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The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set

Page 5

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Don’t go. Our lunch will be here shortly,” he pleads.

  His eyes go soft as he speaks. I feel paralyzed to his voice, so all I can do is nod. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the chair in front of his desk. I watch intently as he takes his seat back, and soon, we’re playing a game of cat and mouse—who’s going to stay away the longest and who’s going to break.

  If I play my cards right, he’ll be the one breaking, but I have a feeling I’m no longer in control of my emotions.

  Chapter Six


  THE MOOD LIGHTENS once our food arrives, and Bentley begins telling me more about the company. I ask him questions, and he happily answers them. I dig for as much information as I can—anything that will help lead me to the answers I want.

  “This is starting to feel like an interrogation,” he says once we’ve finished our food. “I think it’s time for twenty questions—lightening round style.”

  I flash him a confused look, and he laughs. “I’m going to ask you questions as fast as I can, and you have to answer them all as fast as you can.”

  “That sounds painful.” I giggle. “But I’ll try it.”

  He smirks as he casually places his arms on top of his desk in front of me. “Okay, ready?”

  I nod. “Bring it.”

  He locks eyes with me as he begins his questions. “Favorite food?”


  “Favorite color?”


  “Favorite thing to wear to bed?”

  “A tank top and shorts.”

  “First boyfriend’s name?”


  “Age when you lost your virginity?”

  I try not to laugh at the absurd questions because he’s taking this so seriously, so I match his expression. I fold my hands on top of the desk and lock eyes with him as I answer.

  “Sixteen and a half.”

  He smirks.

  “Favorite position?”

  “This doesn’t sound very job related.”

  “No breaking the rules, Ceci.” Bentley rolls the sound of my name with seduction, making sure I listen to his made-up game.

  I swallow.

  “The roller coaster.”

  I read an article about it in Cosmo, and it sounds like something that’ll get his attention.

  And it does.

  He raises an eyebrow at me, and I can tell he wants to ask me what exactly that is—because only girls really know names of positions—so I’m assuming he’s clueless on what exactly I mean.

  “Don’t think we’re not getting back to that one.” He cocks a grin.

  “We’ll see.”

  He laughs.

  “Worst grade you ever got?”


  “Goody-to-shoe,” he jibes. I just shake my head at him.

  “The most interesting place you’ve ever had sex before?”

  I see the game he’s playing. One or two innocent questions before he pops in a sexual one.

  “At work.”

  I instantly close my eyes the second the words come out. Now he’ll get ideas in his head for sure.

  I hear him swallow. Hard.

  I open my eyes and see he’s adjusting himself. Now he’s hard.

  Fuck, that’s hot to see Bentley all sexually frustrated. I never noticed a guy adjusting his pants as much as Bentley does, and for some reason, it turns me on.

  It’s hot seeing what I do to him, and suddenly my body and heart are no longer fighting. They’re on the same level—matching heartbeats and sexual desires.

  I grin and lean over the desk to where his hands are resting. “Are you all right over there?”

  “I’d be better if I wasn’t rock hard getting blue balls,” he responds bluntly. I can’t help but notice how thick he looks under his pants. I can feel my cheeks heat up, but I quickly remind myself I can’t show him that side of me.

  I keep my stance, not wanting to show how much that affects me. “Hm…I could Google some of those bikini bimbos and get their numbers. I’m sure one of them could help you out with your… um…issue.”

  Bentley walks around the desk and aggressively grabs my hand. “You want to feel what you do to me, Ceci?” He wraps both of our hands around his thick, growing erection. “Do you want to know what you’ve been doing to me since the second I first met you?”

  My eyes halt on the firm bulge our hands are now grasping. I swallow in anticipation, but fear isn’t too far behind. I’m not used to boys—rather men—coming onto me so strong.

  “You’re blunt,” I blurt out.

  “Well, why shouldn’t I be? When I know what I want—who I want—I go for it,” he says in all seriousness. My heart practically stops at his confession, I’m unsure how to handle him—if I can handle him.

  Then again, I’m insanely attracted to him. I mean, who wouldn’t be? And if I make a scene now—something a young, inexperienced girl would do—I’d lose any chance of coming back and finding the information that I need. I couldn’t let him see that side of me.

  Not that I want to make a scene, but I’ll do anything to get what I need—to find the truth.

  I surprise myself when I allow him to move our hands up and down his thick length. My breath hitches as I feel his shaft stretching under the heat of my hand. He’s so close, making my body burn and my mind spiral out of control. I moan as our hands stroke his shaft together. He’s just what I imagined—thick and large—larger than I’ve ever felt before.

  “Do you feel that, Ceci?”

  “Mm hmm,” I moan, my eyes closing on their own accord. My entire body is trembling. My skin is covered in goose bumps, and my pussy is throbbing as I feel the fabric of his slacks around my hand.

