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Page 5

by Storm Savage

  “I’m so sorry, Ian, so very sorry for your loss.”

  She recalled the day she and Hatch had shopped with Ian and Cassie. His girlfriend was sweet and very beautiful, with eyes like rain, lovely olive skin and a long black braid down her slender back. Cassie was very down to earth. Flame had liked her straight off.

  “When you saw me fight in New York, that’s when you came up with this plan, isn’t it?” Their eyes locked for several moments as they exchanged thoughts. He didn’t answer, and didn’t need to. They both knew she was right.

  “I need to think this through.”

  “I understand.” He took her hand. “How about we go out back and join the others for a swim?”

  Chapter Four

  Hatch stood on the balcony, watching waves crash upon the shore. While sipping a drink, his thoughts scrambled to make sense of what Ian said. Even worse, what Ian wanted Flame to do.

  “Hey…” Flame’s voice was soft as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Why aren’t you swimming with your friends?”

  “Needed to clear my head.” Hatch rested his face against her hair, holding her tight. “Baby, please don’t do this. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “We need to talk. Why didn’t you tell me about Ian’s late wife?”

  “He told you, huh? He never told me the details. All I knew is that she was pregnant and her death had something to do with the baby. Something went wrong and he lost them both.”

  “He didn’t tell me she was with child.” Flame felt another wave of sorrow over Ian’s devastating loss.

  “Yeah, eight and a half months along. Ian never got past it. This strange obsession with ghosts and such is probably his way of coping.”

  “Oh my…that is so tragic. I can’t imagine what he felt. Did you know the Satellite had mated with her?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, and he willed her to die because he found out—”

  “See? This is what I’m talking about, Ian is trying to deal with his loss by creating answers to the big question we all ask when life takes someone too soon. Why? She was perfectly healthy and so was the baby. It was an accident of nature. Now he’s probably terrified the same thing will happen to Cassie so he’s started up with this shit again.”

  “That’s harsh. And yes, he is worried about Cassie. Aren’t you even curious about what his wife knew?”

  “Not really, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” He let out a dry laugh.

  A fiery look flashed in her eyes. “The Satellite has one weakness and his wife figured it out.”

  “What weakness?”

  “How to recognize him—Ian’s wife told him before she died. He has been waiting for the right person to give that crucial information to.”

  He swung away, staring back into the distance. “And he thinks you are that person?”

  She touched his arm lightly. “I am that person.”

  Hatch turned and pulled her into a strong embrace. His heart was heavy and angry that Ian would do this. Still, he supposed he would do the same thing if the situation were reversed. He thought back to the unbearable grief Ian suffered at the loss of his first wife. He’d nearly lost his friend to alcohol and drugs. He’d had to move in with Ian and help him through the dreadful tragedy.

  Then most recently, Ian did not hesitate to call upon his biker friends and help rescue Flame from Von. How can I deny helping a good friend? They had been there for each other through thick and thin. Hatch had never been weak or fearful. He could not let insecurity prevail.

  “You really believe all this craziness about some supernatural fiend?”

  “Yeah…I do.”

  “And you’re the only one who can help?”

  Flame’s expression softened. “It seems so. My supreme ruler told me I’d face a serious mission.”

  “What are you asking of me?”

  “To accept who I am.” Mystery shimmered in her eyes. Any time she spoke of battles, an intriguing spark shone in those lovely depths of ocean blue.

  He relented with a nod. They strolled down to the pool and found Ian and Raef hunkered around a small table, engaged in private conversation. Hatch put his hand on Ian’s shoulder and sat down beside him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about your wife and the Satellite?”

  “You wouldn’t have believed me. Besides, I couldn’t risk anyone’s life. I had to wait for the right woman. Honestly, Hatch, I never thought the one I needed would be your fiancée. I am so sorry.” Ian seemed sincere.

  “So tell us, how do we recognize the Satellite? Flame said you know.”

  “You’ll help us?”

  “While I don’t entirely buy into this supernatural malarkey, I can’t deny you if Flame feels there’s merit to this tale. You called your biker buddies out to help me without delay. The least I can do is support you while you sort through this ordeal.”

  “Thanks, mate.” Ian leaned forward and spoke almost inaudibly. “There is only one way to recognize the Satellite, and it’s very difficult to catch him with his guard down. Once he decides who the woman will be, he leaves footprints of fire just before he intends to mate…and only she can see them. By the time she notices the odd prints, it’s too late. He has her under his spell and seduces her before she can get away.”

  Flame appeared to drift into meditative thought as the three men discussed the best plan of action. Ian assured Hatch that he’d enlist his entire biker group to protect her. He told him about the rest of his gang, Citizen Soldiers. Hatch listened to details about their attempts to subdue the creepers and hunt down this so-called Satellite.

  “Coop,” Ian said referring to the head of his gang, “is an unshakable leader. The power struggle between him and Von nearly split the group. When Von hooked up with the Black Pythons, the others remained loyal to Coop.”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the Pythons are setting you up as payback? These creepers…could be staged to psyche you out.”

  Ian shook his head. “You’d be calling my late wife a liar to make such a claim.”

