world wars and
See also specific investigators; specific work; Religion and Franklin, argument from design
Scotland visit by Franklins
Seasons, The (Thomson)
Seller, John
Seven Years’ War
See also French and Indian War (1754–1763)
Sharp, Granville
Shelburne, William Petty, Lord
Shelley, Mary
Shipley, Jonathan (Bishop of St. Asaph)/family
Silence Dogood
abolition movement/views
Dr. Bray’s Associates and
Earl of Halifax “ventilators” and
Franklin’s father and
Franklin’s slaves
Franklin’s views on
impressment of sailors and
political representation and
Sloane, Sir Hans
Boston outbreaks of
inoculation controversy
race and
Smith, Adam
Smith, William
Sociability of humans
Franklin’s ideas on
Franklin’s Philadelphia clubs and
Social theory
Society of Cincinnati
Solander, Daniel
Some Observations on the Proceedings against Rev. Mr. Hemphill (Franklin)
Somerset, James
advertisements for
bifocal invention/use
Spencer, Archibald
Stamp Act (1765)
Starbucks (Franklin’s relatives)
Statical Essays (Hales)
Steam power/engine
Steele, Richard
Stevenson, Margaret
Stevenson, Mary (Polly)
Stewart, Charles
Stiles, Ezra
St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia
St. Petersburg’s Academy of Sciences
Strahan, William
Sturmy, Samuel
Sun’s distance from Earth
Swaine, Charles
Swimming and Franklin
Syng, Philip
Szilard, Leo
Franklin’s views on
Penns and
See also specific taxes
East India Company and
Tea Act
Telegraph invention/use
Teller, Edward
Tennent, John
Thomson, James
Todd, Anthony
Townshend Duties
Transactions (APS)
“Maritime Observations” (Franklin) and
Treatise of Taxes and Contributions (Petty)
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Tryon, Thomas
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques (Baron de Laune)
Universal Dictionary of the Marine (Falconer)
Universal Instructor in All Arts and Sciences: and Pennsylvania Gazette
University of Pennsylvania
Vaughan, Benjamin
Venus’s transits
Volcanoes and climate
Volta, Alessandro
Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet
Voyage times to/from England
Wagenaer, Lucas
Walsh, John
Washington, George
Watt, Isaac
Way to Health, Long Life and Happiness, The; or, A Discourse of Temperance (Tryon)
“Way to Wealth, The” (Franklin)
Wealth of Nations (Smith)
Weather and atmosphere studies (Franklin)
Wedderburn, Alexander
Wedgwood, Josiah
Weems, Mason Locke
Weiser, Conrad
American Revolution/reconciliation and
Gulf Stream and
Nantucket/Nantucket relatives and
Wheatley, Phillis
Wilkes, John
Williams, Jonathan, Jr. (grandnephew)
Wilson, Benjamin
Winthrop, John
Wistar, Caspar
Wollaston, William
Woodmason, Charles
Wordsworth, William
Writing by Franklin
ballad writing
early efforts in science
Keimer’s newspaper and
last letter-writing
nautical themes of
See also specific almanacs/newspapers; specific writings
Wyndham, William
Zenger, John Peter
Copyright © 2006 by Joyce E. Chaplin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Chaplin, Joyce E.
The first scientific American : Benjamin Franklin and the pursuit of
genius / Joyce E. Chaplin.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-0-465-00885-8
1. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706–1790. 2. Scientists—United States—
Biography. 3. Statesman—United States—Biography. I. Title.
The First Scientific American Page 54