The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set

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The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set Page 38

by Brooke Cumberland

  As soon as I’m finished tearing everything off, I grab her around the waist and immediately guide her body to mine.

  “I like the way you think,” I growl, setting her up on the kitchen table. “Patience was never a good quality of mine anyway.”

  She laughs, tilting her head back. “That’s an understatement.” My lips find her neck, immediately drawn to her blistering skin. Her body is on fire, her nails clawing at me to get inside her.

  “So anxious…”

  She begins stroking my cock as my lips surrender to the skin just below her collarbone. I moan against her flesh, loving the way her hands work me. She’s aggressive in her touch, but not to the point where it’s too much—it’s fucking perfect.

  “Mm…” I hear a throaty moan release from her lips.

  “Lean back,” I order, standing up. With her ass on the table and legs around my waist, I release one of her legs and push it back toward her face. “Let’s see how stretched out for me you are.” I grin widely, knowing she’s always stretched out for me.

  “Like you need to doubt me,” she mocks, stretching her leg higher. I grip my cock in one hand as I hold her thigh up with the other. I rub against her slit torturously, making sure she’s wet and ready.

  “Fuck, you’re wet.” I push in slightly, just enough to make her back arch in anticipation. The tight sensation is almost too much, but god, it’s amazing.

  “Ah, god…” Her head falls back as she tries to reach anything to grip.

  I push all the way in, letting her body get used to it before thrusting against her. She relaxes, taking everything in easily.

  “Jesus Christ,” I growl, clenching my eyes closed. My body heats—overwhelming love and anticipation taking over. I pull out before driving back in harder and deeper, nearly taking her over the edge. Her fingers claw at my arms, grasping for any kind of support. I lean down, allowing her to hold me as her body clenches around me. “Yes, baby…let go,” I demand.

  Her eyes pop open on command, but rather than overwhelming euphoria as expected, I see fear.

  “Stop!” she shouts. “Please, stop.” Her body goes rigid, pushing me away and finding her footing.

  “W-What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you all right?” I spit out frantically. I have no idea what I did, but she’s completely panicking. She climbs off the table and begins grabbing her clothes off the floor, covering herself up. “Ceci, talk to me.” I grab my briefs and slip them on quick.

  “I-I can’t…I just need a moment, please.” She begins sobbing, something I haven’t seen her do in years.

  “Ceci, you’re killing me…” I try to grab her, but she races down the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind her.


  Chapter Thirteen


  Time to take action

  I DON’T EVEN know what happened, or how. Bentley and I have been together several times in the past two weeks, but suddenly, tonight something changed.

  I love when Bentley is spontaneous and just picks me up and sets me anywhere when he has that wanton need and desire to have me. I live for moments like that with him, so when flashes started spiraling into my mind of him and Hannah, I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt physical pain as my mind replayed the dream, making me feel ill at the image.

  I don’t know why my mind is trying to kill me, but it feels like I’m at war. I love Bentley and want nothing more than to share my life with him, but it’s starting to haunt me in a way I can’t control anymore. I don’t know how to move on from something I can’t change.

  “Ceci, please…talk to me.” I hear his pleas from outside the door. God, I’m so embarrassed. I feel sick. I don’t know how to explain to him what I feel—or rather see. This is such a disaster.

  “I just need a moment,” I say, hoping he can understand that I need to figure out my own feelings before I can even try to explain them to him.

  “All right…” I hear the worry in his voice. “I’ll be right here. I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.” He voice is sweet, tender. He’s not demanding or impatient, but rather, I hear the heartbreak in his tone.

  I take a few moments to compose myself, putting my clothes back on before facing him. I hardly know what to say, but I know I owe him something. I’ve never run out on him before like that.

  I inhale. Then I take a deep breath before I exhale slowly. I grip the door handle and slowly open it. Bentley’s standing against the wall, looking defeated and worried. As soon as he sees me, he pushes himself off and closes the gap between us.

