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The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics)

Page 35

by Apollodorus

  The Nereids, p. 29.

  The fifty daughters of Danaos and fifty sons of Aigyptos, and their respective mothers, p. 61–2.

  The fifty daughters of Thespios and their sons by Heracles, pp. 91–2.

  The fifty sons of Lycaon, p. 114(one name missing).

  The suitors of Penelope, p. 168–9 (one hundred and twenty-nine names).

  Since virtually none of these figures appears in any other connection (and for the most part these catalogues are genealogical blind alleys), it is improbable that anyone would seek them individually in an index; but the few who do appear elsewhere are included.

  The Spelling and Pronunciation of Greek Nantes

  With a few exceptions (which are cross-referenced), the names are given in their original Greek form; please see p. xxix above for some brief remarks on this matter. It should therefore be remembered that the Greek diphthongs ai and oi will be found rather than their Latin equivalents ae and oe (thus Aigeus and Oineus rather than Aegeus and Oeneus), and that Greek ei will not be replaced by a long i (so if a name like Chiron or Tiresias seems to be missing, it should be sought as Cheiron or Teiresias).

  In ordinary speech, it is usual for English speakers to pronounce Greek names in the way that seem most natural without attempting to reproduce the exact pronunciation of the ancient Greeks. This conventional (or compromise) pronunciation presents no great problems if a few rules are observed:

  Vowels: There are no mute vowels. In particular, a final -e and the e in final -es should always be sounded, as in familiar names like Aphrodite and Socrates.

  In Greek, ae, oe, and oo are never diphthongs, and each vowel should be sounded separately (e.g. in Danae, Iphinoe, Acheloos).

  Of diphthongs, ai should be pronounced as in high, au as in how, and oi as in boil; and eu is commonly pronounced as in eulogy, or when followed by an r, as in Europe.

  In names, ei is usually a diphthong, which can be pronounced as in pay (e.g. in Teiresias, Deianeira), but not always (especially at the end of names, e.g. Endeis, the Nereids).

  Consonants: C is used for Greek kappa (although when transliterating Greek it is usual to use a k). This is properly a hard c (or k), but where it seems natural for an English speaker, it is often pronounced as a soft c (as in Alcibiades or Eurydice).

  Ch is used for Greek chi, which represents an aspirated k. In names, e.g. Achilles, it can be pronounced like a k. It should not be pronounced like ch in chapter.

  G is properly hard as in gallery, but again, where it seems natural (as with the name Aigeus) it is often pronounced as in gin.

  N.B. Genealogical indications, most commonly a patronymic, are included for practical convenience, but it must be remembered that there are often conflicting traditions, and if it is stated, for instance, that somebody is the mother of a particular person, that may be only one of several traditions recorded (whether in the present work or elsewhere).

  Information not derived from the text is bracketed.

  Where there are more than two entries under a particular name, bold type is used to distinguish those which refer to mythical stories or passages which give biographical (rather than purely genealogical) information; and generally, where an entry is italicized, this indicates that it refers to the inclusion of the character in one of the four main heroic catalogues:

  Those who joined the hunt for the Calydonian boar, pp. 40–1.

  The Argonauts, pp. 49–50.

  Helen’s suitors, p. 121.

  The Greeks who joined the expedition against Troy, page 148.

  Abas, son of Lynceus 62, 63

  Abas, son of Melampous 47

  Abderos, son of Hermes 78

  Acalle, daughter of Minos 97

  Acamas, son of Antenor 152

  Acamas, son of Eusoros 152

  Acamas, son of Theseus 141, 143, 157

  Acarnan, son of Alcmaion 113

  Acastos, son of Pelias 46, 49, 57, 127–8, 129, 130 129, 130

  Acastos, the sons of 160

  Achaios, son of Xouthos 37

  Acheloos 30, 38, 40, 88–9, 113–14, 167

  Acheron, father of Ascalaphos 33

  Achilles (strictly Achilleus), son of Peleus 129–30, 148, 149–55, 157 158

  Acrisios, son of Abas 62–3, 64–5, 67 119

  Actaion, son of Aristaios 102, 171

  Actaios, father of Agraulos 130

  Actaios, father of Telamon 126

  Actor, father of Eurytos and Cteatos, 87

  Actor, son of Deion 44, 49

  Actor, son of Hippasos 49

  Actor, son of Myrmidon 38, 41, 127

  Acousilaos (of Argos, historian, 6th-5th cent. BC) 58 (2F25a, Jacoby), 59 (F26 and 27), 63 (F28), 77 (F29), 102 (F33), 114 (F25b), 121 (F41), 126 (F21), 134 (F31)

