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A Hero's throne tae-2

Page 28

by Ross Lawhead

  Godmund spat. “I have no honour. And neither do you.”

  Freya could only look down on the ancient being, who was once a brave, bullheaded warrior. Uncomplicated to a fault, if anything, he seemed, even to Freya’s young mind, as the ideal general-smart and capable, but largely unquestioning of his command, which at that time had been Ealdstan and Modwyn.

  “I understand the disenfranchisement, Godmund, I do,” said Freya. “But please answer my question: why didn’t you blow the Carnyx when you could to end all of this?”

  “You have no conception of that which you ask.”

  “So tell us.”

  Godmund grimaced and bared his teeth, like a wolf defending his territory. “The curses that object will bring upon the world are too many and deep to account. The breadth of evil it would bring would be incomprehensible. It would open a hole and blow out all the goodness and hope in all the realms of this world.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “It speaks to me. It tells me its secrets.”

  “Right. Okay. So. . does that mean that it’s close by?”

  Godmund raised a hand and gestured to the darkness behind him. Moving the light of the lantern, Freya saw the large copper horn propped against the wall. When she had seen it last it had been securely fastened into the centre of a small fortress, a fortress that lay within the second wall of the hidden city and that was designed to keep it and it alone safe. But the brilliant copper that had once glowed like fire was now dull and dim. A black patina was spreading across it, turning to an oxidized green in many places.

  “It’s been here how long? Was it-did you bring it with you when you came here? When you escaped?”

  “Yes, I brought it. It’s been here with me this short while, and we shall grow old and crumble apart together.”

  “But-why just sit here?” Vivienne said. “Why not escape? Why not fight, as you have done for centuries?”

  He did not reply.

  “What happened, Godmund?” Freya said, her voice straining with frustration and annoyance. “Why are you so scared of fighting now?” She looked to Modwyn, to include her in the tirade. “Both of you, seriously, what happened here? What’s changed?”

  “Nothing changed. Nothing. Here I lie. Buried, forgotten. There is no war to fight-there’s nothing to fight against. There is no evil army rising against us. We were tricked.”

  “What?” Freya said. “But the yfelgopes. Daniel and I found gnomes, an elf. Alex-the man who brought us back here-he’s been finding trolls, dragons.”

  “A dragon?” Godmund said, his eyes darting to Freya with the first sign of the fire of his previous passion-anger mixed with joy-that she had seen yet. “Did you see the dragon?”

  “No. But he did,” Freya said with shaky conviction.

  The fire died and Godmund’s gaze became blank again.

  “I don’t understand,” Freya said to Vivienne. “If the horn is really as bad as he says-if it’s really so terrible-then why make it at all? And once it’s made, why go to so much trouble to make sure no one ever uses it?”

  “I do not trust his grip on reality,” Vivienne said. “But we’ve found it now. There is no point in not using it.”

  “Really, Viv? I thought you would be more cautious. I thought you might want to study it, or. . or. .”

  “Or what, indeed? Now that Modwyn is awake, and anyone is free to enter the Langtorr once more, they could easily overrun us. With no easy way out of the tower-I’m not sure how long we’d have to wait for a portal to open, or how many may enter through it when we find it-I think that we are now in very, very deep trouble. I look around and I see yfelgopes in this very room, and I think we need help. Blow the horn.”

  Freya was taken aback. It was unlike herself to actually minimize the danger of the situation that she was in, but Vivienne was right-they were in a tight spot.

  She crossed slowly over to the horn and laid a hand on it. It felt cold and unremarkable beneath her fingers. She felt a moment of doubt.

  “Seriously, Godmund,” she said, turning. “What actually, tangibly happens when the horn gets blown? No more philosophy.” Godmund lowered his brow, leaned forward, and said in a quiet, gravelly voice, “Destruction. The destruction of this realm.” Freya straightened. His voice was quiet enough that she was certain no one else had heard him, and he was holding her gaze in such an even and intense manner-was he trying to communicate something else to her? Did he want her to do it?