  “Are you okay? God, I…I’m sorry. Just tell me what happened, and I can fix it.” His words are rushed, eager to do whatever it takes to make me feel better.

  “Bentley, stop,” I tell him before he starts freaking out. “It’s nothing you did. And it’s nothing you can fix.”

  “I don’t understand.” His face drops worried I’m about to give him bad news.

  I turn around and walk to the bed, motioning for him to follow me. I sit down and wait for him to sit next to me, knowing I need to just spill it.

  “I had a dream a couple of weeks ago…” I pause, needing to take a deep breath before continuing. “At first, it was you and me, and the next it was you and Hannah. I woke up, gasping for air and sweating. I ended up throwing up twice at the images alone, and then they kind of started haunting me randomly.” I feel his body tense as I talk about Hannah. “Tonight, they came back. It was out of nowhere. One minute it was just you and I on the table, and the next I was above watching you with Hannah…” I bow my head, feeling embarrassed. “I started to feel sick the second the images came to mind and that’s when I freaked out. It was the only way to stop them,” I explain.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

  I shrug. “Because it was only a dream. I felt better when you arrived home and things were fine. I mean, we’ve been intimate since then, so there was really no reason to say anything. I knew you were already stressing over her, and I didn’t want to add to it.”

  He cups my face, tilting my chin up toward him. “You should always tell me these kinds of things, even if you think I’m too stressed. I want to be able to help.”

  “But that’s just it—” My voice gets louder. “You can’t help me. You can’t do anything about it. I know she means nothing to you, yet my mind keeps torturing me. I just…I just need to wait it out. It’ll go away, eventually.”

  “This is all my fault. Fuck…I shouldn’t have freaked out over the interview. Had I just let it go, you wouldn’t be stressing over it as much.”

  “If you weren’t bothered by it, I’d probably be upset about that, too. It would’ve made me think you missed her or something, although deep inside I know that’s not true.”

  “That’s how I felt with the Jason pictures,” he confesses. “You didn’t seem bothered by it.”

  I shrug again. I hadn’t even thought of it like that. I was upset over the pictures, because they upset Bentley, but in reality, they meant nothing. Those pictures captured two friends having coffee and an innocent conversation. However, now that he brings it up, I can see his side of it.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize genuinely. “I hadn’t thought of it like that before now. I guess I’m just insecure at times.” I lower my head, ashamed I was feeling this way when he’s given me no reason.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he growls, taking me off guard. “I never want you to be sorry for something that we don’t control. The media, tabloids, photographers—all of them are only after one thing. Money. They don’t care how they get it, who they hurt, or what they ruin. But we can’t let them anymore. I don’t want that for us.”

  I nod, agreeing with everything he’s saying. And now I know I have to tell him the truth.

  “I read her interview,” I say softly, unable to keep eye contact with him. “That’s what triggered the dream, I think. You were gone still and I was beyond curious. Once I started it though, I wish I hadn’t, but I coul
dn’t stop. It was like some kind of self-torture.” My face is expressionless as I recall the night I read her words about the length of Bentley’s cock.

  I see him brush both hands over his face in frustration. I swallow hard, waiting for the outburst he’s about to lay on me.

  “I saw Hannah,” he states softly, looking down. “In L.A.,” he clarifies.

  “What do you mean? I thought Angie was handling all that.” I turn and look at him.

  “She was but it wasn’t good enough. At first, I wanted to find her and chew her ass out. And then once I saw her—”

  “What?” I urge him on.

  “She’s an addict, Ceci.” He turns and faces me. “She’s skin and bones. Her hair is falling out and she looked like absolute shit. Her apartment—”

  “Oh, my god! You went to her apartment?” I know I shouldn’t get off task, but I can’t help feeling uncomfortable with the fact that he was there.

  “It was the only way to find her. She has no job to go to. Besides, it was barely an apartment. It was awful.” I hear the pain in his voice and decide I need to stop overreacting. She’s obviously in trouble.

