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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

Page 16

by K. L. Humphreys


  She gasps, “No!” She cries.

  The air in the room goes deadly, “You can’t be fucking serious? She had a baby with that fucking animal? God, she must really hate Winter.” Sam pushes away from the table and stands, his face full of rage and he looks lost, he doesn’t know what to do.

  “Sit the fuck down Sam.” Ryder growls.

  Sam does as he’s told although he does so by acting like a fucking baby. Throwing himself into the chair. “Ryder, you know what that monster did.”

  None of my family are saying anything, although we agree that David was a monster and we’re glad that he’s dead. Maddie has been a part of our family for over twenty years. Yes, she’s done wrong by so many of us, but families have each other’s backs when things get tough and for Maddie we never did. We all knew something happened for her to change, we chose to ignore it and instead of helping her we ostracized her.

  “Yes, I know. That isn’t the issue here.” Ryder says and damn, he could have worded it better.

  “The hell it isn’t!” Great, now Nathan’s starting his shit. Just what we fucking need. “Maddie had a fucking baby with a murdering, raping asshole! That is the issue.”

  “You two are blinded by hate that you can’t even see the fucking issue here.” I’m disgusted by the two of them, they can’t see what’s right in fucking front of them.

  “Nicole is eight years old which means that she was conceived before any of that happened. This doesn’t have anything to do with David or even Maddie, this is to do with Hailey and her wanting her niece.” Ryder steps in, probably so there’s no bloodshed over his new table.

  “It is to do with them. She’s their child. It has everything to do with them. I don’t want her anywhere near my kids. Fuck no!” Nathan is being a fucking asshole.

  “Are you even listening to yourself. A child, an innocent child is in foster care and her aunt wants to make her have a home and you’re saying that she can’t?” Ryder is shaking with anger, he’s spitting mad right now but no more than I am, I can’t believe this shit.

  “I know she’s a child but you have to admit, having them as her parents, she’s going to be trouble.” Nathan tells us, looking pleased with himself, Nicole is a fucking child. An innocent child.

  I hear a loud gasp and I don’t even need to look toward the door to know that it’s Hailey standing there. Fuck, I’m going to kill Nathan.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I couldn’t stay at home, not knowing that they were discussing the future of Nicole. My future. I loved having Jake and Addison with me, it was a sense of normality. I’ve made them promise that they’ll be back to see me soon, they didn’t even hesitate. Jake drove me here, saying, “Hailey, I love you like a sister but I value my balls. Scott’s told me that he’ll cut them off if anything happens to you. So, girl, I’m driving you to Smithy International and escorting you into the building.”

  Walking into Smithy’s I was nervous, I was worried about their responses when finding out about Nicole and who her father was. But I never thought I’d hear them say anything bad about Nicole, she’s just a child, but hearing Nathan’s callous voice as he says“I know she’s a child but you have to admit, having them as her parents, she’s going to be trouble.”

  I gasp as a pain hits me. Betrayal hits me. My eyes widen, why on earth would anyone think of a child as trouble just because of who their parents are. I bite my lip hoping that the tears that are forming behind my eyes don’t fall. I’ve never thought Nathan would be so cruel, especially with him being a father himself.

  “Hailey, I thought you were at home?” He’s over to me in a matter of seconds, pulling me into his arms. God, I inhale him, loving the freshness of his aftershave. “Deep breath baby,” He whispers to me and I love that he knows me so well, he knows that I’m hurting right now and he’s making sure that I’m okay.

  “Why would he say that? She’s just a child, she’s a little girl, she doesn’t know the evil that David was. She doesn’t deserve this.” I whisper back to him, I slide my arms around his waist, wanting to get closer to him. He’s like a magnet, anytime I’m near him I get this pull. He also helps me, when I’m around him my thoughts are centered, I can breathe easier and see clearer.

  “He doesn’t mean it, he’s angry right now. It’s one of the reasons I told you to stay at home, I knew that Sam wouldn’t take it well and we can’t blame him. I never expected this level of anger off Nathan, I’m sorry you heard it baby.” He’s still whispering, he’s made sure that I’m cocooned around him, he’s made sure that he’s between me and everyone in this room. God, I love this man more than anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I knew it when I was seventeen and even though he pushed me away I’ve never stopped loving him. My dream of becoming his wife is still there, floating in the back of my mind.

