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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

Page 12

by K. L. Humphreys

  “The Prestige.” She’s glowing, she’s so happy. The Prestige is a museum that has prestigious collections, I’ve been once and that was because Addison dragged me to it. It features up and coming artists along with the classics like Pollock, Van Gogh, Monet, Warhol, and Munch. When she told me the names of the artists I blanked at the rest of the names she said as they were the only artists that I had heard of. Museums became her safe haven, she visits them at least once a day if not more. She says the paintings take her into a different world, looking at them she can imagine how they were painted and what the artist was watching as he painted them.

  “Congratulations, that’s amazing.”

  “Thanks, so have you told Scott about the strange feelings you’ve been getting?” Damn, now she’s worried and I don’t want her to be. I shouldn’t have told her.

  “Not yet, I haven’t felt it today and if I feel it again I’ll tell him. There’s no point in worrying him when it could be nothing.” It’s not nothing, someone has been following me, I can feel them. I can feel their eyes on me everywhere I go, I felt it today and I don’t want to tell Scott because he’ll think it’s Eric and have me on lock down.

  “Do you think it’s him? I mean no one knows where he is.” She looks around the coffee shop trying to see if she can see him, even though she doesn’t know what he looks like. “Do you think he’s been watching you the whole time?” Yes, I do think that but having her say it makes it more real, there’s a very good chance that he’s been watching me and maybe telling Scott is the right thing to do. “What about Maddie, have you told her?”

  “No, she’s been busy lately.” I shrug, I know that she’s up to something and I hope that it’s not drugs again, I hardly see her anymore and if I do it’s for five minutes or just before she goes to bed. Most mornings she’s up before me and home after me, I just hope whatever it is that it’s legal.

  “How are things with you and Will?” She came back from London with a weird friendship with Will Travers. Ryder despises him and although he hasn’t said anything to either Will or Addison about them not seeing each other, he makes them uncomfortable when they’re around each other. Hell, he makes us all feel uncomfortable when they’re around each other. Will works at Smithy International too and he’s known Ryder since they were teenagers, nobody seems to know why Ryder dislikes Will and everyone’s too afraid to ask in case they get fired.

  “Weird, I don’t know. When we first came home he asked me out on a date.” My mouth opens in shock, how is this the first time I’m hearing about this? We all think they’re dating but they’ve never actually come out and said so. “I said no, I wasn’t ready then, hell I don’t know if I’m ready now. I never told anyone because there was nothing to tell.” She looks depressed, like someone’s kicked her puppy.

  “So why is it weird?”

  “Because I like him, like really like him but I don’t think he likes me.” I roll my eyes at her because that is total bullshit, he does like her, “No seriously Hails, he’s been seeing some blonde woman.” Her eyes go glassy, she’s on the verge of crying.

  “I don’t believe that. You’ll go home now and he’ll be messaging you. No way he doesn’t like you. You two have been not dating - dating for a while now, we all think that so why do you think he’s seeing some blonde bimbo?”

  “I saw them together, she was leaving his house.” The tears fall and I feel so bad for her, what a fucking jerk. “I thought he liked me. I’m so stupid Hails.”

  “You’re not stupid, he’s a dick. The best thing to do is ignore him from now on.” She nods as she wipes the tears away, “You’ve been through too much already to have an asshole mess with your feelings like that.”

  “You’re right. I deserve better than that. I want what you all have, each and every one of you have found the perfect man, found your perfect men. The way Scott looks at you is as though you’re made from the finest china, he’d kill anyone if they harmed you. I want that, I want that feeling of knowing the person I’m with is the be all and end all.”

  She’s right, Scott is the be all and end all for me, he always has been. I lost my way for a while but true love will never pass you by. If it’s meant to be it’ll be no matter when it is. “Every single one of us have been in the position you’re in. We’re all wondering when we’re going to meet the one. Look at me for crying out loud, I was with an abusive asshole when the whole time my one was right in front of me. Sometimes we need to kiss some frogs so we can meet our prince.”

