Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5) Page 18

by K. L. Humphreys

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Hailey, you need to sit down. You’re making everyone here nervous.” Scott tells me. I'm currently freaking the hell out, it doesn't help things that my house is full with people. Today is the day I get to meet Nicole, after a month of waiting we finally get to see her.

  “Leave her alone, she's nervous and pacing is helping her.” Morgan tells him. The happiness that she had in her eyes has disappeared. Fifteen days ago, Morgan had a miscarriage. I hurt for her, only Luke and I knew about the baby. She was going to tell Sabine but after the negative pregnancy test she thought it best not too.

  Luke and Morgan have grieved together and the loss of their baby has made them stronger. They're still grieving and I'd say they will for a while. They know that I'm here for them both if they need me. I've also told Luke that he needs to tell Scott, he needs his best friend at this time and he and Morgan agreed. It will give Luke a place to let his anger out in private. I've hated keeping secrets from Scott but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

  “Hails, you need to relax.” Scott whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “I’m trying Scott, what if she hates me?” I’m terrified, what if she doesn’t want to come and live with us?

  “She won't.” he fires back without thinking and I look up at him. “She won't because you love her and want the best for her. She'll see that, plus who wouldn't want to live with me?”

  “You're so full of yourself.”

  He laughs and I smile, “Look Hails, we both know this is going to be a hard road we take but it's going to be worth it.” Damn, can he get any sweeter?

  “I know, I just want her here with us. She's lost so much already.” I know that both Scott and I have both lost our mom’s but we were either adults or there about, she's still only a child.

  “She has but, by all accounts, she's dealing with it okay. All this worrying is going to make you sick. So, stop, sit down and relax.” He's told me that she's okay before but I need to see with my own eyes. “Relax.” he whispers against my forehead, giving me a sweet kiss there before walking back to Sam and Nathan.

  “Would anyone like a tea or coffee?” I ask for what is the sixth time in the past hour. I need to busy myself, otherwise I’ll be useless when I do eventually meet Nicole in just over an hour’s time.

  “No, Hails. You need to relax, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep this up.” Soph tells me as she pulls me down onto the sofa beside her and Winter.

  “I know us being here isn’t helping but we had to come, we had to be here for moral support. Does she know who you are?” Winter asks taking my hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.

  I nod, “Yes, well she knows that Maddie is her mom and that Liza was her second mom. If that makes sense. She knew about Maddie and had spoken to Maddie the day she died.” I’m mad that she never told me she had finally got to see her. I’m mad that she never got to see her again. This pain I have over losing Maddie isn’t disappearing; it gets stronger anytime she’s mentioned and I know that I have to be strong, it’s what Maddie would have wanted.

  “That’s good, at least she’ll know of you. You’re going to be fine Hailey, she’s going to love you just as much as you love her okay?” I love that Winter’s trying to reassure me. We had a deep heart to heart and we both cried I think it’s helped everyone. She told me everything that had been on her mind, the good, the bad, and the damn ugly.

  “I know you’re wondering why I’m here. I don’t know why I’m here.” she tells me softly, she looks worried and I am wondering why she's here but I open the door wider and let her in. “Thank you.”

  “Take a seat,” I tell her as we walk into the sitting room, I sit across from her on the only armchair that’s in the house.

  “Firstly, I need to apologize.” She looks at her hands as she begins to rub them together, she’s nervous and I don’t know why she’s the nervous one, she knows what this is about. I’m still in the dark, what does she need to apologize to me about? “I blamed Maddie when it wasn’t her fault, she had no bearing on what happened to me. David was evil, pure and simple. He would have hurt anyone and I was the unlucky victim that night. Who knows how many other woman he’s hurt.”

  “Has anyone come forward about him?” I’ve not heard anything and Morgan would never tell me even if I were to ask.

  “A few before he died, I don’t know who. I was told that there had been a few women report him after he had been arrested.” She shakes her head, “Two of them happened before me,” Tears slip down her cheek, I didn’t want this, there’s already so much sadness.