  “Is it possible that she was delirious with grief over losing the baby and had a hallucination? What if this entire madness is nothing more than a grief-stricken delusion?”

  Ian slammed his fist down on the table. “Everything I uncovered about the Satellite and his crew since I met Cassie lines up with what Nelle told me before she died. She wasn’t out of her mind. Her condition had stabilized after she lost our baby, but then suddenly took a turn, as if an unseen force took control right after she revealed the truth.”

  Flame jumped, obviously startled from her deep thought by Ian’s response.

  “No need to get angry,” Hatch said. “I’m simply trying to cover all possibilities before sending my woman on a wild goose chase. This isn’t what I had in mind for vacation and I hadn’t planned on staying more than a week.”

  “I have done nothing but live with this fiend and his miscreants in my head for the past five years. At least Flame is wise enough to consider what I’ve uncovered. I didn’t even believe a secret society of warrior women existed, but look…here she is. So if the books and the old man were right about that, I have no reason to doubt their accounts about everything else.”

  Hatch shrugged and sighed. “All right, calm down. I said I’d help. So what next?”

  “Like I said, the creepers have seen her. We will use Flame as bait to draw out their leader. Our men will be everywhere to assist her as needed should any decide to attack. The Satellite will reveal himself eventually and when he does, Flame will have to take him on alone. She can light one of those daggers and drive it through his evil heart.”

  “And just how is she supposed to get close enough to accomplish that?”

  “That is where her sisterhood training comes into play. Only a woman of her stature possesses enough discipline to resist his seduction long enough to see the fiery footprints and still take action. Ordinary women just don’t stand a cha

  “I’m not letting her enter a game of seduction! You’ll have to find another way.”

  Flame finally entered the conversation. “The decision is not yours to make,” she said in eerie calmness. “I’ve listened carefully to everything said over the past couple hours. I’ve considered the risks and searched my soul. This is the mission my ruler spoke of. I cannot back down.”

  Hatch blinked in surprise. “You’d go against my wishes?”

  “I’m sorry, but you don’t know everything. Some people are more in tune to the spiritual realm than others. You’re going to have to trust me.”

  He stared in disbelief. Sweat broke out on his skin as he tried to control his rising ire. “What exactly happened during your visit to that secret village of yours? You’ve changed during our trip.”

  “I cannot speak of matters concerning my sisterhood.” She stood up and began to peel off her clothes. “I’m going for a swim. I’ve been in these clothes all day, you coming?”

  He glanced at Ian, then at Raef who had been unusually silent for the most part. They shrugged in unison.

  “She never was shy,” Raef teased. “I think I’ll join her.”

  “Guess I better go for a dip, too. You’re not skinny dipping alone with my woman.”

  Raef laughed. “I won’t be alone with her. Look around. Everyone is naked and in the pool except us.”

  Hatch watched Flame dive into the deep end. Her body glided like silk rippling in the breeze as she moved through the clear water. Her natural beauty lacked nothing in comparison to the other women. They were thinner but most of them had fake breasts and other work done to fight the effects of age. Flame carried herself with supreme confidence among her peers, unfazed by the Hollywood beauties around her.

  He kept a close eye on Raef as he swam toward Flame. She turned and splashed playfully at him. He grabbed her waist then took her under water. Hatch stripped then jumped into the water after them.

  “So you decided to be brave and join us, huh?” She laughed joyfully upon coming up for air.

  Raef surfaced beside her. “You needed cooling off.” He smirked. “You’re way too uptight these days, old boy.”

  “Don’t mistake my mature character for lack of stamina. I could outride you any day, you and that pack of old goats if I wanted to. I’m not much older than you, I just act my age.”

  “No such thing.” Raef dipped below the surface again and took Flame with him.

  Hatch swam under to keep an eye on them. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her back up. She laughed before dunking him. The three of them frolicked in the water for several minutes trying to dunk each other.

  At last Flame came up, gasping for breath with a bright smile on her face. “All this testosterone is squelching my fun. I have a way to settle it.”

  “By all means, do tell,” Hatch stared at her suspiciously, wondering what she had in mind.

  “First one to swim over and back wins and we end this petty rivalry.” She looked expectantly from him to Raef.

  “What’s in it for us?” asked Raef.

  “The satisfaction of winning?”

  “Ah I need more incentive than that. How about the winner receives a kiss from you?”

  She glanced at Hatch. His jaw twitched, yet he couldn’t back down. His woman and his bandmate had just challenged him in two ways. He’d gone and opened his mouth to boast. Now he had to accept their little game or live in embarrassment.

  “Fine,” he muttered. “Never backed down to a challenge yet.” He definitely sensed she was testing him for some inexplicable reason.

  “Great.” She raised her arms and smiled. “Ready. Set. Go!” She dropped both hands.

  Hatch took a strong lead. Swimming at the gym was something he did often in New York. He doubted his saucy little woman knew that fact when she’d started this game. His arms swept over the water in broad strokes as he glided across the pool. Raef closed in from behind. No doubt he swam this pool every day, so beating him on his own turf would indeed be a sweet victory and put him in his place. If it took a silly swimming race to shove Raef back into the shadows, then so be it.