  Admete, daughter of Eurystheus 78

  Admetos, son of Pheres 40, 48, 49, 85 120, 121, 148

  Adonis, loved by Aphrodite 30, 131–2

  Adrasteis, nurse of Zeus 28

  Adrastos, father of Eurydice 124

  Adrastos, son of Merops 152

  Adrastos, son of Talaos 42, 47, 107–9, 111, 112

  Aegina (properly Aigina), daughter of Asopos 44, 126

  Aello, a Harpy 29

  Aellopous, a Harpy 52

  Aeneas (properly Aineias), son of Anchises 123, 152, 153, 157

  Aerope, daughter of Catreus 98, 99, 145, 148

  Aethlios, son of Zeus 37, 38

  Agathon, son of Priam 125

  Agamemnon, son of Pleisthenes or Atreus 99, 120, 146, 147–55, 158–9, 160, 163

  Agapenor, son of Ancaios 113, 121, 148, 161

  Agasthenes, father of Polyxenos 121

  Agathon, son of Priam 125

  Agave, daughter of Cadmos 101, 103

  Agelaos, a servant of Priam 125

  Agelaos, son of Heracles 92

  Agelaos, son of Temenos 94

  Agenor, father of Phineus 51

  Agenor, son of Amphion 105

  Agenor, son of Ecbasos 58

  Agenor, son of Phegeus 113

  Agenor, son of Pleuron 39

  Agenor, son of Poseidon 60, 96

  Aglaia, daughter of Mantineus 62

  Aglaie, a Grace 29

  Aglaope, a Siren 167

  Agiaos, son of Thyestes 145

  Agraulos, daughter of Actaios 130

  Agraulos, daughter of Cecrops 130

  Agrios, a Centaur 75

  Agrios, a Giant 35

  Agrios, son of Porthaon 39, 42

  Aiacos, son of Zeus and Aegina 41, 49, 126

  Aias, son of Oileus 121, 148, 157–8, 159

  Aias, son of Telamon 121, 127, 148, 153–5

  Aietes, son of the Sun 43, 53–4, 57, 153–5 166

  Aigialeia, daughter of Adrastos 43, 48, 160

  Aigialeus, son of Adrastos 43, 48, 112

  Aigialeus, son of Inachos 58

  Aigimios, king of the Dorians 89–90, 94

  Aigina, see Aegina

  Aigioneus, son of Priam 125

  Aigipan 36

  Aigisthos, son of Thyestes 146, 160, 163

  Aigle, one of the Hesperides 81

  Aigleis, daughter of Hyacinthos 137

  Aigyptos, son of Belos 60

  Aigyptos, sons of 60–2

  Aineias, see Aeneas

  Ainetos, son of Deion 44

  Aiolos, keeper of the winds 165–6

  Aiolos, son of Hellen 37–8, 43, 44, 120

  Aipytos, son of Cresphontes 95

  Aisacos, son of Priam 124–5

  Aison, son of Cretheus 40, 46, 48, 56

  Aithousa, daughter of Poseidon 117

  Aithra, daughter of Pittheus 121, 136, 138, 143, 157

  Aithylla, daughter of Laomedon 161

  Aitolos, son of Endymion 39, 49

  Ajax, see Aias

  Alastor, son of Neleus 45

  Alcaios, son of Androgeos 78

  Alcaios, son of Perseus 68

  Alcathoos, son of Porthaon 39, 42

son of Pelops 72, 127

  Alceides, earlier name of Heracles 73

  Alcestis, daughter of Pelias 46, 48, 85

  Alcidice, wife of Salmoneus 45

  Alcimenes, killed by Bellerophon 64

  Alcinoos, father of Nausicaa 55, 168

  Alcinous, son of Hippocoon 120

  Alcippe, daughter of Ares 130–1

  Alcmaion, son of Amphiaraos 42, 111–14, 162

  Alcmaionid, the (an early epic) 42 (fr. 4 Davies)

