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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Always an asshole, aren't you Scott?” She turns and walks back into the house. I fucking hate her, she's never accountable for anything. “Hailey, the douchebag’s here.” Nice.

  It doesn't take long for Hailey to show up and stand by the door, bruises marring her porcelain skin. Her cheekbone is a shade of yellowish green and she has a bruise on her right temple. “Scott.” It's barely a whisper but I hear it loud and clear.

  “Heard you were moving in and might need someone strong to help move the heavy objects.” I don't want to push too hard right now, I want her to get used to me being around her.

  A beautiful smile forms on her lips and she looks behind me, “Where is this someone strong?” Nathan is wrong and right. I see the brokenness in those green eyes but she's still got her spunk and her wit and that means he's not taken everything from her.

  “Dad’s on his way.” I tell her tongue in cheek and she laughs and it's like a punch to the gut. Hearing that sound, it's everything. “While we wait, can I help with anything?”

  “You any good with a screwdriver? I've got a new bookshelf that needs putting together and I can't make head nor tail of it.” She's looking hopeful.

  “Lead the way oh wise one.” her giggle makes me smile. “How big of a bookcase are we looking at?”

  “Um, a big one?” She doesn’t sound too sure, I follow her into the house and coldness seeps into me, I haven’t been back here since Luke and I found Morgan shot. Alex, Luke’s and my ex, went crazy. She believed that her and Luke were meant to be together and that Morgan was in the way of that happening. Alex broke into Morgan’s house and shot her, luckily Morgan being a cop, shot her back and killed her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. Which is your room?” She points to the room at the back of the house and my eyes find Maddie, the bitch is staring at me with a fucking smirk on her face, “Why the hell do you have the small room?”

  She shrugs, “Maddie wanted that room.”

  “I bet she fucking did.” I give Maddie my death stare and she scurries away like a rat.

  Hailey doesn’t say anything until we’re in her room, “I also know that was the room Morgan was shot in. I couldn’t stay in there so I made Maddie believe that she got her way.” She smirks at me and as I take a step closer to her she takes two steps backward, anger courses through me, I would never hurt her. She blushes, looking ashamed, “Sorry, it’s instinctive,”

  I take another step toward her, I watch the war she’s having internally but she stays still. “Don't apologize. Never apologize to anyone and especially for that.” I growl out, I can't help it, she brings out this side of me. “I know she's your sister but it doesn’t look like she's changed.”

  Her laugh is bitter, “you'd think for the price they charge that she would have at least grown a conscience. I've yet to have a thank you, hell even a ‘how are you?’ would have been nice.”

  “Why do you put up with it?” I don't know when she became this person, the woman I see before me who has lost the love for life.

  “That's the million dollar question isn't it?” She looks past me and that amazing smile lights up her face, I don’t need to turn around to see who it is, she only smiles like that for my dad. “Hi Steven.”

  “What no hug?” He teases her and she doesn’t even hesitate, she rushes into his arms. “It’s good to see you, how is it having Maddie home?”

  “It’s as though she never left.” Although Hailey is making it sound like a joke both dad and I can hear the strain in her voice.

  “Hmm, I bet it is. Come on, let's get you moved in. Luke should be here in a minute along with Morgan.” Dad tells her as he pulls her out of the room leaving me alone with this bookcase which is huge, how many books does she have? Her and Sophia have a lot in common. Sophia has a room dedicated to her books. I call them her mommy porn.

  It takes me just under an hour to get this bookcase put together and by that time the girls U-haul is unloaded and they’re unpacking. Hailey kept glancing at me anytime she came into her room, I could feel her eyes boring into me and the one time I did turn around and look at her she blushed and hurried out of the room. That attraction is still there and I’m going to play on it, I’m not letting her go, not this time.

  “Okay ladies, it’s time we went home and left you two to celebrate your new home.” Dad tells them and it doesn’t take Luke long to stand up and get his jacket. I know that he hates being in this house, he thought Morgan was dead. She was laying on the floor blood seeping out of her and we had no idea how bad it was. He’s itching to leave and get Morgan out of here.