  He touched the far wall then did a quick turn. Halfway across the pool, Hatch glanced back. His opponent was gaining quickly. Then suddenly Raef pulled ahead. Shock flooded Hatch. He refused to accept that this man, who’d been in the background during their entire music career, could outdo him. The closer they drew to the winning side, the greater lead Raef obtained.

  Hatch stopped abruptly and grabbed his calf. “Shit! Damn leg cramp.” He made his way over to Flame. “Sorry, babe, my leg cramped up on me.” He feigned a wince.

  “Aw, and you were doing so well.” She gave him a puzzled look. “I hope you learned your lesson. Bragging will get you nowhere because anything can happen.”

  “You’re right. I was behaving like an ass.”

  “Do I still get my kiss?” Raef asked.

  Flame wrapped her arms around his neck. “A win is a win. Right, Hatch?”

  “Yeah…” He gave a nod and sighed. “Go ahead, give him his prize.” Better to accept one kiss between them than to openly lose a race and sacrifice his pride. What could one little kiss out in the open hurt, anyway? At least Flame will see I am a good sport.

  What he thought would be a short sweet peck on the lips turned into a sizzling display of passion. No sooner did her lips meet Raef’s than he swept his arms up her bare back and pulled her close. Even worse, she wrapped those long killer legs around his waist and her graceful arms tighter about his neck. They merged together for at least a few minutes, locked in a kiss that could’ve stopped traffic. His mouth dropped open while watching.

  When she finally eased back, Raef didn’t release her immediately. Hatch forced the image of their naked bodies rubbing against each other’s from his mind. He didn’t dare glance underwater. A misty glow shone on her face when she smiled back at Raef, making Hatch’s jealousy nearly impossible to conceal.

  He cleared his throat and held his voice steady. “Okay…now that that’s settled, how about we go have some drinks.”

  Chapter Five

  A couple of the women not related to the band shot Flame dagger-eyed looks as she pulled herself from the water and toweled dry after a refreshing swim. She ignored them and got dressed. Her mission had become clear. But Hatch’s resistance posed a threat to her success.

  Her gaze followed the increasingly appealing Raef as he pulled on tight white jeans but no shirt. His six-pack abs rippled with each movement. He looked like liquid stud poured into skintight denim. His easy way drew her in.

  And the kiss. Wow! She inwardly gasped. He is unbelievably hot!

  She silently questioned her engagement. Hatch had become more controlling of late and less appealing every day since they’d left New York. His fake cramp made him look weak. He couldn’t handle losing a simple competition to his friend. His lust for power was a turnoff. A second marriage didn’t seem like a great idea now. She couldn’t allow herself to marry another weak control freak.

  A flashback of the night she’d been held hostage by Aiden at his parents’ house sprang to mind. Why did my ex take such extreme measures to get me away from Hatch? Was it jealousy, as I thought, or could there be any truth to his crazy suspicions? And the question that still remained and haunted her, How did my ex find out I’m a warrior? Who could have possibly told him?

  When Hatch had proposed marriage after he and Ian’s biker group rescued her from Von, she’d been elated by his heroic efforts and felt good about marrying him. However, as the weeks passed she noticed more and more his controlling and at times brooding, jealous demeanor. She had been hoping this road trip would reveal a lighter side to him. Even the sex between them on the ride out had become mundane.

  The test in the pool satisfied most of her qualms regarding Hatch.

  Ian approached carrying a tray of glasses, ice and various liquors and mixes. “You guys ready to let down and
party the night away?”

  Hatch nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Streaks of light from a setting sun picked up the sparkle in the crystal tumblers. She admired their beauty. She loved things that sparkled. They reminded her of Celestial Village. A sudden longing for home swept through her, but she couldn’t allow herself the luxury of sentiment tonight. Instead, she poured herself a tall drink consisting of rum, blue liqueur, watermelon Schnapps, and a couple different fruit juices.

  “Just what do you call that concoction?” Hatch arched one brow and grinned.


  “Are you trying to forget something?”

  “Not really…just feeling a bit homesick. I’ll be fine.”

  He observed her with scrutinizing eyes. She brushed his invasive attempt aside to enjoy her drink. “You should try one.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  She watched as he poured the same mixtures into his glass, impressed yet troubled that he’d remembered her every action with precise detail. His intense scrutiny felt alarming at times.

  Ian pulled up a chair to join them after he’d played host to the guests. Raef was nowhere in sight.

  “Shouldn’t Raef be playing host to his guests?”

  “Ah, I don’t mind. Raef seemed a bit off so I told him to chill and I’d take care of things. I’ve been spending most of my time here anyway, since Cassie went back to Asia.”

  “Is she staying until the baby comes?”

  “I hope not. I want our child born here in the states. Once we get rid of the Satellite, I will bring Cassie home.”

  “I understand the urgency, then, and why you didn’t waste time approaching me for help.”

  Ian’s expression softened. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this.”

  “I knew something was headed my way, just didn’t know what until we arrived here.”

  “How did you know? Are you psychic?”

  “Nooo…just intuitive. My training has heightened my senses.”


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