  “I’m sorry.” I don’t really know what to say to her. This is a touchy subject, I don’t want to cause any heartache for her, she’s been through enough,

  “I don’t blame them, it took me ages to report him too. I should have spoken to Maddie, I should have found out why she said that, but I didn’t and for that I’m sorry. Sorrier than you’ll ever know.” She wipes away the tears, “I never meant to push her away, when Soph joined the Army it was when I started my internship. I neglected her when she needed me.”

  “You know Mads, she had a big mouth, if she wanted help she would have asked for it. I know that Maddie was a complete bitch to you and for that I know that she was sorry. I can’t make excuses for her but I can say that she loved all of us, I know she did even until the day she died. No matter what happened, to her we’re all family.”

  “I know and I visited her grave yesterday. I needed her to hear me when I apologized. I know it’s too little to late but I had to do it, I wanted her to know that I don’t hate her. I don’t think I ever did, I loved that woman like a sister and when I found out she’d died I cried for days. I miss her.”

  I start to cry now, “I miss her every damn day. I love being in this house, it has so many good memories but waking up every morning and walking past her bedroom I keep expecting her to come out but then it hits me and I want to curl up into a ball and cry.” I start to furiously wipe the tears away, I had made myself a promise, I promised not to cry today.

  I feel arms around me and I lean into the embrace, “She'll never be gone. Everyday she'll live on in our hearts and our memories. Maddie was larger than life and that's how I'm going to remember her, none of the ugliness only the true beauty.” Winter's crying too and she's right, Maddie deserves to be remembered and I'm so happy that Winter has forgiven her.

  “Sam hasn't told me anything about Nicole. I'm dying to know about my niece.” she says once we finish crying and I'm grateful for the change of topic. “When are you meeting her? Are you meeting her?”

  “I don't know, we're waiting for the social worker to get back to us. The wait’s killing me, every time the phone rings I hope it's her.” Scott's the same, I'm not sure who's more anxious about it, me or him.

  “Hopefully you'll know soon, I don't see any reason as to why you wouldn't be able to see her. What's going on with you and Scott?” God, she's so damn nosey.

  “What do you mean?” I play innocent, pretending I've no idea what she means.

  She laughs, the mood has shifted dramatically since she arrived. “Come on Hails, is he forever?” I nod causing her to smile, “Knew it! I knew it! That man has been head over heels for you for as long as I can remember. Is he living here with you?” she asks as she looks around the room, his stuff scattered around the place.

  “Um, I don't know. It's not been said but he's here every night and I'd say more than half of his stuff is here. I think he thinks if he moves things here bit by bit I won't notice.” I smile, “He's been my rock, I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.” It's the truth, I love him so much, he's the one I tell everything too, he's my lover, confidante, and best friend.

  “You deserve that. You deserve happiness Hailey.” she kisses my cheek as I hear a car pull up outside. Winter looks at her watch, “That’ll be Sam. I've got to go, we’ve got Katelynn tonight.” Sh
e loves Katelynn, whenever she’s around Winter lights up. Katelynn makes everyone happy.

  We stand and walk toward the front door, “Have fun, don't be a stranger okay?” Now that the air has been cleared I'd love for her to visit, although with her and Sam spending the majority of their time in Maui we probably won’t see each other very much.

  “Never. I'll see you soon.” she blows me a kiss as she reaches Sam's car. Sam waves to me as Winter gets in, once they drive away, I wave goodbye until they're out of sight.

  “I love you Mads.” I whisper into the sky before closing the door.

  “You okay?” I ask Scott, we’re on our way to see Nicole, he’s been really quiet since we’ve left the house.

  “Fine.” He bites out, his hands have a vice like grip on the steering wheel indicating he’s anything but.

  “Scott, talk to me.” I plead, this isn’t him, he’s usually so up front with everything.

  He sighs, “You knew about Morgan and you didn’t tell me?”