  “I don’t care what he thinks. I’m going to try my best to get Nicole. I want her to live with me, I want her to know me, her mom, and her grandparents. I want her to know that her mom loved her and I’m going to love her. I already do.”

  “Yeah baby, we’re going to get her.” I look up at him, “What did you think we’re doing here? I love you Hailey and that means when we get Nicole, it means loving her too.” He says it loud enough so that everyone in this room can hear.

  There goes the last piece of my heart, hearing him say that, he has every bit of my heart and I love him more than I ever thought was possible. “I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. God that was better than a proposal.” Shit, why the hell did I say that?

  “You want to marry me Hailey?” He’s got a cocky smirk on his face, one that I’d love to wipe off right now, “I’ll marry you tomorrow if that’s what you want? Fuck I’d marry you right here and now. One day baby, you’re going to be mine officially and until then I’m going to enjoy living in sin.”

  I slap his arm, God, I can feel the heat rising in my face, he’s talking about having sex in front of his dad, what the hell? “Sssh, don’t talk like that. Your dad’s here!”

  He starts laughing as does Steven and Luke. Kill me now! “Come on, let’s finish this meeting.” He takes my hand and pulls me with him as he walks back to his chair, pulling me into his lap as he sits. I wiggle to try and get off but he tightens his hold against me. “Stay,” He commands and I relax against him.

  “Firstly, I want to say how sorry I am for your loss Hailey. Secondly, whatever you need to help get your niece I’ll do whatever it is I can to help.” Morgan says as she reaches out to grab my hand. She’s sitting beside Scott and I so I reach over and pull her into a hug. She tightens her arms around me and whispers into my ear, “I may not have known your sister, but I know you and I know that you loved her. I’m sorry that you’re hurting and that someone you loved has gone.” Morgan lost her mom in what everyone thought was an accidental hit and run. But Morgan found out that her father’s mistress was the one to run her over, killing her almost instantly. Morgan’s father knew what had happened and had covered it up.

  “Thank you.” I whisper back, appreciating the heartfelt condolences.

  “Hailey, we’ll find out what we can about you becoming Nicole’s guardian, Keely is going to find the best family attorney, while Henry, Dwayne, and Oscar find out where Nicole is and who her social worker is. If there’s anything else you need just ask.” Ryder tells me with a fond smile. Damn, that man is something else. He’s the sweetest guy underneath that growling and hard exterior. He truly goes above and beyond to help those he cares about. “We’re going to find Eric and we’re going to make sure that he doesn’t have the chance to get anywhere near you ever again.”

  “Thank you.” I don’t know what else to say, I’m so overwhelmed right now. Most of my colleagues are wanting to help but then I can feel the glares coming from my left, I know that Sam and Nathan aren’t happy but there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “Okay we all kno
w what we’re to do, let’s get on with it.” Ryder stands, effectively ending the meeting.

  “No, that’s not it! We haven’t even begun to discuss how this is going to affect Winter.” Sam bites out as he too stands. “If she takes Nicole into her care, then Winter’s going to have a reminder of what happened to her constantly.”

  I jump off Scott’s lap, the tears I’ve been trying to hold off are falling, I’m so mad right now. “This is an innocent child you are talking about! What the hell is wrong with you? I don’t care what you say, I’m going to get my niece whether you like it or not! This is my life; my family. I’m not leaving her in a foster home because you don’t like her. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!” I scream, hating them both right now, “You don’t like it, tough. If this is going to be such a major issue, then there’s only one solution.” I look to Ryder with sadness, I don’t want to do this, but Nathan and Sam leave me with no choice. “I quit. There, now you won’t have to see any of us.” I storm out of the conference room, not even wanting to look at anyone. How could they be so callous, this is a child we’re talking about not fucking Mati Hari. God, sometimes the guys can be so caught up in themselves and their relationships that they don’t even think about anything else.