  Hailey walks us to the door, Maddie not even saying goodbye or thank you. “I’m sorry about her, I think she’s overwhelmed.” She’s making excuses for her and it’s pathetic. Maddie’s a grown fucking woman and shouldn’t be having her little sister lie and come up with excuses for her shitty attitude. “Thank you all so much for helping us get settled, I really appreciate it.” The shyness of her smile is cute and as everyone says their goodbyes and get into their cars and drives off, I wait at her door. “Thank you, Scott. I really needed today. I needed normality.”

  I lean forward and kiss her cheek, making sure she feels my lips on her. “I’ve missed you Hails and it’s so fucking good to see you smile again.” I whisper to her and watch her body shiver, I smile inwardly as I pull away and see that her pupils have dilated. “I’ll see you soon.” I wink at her and turn away. That went well, at least she didn’t flinch or back away, to me that’s progress. Tomorrow is a new day; a new day to get her to trust me again.

  Chapter Seven


  “Mads,” The disappointment is evident, I can’t believe her, I honestly thought she had changed. I honestly had hope, when she came home from rehab she seemed different. She acted confident, healthy, and determined. She even sounded genuine in her apology to Winter, I actually believed her. I’m gullible and naive when it comes to Maddie but never again, it's all just an act with her and one that I won't be buying into again.

  “I know Hails, I know.” She's full of shit, she knows nothing. She doesn't care, hell if she did she wouldn't be lying on the sofa watching television instead she'd be trying to make amends.

  “I've had enough Mads, I've had enough shit to deal with and I don't need any more of yours. You're the most selfish person ever, all you care about is yourself.” she rolls her eyes at me not giving a fuck about what I'm saying. “Fine, have it your way. We're roommates, nothing more. I'm finished being taken for a ride, so get up off your ass and get a job or you're out on the streets.”

  I walk away and into my bedroom, she doesn't give a shit, she's happy because she's got a roof over her head. I had told her that I would pay her half of things until she got settled, but why should I? She uses people to get what she wants and she won't be using me any longer. I won't take it anymore, I've had enough of being everyone's doormat and I'm finally standing on my own; especially after getting out of that toxic relationship. Eric found someone new to be a dick too and I feel sorry for his new girlfriend. She's his personal assistant who got a bit too personal. The day I found out he had her was the happiest day of my life, I was finally free and although it may be sick, I was grateful that he had a new victim.

  Bile rises on my throat as I hear the key in the lock that can only mean one thing; Eric’s home. “Hailey,” he shouts before the front door is even closed behind him. He doesn't sound mad, that's the one thing I look out for, I need to know his mood as he comes home. Plenty of times I've been caught unaware only to say something and in return receive a backhand to my face.

  “Hey,” I try and say things to him as politely as I can, I don’t think I’ve hated anyone in my life, I’ve said I hate you to Mads but I’ve never meant it and I never thought I had it in me to do so. But Eric proved that I do and I know that this hatred I have for him is never going to go away.

  “I heard Maddie’s home?” Fear grabs me by the throat, he can’t know, o
nly Maddie and Morgan know that I’m planning on escaping. They’re the only ones to know that tomorrow I’m leaving here and leaving him. I’m going to get help, I’m going to talk to Morgan and let her know the threats he’s made. “How is she?” Why is he being nice? He’s never nice anymore.

  I swallow hard wondering if this is a test, is he testing me to see if I’ll tell him the truth? “She seems better.”

  He nods, “That’s good, I’m happy for you.” What the ever-loving fuck is going on? “Is dinner ready?”

  “Yes, it's ready. I’ll serve it now.” I scurry away not wanting to be around him, something isn't right, he's up to something and that is never a good thing. I serve the dinner in record time, doing everything possible not to make him mad.

  “This looks delicious.” I prefer it when he was silent, at least that way I didn’t have to speak and if I didn’t speak he couldn’t hurt me. “What did you do today?” He enquires, he’s definitely trying to catch me in a lie.

  “I met up with Winter and Maddie and then I had lunch with Morgan.” His eyes narrow at the mention of Morgan, he dislikes her because she’s a cop. He doesn’t say anything else and I hope that’s the last of the questions.