  Oh, that’s what’s wrong. “Scott, that wasn’t mine to tell you. Luke wanted to tell you. I think they were planning on waiting until the twelve-week mark before anyone knew. Then she had the miscarriage and I couldn’t tell you that. I’m sorry and I don’t want you to be upset, I just couldn’t tell you.” I want him to understand that it was nothing against him as to why I didn’t tell him but because it wasn't my news to tell. “What if I were pregnant and Morgan told Luke?”

  “I know Hailey, I know why you did it and I’m not mad. I’m pissed at Luke for not telling me. He should have fucking told me, I would have been there for him.”

  I feel bad, Scott's been so busy with me. Scott glances at me, “Take that look off your face, you’re not the reason he didn’t tell me. Luke’s an asshole when he wants to be and he loves keeping things close to his chest. Don’t you remember how he and Morgan started out?”

  “Get out of my head! Yeah who knew Luke was such an ass?” I laugh, Luke met his match in Morgan. They started out as friends with benefits and it turned into more although Luke was too stupid to say anything so he let Morgan walk away. When he finally realized that she was it for him he rectified things pretty quickly.

  “He was scared, scared of getting hurt or played again but I think he let Morgan walk away because he didn't want to hurt her.” He explains, but I still think he was a jackass for putting Morgan through that. “He’s a mess right now, he’s trying to be strong for Morgan but he’s crumbling.”

  “I can’t even imagine the pain they’re in right now. They’re going to get through this, it’s just going to take time. Like you’ve said to me, we’ve a big family and we’re going to help them both get through it.”

  He reaches across and squeezes my hand, “They will. I’m still mad at him though, I can’t believe that he never told me and to put you in that position too.”

  I stroke his arm, “Scott, I know your mad but he needs you to put aside your anger and realize that he didn’t do it intentionally, he was so happy, over the moon but they were worried as are most first time parents and they wanted to wait. Don’t be angry for that.” I try and plead with him, I hate that he’s feeling hurt and angry but he’s got to realize that his feelings don’t come into this.

  He sighs, “You’re right, he needs me right now. So how come you found out?”

  I contemplate whether or not to tell him and he’s been kept in the dark enough, “The day Morgan dragged me out of that pretentious restaurant?” He nods, “We were on our way to see Sabine who thought she was pregnant…”

  “Wait, Sabine’s pregnant too? Has no one ever heard of a damn TV?”

  I can’t hold in my laughter, “I asked what the hell they were drinking and Morgan let slip that she must have had the same drink. No, Sabine’s not, she was devastated when she got the negative result.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, “That must be why Dwayne’s been different for the past few weeks. Seems as baby fever is back again.” He rolls his eyes, but he has a big grin on his face.

  “What about you, do you have baby fever?”

  He’s head spins around so he’s facing me, almost as if he’s searching for something before turning back to the road. “Are you asking if I want a baby?”

  “I think so? I don’t know, I just asked if you had baby fever.” I’m slightly confused how quickly this conversation has turned, I was half joking with him but he’s dead serious now.

  “Do I have baby fever? No, do I want a baby with you? Yes. Now isn’t the time, we need to get Nicole and make sure that she feels safe and secure before we even consider that. When we do decide we want to add to our family, you’ll be having my last name.”

  I start to gasp for air, what the hell? “I’m sorry, what?”

  The asshole starts to laugh, “What’s scaring you? Us having kids or us getting married?”

  I finally manage to catch my breath, “Isn’t this going a bit fast?”

  He gives me a look that tells me that he’s pissed. “Fast? Hailey, for fuck sake, what the hell do you think we’re doing here? Playing house? I’ve moved my shit in, which you’ve been oblivious to, I’ve told you on numerous occasions that I love you, that we’re getting Nicole. What the hell did you think I meant?”