  “Hailey wait.” I spin at Keely’s voice, since I joined Smithy International, she’s been a friend. “I just quit too, I can’t deal with this! I can’t actually believe this. How dare they? Come on, let’s grab a coffee and work out a plan of action.” She links her arm through mine, and I can see the tears shining in her eyes.

  “Keely! I’m beyond grateful but you need this job, you have Burton to think about.”

  “It’s because of Burton that I’m doing this. Burton’s dad is in prison for murder. He tried to rob a bank, while he was doing that the idiot shot and killed someone. Does that mean Burton’s trouble?” She asks, her son is four and such a sweetheart. He’s the sweetest little guy you’ll ever meet.

  “No, God, no!” I feel so bad for her, yet again, my business is hurting someone else. God, first Maddie gets hurt and killed and now Keely’s hurting.

  “You have a kid?” The shocked voice has both Keely and I spinning around in unison. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Asher asks, he’s actually upset that she didn’t tell him, it’s none of his damn business.

  “Umm and when should I have told you exactly? While we were fucking? Or better yet when I found out you had a Fiancée? It doesn’t concern you so I never told you.” Keely is full of sass right now and I love when she gets like this, she’s hell on wheels when she gets going and no one can stop her.

  “Keely, no one would think Burton as trouble.” Sam says to her. Well that’s just great it’s just my family then. And now, we have an audience as everyone else leaves the damn conference room and join us in the lobby.

  “Oh, and why’s that? Because he has me? Haha, would you change your mind if you knew about my juvie record?” I watch as everyone’s face falls, well except for Ryder’s and Oscar’s. “Still think he’s not trouble?”

  “What the hell, you’re a dark horse aren’t you Keely?” Soph says with a smile.

  “You are not your parents. You aren’t defined by them either. To think that you’d let Nicole stay in foster care when she could have a loving family with Scott and Hailey really speaks volumes of who you two really are and for that reason I can’t work with you.” Keely turns and pulls me into her arms, “Be strong and I’m here every step of the way.” She whispers before walking out of the building.

  “I’ll see you tonight?” I ask Scott, I need to get out of here, I can’t be around them for much longer without crying again.

  “I’m coming with you now.” There’s so much anger in his voice that I’m worried he may end up walking out too.

  “We’re all coming with you. Sam and Nathan are going to talk to Winter, she’s going to kick their damn asses for even thinking this, let alone actually having the audacity to say it. I’m so fucking disappointed in the both of you.” Sophia looks as though she’s about to cry, but that’s not going to happen. Sophia’s a badass, she doesn’t like to show emotion, she’ll fight for what she believes in and she fights for those she loves. “Sam, no one thinks Katelynn is trouble and look what happened with Laura. Come on Hails, we’re going for lunch, I want to find out all about my niece.” Sam’s sister Laura killed her husband. I don’t know the full details but what I do know is Sam’s mum is Katelynn’s guardian and Sam and Winter look after her.

  My tears start to fall, God, her niece! This is how it was meant to be at the very beginning. If Maddie had asked for help, she would have had all of us. So many things would have been different if she had told us, hell, if she told me about Nicole long before I ended up in hospital I could have helped her, we could have gotten her help.

  “You buying Soph?” Luke jokes, causing the Dallas’ to laugh, anytime anyone goes out for dinner with Soph they always ask if she’s buying. It’s been something they’ve done since she was eighteen, at first it was a joke and now it’s stuck.

  Scott takes my hand and everyone except for Sam and Nathan follow us out of the building, where we find Keely waiting; probably for a damn cab. “Come on Keely, we’re all going for lunch. Or is it brunch? Either way, you’re coming with us and then everyone is going back to work.” Ryder informs her and she looks shocked.

  She probably thought along the same lines that I did, that the P.I.G.S team are extremely close as are Smithy International. Hell, Ryder, Skye, Sam, Sophia, and Oscar were all part of the same unit in the Army. I honestly believed that they’d take Sam and Nathan’s side and let both Keely and I walk away.