  “Good enough for me.” Freya hoisted the heavy horn to her lips. .

  And blew.


  Alex and Ecgbryt surveyed the town of Gudesberg through binoculars. They were north of the city, in a forest, their ragtag war band left behind in the mouth of the enchanted cave that had opened beneath a crevice to allow them egress.

  They had not been successful in recruiting any more of the European knights to their cause since Blanik, and the Hussites were proving to be hard to integrate into the group.

  “By what name did you call this land?”

  “Germany. It’s Germany, Ecgbryt. This is supposed to be the resting spot of Charlemagne and his knights.”


  “King Charles the Great. Or Emperor Karl.”

  “You mean Karolus? The Imperator Romanum? I thought legend said that he was waiting in a well some distance north of here-Nurnberg is its name.”

  “Yes, there or in Austria, or any number of other places. There are more than a few legends of mountain activity here, however, so I thought it would be worth looking into. It’s said to open every seven years, but I’m not sure where. .” He passed the binoculars to Ecgbryt.

  “If it is as you say, then come the evening, it would be well to walk around the hill. Are you certain of this place? It looks a modern township.”

  “No, quite the opposite,” Alex said. “It looks positively medieval.”

  “The buildings are so large. I cannot tell-all looks modern to my eye. I am often saddened that naught from my time is still to be seen. It makes me feel as if I am in a different realm than the one I was born to. Only Ni?ergeard feels like home.”

  “I think-”

  “Hold! Do you hear that?” Ecgbryt swung a large arm out and smacked his palm down on Alex’s chest.

  “Hear what?” Alex asked, winded.

  “It is a call! A summons! We must go!”

  “What? Wait!”

  Ecgbryt had already turned and was charging through the woods, back to the enchanted crevice in the forest. Alex tore after him, trying desperately to keep up with the knight’s enormous stride.

  Ecgbryt reached the entrance to the underground realms ahead of Alex and halted. Still sprinting, Alex nearly knocked into him.

  “They are gone!” Ecgbryt exclaimed, stepping into the dark recess. “Retreated farther in? But what-meotodes meahte!”

  “What? What is it?”

  “Do you see? Hanging in the air, it is-is that some sort of portal?”

  Alex rounded a corner and saw what appeared to be a shimmering patch of air encircling the cavern. Some sort of strange optical effect was taking place-it appeared as if the tunnel in front of them was truncated somehow-squeezed in on itself like a concertina-and also straightened. There were no winding paths, and at the end of the tunnel, he thought he could see the dim, twinkling lights of Ni?ergeard. He felt like he was looking down a distance of many miles-hundreds of miles if that really was Ni?ergeard-but that he could cross that distance in just a few steps.

  It must be the Carnyx, Alex thought. They must have found it and used it.

  “I hear the call,” Ecgbryt said. “I must answer,” and he stepped forward and vanished from sight.

  This is it! Alex drew a deep breath, and then he too stepped over the threshold.


  The Blowing of the Horn


  The horn emitted a low, tremulous note that reverberated in the very stones around them.
  The air filled up with the sound, as if with water. Time slowed, and also sped up. Freya kept her lips on the horn as the note spread from moments to hours to days.

  And all around her was still, the horn the stillest of all, fixed in the air, as immovable as a star. She was not holding it; she was hanging from it. Everything else revolved around Freya as slowly as the movement of the planets. She could sense time moving quickly, many hours in just one second.

  And then the spell was broken. She had no more breath, and the horn ceased its call. Time and the world snapped back into its normal pace and motion. All of those in the Beacon turned to look at each other-yfelgop and Ni?ergearder alike. Freya herself collapsed, the Carnyx falling atop her.

  “What have you done?” Modwyn asked.

  Another horn sounded, seeming small and distant. It came from outside, from the ni?erplane itself.

  “The next army!” Vivienne said. “Freya, quick-let’s get back to the Langtorr. We can see what is happening from there.”