  Alcmene, daughter of Electryon 68, 69–70, 72, 92, 97

  Alcon, son of Hippocoon 120

  Alcyone, daughter of Aiolos 38

  Alcyone, daughter of Atlas 117

  Alcyone, daughter of Sthenelos 68

  Alcyone, mother of Elephenor 148

  Alcyoneus, a Giant 34

  Alecto, a Fury 27

  Alector, father of Iphis 108

  Alector, father of Leitos 50, 121

  Aleos, son of Apheidas 49, 88, 92, 115

  Aletes, son of Icarios 120

  Alexander, see Paris

  Alexandras, son of Eurystheus 92

  Alexiares, son of Heracles 91

  Aloads, the (Aloadai) 38

  Aloeus, son of Poseidon 38

  Alphesiboia, mother of Adonis 131

  Althaia, daughter of Thestios 39, 40–1

  Althaimenes, son of Catreus 98–9

  Amaltheia (a goat) 28

  Amaltheia, daughter of Haimonios 89

  Amarynceus, father of Hippostratos 42

  Amazons, the 64, 78, 141, 154, 172

  Amisodaros, who reared the Chimaera 64

  Ammon, an oracle by 66

  Amphianax, king of Lycia 62

  Amphiaraos, son of Oicles 41, 47, 49, 107–9, 111, 112, 121

  Amphictyon, son of Deucalion 37, 132

  Amphidamas, son of Bousiris 82

  Amphidamas, son of Cleitonymos 130

  Amphidamas, son of Lycourgos 116

  Amphidicos, son of Astacos 110

  Amphilochos, son of Alcmaion 114, 162

  Amphilochos, son of Amphiaraos 112, 121, 158

  Amphimachos, son of Cteatos 121, 148

  Amphimachos, son of Electryon 68

  Amphimachos, son of Nomion 153

  Amphion, son of Zeus and Antiope 104–5, 117

  Amphios, son of Merops 152

  Amphithea, daughter of Pronax 47

  Amphithea, wife of Lycourgos 48

  Amphitrite, [daughter of Oceanos 28], 29 (as Nereid), 33, 135

  Amphitryon, father of Iphicles 40

  Amphitryon, son of Alcaios 68, 69–71, 72

  Amphoteros, son of Alcmaion 113

  Amyclas, son of Amphion 105

  Amyclas, son of Lacedaimon 44, 115, 118–19

  Amycos, son of Poseidon 51, 79

  Amymone, daughter of Danaos 60–1, 62

  Amyntor, king of Ormenion 90, 92, 129

  Amythaon, son of Cretheus 39, 46, 63

  Anactor, son of Electryon 68

  Anaxibia, daughter of Bias 46

  Anaxibia, daughter of Cratieus 46

  Anaxo, daughter of Alcaios 68

  Ancaios, son of Lycourgos 40, 49, 53, 116, 121

  Anchinoe, daughter of the Nile 60

  Anchises, son of Capys 123, 152, 157

  Anchios, a Centaur 75

  Andraimon, father of Oxylos 94

  Andraimon, nephew of Oineus 40, 42, 148, 170

  Androgeos, son of Minos 79, 80, 97, 98, 136–7

  Andromache, daughter of Eetion 125, 158, 160

  Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus 66–8

  Anicetos, son of Heracles 91

  Anios, son of Apollo 148

  Anogon, son of Castor 122

  Antaios, son of Poseidon or Ge 82

  Anteia, daughter of lobates 62

  Antenor, father of Archelochus and Acamas 151, 152, 157

  Antheis, daughter of Hyacinthos 137

  Anticleia, mother of Odysseus 148, 167

  Anticleia, mother of Periphetes 138

  Anticlos, 157

  Antigone, daughter of Eurytion 127

  Antigone, daughter of Oedipus 106, 107, 111

  Antilochos, son of Nestor 46, 121, 154

  Antimache, daughter of Amphidamas 116

  Antinoos, suitor of Penelope 169, 170

  Antiochos, son of Heracles 93

  Antiochos, son of Melas 42

  Antiochos, son of Pterelaos 68

  Antiope, an Amazon 141

  Antiope, daughter of Nycteus 104, 117

  Antiphates, king of the Laistrygonians 166

  Antiphos, son of Myrmidon 38

  Antiphos, son of Priam 125

  Antiphos, son of Talaimenes 152

  Antiphos, son of Thessalos 148, 161

  Apemosyne, daughter of Catreus 98

  Aphareus, son of Perieres 39, 40, 44, 49, 119, 122

  Apheidas, son of Areas 115

  Aphrodite, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Apis, son of Phoroneus 39, 58, 59

  Apollo, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Apollonius (poet, 3rd cent, BC) 52, Argonautka (2, 284 ff.)

  Apsyrtos, son of Aietes 54

  Areas, son of Zeus and Callisto 115

  Arceisios, father of Laertes 49

  Archelaos, son of Electryon 68

  Archelochos, son of Antenor 152

  Archemachos, son of Priam 125

  Archemoros, see Opheltes

  Architeles, father of Eunomos 89

  Arene, daughter of Oibalos 119

  Ares, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Arestor, father of Argos 59

