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Mated to the Dragon King

Page 3

by C. D. Gorri

  Her legacy was well-known and respected as were her business practices. She’d further ensured her customers complete satisfaction by keeping the bank in the hands of her descendants. She’d willed her cache of powers would only pass to the next powerful female Witch in her line, blood relatives only. It had been that way for a thousand years far as Rei knew. Like many supernaturals with very long lives, he’d had plenty of funds and time to seek out investment opportunities with the bank.

  Of course, his horde of treasure was something he’d kept hidden in different caves across the world. The shallow stashes he’d kept in the caves of Sol Dorado had been stolen. Probably by the same bastard who’d bewitched his slumber.

  A soon to be dead bastard, he reminded his Dragon with a grim smile.

  The monies and interests he’d placed within Merlin Banking Solutions had apparently been doing well. So well in fact, the bank had insisted on sending an account specialist to bring him up to date.

  They were famous for that kind of one on one level of service. And it would have been fine if he wasn’t so damn busy.

  “Flaming balls,” he growled between gritted teeth, “I said I want the marble, the same authentic Italian marble to match this vein of gold here, here,” he pointed to a sample he’d had taken from the fireplace in the front sitting room.

  “Manuel, go back and tell that blasted Mario that I will bury him in this rubbish if he tries to pass this cheap ceramic knock off as genuine marble again,” he rubbed a hand across his face as Manuel, one of the contractors he’d hired to renovate his castle, scrambled to get out of his office.

  Well, it’s comforting to know incompetence and fraud were alive and well even after more than a century asleep, he thought darkly.

  A sharp knock on his office door brought his dark head up. Brooding wouldn’t do. He had far too much to do to spend his time lamenting the loss of so many years. After all, he’d spent plenty of time the last few months reading newspapers, watching television, and scrolling the internet.

  He was remarkably adept at the first two things, the latter giving him the most trouble. Apparently it was not all his fault, some blasted magic called WIFI was to blame for plenty of his troubles.

  He’d missed out on a few true horrors. Large, senseless wars with massive death tolls across the normal and supernatural world. There were good things too though, like the birth of rock and roll, the golden age of Hollywood, and the building of a magical place called Disneyworld.

  But he intended to make up for lost time. He was going to finish his castle, take inventory of his net worth, and exact revenge on the nameless bastard who thought to imprison him in sleep and steal his treasure.

  That fucker was going to pay, his Dragon enjoyed the current slang and growled the word with satisfying intensity in his mind’s eye.

  “Uh, Rei,” the sound of his footm-, er assistant, interrupted his reverie, “I mean Mr. Dorado?”

  “You know something, Alameda? These damn merchants today are the same as when I was last awake! All crooks, every last one of them. I swear I am going to have to start inspecting every last nail myself before the men install it,” he tossed his head angrily, pausing as he caught his reflection.

  Long hair bound at his nape in a ponytail, no jewels, no pomp, Rei frowned. He missed some of the elaborate style of dress that had been in fashion before he took his overly long nap.

  And yet, he grinned wickedly as he took in the midnight black shirt and blue denim that covered the rest of his large frame.

  No, he could find no fault with the comfort of his one hundred percent cotton t-shirts and stonewashed denim jeans. Modern normals were quite good at creating comfortable clothing, though he had it on good authority most of their innovations were actually created by Fairies and Sprites. Meddlesome creatures he’d always tried to avoid at all costs.

  Footwear was another story. Looking down at his feet he sighed. There were no more shoemakers in every town or village, but rather widely manufactured products readily available. A blessing and a curse.

  Sneakers were not to his liking, but he found his hand-sewn, leather ankle boots fit quite fine indeed. Dragons were creatures of luxury after all and Rei was a King in his own right.

  “Excuse me, Rei? Mr. Dorado, uh I have to tell you something?”

  Rei rolled his eyes, having learned the gesture from Severino Alameda himself. His young assistant simply could not get the hang of calling Rei sire, no matter how he’d tried to instill a sense of order into the young man.

