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A Warrior's Knowledge

Page 54

by Davis Ashura

  *They’re Annexed,* Rukh said. With a flash of knowledge, he explained what he meant. *It can only be done by Kummas.*

  *And it makes you better warriors?*


  *Reach for your mate. I will show her how.*

  *You can do this?* Rukh asked, his mind filled with sudden hope.

  *Yes. Just as I taught you to Heal.*

  Rukh nodded. *Give it to every one of them.*

  Aia glanced at the Chims. They were readying for another attack. She would have to act quickly. Her brothers could help. She explained what was needed, and they agreed, Thrum less happily than Shon.

  Aia reached for the Humans and gave them the knowledge Rukh wished them to have.

  They screamed in anguish, but in seconds it was over. The remaining twenty or so Humans stared at her with disturbingly expressionless features. Their minds were silent, and the Chims charged with angry howls.


  Rukh reached for those around him. He found Jessira, Jaresh, and Cedar. They Annexed and a Quad was born.

  The Quad’s mission was simple: defend the ridge until the women and children were safe. To best accomplish its task, They all needed one another’s Talents. With a twist of Jivatma, knowledge was shared. It was done.

  The Quad conducted more Jivatma and Shielded the members. A green glow encompassed each of them. Around it, Triads and Duos readied bows. The Quad conducted more Jivatma and readied a different weapon. The members hands glowed gold.

  The enemy attacked.

  Primary, the most powerful, hurled his Fireballs. The other members were weaker and would have to wait for the enemy to close before the Quad could unleash them. Bowstrings snapped. Arrows flew. Chimeras were killed.

  The enemy was in range. Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary threw their Fireballs, incinerating the onrushing horde. The Kesarins tore into the Chimeras. They carved a bloody path into the ranks of the Fan Lor Kum. Again and again, the Quad flung Fireballs into the teeth of the enemy.

  For a brief period, the Quad and those fighting alongside it held the line, but the weight of the horde turned the tide. The Quad drew swords. It took deep cuts and heavy blows but never quit, contesting every foot it was forced to surrender.

  The end was nigh.

  “Retreat! The women and children are on the water.” The cry came from down below.

  A change in plans: survival was now the prime directive. Reach the shores of the river.

  The Quad unleashed Primary. His sword was the swiftest. His Jivatma the most suited for battle. Primary pushed yards into the enemy, separated from the rest of the Quad. His Shield brightened, and a Fire Shower burned outward. The enemy died in a perfect circle thirty yards wide, but Primary was left unShielded. He would likely die, but the gambit had accomplished its intended task. The other members could now safely retreat. Three would survive rather than none.

  The other members were furious and terrified, but the mission was unchanged.

  Primary fought on, surrounded on all sides, taking damage. His Shield flared back to life and was snuffed out almost as quickly under the weight of enemies.

  Roars of fury and outrage. The Kesarins, Aia, Shon, and Thrum, slashed an opening for Primary to escape.

  The Kesarins also took the moment to run.

  As soon as Primary caught up with the others, the Quad raced downhill. It had almost reached the base of the cliff when Quaternary took an arrow in the back. He stumbled before falling the last ten feet.

  The Quad dissolved.


  Jessira shook her head in confusion, trying to make sense of where she was. The world was dark and chaotic. Nightfall. What she’d experienced as part of the Quad … the battle on the ridge … Cedar! Jessira ran to her brother. Not him, too. She couldn’t take another loss.

  Rukh was by her side.

  Farn was already there. “I’ve got him. Cover us,” he ordered Rukh. Farn lifted Cedar and carried him toward a canoe guarded by Jaresh, Court, and Sign. A raft with five or six Ashokans pushed off into the water. Another. Jessira realized with a start that she, Rukh, and the others were the last ones still on the riverbank. They stood alone on a narrow sandbar. Sheltering them overhead was the limestone shoulder of a looming cliff.

  Raging forward came a mass of Chims, screaming their hate.

  Jessira jumped into the canoe’s prow. She readied the oars. Farn boarded, gently lowering Cedar. Rukh, the damn fool, stood alone upon the riverbank, yards in front of the others. His hands glowed, and he threw Fireballs. They exploded into the ranks of the massed Chims, funneled as they were by the narrow sandbar. It slowed them, and they screamed anew, this time in anguish.