  Arete, wife of Alcinoos 55, 56

  Arethousa, one of the Hesperides 81

  Aretos, son of Nestor 46

  Aretos, son of Priam 125

  Arges, a Cyclops 27

  Argeia, daughter of Adrastos 48, 107

  Argeia, daughter of Autesion 93

  Argiope, a nymph, mother of Cercyon 139

  Argiope, a nymph, mother of Thamyris 30

  Argeios, son of Licymnios 90

  Argos, the All-Seeing 58–9

  Argos, son of Phrixos 43, 50

  Argos, son of Zeus and Niobe 58, 59

  Ariadne, daughter of Minos 97, 98, 140

  Arisbe, daughter of Merops 124

  Aristaios, husband of Autonoe 101, 102

  Aristodeme, daughter of Priam 125

  Aristodemos, a Heraclid 93, 94

  Aristomachos, a Heraclid 93

  Aristomachos, son of Talaos 47, 108

  Arneos, father of Megamede 71

  Arsinoe, daughter of Leucippos 119

  Arsinoe, daughter of Phegeus 113

  Arsinoos, father of Chromios and Ennomos 152

  Artemis, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Ascalaphos, son of Acheron 33, 84

  Ascalaphos, son of Ares 50, 121

  Ascanios, son of Aretaon 152

  Ascanios, son of Priam 125

  Asclepiades (of Tragilos, mythological writer, 4th cent, BC) 59 (12F16 Jacoby), 97 (F17)

  Asclepius, son of Apollo 119, 121, 172

  Asia, an Oceanid 28

  Asios (of Samos, early epic poet) 115 (fr. 9 Davies)

  Asios, son of Hyrtacos 152

  Asopos 44, 59, 126, 127

  Assaracos, son of Tros 123

  Astacos, the sons of 110

  Asteria, daughter of Coios 28, 29, 31

  Asterios, king of Crete 97

  Asterios, offspring of Pasiphae, see Minotaur

  Asterios, son of Cometes 50

  Asterios, son of Neleus 45

  Asterodia, daughter of Deion 44

  Asteropaios, son of Pelegon 154

  Asterope, daughter of Cebren 124

  Astraios, offspring of Ceios 29

  Astyanax (son of Hector) 158

  Astycrateia, daughter of Amphion 105

  Astydameia, daughter of Amyntor 92

  Astydameia, daughter of Pelops 68

ydameia, wife of Acastos 128, 129

  Astygonos, son of Priam 125

  Astynoos, son of Phaethon 131

  Astyoche, daughter of Amphion 105

  Astyoehe, daughter of Laomedon 124, 161

  Astyoche, daughter of Phylas 89, 92, 148

  Astyoche, daughter of Simoeis 123

  Astypalaia, mother of Eurypylos 86

  Atalante, daughter of lasos or Schoineus 41, 49, 116–17, 127

  Atas, son of Priam 125

  Ate 124

  Athamas, son of Aiolos 38, 43–4

  Athene, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Atlas, son of Iapetos 29, 44, 83, 117, 122, 168

  Atreus, son of Pelops 69, 121, 145–6, 148, 150

  Atropos, a Fate 29

  Atthis, daughter of Cranaos 132

  Atymnios, son of Zeus 97

  Auge, daughter of Aleos 88, 92, 115–16

  Augeias or Augeas, son of the Sun 50, 76, 81, 87, 92

  Autesion, father of Argeia 93

  Autolycos, son of Hermes 48, 49, 71, 85

  Automedousa, daughter of Alcathos 72

  Autonoe, daughter of Cadmos 101, 102

  Autonoe, daughter of Peireus 92

  Axios, father of Pelagon 154 Bateia, daughter of Teucros 123

  Bateia, wife of Oibalos 120

  Baton, charioteer of Amphiaraos 111

  Bellerophon (properly Bellerophontes), son of Sisyphos 44, 64, 96

  Belos, son of Poseidon 60, 96

  Benthesicyme, daughter of Poseidon 135

  Bias, uncle of Pylas 136

  Bias, son of Amythaon 46–7, 63

  Bias, son of Priam 125

  Bilsates, father of Pylaimenes 152

  Boreas (North Wind) 49, 52, 134–5

  Boros, son of Perieres 127

  Boucolion, son of Laomedon 124

  Boucolos, son of Hippocoon 120

  Bousiris, king of Egypt 82

  Boutes, son of Teleon 50, 55

  Boutes, son of Pandion 133, 134

  Braisia, daughter of Cinyras 131

  Branchos, father of Cercyon 139

  Briareus, a Hundred-Hander 27

  Briseis, daughter of Chryses 153, 154

  Brontes, a Cyclops 27

  Broteas (son of Tantalos) 143

  Cadmos, son of Agenor 53, 96, 100–1, 103

  Caineus, a Lapith 142

  Caineus, brother of Ischys 119

  Caineus, son of Coronos 49

  Calais, son of Boreas 49, 52, 134

  Calchas, a seer 129, 149, 150, 155, 158–9

  Callias, son of Temenos 94

  Callidice, queen of the Thesprotians 170

  Callileon, son of Thyestes 145

  Calliope, a Muse 30


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