Young Gentlemen and Ladies (Newbury/“Tom Telescope”)
New-York Weekly Journal
New Zealand
Nollet, Abbé Jean-Antoine
North Briton, The
Northern lights (aurora borealis)
Northwest Passage search
Nuclear weapons
Nudism of Franklin
“Observations on the Increase of Mankind” (Franklin)
Oil (smooths water)
Opinion, concept of
Opticks (Newton)
Pacific explorations
Paddack (Paddock), Seth
Paine, Thomas
Palmer, Samuel
Paper currency
Franklin’s promotion of
nature prints and
Patent law, origins in U.S.
Paxton Boys’ attacks
Pemberton, Henry
Penn, Richard
Penn, Thomas
Penn, William
Franklin’s antiproprietorial wishes/campaign
taxation battle
Pennsylvania Assembly—Franklin
as agent
as clerk
as member/speaker
Penns/taxation mission
as printer for
reelection failure
Pennsylvania Gazette
advertisements in
beginnings of
commerce and
coverage by
electricity information in
knowledge circulation with
merchandise sold at printing office
mortality figures in
politics and
slavery and
Pennsylvania’s Executive Council
Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage
Peter (slave)
Petty, William
return to (1726)
return to (1762)
return to (1775)
return to/settling in (1785)
as runaway to
Philadelphia Common Council
Philadelphia’s Union Fire Company
Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society of London)
description/information in
Franklin and
Placebo effect
Plain Truth (Franklin)
“Plan of Conduct,”
Poem Sacred to the Memory of Isaac Newton (Thomson)
Political arithmetic
Franklin’s thoughts on immigration
insurance and
Malthus and
physiocrats and
political representation
use by Franklin
See also American population—Franklin
Political economy
“Political Electricity” cartoon
Political representation
Polly Baker
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Poor Richard Improved
puzzles in
science information in
“Speech of Father Abraham,”
Poor Richard’s Almanac
astrology in
astronomy in
beginnings of
French views on
information/proverbs of
Pope, Alexander
Popple, Henry
Darwin on
Malthus on
See also American population—Franklin; Petty, William; Political arithmetic
Portraits of Franklin
Augustin de Saint-Aubin (1777)
Chamberlain (1762)
Dixon (1757)
Feke (1746)
Fisher (1762)
Franklin’s comments on
Gérard (1779)
Martin (1767)
McArdell (1761)
Wilson (1759)
Postal Act (1765)
Postal service—Franklin
American Revolution and spying
as colonial postmaster
criticism of
as deputy postmaster of North America
following break with Britain
Gulf Stream charts and
transatlantic letters/items sent
Poupard, James
in Brescia, Italy
in France
lightning rods and (England) debate/results
Pownall, Thomas
Practical Navigation (Seller)
Price, Richard
Priestley, Joseph
chemistry and
electricity and
patronage and
relationship with Franklin
soul as matter
Principia (Newton)
Pringle, John
ion of
numerical assessments and
trade secrets and
Printing career of Franklin
combining options with
dangers of
guild life
nature prints
retiring from Philadelphia business
runaway in Philadelphia
work/education in London
working under brother
See also Pennsylvania Gazette; specific printed works
Probabilities vs. facts
Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania
Public Advertiser
abolition movement
military and
settling/proprietorship of Pennsylvania
Quantum mechanics
Queen Anne’s War (1702–1713)
contemporary theories of
See also Slavery
racist categories
smallpox and
views on Germans
views on Native Americans
See also Slavery
Raynal, Abbé
Réaumur, Antoine Ferchault
Reformation and printing press
Religion and evolution
Religion and Franklin
A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain
“Apology for Printers,”
argument from design
as deist
immortality beliefs
reputation as infidel/atheist
wife/children and the Church of England
Religion of Nature Delineated, The (Wollaston)
Reprisal voyage
“Republic of letters” and Franklin
Richmann, Georg Wilhelm
Rittenhouse, David
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)
Rogers, Deborah Read. See Franklin, Deborah (wife)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal Society Club
Royal Society of Arts
Royal Society of London
Copley Medal
Franklin and
hydrographic information
Junto club and
See also Philosophical Transactions
Royal Society of Science at Göttingen
Rush, Benjamin
Sanctorius (Santorio Santorio)
Saratoga battle
Saunders, Bridget
Saunders, Richard
See also Poor Richard Improved; Poor Richard’s Almanac
Sayer and Bennett
decline in status
discoveries/trends after Franklin
Franklin and collaboration
Franklin’s Berkshire voyage journal
Franklin’s early connections with natural philosophers
Franklin’s public service and
Franklin’s specimen collecting
in Franklin’s time (overview)
public life and
specialization trend in
Spectator’s praise of
work during Franklin’s later life
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