  Jaresh boarded, followed by Sign and Court.

  Jessira shouted. “RUKH!”

  He heard her. And just like when he had saved Laya, he bounded along the length of the rock wall. Two jumps, and he was by the canoe. He tumbled inside. Court stood, providing cover with his arrows.

  Jessira hauled on the oars.

  “Go!” Court shouted. His voice ended in a gurgle.

  Jessira saw his head fall forward, clutching a spear that had taken him in the chest. He seemed to sigh before he toppled out of the canoe.

  Sign screamed. Jaresh held her back from leaping into the water after her brother. A green glow flickered around them. They were Shielded, and spears and arrows rattled against it. Rukh’s face showed the strain but he held onto his Jivatma.

  Court was gone. Jessira played back the final moments of his life over and over again in her mind, praying she would wake up from this nightmare. Her parents, Kart, Jeshni, Court, her nieces and nephews — all of them were dead. Her people … She bit back a sob. She could grieve when they were safe.

  Sign cried softly, hugging herself.

  They pushed further into the water, and picked up speed. The rapids were upon them, and it would be almost impossible to traverse in the darkness. But Rukh’s hands were lit, providing enough light by which to see. The first stretch would be the most dangerous. According to the maps, a half-mile downriver, the Gaunt smoothed out.

  Jessira didn’t allow the sorrow hollowing her heart to distract her. She didn’t allow the tears to fall. She remained focused on the task at hand. She shuddered with relief when the canoe swept past the rapids and into the deep water where the water flowed smooth and sedate.

  Cedar coughed just then, only once, before exhaling heavily and lying still.

  The End

  Thank you for taking the time A Warrior’s Knowledge, and I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far. Also, if you’re feeling particularly generous, I hope you’ll be kind enough to leave your thoughts about the book with Amazon and Goodreads.

  Volume Three of The Castes and the OutCastes will be the finale of this tale.


  Note: Most Arisan scholars use a dating system based on the fall of the First World. Thus:

  BF: Before the Fall of the First World.

  AF: After the Fall of the First World.

  Adamantine Cliffs: White cliffs, about two hundred feet tall that form the southern border of Dryad Park.

  Ahura Temple, the: One of the schools of song in Ashoka. Open only to Sentyas.

  Aia: A young Shylow/Kesarin.

  Alminius College of Medicine: One of the two Shiyen schools of medicine in Ashoka.

  Arbiter, the: The administrative judge of the Chamber of Lords, interpreting the various rules and points of etiquette. Typically, he is an older Kumma chosen by the ‘Els for his wisdom and knowledge. Upon his election, he gives up his House name and takes on the surname of ‘Kumma’. The position is a largely ceremonial one, and his vote is only offered in the case of a tie. His social standing is that of a ruling ‘El. Current Arbiter is Lin’El Kumma.

  Ashok: Caste Unknown. Historical figure who is the reputed author of the Compact and Binding, the constitutional basis of all governments in Arisa.

  Ashokan Guard, the: A reserve unit of about
25,000 warriors meant to support the High Army in times of crisis. It is composed of veteran Kummas, Murans, and Rahails. A few Duriahs have also joined the Guard over the years.

  Baels: The commanders of the Fan Lor Kum. They are feared for their intelligence and unwavering commitment to Humanity’s destruction as well as their imposing size, chained whips, and tridents. By convention, they are always given a hyphenated name in which Li- makes the first part.

  Book of All Souls, the: Sacred text dating from the First World. Author unknown, but said to be Devesh Himself. Over time since the fall of the First World, it has taken on secondary importance to The Word and the Deed in the religious life of most people.

  Brand Wall: Caste Rahail. Born AF 2041 to Trudire and Simala Wall. Twenty-one years old at the time of his first Trial.

  Bree Shektan: Caste Kumma. House Shektan. Born AF 2044 to Dar’El and Satha Shektan.

  Brit Hule: Caste Rahail. Born 2027. He is the youngest Patriarch in living memory as well as the youngest Magistrate in the Magisterium.