  “Yeah, I hope my prince shows up sooner rather than later.” She winks at me and I know that she’s going to be okay, she’s a tough chick and she’s going to give Will hell. It’ll teach him for being an ass, we all know that he likes her, he’s just being a douche bag. We finish up our coffees and I wave goodbye to Jake who holds his hand up to his ear like a phone, he’s telling me he’ll call me later. I nod and blow him a kiss. Smiling that I have him back in my life again.

  It’s ten at night and I’m wondering where the hell Maddie is, she’s not answered any of my calls or texts and I’m starting to get worried. She usually always answers, she’ll either answer my call or she’ll text and say that she’s busy but she’ll call as soon as she can. I’m so worried that I’m contemplating calling Morgan, even though Morgan doesn’t like her she’d help me find her. The door opens and relief washes through me that is until I see her tear stained face. I’m up off the sofa and over to her, I pull her into my arms and she collapses into them. Her body bucking as she sobs, I bring her down to the floor and rock her, tears are falling from my eyes too. I have no idea what’s happened all I know is my sister is hurting.

  I wait until she’s finished crying, I’m still rocking her. “What happened Mads?”

  “I found her Hails, I found Nicole.” Holy shit, I’m in shock, how did she manage that? “She’s beautiful.”

  “I have no doubt that she’s anything but. How did you find her Mads, I thought she was adopted?” I can’t stop smiling, holy shit she actually found her.

  “Her adoptive parents died a few years ago. She’s in foster care, my baby girl doesn’t have the loving family I had hoped. I’ve fucked up so badly Hails, I gave her away. She’s going to hate me.” Her body starts to buck again, I smooth her hair down hoping it will soothe her. “Her social worker said that she’s a problem child. A problem child, what the hell Hails? This is all my fault.”

  “Whoa, okay, firstly, it’s not your fault and Nicole isn’t going to hate you. She’s an eight-year-old who has lost her parents and is acting out, she doesn’t know what else to do. That isn’t a problem child that’s a hurt child.” She looks at me with so much hope in her eyes, “We lost our parents and we didn’t know how to deal with it, imagine being eight, not only losing your parents but being put into foster care?”

  “You’re right, I really hope she doesn’t hate me.” My big sister, the one I’ve always known was underneath that false bitchy bravado is finally coming out, her walls are down and she’s letting me in.

  “She won’t, what are you going to do?”

  The most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen graces her face, “I’m doing something I should have done a long time ago. I’m getting my daughter back.” she riffles through the papers she has in her hands but before I get to see what she’s got, I’m pushed behind her. “Hailey, run to your room and call the cops. Now!” She whisper-shouts at me and I look up and see Eric standing in the open doorway. Shit, we forgot to lock up after she came in. “Now Hailey.”

  “No Hailey, you stay here!” he shouts as he waves a gun around. “You’re not allowed to leave me.”

  “Hailey, do as I fucking say! Run.” She turns to me, her eyes pleading with me.

  I do as she says and run to my room, images of the last time enter my mind but I can’t focus on them. I need to get help, I need to call the cops. My cell is in the pocket of my hoodie and I pull it out and dial 911. As I’m telling them what’s happening I grab my gun,
just as I’m giving them my address I hear a gunshot and the cell slips from my hand as my eyes widen.

  I rush out of the room and see Eric standing there with a gun pointed at Maddie. Looking at Maddie I see she’s lying on the floor, blood pouring out of her, “No!” I scream, the tears falling as I run over to her. I land harshly on my knees and place my hand over her wound trying to stop the bleeding. “Mads, please.”

  “Get Nic, look after my baby for me.” She whispers reaching out to touch my hand.

  “You’ll get her, she’s going to be so happy to be with you.”

  “No, I won’t. Promise me you’ll look after her and love her with all of your heart?” Tears slip out of the corner of her eye, she’s pleading with me.

  “I promise, please don’t die. Mads I need you.” I’m begging her even though her eyes are telling me that she’s sorry.

  “I love you Hailey, I’m so sorry for how I treated you. You were the best thing in my life.” Her eyes close and I scream, I scream at her to open them, to not leave me but when her hand slips from mine I know she’s gone. I turn my head and realize that Eric is gone. I wail and scream. Why her? Why take my sister?