  The two women dashed out of the Beacon. No one followed them as they made their way through the pockets of dead bodies and raced up the stairs of the Langtorr, through the entry hall, and up to the guest floor. They stuck their heads out of the nearest window and looked out into the darkness. They strained their eyes but could see nothing. The horn call ended and another answered it from the left. And then another from the right. And then two more.

  “Do you see them?” Freya asked. “The next army?”

  They could see nothing in the blackness beyond the dim lights of Ni?ergeard, but they could see the effect that the horns had on the yfelgopes below-they started running in all directions, flooding out of houses, streaming into the streets, and jostling into one another. A few fights even broke out between them.

  A large yfelgop was bellowing instructions to all of those around him and arranging them into some sort of order. “That has to be Kelm,” Vivienne said. “That means Daniel failed in his assassination attempt.”

  “I hope Daniel’s okay,” Freya said sadly. “I hope he’ll be safe until we can find him.”

  Kelm was agitated but authoritative, and he shouted at any yfelgop in hearing and swatted at any in reach. Those that stopped and fell into the ranks he was arranging twitched neurotically, as if still fighting the urge to run; they seemed ready to scatter at the slightest provocation, despite Kelm’s threats and abuses. Just once, he paused in his efforts at command in order to look up at the Langtorr. Freya and Vivienne drew back slightly as he seemed to be looking straight at them. It was a measured stare that seemed to slow time once again, Freya thought. Then he turned his attention back to his immediate surroundings, the Langtorr gone from his considerations.

  Shouts came from beyond the buildings. The feral cries of the yfelgopes, Freya thought, but also the cries of men.

  Kelm stood with his ranked yfelgopes-there were about fifty of them before him. He stood, listening to the sounds of invisible skirmishes happening around him. Then he seemed to make a decision and gave orders for one block of his assembled army to station themselves where they were as the rest of them marched off into the darkness.

  “He’s going west,” Vivienne said.

  From the darkness ahead of them burst a line of a dozen or so knights, fully armed, the fury of battle on them. They broke into the square beneath the Langtorr, which attracted the defending yfelgopes who streamed around several buildings in an obvious attempt to ambush them.

  “There’s Alex!” Freya exclaimed, pointing him out.

  “God save him! Look at him go!”

  Alex fought confidently and viciously, swinging his large sword in wide, well-placed, deadly arcs. When he didn’t have an enemy, he was shouting orders to the others and lending assistance to those who needed it. Ecgbryt fought near him, raising his axe in the air and pulling it down in devastating strikes that broke through spears, swords, shields, and skulls.

  The knights made short work of them. Only about half were killed-the rest ran off when they saw the way the fight was turning. Alex shouted to the knights not to pursue but to regroup, and then they continued their sweep through the city.

  But they were not the only ones fighting. In other parts of the city, Freya could see other shadows clashing.

  After perhaps half an hour, the sounds of ringing steel and cries of exclamation grew less frequent. The movement of the knights slowed, and instead of swarming, they started to cluster in groups heading toward the centre of the city, toward the Langtorr.

  “Is it safe to leave, do you think?” Freya asked.

  “I should hope so. While the knights are still on their guard and the yfelgopes are running scared, there won’t be a better time to declare our presence.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  They went down the stairs and found Frithfroth, peeking through the small gap between the large iron doors. He turned a startled, rabbit-like expression up toward them as he saw them descend. Modwyn stood behind him, looking poised, ready to welcome visitors.

  Freya stepped past them both and opened the door, then paused. “Wait,” she said. “I forgot something.” She dashed back down to the Sl?pereshus and came back a minute later.

  “Did you get what you need?” Vivienne asked.

  “Yes. Shall we go?” Freya paused with one hand on the iron door and looked back at Modwyn. “Are you coming?”

  Modwyn took a step forward and then stopped immediately. She was obviously torn. Without waiting for her to make up her mind, Freya pushed open the door.

  “Freya! Aunt Viv!”