  Dinner passes in silence and I'm grateful for the reprieve but wondering what the hell is going through his head. I'm waiting for him to flip, to say that he knows what is going on, how I'm not allowed to leave him. My mind spins out of control with thoughts of what he's planning to do to me.

  Ten o'clock comes around and I've not seen him since dinner. I've kept to myself, not wanting to interrupt him. I decide this is the best time to go to bed. Thankfully I don't have a room with him. I snore and would keep him up at night so I was moved into the spare room. Not that I ever complained, that room is my safe haven. He's never stepped foot inside of it and I've managed to have everything packed and ready for my escape tomorrow.

  “Hailey…” He calls from his office as I walk past and he sounds hesitant. Oh my God, what's going on? I turn and face him, he stands against the office door. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Okay, what’s up?” I’m so fucking scared right now.

  “I love you, you know that, right?” I nod, he tells me all the time that he loves me but I never return the sentiment.

  “Things between us have been different lately, you’ve grown distant and in doing that I found solace elsewhere.” Wait, he found someone else? Please God, let him have found someone else. “My assistant, was around and I was weak. I’m going to give you some space. I’ll understand if you want to find a place of your own.”

  “Okay,” I’m not sure what else to say. I’m kind of gob smacked right now.

  He moves from the door and saunters toward me, “I’m sorry Hailey, I know that things between us went wrong somewhere along the way. Anyway, I’ll leave you be.” He leans down and kisses my cheek before going back into his office and closing his door behind him.

  I walk to my room in a daze unable to comprehend what has just happened, I’m free. God, I’m free. This feeling I have is one I never expected to have, I always thought I’d have to look over my shoulder. Have the cops involved before he finally leaves me alone. I work in an investigative job, I know the ins and outs of men and women like Eric who are intimidating, obsessive, manipulative, and violent. I know of the devastating effects being in these relationships cause. I just couldn't let him kill Maddie or Jake, the two people I love unconditionally. I get into bed and for the first time in months I have a genuine smile on my face, I fall into the most peaceful sleep I’ve ever had knowing that tomorrow I’ll be free from him.

  Even though Maddie’s still the same, I’m happy and I’m excited to go back to work tomorrow. I haven’t been in for a while, I needed to get things ready to leave Eric, turns out I didn’t need to. I run myself a bath, wanting to relax. Seeing Steven, Luke, Morgan, and Scott today meant so much to me, I haven’t been sociable in a while and each of them had spoken to me separately, each of them begging me to seek help. That they will help; all I have to do is ask. So many times I wanted to scream that I needed help, that I needed saving but the words would never come. All I could see was that gun to Maddie’s head and him pulling the trigger.

  I get into the bath and put Spotify on. I let my favorite playlist run through, listening to millennial music is nostalgic. I have a memory of me, maddie, and mom dancing to Destiny’s Child ‘Say My Name’ and dad coming home and joining in. I sing along to Christina Aguilera and Usher as I lay in the bath. This is the best decade of music, I know this entire playlist. I can sing every song as I know every lyric. My favorite song is Twista featuring Kanye West and Jamie Foxx ‘Slow Jamz’. That song, no matter how many times I listen to it, it just has the ability to cheer me up.

  A knock on the bathroom door is followed by Maddie calling me, “Hails.”

  “Yeah?” I call out over the music and she lets herself into the bathroom. “I said yeah, not come in.” I tell her trying to cover myself a bit more.

  “I know but I wanted to talk to you.” She tells me as she turns off the music. I watch in disbelief as she sits on the floor, her back to the wall and her knees up to her chest.

  “Couldn’t this have waited? I’m in the bath Mads.” Although I don’t know why the hell I’m telling her that, she can see that I am.

  “I know but I need you to listen okay?” I nod and wait for her to continue, “I know I’m a bitch, I’ve tried my whole life to fit in. Both Soph and Winter had money, anything that they wanted they got, whereas we had to wait until mom and dad saved up for it. I hated that, I hated that I was less than everyone else, that we were less than everyone else.”