  I can feel Bentley’s face close to mine. I lick my lips in anticipation, but before his mouth can meet mine, his cell phone rings, alarming both of us and making us immediately come apart.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  He searches for his phone in his pocket and curses again when he sees the name on the screen.

  “What?” he barks. “This is not a good time.”

  He turns and faces the window as he shifts his pants back into place. I can tell he’s trying to tame himself, and I take that as my cue to get the hell out.

  I need to stay focused. On task. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.

  Or so I keep telling myself.

  * * *

  I sit anxiously as I continue reading through open cases and scanning in transcripts. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but when I see it, I’ll know.

  I feel Bentley behind me before I see him. My body instantly shivers and feels cold when he walks in. I continue what I’m doing and ignore the fact that his body continues to get closer to mine.

  “I apologize for that earlier,” he begins in a more natural tone. He doesn’t sound as tense, but he’s not demanding, either.

  “It’s fine.” I wave him off, not turning around to look at him. “It was a weak moment. It’ll never happen again.”

  I hope that he accepts that and walks out so I can continue reading through files.

  He grabs my chair and jerks it around, so I’m forced to face him. My eyes widen on instinct as I brace myself for what’s to come.

  “I wasn’t apologizing for that.”

  I look up at him, and his eyes are no longer soft. He looks angry, hungry almost.

  “I was apologizing for having to take the fucking phone call.”

  “Oh.” I sound weak, but I can’t help it. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. My mind and body are at complete odds right now, and all I can think of when he stares at me like that is how good it would feel to have his hands all over me.



  Stay focused.

  “Ceci,” he growls, leaning his face in closer to mine.

  Fuck focused.

  “I just want you to know, in case your mind is racing a thousand mil
es per hour like mine is—that I don’t do this. I don’t go around groping my interns or people I work with.”

  I swallow.

  I know he’s trying to be genuine, but I just can’t take how serious he’s being. It’s making me uncomfortable and antsy.

  “Oh, so I get to be your first?” I taunt.

  He grabs me harshly and pulls me up, so we’re now standing chest to chest.

  “Perhaps you didn’t hear me correctly,” he barks. “I’ve never been like this with someone I work with, and definitely not someone I just met. I was trying to be nice instead of a fucking asshole and tell you so you wouldn’t think I was just using you.”

  “Well, aren’t you? I mean, for your…” I look down at his re-appearing bulge, “needs.”

  “I don’t need interns to take care of that for me,” he spits back.

  “What makes you think I’m not using you? You think you’re the only person capable of doing so?” I challenge, and I see the amusement in his eyes. He thinks I’m full of shit. So I continue playing. “Women like sex just as much as men do.”

  “Is that so?” He grins. “I have yet to meet another woman who can keep up with me.”

  I may not be as experienced in the world of sex, but I don’t let that scare me from accepting his challenge.

  “Let me be your first one.”

  Bentley’s mouth slams to mine before I can react. Right before our lips make contact, he stares at me as if I’m his last meal. He’s devouring me as such, but his hands are firm and gripping me tight. I reciprocate his moves, dancing my tongue with his, and grinding my body against his.

  I can feel him growing harder and hungrier with need. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling the same way. I’ve never been with a guy before that knew what he was doing, and I have a feeling Bentley knows exactly what he’s doing.

  His hands wrap around my waist as he pulls me closer to his chest. Our mouths explore each other, both fighting for the control that we crave, but I surrender and let him take the lead. My body is seizing in about a hundred places as I melt into his touch and lips. Being with a guy that I feel physically attracted to is something new, something I was oblivious to. I’ve liked boys before, but never felt this way and to this extent. This must be the difference between a boy and a man—Bentley gave no apologies for his domineering behavior, he took what he wanted, and I willingly gave it.

  This was new, but now that I’ve had a taste, I was more than willing to dive in.

  He quickly breaks the kiss and pants against my lips as he rests his forehead on mine. His eyes are closed, and I can tell he’s having an inner battle with himself just as I am. Part Devil and Part Angel are having a full-out wrestling match in my head.

  The throbbing in between my legs proves which one will eventually win. I’ve never felt such a desire before. It’s something that’s been awakened…and now it wants to be fed.

  He backs away while licking his lips. He never takes his eyes off mine as he makes his way out the door and soon out of sight. I stand there wondering if that really did just happen.

  * * *

  Before I leave, I knock on his office door to let him know it’s time for me to go.

  He’s sitting in his chair casually as if he’s been waiting for me.

  “I’m…um…heading home now. I scanned in transcripts and decoded some of the files. Perhaps you can teach me something new next week?”

  I really meant it as a teaching question, but soon realize he would take it as something else.

  “For the job, I mean,” I clarify and he laughs.

  “Absolutely. I’ll teach you whatever you want to know.”

  “Great.” I smile weakly. “Well, I’ll see you—”

  “Wait,” he interrupts. “I set up an email account for you. In case, I need to get ahold of you before next Saturday.”