  Like any sensible Dragon, he’d decided against eating the boy. Accepting his shortcomings in a gracious manner, Rei was trying to move on from the break with the natural pecking order of his household.

  Still, there were days he could do without the young man’s unending questions. Like now when he’d almost identified the strange residue he’d found on the other side of the mountain, outside his secret cavern.

  It was definitely evidence of a spell. He’d recognized the anointed oils and several herbs, but there was one he failed to name. Overall, it looked like the person who placed it there was not trying to lull him to bed for a long nap but was trying to keep him there. Forever. A prisoner.

  “Yes?” He looked up from his newly refinished Louis XIV desk.

  Both desk and matching chair had been reinforced with titanium rods to hold his bulk and withstand the force of his slamming his hands down on the detailed wood as he was known to do.

  Mastering technology had not come easy. and he’d had to pay in the form of several writing apparatuses. Not his fault technology was so damned irritating. If he could find the dolt who’d so-called revolutionized it all he’d toast the fucker.

  Beware here be Dragons, he thought with a wicked grin.

  “The specialist from Merlin Banking Solutions is here,” Severino stated while efficiently blocking Rei’s view of the man he’d been waiting months for.

  “Well, where is he? Let the confounded man in, Alameda,” he ordered with another impatient roll of his eyes.

  “Uh, well, the thing is, Rei. Um, it’s not exactly a he, actually,” his young assistant swallowed.

  That was another thing the foolish boy did to tempt his Dragon’s ire. He didn’t quite yet grasp that Rei was a predator and the young man’s physical reactions made him appear a little too much like easy game.

  What was he saying? Alameda did not relish the title of footman, he did not act subservient in the least, he wanted to work regular hours, and he insisted on his living quarters being off limits to Rei. Conditions that Rei agreed to and yet he couldn’t fathom why.

  Maybe it was out of some sort of misplaced loyalty. At any rate, the grandfather was much more agreeable. He’d been happy to educate his rather annoying grandson on proper conduct.

  The young man was simply too dense to understand he was at the mercy of a rather powerful Dragon Shifter. But he did have his uses, such as getting their internet up and running and dealing with the locals.

  Still, Rei found his thoughts would wander whenever he’d start these longwinded speeches of his. Was it lunch time yet? He did so enjoy lunch!

  He looked at his administrative assistant. Pshaw, whatever he wanted to be called, Rei would always see him as a footman. Anyway, his secretary, was something that now required a salary, benefits, and a thing called a 401K. Rei had not been happy, but it was modern times. Everyone adjusted.


  “Well what,” Rei asked. Damn my mind wandered again.

  “I said the account specialist is a she. You know, a woman,” Severino muttered the word as if it were a curse. Might as well be one since Rei had banned all females save his cook and housekeeper from the premises.

  His ears perked at the use of the words to describe the banking specialist. The last time he was awake women were not largely active in any kind of business. Certainly not in this part of the world and not in banking of all things.

  His frown deepened. He had no time to explain
things to a delicate female. No time at all to cater to her fragile senses. Not to mention he was still smarting from the betrayal of his last lover.

  Plus, Rei was still trying to discover who it was that had tampered with his rest. It was that whole debacle with Tricia that left him open for whoever his mystery attacker was! No. No women in his castle. He couldn’t do that and keep watch over some dainty woman. This would not do!

  “Send her away,” he said.

  “Um, but-”

  “Alameda. Send. Her. Away. And tell them to send a man,” he spoke without looking up, taking the sudden silence for his assistant’s acquiescence.


  “Regardless of your sexual preference, Mr. Dorado, I am here on behalf of Merlin Banking Solutions to help you during this transitional period back into society and to acquaint you with our new software and terms.”

  Rei went still the second he distinguished the woman’s unique, husky voice. The timbre of it shot sparks of electricity down his spine. His ears were buzzing with the unique vibrations of her words. In fact, he was tingling all over with awareness.