  What? I never knew she felt this way, why didn’t she say anything? “Mads, that doesn’t give you the right to act the way you do.” Her attitude is disgusting and I know that both mom and dad would be so disappointed in her.

  “I know it’s not, when mom and dad died I felt lost, I felt as though I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I had a job, one that up until that point kept me in my lifestyle, but then I had to pay the bills and had more responsibilities that I couldn’t even handle. I did the only thing I could think of to keep everything as it was and keep both of us fed, I used the money that was left to the two of us. When that ran out, I went to Hardy, it was so easy. Getting the money, I mean, he didn’t ask many questions and he handed me a grand that same day. So, I kept going back and borrowing more each time.” She’s hugging her knees, as if that’s her lifeline.

  I hear the explanation and it makes sense in her twisted way, “The one thing I don’t get is why you had to have that lifestyle. Both Winter and Sophia don’t live like that so why did you have to?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I got used to looking amazing, having everything new and it became my way of life. My identity if you will.” I roll my eyes at that, it’s bullshit. “Everyone knew me as the girl who looked sharp, look Hails, I fucked up. Look at me,” I do and I don’t understand, what does she want me to see? “I’m make up free and I’m wearing tatty clothes, just as I have been all day. I don’t need those things any more. I’ve realized that I can wear stuff from Target and as long as I feel good, I’ll look good.”

  “That’s all well and good to say it now Mads, but the damage has been done.” I’m happy for her if she’s found some inner solace but I can’t bring myself to believe her, I’ve been stung way too many times by her.

  “After I realized what had happened between David and Winter. I realized I had become someone I didn’t even recognize. I told him that Winter was interested in him when she wasn’t. Because of me he raped her. I started to do coke because I had hoped it would numb the pain of what I had become but it didn’t and the next thing I know, I’m addicted to heroin. I just hope that by the time my time on this earth is over I can redeem even a little bit of myself. I know that I’m not that evil person, I want to prove that and I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it.” She gets up
and walks away, I don’t know how to reply to her, what do I say?

  She gets to the door and stops, I wait for her to say something I don’t know what the hell she wants from me, am I going to forgive her? Probably, she’s my sister, am I going to trust her again? Maybe but she has a lot of changing to do, she may believe she’s changed but she’s not changed on the inside. “I love you Hails.” She walks out of the door without waiting to see if I’d reply. She’s not said she’ll change her shitty attitude, just that she’s going to redeem herself. She’s made excuses for the way she is whereas she could have said hands up, I made monumental mistakes and I’ll work at trying to make amends.

  So much for having a relaxing bath, I get out and dry off. Maybe I’m being too hard on her, she’s just out of rehab and it’s going to take some time to adjust. I’ll give her a bit of space for the next few weeks and see if she actually does change. I pull on my pajamas, I feel so tired right now and I can’t wait to get into bed in my own room, in my own house. As I come out of the bathroom I’m faced with darkness except for a tiny glow from the kitchen which means Mads gone to bed. She left the under cabinet lights on for me, as she knows I like to have cocoa before bed.

  Before I even reach the kitchen, I’m startled by pounding on the front door. Who the hell could it be at this time of the night? The pounding continues and I’m rooted to the spot, “Hails?” I hear Maddie calling me but it sounds foggy.

  The pounding gets louder and I see Maddie start to walk toward the door when we hear a voice that sends shivers down my spine. “I know you're in there, bitch. Open this fucking door before I kick it in.”

  “Maddie, don’t open the door.” I whisper shout at her but there was no need to tell her as her face is ashen with fear. “Mads,” I whisper, so angry, how the hell did Eric find out where we’re living?

  The pounding continues, this time it sounds as though he’s trying to kick the door down. “Hailey, let's go into your room and call the cops.” But it’s too late, the door splinters to pieces and standing there in a rage is Eric. I’m stuck, why is he here? “Move, now.” Maddie yells at me as she pushes me toward my room. “Go, go to your room and lock the door. Call the cops. Hails, please go.” Her eyes plead with me and I nod quickly before turning and running.


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