  “What did she say?”

  He looks down, ashamed. “She blames my mother that her career tanked. Her job was everything to her. Once it was gone, she fell into drugs and just…wilted to nothing.”

  “Wow,” I breathe out. “I wouldn’t have expected that from her.”

  “Me, either.”

  “So what happened?”

  “I asked her to retract her interview.”

  “Is she?” I ask hopeful.

  “She’s too sick to do anything, Ceci.” He looks up at me again. “I put her in a rehab center. She needed help.”

  My eyes raise as my shoulders push back in surprise. “You what? You sent her to a rehab clinic?”

  “She needed the help,” he says simply. “She would’ve died had I just left her there.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” I remark, my face expressionless as I debate with myself on being upset with him or not.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I should’ve, but I just wasn’t sure how much more you could take.”

  “So does that mean you’re keeping in contact with her now?”

  “Not her directly. I’ve been emailing and speaking to her counselors. Since I checked her in, and am paying to cover her time there, I told them I needed to stay updated.”

  “You’re paying for it, too?” I squeal. “Bentley…do you know how messed up that sounds? The woman who’s trying to sabotage your career and ruin our lives is the same woman you’re now trying to save?” I stand up, needing to distance myself. The words come out harsher than I meant for them to, but I was pretty certain I had to still be dreaming.

  “Ceci,” he growls, his voice firm and his tone low. “It was the right thing to do.”

  I sit back down, needing a moment to think. If I’m upset, then I’m the bitch that wishes Hannah would’ve eventually overdosed, and she would’ve gotten what she deserved. Otherwise, I can be that girl that understands Bentley felt he had a responsibility to uphold. I’m still not sure which way I should feel.

  Before I can apologize for the way I acted, I feel the bed shift as Bentley stands up and walks out of our room without a word.

  * * *

  I end up falling asleep on the bed by myself. I cried myself to sleep, harder than I have in a long time. I kept waiting for Bentley to walk in, but he never did.

  I wake up to my panties being pulled down. My eyes blink open, but it’s pitch black and I can’t see a thing. I hear Bentley’s pants as he towers over me.

  “What are you—”

  “Shh.” He puts his mouth over me, slowly pushing his tongue inside, and massaging it with mine. “I want to make love to you,” he says effortlessly. It’s hard to argue with that, but I can’t get past the fact that he just left me in here.

  “No…” I say softly, pressed up against his lips. “You walked out on me,” I pout. “You left me.”

  He rubs the pad of his thumb under my eye as a tear sneaks out. “I’d never leave you, Ceci.” His tone is gentle, tender. “I always fear losing you. My lifestyle being too much and one day you deciding you can’t handle it. I lost you once and it scares the shit out of me that I’ll lose you again. So I called Angie and fired her. Then I called my agency and told them I was done and to shove their contracts up their asses. And then I called my travel agency and got us plane tickets to get the fuck out of here. So, no, I didn’t leave you.” I feel him grin against my mouth. “Now, can I make love to my future wife?”

  I would’ve gasped and said a crap load of oh my gods had Bentley let me. He covers my mouth again with his, giving me no room to speak or ask questions. He grazes my shirt up, slowly lifting it over my head before dropping it to the floor. I moan in his mouth—giving him my silent apology that he never gives me the chance to say—as my hands claw at his biceps while he enters me slowly.

  * * *

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” He cups my face and kisses me tenderly on the lips. It’s barely after three in the morning. “Happy birthday.” He smiles down at me as we stand in the bedroom. “It’s going to be a long day. We’ve got to get going soon.”

  I smile back. “You mind telling me where we’re going?” I ask giddily, packing my suitcase. “I need to know what to pack,” I whine.

  He cocks a smile and shakes his head. “It really doesn’t matter—you won’t be wearing clothes.”