  Somehow, this account specialist had gotten past his assistant and was now intruding on his personal office. He’d have to thank Alameda later. His Dragon pushed forward. Grrr.

  Fire ignited in his belly at the sultry throaty little sounds she made. Her sexy voice resonated with him. How would she sound first thing in the morning, last thing at night? He intended to find out.

  This mysterious woman sounded good to his ears as she insulted him with her tongue. Naughty little kitten. An enticing mix of someone who was used to her asserting her intelligence and yet she seemed to still be getting comfortable with her authority. Fascinating.

  Eyes closed Rei sucked in a long, deep breath hoping to sample her fragrance on his tongue. Her scent reached his nostrils sparking a deep, throbbing need to get closer to its source.

  An intoxicating combination of sunshine, magic, and clean, fresh earth, her delicious fragrance strummed a feeling of intense awareness inside of him. Shifter. Yes, she was a supernatural, like him, but not a Dragon. In fact, there were no female Dragons far as he knew.

  It did not matter. This woman’s unique scent tantalized his senses. Some sort of feline. Yes. But which one? A mystery he’d soon solve. Taking another breath, he held back a shudder of anticipation.

  Delighted to find the small hints of her flavor were enough to ignite a flame in the deepest part of him. Lust surged through his loins so fierce he knew it was not simply because he’d gone without woman for over a century. This was the moment he’d been waiting centuries for.

  Her delicate scent washed over him in waves. Fresh and bright, with something more around the edges, something magical that heated his blood and stirred his beast. Mine, his Dragon tensed and pushed against his feverish skin.

  Was she as aware as him? He opened his eyes, knowing they shone with the gold of his dragon. He watched her closely for any sign of recognition.

  A flash from her eyes, a drop of perspiration on her brow, a tremor through her limbs, anything. Anything to show him she too recognized the call. But she remained cool and aloof. Untouchable. A perfectly poised feline, standing tall for all her tiny stature would allow. Beautiful, for sure, and proud. As if she were completely unaffected.

  We shall see about that, kitten.

  Rei needed to get closer to her, but not yet. First, he wanted to absorb every detail about this woman. His woman. Raising his eyes, he started at the low heels of her travelling shoes.

  Supple red leather covered her toes, revealing slim ankles and curvaceous calves. A woman’s ankles were considered highly erotic in his day. Staring at hers, he finally understood why. Biting back his need to growl, Rei continued his thorough perusal.

  He’d become familiar with the fact that modern women wore much less articles of clothing than they had the last time he was awake. That said, he was not entirely prepared for the sudden, intense flash of possessiveness that raced through him. He wanted to bare his fangs at Alameda and crush any man who’d glimpsed her like this!

  Another look and possessive fury was replaced with such intense lust that it hit him hard in the gut. He took in the skintight, knee length skirt that hugged her thighs and hips, showing off the indent of her tiny waist and this time could not contain the rumble of his chest.

  The silky blouse she wore highlighted her ripe, full breasts and the soft womanly swell of her curves. Both skirt and shirt were navy blue, not a particularly sexy color, but with her creamy olive toned skin and red tinted lips, the result was outstanding.

  She wore no jewelry, no other adornment than those assets the gods had blessed her with. And what incredible assets they were. Rei made a mental note to increase his prayers and offerings the next solstice.

  With a raised eyebrow she waited patiently until he was finished looking her over. Still, arrogant beast that he was, Rei took his time. She was quite beautiful and demanded all his attention. Surely, his kitten could appreciate that.

  Her shoulder length brown hair hung in a shiny and thick curtain, curling just around the edges. It was skillfully cut to frame her face and he found himself longing to bury his nose in the silky strands and run his fingers through it. A no-nonsense expression sat on her heart-shaped face, almost as if she was bored.

  Liar, liar. Rei stared some more, noting with interest the way her breathing increased, though she did her best to mask it. Her reddish lips parted, a small coral tongue darting out to wet her lips.