  Chapter Thirteen


  My cell rings, fuck, I’m not even home yet. I look at the screen and see Morgan’s name. I hit answer and she doesn’t even let me speak, “Where are you?” She’s frantic, her tone screams of worry and fear.

  “I’m almost home why?”

  “Scott, a call has just came in to dispatch… shots fired at Hailey's apartment.” I can hear the tears in her voice but I can't speak as fear grips me, I put my foot down on the accelerator. I hear her heavy breathing coming down the line, “I'm on my way, I'm seven minutes out.”

  I finally find my voice, “I'm five minutes out, less if I don't hit traffic.” I'm praying I don't hit traffic.

  “Scott, Eric is armed.” she tells me in warning. He won't be the only one armed, that fucker is going down. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” I end the call and drive, hating that yet again Hailey is in the clutches of that fucking lunatic. I should have been home an hour ago but I had to finalize the paperwork on a surprise I have for Hailey.

  I park as close to the door as possible and run into the building. As I walk into through the doorway, I see that our doorman Norman is lying on the floor, a bullet wound to his head. Fuck, that fucking asshole Eric, I can’t wait to get my hands on the bastard. I run up the stairs and I can hear screaming and it's Hailey’s screams. My stomach drops as I listen to those tortured screams. What the hell is happening to her? “Nooooo!” She’s screaming it over and over again, it’s getting louder as I edge closer to her room, there’s people standing around the doorway just watching. I push my way past the crowd and come to a dead stop as I see why Hailey’s screams sounded so tortured, I scan the room and the crowd and there’s no sign of Eric. Fuck, the asshole managed to escape again!

  She’s on her knees with Maddie’s head on her lap. She’s screaming “no!” over and over again as she rocks back and forth. Tears fall as I watch the scene in front of me, Maddie’s lifeless body and Hailey’s anguish is more than I can fucking take. I walk over to her and kneel beside her, blood staining her clothes, hands, and face. She glances at me, “She did it again.” She can hardly speak through the sobs.

  I’m so confused, what did she do again? “What?” It comes out harsher than I intended, I’m pissed that Eric is nowhere to be seen.

  She turns her gaze back to Maddie, I watch as she lovingly strokes her face. “I know you all hate her but she’s my sister.” The sobs get louder and her body bucks with them. I put my hand on her and she shrugs my hold off, “She’s my sister.” I can’t take the brokenness of her voice, it’s fucking killing me, “My sister.” She whispers as she leans down and kisses Maddie’s head.

  “Hailey, come on, let’s wait for Morgan to get here.” I don’t want to say the coroner even though we both know that’s who’s coming.

  “No,” She screams, “I’m not leaving her.” She’s shaking her head and holds onto Maddie tighter. “Go away, I don’t want you to gloat. Happy that the bitch is gone.” At the word gone, her body bucks again and she bends down and leans into Maddie.

  I have to get her away, I can’t leave her like this. “I didn’t hate her.” technically that’s not true, I hated the way she treated everyone and I hated the way she treated Hailey. She doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t even lift her head from Maddie, “Hails.”

  “Oh shit.” I hear and I don’t need to turn to know that Morgan is here. She walks the other side of Hailey and crouches down, “Hails,”

  Hailey’s head shoots up and I can’t see her face, “She’s gone.” She cries and the tears are still falling from her face and I can tell that Morgan’s having a hard time right now being professional. “She’s gone.” She repeats but this time it’s a whisper.

  “I’m so sorry honey,” Morgan whispers back, her tone full of sorrow and sadness. “Can you stand and come with me?”

  She's shaking her head, “I can't. I can't leave her alone.” Hailey’s hands gripping Maddie’s arms like a lifeline.

  “We won't be leaving her, we’ll be right here okay. I just need to talk to you.” Morgan tells her gently.

  Her words seem to work as Hailey lets go of Maddie and for the first time since Morgan’s arrival, Hailey looks at me. Her eyes bloodshot and her mascara has run down her face, she looks absolutely broken. Her eyes hold so much pain that it hurts to even look at them. “I'm scared to let her go.”