  I scowl, pretending to not be impressed with his answer. “You always say that and then I end up wearing the wrong thing,” I pout. “At least give me a hint.”

  “Bikini weather,” is all he says, backing out of our room, smirking at me. I pull my lower lip into my teeth, hiding the stupid grin that’s formed on my face. I’m in complete awe that Bentley’s planned something—something that gets us away from all the drama. “Oh…” He pops his head back in, only standing halfway into the doorway. “Pack your passport.”

  My jaw drops before I can get a word in. He backs out into the hallway before I can interrogate him. I have no idea what he’s up to, but I know I can’t wait.

  Bentley gives me absolutely no hints on our way to the airport. The only thing he’s told me is that we’ll be spending seven days and six nights in ‘paradise.’ I was reluctant at first, because I just started working my new job. However, Bentley told me he spoke with my boss this morning and handled it all for me, which meant I could truly enjoy every minute of whatever Bentley was up to.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I LOVE SURPRISING Ceci any chance I can get, but this’ll be the surprise of a lifetime. And I can’t fucking wait, especially since it’s her twenty-fourth birthday.

  I’ve worked with my travel agent for years now. So when I decided we both needed out of here, she was the first one I called to make arrangements. She’s always been good at getting last minute flights for me. Everything she has helped me plan is going to be beyond amazing.

  The flight has one layover and overall, will take twenty-one hours before we arrive at St. George, Grenada in the Caribbean’s. Although it’s a long and grueling flight, it’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I booked with one of the best resorts that I know will give Ceci everything she deserves.

  “I hope I remembered to pack everything,” she says, going through her mental checklist as she always does.

  “Sweetheart,” I interrupt her pretending to make checkmarks in the air. “If there’s anything we forgot the staff will be more than accommodating.”

  She latches onto my arm, snuggling her body against mine as we sit in first class of the last plane.

  “When do I get to know what we’re doing?”

  “When we arrive,” I say flatly. She knows we’re headed to the Caribbean now, but she has no idea exactly where or why.

  “Just maybe a small hint?” She tilts her head up to look at me with pleading eyes. I let
out a soft chuckle at the way she continues to be persistent.

  “Okay, fine.” I clear my throat. “We’ll be doing something we’ve never done before.”

  “Hmm…” she thinks it over a moment. “Are we swimming with sharks? Please tell me we aren’t. Ooh! Maybe dolphins? I’d love to swim with dolphins once.” I raise my brows at her, trying to keep a straight face. “Am I warm?”

  “Not even close.” I laugh.

  “You love this, don’t you? You could be kidnapping me for all I know. My family and friends would have no idea where to even start looking for me.” She huffs in a pretend pout. She hates not getting her way, and it’s just too damn funny seeing her get all worked up.

  I lean in, bringing my lips directly to her ear and whisper, “I promise you it’s going to be incredible. Just enjoy yourself.” I lightly kiss just below her ear, her body shivers in response.

  She grins, looking back up at me. “All right, fine. I trust you.” She leans her head against my shoulder and proceeds to sleep the rest of the way.

  * * *

  My body is all jacked up as we land and grab a cab to the resort that is only a few miles away. I’m beyond excited to see her reaction as she sees where we’ll be staying the next week.

  When I viewed the pictures online, I knew it was just right for her. The ocean is clear blue, the sand is white; the entire view bright and sunny and unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Once I saw the photos—that’s when I knew—this was the perfect place to elope.

  “Are you ready?” I whisper against her ear, my hands covering her eyes. I made sure she kept them closed as a driver brought us to the resort. Once we arrived, he unloaded our luggage as I helped Ceci out of the cab, her eyes remaining closed.

  “Yes, I’m dying!” She giggles. “Please let me look.”

  With the time difference, it’s only eleven pm here, making it still her birthday.

  I kiss her neck lightly before whispering, “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” and uncover her eyes. My hands land on her hips as she lets out an audible gasp, her hands covering her mouth as she takes in the full view of where we are.


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