  She looked up and saw Alex running toward her. He gripped her by the arms and then immediately hugged and kissed her, then drew back as if he couldn’t believe their good fortune.

  “Hello. .” Freya said.

  “We heard the horn and came as quick as we could. You wouldnae believe all the places we’ve been to! Would you believe we were in Germany when we heard the call? We came instantly. I mean instantly! There was a sort of shimmering, telescoping, tunnelway-thing. .” He made some vague and hurried motions with his hands. “I can’t describe it. But here we are!”

  “Yeah, I blew the horn and something weird happened to time,” Freya explained, instantly feeling ridiculous.

  “I’m so proud of my young nephew,” Vivienne said. “Such a fighter! It looks as though you’ve liberated the city.”

  “Aye, and it does at that, doesn’t it? But we had an easy time of it. Those yfelgopes didn’t put up much of a fight. Is that all there is to it?”

  “No, I don’t think we’re going to be that lucky. Did you run into Kelm? A big guy shouting orders? He headed off down that direction.” Freya pointed across the city; more knights were making their way toward them through the darkness. How many of them were there? What were they going to do now?

  “A big man, you say? I don’t think so. I’ll ask my lads when we regroup. In fact. .” He turned and called over his shoulder, “Ecgbryt!’

  The large knight had been instructing some of the others in how to take the heads off of the yfelgopes. He looked up at Alex’s shout and saw Freya.

  “Little aetheling!” he shouted and bounded toward them in long strides. He picked Freya up and squeezed her in an embrace that robbed her of air. “Vivienne!” He hugged her no less exuberantly.

  “Have you run across the yfelgop leader, Kelm?” Alex asked.

  “He’s very large, as tall as you, and fat,” Freya said.

  Ecgbryt pulled his beard and then shook his head. “I remember talk of him-he is Gad’s hereheafod, is that so?”

  “Right. He took a bunch of yfelgopes and went that way.”

  Ecgbryt pulled on the arm of one of the knights who had come from that direction and conferred with him for a moment.

  “He hasn’t been seen,” Ecgbryt reported as he turned back. “He must have fled. Remember the western well? That portal lies in just that direction.” The knight’s eyes wandered to the Langtorr. “My lady riche
weard,” he said with a slight bow.

  Modwyn stepped out of the doorway of the Langtorr.

  “Wes?u hale, good Ecgbryt,” she said imperiously, descending the steps in a smooth glide. Her sudden self-possession reminded Freya of when they had first met her. “Thank you for coming to aid our city. I am sorry you do not find us in better preparation for you.”

  “My queen!” Ecgbryt said.

  “Wait, before we go into formalities, has anyone seen Daniel?”

  “He is not with you?” Alex said.

  “No, he left to try to kill Kelm, almost as soon as we got here. You haven’t found his. . his body? Is there somewhere that they might have locked him up?”

  “Ecgbryt, help me with this,” Alex said. The knights had now collected in a large group around them. There were perhaps sixty of them and they were still regrouping. They all looked different, but some shared certain peculiarities-the same shaped shield, a certain type of padded armour, a style of helmet-but no two looked alike. Some looked very much as Swi?gar and Ecgbryt had looked when they first woke up; some looked more like Freya always thought knights should look, with big triangular shields, long swords, and bright tunics worn over chain mail. Others of them, however, looked very much more basic, in simple leathers and wielding large weapons.

  “You! Tu! Everyone, listen!” Alex yelled. “We’re looking for a man, a warrior, like me, but younger and thinner, with dark hair. He may be dead, hiding, or imprisoned. Go through the city and look for him, as well as any others that might be living-enemy or ally alike. Bring them here. Ecgbryt?”

  Ecgbryt shouted out the same instructions, but in a different language, and some of them relayed the instructions in several other languages, and so gradually the knights dispersed.

  “Okay, good. Now, what else?” Alex said. “Did you find Ealdstan? Any sign of Gad?”

  “No, we didn’t but. . we did find some things out.” Freya looked to Vivienne for support and Vivienne nodded.


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