  “You doing okay?” Scott whispers and I nod, just glad that I’m not alone, I don’t know how the hell I was going to do this by myself. I owe Scott so fucking much, I’ll never be able to repay him for the love and constant support he’s given me since he walked in and found me holding Maddie.

  We walk down the street to some fancy schmancy restaurant, I inwardly groan. Have they never heard of McDonald’s or Wendy’s? Hell, even a Taco Bell would do, why does everything have to be posh and expensive?

  We walk in and as I sit down, I’m instantly flanked by Sophia and Morgan. I know that Morgan wants to make sure I’m okay, she’s worried about me and has been calling and texting every day since Maddie died. Sophia, I know will want to talk about Nicole and although I’d love to, there’s not much that I do know. All I know is she’s my niece and I love her.

  “So, tell us! Was it a huge surprise seeing the house?” Morgan asks, her eyes alight with mischief, she was part of it, I know she was! “Did she love it?” Her eyes glance to Scott before returning back to me.

  “She was shocked. I’m just glad that I managed to buy it back off the couple who had purchased it. Thankfully, they hadn’t moved in yet.” Something shifts in his eyes, I don’t even want to know what that look even means. I love that he got my house back and I’ll be forever in his debt, I know that it must have cost him a fortune.

  “I bet,” Morgan sounds distracted and I see she’s on her cell phone texting furiously. “Sorry guys, we’ve got to go.” She pulls on my arm and lifts me up.

  “Where are you going?” Scott demands but the look Morgan gives him makes him quickly change his tune, “If you need me, just call.”

  “Will do, and if you have found anything on Nicole call us.” She waves as she nearly pulls my arm out of its socket, “Come on, I’ll explain all on the way to Sabine’s.” as soon as we’re out of the restaurant she’s hailing for a cab.

  “What’s the rush?” I ask pulling my hand out of her grip.

  A cab pulls up beside us and she yet again starts to pull me, “Come on, I’ll tell you when we get moving.” I scramble into the cab beside her and she gives the driver Sabine’s address. I impatiently wait for her to start talking. “So, Sabine is freaking the hell out! She’s missed her period and she won’t take a test until we get there.”

  I look at her, �
�Why am I going? Surely she wants her best friend there not me.”

  She gives me that look that says I’m crazy, “You’re one of her friends, that woman loves the hell out of you, so you’re coming.”

  “Fine, but damn, is there something in the air or something? First it was Sophia, then Skye and now Sabine. Whatever they’re drinking I don’t want it.” I tell her, God, it better not be contagious.

  She starts laughing, “I must have drunk it too then,”

  My mouth forms an O and I’m staring at her as though she has ten heads, what the everloving fuck? “Damn, it really is contagious... Do you have like a meeting or something? Say okay you two get pregnant here and then ten months later you two get pregnant?” I’m actually in shock, well they kept that quiet... “Congratulations!” I say finally remembering that I didn’t congratulate her.

  She can’t stop laughing, “Luke’s going crazy, he’s so happy but he keeps saying that we’re going to be married by the time the baby comes.”

  “And you don’t want to marry him?” I doubt that’s the reason, Morgan loves Luke.

  “I do but I want to do it at our pace, not because we’re pregnant. I love Luke more than anything and I don’t want to hurt him either.” The laughter had disappeared from her face and now it’s etched with worry.

  “Have you asked him why he’s so insistent on being married before the baby arrives?” Luke isn’t the pushy type, he’s usually all business but pretty laid back.

  She contemplates what I’ve just said and nods, “I need to talk to him, God, I’m so stupid. This isn’t Luke, I should have known that. I’m such a bad girlfriend.”

  “No, you’re not, you’ve been busy and you’ve got a little human growing inside of you. Talk to Luke and find out why he wants to get married and then go from there.” For the first time since Maddie died I feel as though I’m normal.

  “How are you honestly?” Her eyes hold a sadness that I can’t look at, it’s the same sadness that Scott looks at me with. They both saw me at my lowest, holding my sister in my arms as she lay dead. They saw me break, since then Scott’s been treating me as though I’m made of glass and I love him for it but I need a sense of normality. “Don’t tell me you’re fine!”


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