  Her smooth skin was glowing. Rei saw plenty of it between her sleeveless shirt and short skirt. Beautiful, but what struck him right to his core was her gorgeous eyes. Outlined just barely in dark kohl, they were mesmerizing.

  Her eyes weren’t just blue. They were an ocean of blues, a myriad of greens, with limitless depths and stormy pools threatening to drown his soul and keep it forever.

  Gladly, he thought, I’d willingly lose myself in her for eternity.

  His mind went back to her statement and he realized he was being made fun of. She’d taken his request for a man to mean something he’d not at all been insinuating. Rei was very much a heterosexual Dragon, though he’d no issues with those who preferred the same or both sexes. Still, it was a statement that needed addressing.

  “My sexual preference, kitten? Would you like a list, or shall I just teach you as we go?”

  “Mr. Dorado,” she took a step towards him and he noted with joy the slide of her thighs against one another under her tight skirt as she walked. Oh, the visions he had of parting those sweet thighs. Grrr.

  “I understand that you’ve been away for a while,” she spoke again recapturing his attention. Straightening her shoulders, she continued, “I can request another specialist, a male one, but he won’t have my expertise or knowledge-”

  “Don’t worry, I already changed my mind, Miss?”

  “How do you know it’s Miss? I could be married,” she said, tilting her head to the side.

  Rei’s Dragon snarled at the thought. Es meus.

  A sense of rightness flooded Rei’s system as he staked his claim even if only to himself. Her red lips widened into a sly grin and he had the feeling she was toying with him.

  Flaming balls, he cursed in his mind’s eye, a joyful refrain this time. This sassy, beautiful woman with the red heels, ocean eyes, and a wicked smile was perfect for him. He was sure of it.

  She is my mate. My Fated Mate.

  Rei sucked in another breath, nice and slow, desperate to get more, even the smallest hint of her essence inside of him. He stood up, forcing himself to move slowly.

  A small smile started in the corners of his mouth then spread widely across his face. He was not unattractive to females, on the contrary, he’d often been sought after when out and about in society. He simply never cared about his looks before and only hoped she’d find him pleasing to the eye.

  “Are you claiming to be married then, sweet kitten?” he circled
his desk noting the door to his office was closed and the two of them were alone.

  At some point Alameda must have left the room, not that it mattered. Rei had one singular focus at the moment, and it wasn’t his assistant.

  “Uh, why do you ask?” She faltered at the nickname.

  “Because if you are, I must apologize for I will soon be making you a widow,” he growled.

  “What? You’d kill my husband if I had one? Are you crazy?”

  “Then you are not married! Wonderful!”

  “Oh my gods, you are crazy!” She exhaled.

  “And you are indeed a Miss?”

  “Yes. No. I mean, Cora. My name is Cora Tesouro.”

  “Cora Tesouro,” he savored the sound on his tongue, “such a beautiful and apt name for my own heart’s treasure,” he lifted his hand and brushed a dark strand of hair away from her soft cheek.

  “Um, I’m here to show you how to use our soft-software,” she mumbled the words as Rei dipped his head.

  The magic spell that seemed to weave itself around him the second he’d caught sound, scent, and sight of her had his large body swaying closer to her softer, smaller one.

  Rei was lost. In her eyes, in her scent, in the sweet taste of her plump lips. He used both hands to run his fingers through her hair, skimming the sensitive skin at the base of her neck.

  She tensed, nostrils flaring. He recognized the signs. She wanted to bolt, to deny this thing between them.

  Oh no you don’t, kitten, he mused. He’d waited far too long to find his one. This beautiful creature was all too aware of who he was to her. Mate. Mine.

  That should definitely make things easier. His heart filled at the thought. After three hundred plus years of walking the Earth, he had finally found the one being in the universe created just for him.

  Yes, his Dragon hissed inside his head. The air was thick with their arousal. He knew he should wait, take the time to talk with her, get to know her, but he couldn’t help himself. They were not normals bent on some mating game.

  They were different, stronger, faster, able to distinguish with absolute certainty that they were meant for one another. A powerful need to touch her crashed through him.


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