  He holds out a business card where he’s written down the information. I walk toward him and grab it. I study it carefully and ask, “Why would you need to get ahold of me? I mean, it’s not like I do any real work around here.”

  “That may be true, but you are scanning in files that haven’t been evaluated in years. I might need some of your new, profound knowledge.”

  He’s eyeing me carefully, and I know he’s full of shit. However, I take it willingly and thank him.

  “I’ll see you soon, Ceci.” His voice is filled with amusement, but for some reason, I don’t think he’s joking.

  In fact, I think he’s dead serious, and that scares the living shit out of me.

  Chapter Seven


  The Invitation

  I WAKE UP Sunday morning with the taste of her still on my lips. I don’t want to go another week without talking to her, so I start thinking of things I can email her.

  My mind is pre-occupied the entire time I’m having brunch with my parents. It’s a tradition we do every Sunday, and although it makes me feel like a child that I’m ‘told’ to go, I like that we make time for each other since the rest of the week is busy with work.

  “So, Bentley, did you hear about the Montgomery’s?” my mother asks, breaking me out of my trance.

  “The Montgomery’s?” I rack my brain quick. “Oh, you mean how Mrs. Montgomery smuggled millions of dollars out of the country? Of course, I heard about that.” I just shrug at the story that’s headlined most of the local news.

  The Montgomery’s are like royalty in Nebraska. Mr. Montgomery’s the state senator who married a woman half his age.

  “Well, anyway, sounds like they’re going to brush it under the rug and keep it tight-lipped.” I hear the annoyance in her tone.

  “I don’t doubt that. I’ve written a few news pieces on it, but if they’d ever get the damn police files, I could write an actual report on it. People like her shouldn’t get away with shit like that.”

  “Enough about work, son,” my father interrupts. “What’s going on with your new intern? I haven’t heard a thing, and it’s been what…two weeks?”

  I shift uncomfortably in my chair at the mention of Ceci. My mind has been wondering about her since yesterday, and she was the last thing I wanted to talk about with my parents.

  “Ah, it’s working out great, I guess.” I try to sound casual, so they don’t suspect anything. “I’ve been showing her how to use the software, scanning in documents, reading transcripts, and teaching her the basics. It’s only been a couple weeks, so as time goes on, I’ll teach her more,” I reply honestly, because there’s a lot more I want to teach her.

  “Excellent.” He smiles wide. If there were one plus to this whole being forced to work in your family’s company, it was seeing him proud of me. I love knowing he’s happy with my work. “I knew you’d figure out how to train someone underneath you.”

  I grin to myself as I imagine her underneath me.

  After the not-so-brutal brunch with my parents, I head back home and pace the living room until I finally build up the nerve to email her.



  Subject: Company Policy


  I apologize for interrupting your Sunday. I forgot to give you the necessary paperwork while you were here. It’s company policy that I give you these.

  Attached below is the company handbook. Please look it over.

  Mr. Leighton

  I don’t know why I’m so eager for her to respond, but it’ll make me think she’s thinking of me as much as I’m thinking of her. After our kiss, my entire body has been tense, and all I want is to feel her lips against mine again.

  My phone beeps signaling I have a new email.



  Subject: Re: Company Policy?

  Mr. Leighton,

  Do you ever take a day off?

  I’ve been there two Saturday’s now.

  Ironic how you forgot.

  I will familiarize
myself with the company handbook right away.


  I smirk as I read her email at least three times. Such a cocky-mouthed, smart ass. And I love it. She’s not intimidated by me, yet she has to submit to my demands in order to keep her internship.

  And that is driving me fucking insane.

  I want any excuse to keep talking to her, but I know I have to keep my distance before I become too obvious.

  Oh, fuck it.



  Subject: Re: Company Policy?

  Yes, I’m aware. I was a bit distracted.

  Mr. Leighton

  It’s a risky move, but I hope she gets what I’m saying. And now my cock wakes up, begging for attention as I think of Ceci and the way she teases me without even knowing it—or perhaps she does.

  I need to do something to get her off my mind. Anything.

  I grab my gym bag and decide to go for a work out. Lifting and burning my sexual frustrations off will give me a clear head. Yes, that’ll work.

  And then my phone beeps again.



  Subject: Re: Re: Company Policy?

  I noticed.

  Enjoy your day, Mr. Leighton.


  I smile as I hear her seductive voice although her email reads so professionally. I don’t know why I read her email over and over as if there’s some secret code I’m searching for, but I do.

  I work out harder than I have in weeks. I run myself until my legs feel like jelly. I lift until I can no longer lift. I completely sweat through my shirt before leaving. And my mind is still running of thoughts of her...except, now it’s worse. The sound of her voice, the way her shapely legs walk in that skirt, the way her fingers carelessly brush against me—it’s all too consuming, and I have no idea why.


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