  I hold my hand out and she moves Maddie’s head off her lap before taking my hand. As soon as she's on her feet I pull her toward me, she crashes into my chest and wraps her arms around me and sobs. I hold her close, I don't want to let her go. She's hurting, and there's nothing I can do take that hurt away. I stand like this until Morgan throws a sheet over Maddie and Hailey's sobs die down. Once they have I lift her into my arms and walk over to the chair so Hailey won't be looking at Maddie’s covered body. I sit with her still in arms as Morgan sits on the sofa opposite, Hailey burrows into me quietly crying into my body.

  Morgan coughs quietly and I look to her, she looks nervous. “Hailey, are you able to answer a few questions? I can bring you down to the precinct, let the coroner take good care of Maddie so she's not lying on the floor anymore?”

  “She'll be alone, I can't leave her alone.” She starts to cry again. Fuck, what can we do, I don't want her staying here while Maddie’s still here. It's not healthy and it's not helping, we need to ask her questions and her being in the same room is clouding her mind. Her sister's dead body is all she can focus on.

  “She won't be alone, I promise you.” Morgan whispers, tears shining in her eyes and I don't know how she hasn't let them fall. Hailey nods, she's agreeing to go to the precinct. “okay, let's get you out of here.”

  Hailey climbs out of my lap and she's over to Maddie before I'm even out of the chair. I turn and watch as she pulls the sheet off her, “I'm so sorry, I never wanted this. My mistake turned into a deadly one and you paid the price. I love you, I promise I'll find her. I'm sorry you never got to meet her.” She kisses her forehead and whispers something to her, it's so low that I can't hear what she's saying. “I'm so sorry.” is her last words before she stands and walks toward the door.

  “Son, what are you doing sitting in the dark?” Dad asks as he switches on the light.

  After Hailey gave her statement I brought her to dads. I was hoping it would be somewhere she'd feel safe. She doesn't want to talk, she won't eat and I'm at a loss of what I can do to help her. I held her as she cried herself to sleep, I couldn't sleep, anytime I closed my eyes all I could hear was Hailey’s tortured screams. “Just thinking.”

  He walks into the room and sits down on the sofa, for the first time in a long time I study him. The once dark brown hair is now almost gray, his frown lines are now wrinkles and the sparkle he used to have in his eyes is now
gone. He’s gotten old and frail looking and no doubt it’s because the last few years have taken its toll on all of us. “What’s got you thinking so hard?”

  I ask him the question that has been on my mind for months. “Why didn’t you tell us that Maddie had a child?”

  He looks shocked, “How did you find out about that?”

  I give him a look that tells him not to ask stupid questions, I’m a private investigator for goodness sake. Although it was Dwayne that actually found out about the baby.

  He sighs, “I promised her that I wouldn’t say anything. Mikeal and Antoinette knew before they died, they were excited to have a baby in the house again.” he shakes his head, Mikeal was one of his friends, they had been friends since Soph and Maddie were in kindergarten. “When they died, Maddie was a mess, she tried to hide that she was hurting so that Hailey wouldn’t see. After the funeral, she spoke to her parent’s attorney and then she came to speak to me.” His eyes are shining with unshed tears, “She told me that she was Hailey’s guardian, she was worried. She could barely look after herself let alone Hailey and then she asked me if Mikeal and Antoinette would be ashamed of her if she was to put the baby up for adoption.”

  He takes a deep breath and his face is full of anguish but his eyes are pleading with me to understand. “I told her she should wait, not to make any rash decisions. She waited two months and still felt that she couldn’t cope, I made her have an appointment with a doctor because I believed she was suffering from depression. She went but I never found out what happened, she stopped coming ‘round here and whenever I tried to call or if I showed up at her house she wouldn’t answer. I didn’t see her for almost six months, no matter how hard I tried she wouldn’t see me. By the time I saw her again, she had given the baby up and was pretending like nothing had happened. She asked me not to say anything to anyone as she didn’t want Hailey to find out.”


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