  Cal Dune: OutCaste. Born AF 2011. Colonel of the Home Army of Stronghold. He is the highest ranking officer in the Army and answerable only to the Governor-General.

  Caravan: Trade expedition meant to maintain contact between the cities. Protection of the caravan — a Trial — has come to be seen as a holy duty, for only through the free exchange of knowledge can Humanity hope to survive the Suwraith’s unending madness.

  Castes, the: The social, moral, and economic organization of all cities on Arisa.

  Kumma: The warrior Caste. They are involved in all aspects of defense, supplying the vast majority of warriors to the Ashokan military and the caravans. Their Talents are especially suited for battle.

  Sentya: Known for their accounting acumen and their skill with musical instruments and compositions. The finest musicians and composers are always Sentya. They possess the Talent of Lucency, which allows them to think with near utter clarity. In such a state, emotions are distant. They can also project this ability onto others.

  Duriah: Born to build, they are thick and stocky. Their Talent is to Cohese: the ability to take various objects and substances, and from them, forge something different and more useful. Rare individuals can DeCohese, which is the ability to break any object down to its basic components. A master craftsman is known as a Cohesor.

  Rahail: They maintain the Oasis, sensing where it is growing thin and working to repair and renew it. It is done through their Talent of Sharing wherein they literally give their Jivatma, letting it seep into an Oasis and keep it strong. It is an ability they can use but don’t really understand, even two thousand years after it first manifested. Their Caste is structured entirely around this Talent, although some join the caravans or the Ashokan Guard.

  Muran: Traditionally, they are farmers, although some join the caravans or the Ashokan Guard. Their Talent allows them to bring even a desert to flower. However, the pride of the Caste is their singers.

  Cherid: Physically they are the smallest of all the Castes, but Cherids are generally the leaders of a city. It is through their natural intelligence and cunning, as well as their Talent. They possess the ability of Synthesis: they can combine Jivatmas and share it out amongst others. Thus, a Rahail can maintain the city’s Oasis, not simply with the strength of his own Caste, but that of all Castes if need be.

  Shiyen: They all possess the ability to Heal to a certain extent, but only the most gifted amongst them are chosen for one of Ashoka’s two medical colleges. The rest are generally craftsmen and merchants.

  Cedar Grey: OutCaste. Born AF 2039 to Sateesh and Crena Grey. Lieutenant in the Stronghold Home Guard as a member of the Silversun scouts.

  Chamber of Lords: Kumma ruling Council. It consists of all the ruling ‘Els and presided over by the Arbiter. It is involved in decision-making that will affect the Caste as a whole. The Chamber also renders judgment for those charged with being Unworthy or thought to be traitors.

  Chimeras, the: Suwraith’s created forces who comprise the Fan Lor Kum. There are seven species of Chimeras: Baels, Tigons, Braids, Ur-Fels, Bovars, Balants, and Pheds. All species of Chimeras have some degree of intelligence except for Pheds and Bovars. Pheds are simply a meat source, grown only to feed the Fan Lor Kum. Bovars are beasts of burden, much like oxen, but it is from them that the most intelligent of all Chimeras were birthed: the Baels. The Chimeras are marsupial and born in groups of five, what they label a crèche, and mature to full adulthood within a few years, although the Baels take slightly longer.

  City Watch, the: Peacekeeping unit of about three hundred warriors, called upon to maintain the peace and investigate crime in Ashoka.

  Compact and Binding: The constitution by which all cities on Arisa are organized. Dated to just after the Night of Sorrows.

  Conn Mercur: Caste Shiyen. He is the dean of Verchow College of Medicine.

  Constrainers: Leather vambraces used in training or tournaments as a means to suppress the expression of an individual’s Jivatma.

  Council of Rule: Ruling Council of the Sil Lor Kum. It is comprised of the SuDin and the six MalDin.

  Court Deep: OutCaste. Born AF 2040. Cousin to Cedar and Jessira Grey and brother to Sign Deep.

  Crena Grey: OutCaste. Born 2007. Married to Sateesh Grey and amma to Kart, Cedar, Jessira, and Lure. Adopted Court and Sign Deep.

  Croft, the: Large fertile valley that provides all of Stronghold’s food. It is tightly regulated by the Home Senate.