  “I meant for getting married. What is it with you Dallas’ and whenever kids are mentioned you have to bring marriage into the equation? I’ve noticed that you moved all your stuff in, I want it, hell I need you with me so it’s why I never said anything.” I huff, God, he’s so dense sometimes, “I don’t think we’re playing house. If it were up to me we’d be together forever and a day.” I cross my arms over my chest and turn to stare out of the window, annoyed that he’s made me mad.

  “Hails, come on what was I meant to think? You’ve not said anything about it. I want to marry you so baby you best get use to the idea, by the end of this year you’re going to be Mrs. Hailey Dallas.”

  “The end of the year? Scott, what the hell?” I’m shocked, I know that we’re it for each other and that we’d get married sometime in the future, I thought that future would be the distant future though.

  “Yes Hailey, the end of the year. No, fuck that, you have until Christmas day, if we’re not married by Dec 24th we’re doing it Christmas day! That gives you ten months to wrap your head around the idea and get planning.”

  “Scott, you’re so crazy! Where’s my proposal?” He always manages to do it, make my mood change in seconds.

  “I’ll give you a proposal baby, but you’d still better start planning it.” He has a smug look on his face and I know he’s loving this, I want to cry, he’s sweet and an asshole all at the same time. Who just tells someone they’re getting married? “I love you Hailey and I’m going to marry you.”

  “I love you too.” I’m so close to crying right now, I never thought this would happen.

  “Okay, now deep breath, we’re coming up to the house.” His voice has changed, gone is the cheeky Scott, instead in his place is someone who seems nervous and that’s not something I’m use too.

  He pulls up in front of this quaint house. It looks like something out of a fairy tale. It’s beautifully rustic and looks very homey, I’m jealous and I love my home. The front door opens and my breath leaves me in a whoosh, Nicole is standing at the door. I know it’s her, she looks exactly the same as Maddie. I mean she’s the spitting image of her. God, she’s so beautiful.

  Chapter Twenty


  God, she looks so much like Maddie. There’s no denying that’s Nicole, she looks sad and I want to wrap her up and make sure that she’s okay. Looking over at Hailey, I see that she’s staring at the door and not breathing. “Breathe baby,” She looks over at me, her face a gray color, it’s like she’s seen a ghost. Then again, taking one glance at Nicole you’d swear you were looking at a younger version of Maddie. “Hailey baby, you need to breathe.”

  She gasps for air and finally she starts to breathe, “She’s so beautiful
. So much like Maddie.”

  “She’s waiting for us baby, we can’t leave her waiting.” My eyes are drawn back to the little girl staring at my car, she’s waiting for us to get out of the car.

  “Okay, let’s go and meet her.” She leans across and kisses me softly on the lips. “I love you, thank you for doing this.”

  “I’d go to hell and back for you baby, this, this is heaven. Now let’s go and meet her.”

  We step out of the car and I hear Nicole’s loud gasp, I don’t know if it’s because of my six-two height or that she and Hailey look similar. Hailey waits for me at the curb, she’s scared right now and although I’ll never admit it out loud, so am I. I take her shaky hand into mine and we walk together towards the house. Nicole’s eyes are on us the entire time and her eyes getting wider and wider the closer we get to her. Once we reach her she breathes out a “Hi.”

  Hailey lets go of my hand and crouches down in front of her so they’re the same height, “Hey Nicole, I’m Hailey and this is Scott. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

  Nicole rushes forward and wraps her tiny little arms around Hailey’s neck and I can see her shoulders shaking as she buries her head into Hailey’s shoulder. “Thank you for coming to see me.”

  “Oh honey, nothing could have stopped me. As soon as I found out about you I’ve been trying to see your beautiful face!” Hailey cries softly holding Nicole in her arms.

  “How about we go inside?” A woman I didn’t even notice says, I move my eyes from the girls and look at the woman, she must be Nicole’s foster mom.

  Hailey and Nicole pull apart and they smile at each other, “That would be nice, thank you for allowing us into your home.” Hailey tells her just as a tiny hand takes mine, I look down and see Nicole looking at the ground. “Your home is lovely Mrs. Lynn.”


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