  Crofthold: A neighborhood in Stronghold. Each Crofthold is built vertically, each with ten levels and a large atrium in the center. There are ten Croftholds.

  Dar’El Shektan: Caste Kumma. House Shektan. Born AF 2006 as Darjuth Sulle to Jarned and Tune Sulle of House Ranthor. Completed four Trials before retiring at age thirty-one. He transferred to House Shektan upon his return to Ashoka after his fourth and final Trial. Married Satha nee Aybar in AF 2039. Later, in AF 2050, he became the ruling ‘El of his House.

  Days of Desolation: A period of decades where the light of civilization was almost put out. Suwraith raged unchecked throughout the world, and Humanity lay huddled within its cities, hoping to ride out the storm.

  Disbar Merdant: OutCaste. Born 2035. Plumber and engaged to Jessira Grey.

  Dos Martel: Caste Muran. Born AF 1998. As well as being the Magistrate representative of her Caste, she is also a singer of great repute.

  Dru Barrier: OutCaste. Born AF 2024. Major East of the Home Army of Stronghold. Second highest officer of the Army and answerable only to the Colonel and Governor-General.

  Dryad Park: A large, public park known variously as ‘the Soul of Ashoka’ or ‘the green jewel of Ashoka’. It was developed under the auspices of the Magisterium in AF 1363 on an area of boggy, impoverished land full of rundown homes and apartments. The park has gone through several transitions, including a disastrous period of time in the 1600’s where the fashion of the day was to return public land to its natural state. The park quickly became a bog once again with swamp gases regularly polluting the air. Thankfully, this idea of ‘natural’ spaces was swiftly abandoned. In addition, during times of emergency, the park can be converted into arable land.

  Durmer Volk: Caste Kumma. House Shektan. Born AF 1990 to Hurum and Kiran Volk. Completed six Trials before retiring at age thirty-five. He is charged with the early training of young Shektans and known as the ‘Great Rahail’ for how seriously he takes his duties. Member of the House Council.

  East Vineyard Steep: An area of relatively rundown homes and buildings, which barely stand erect. However, the main denizens, the Sentyas, prefer it this way. They would rather not waste money to maintain their homes beyond what’s absolutely needed.

  Fan and the Reed, the: All-female Kumma academy in Ashoka. Founded AF 343.

  Fan Lor Kum: The Red Hand of Justice. Suwraith’s forces in the Wildness. Their soul purpose is to kill Humans wherever they find them. They are organized into Plagues, and the commander of each Plag
ue is titled the SarpanKum, a Bael of great cunning and skill. The Fan Lor Kum are sometimes referred to simply as the Chimeras.

  Organization of the Fan Lor Kum:

  One hundred Chimeras form a Smash and the commander is labeled a Jut

  Ten Smashes form a Fracture and the commander is labeled a Levner

  Fifteen Fractures form a Shatter and the commander is labeled a Vorsan

  Eight Shatters form a Dread and the commander is labeled a Sarpan

  Two Dreads form a Plague and the commander is titled the SarpanKum

  *All commanders at every level are Baels. Of note is the SarpanKi, who does not fit into this hierarchy. The SarpanKi is the special adjunct to the SarpanKum, almost always from his crèche, and outranks the Sarpans.

  Farn Arnicep: Caste Kumma. House Shektan. Born AF 2041 to Evam and Midre Arnicep. He is twenty-one years old at the time of his first Trial.

  Fifty-Five, the: The fifty-five survivors of Hammer’s Fall. They went on to found the city of Stronghold in AF 1753.

  First Father: Along with the First Mother, He was the ruler of the First World, greatly responsible for the peace and fortune of that time. Legends say that the First Father broke the WellStone and was thereby able to gain entrance to the fortress of the First Mother, and together, they were able to bring life to a dead and desolate land. The Baels claim it was the First Father’s own Daughter, Lienna, who murdered both of Her Parents.

  First Mother: Along with the First Father, She was the ruler of the First World, greatly responsible for the peace and fortune of that time. The Baels claim it was the First Mother’s own Daughter, Lienna, who murdered both of Her Parents.

  First World: Legendary time of peace and prosperity prior to the arrival of Suwraith. With the death of the First Mother and the First Father, the First World ended with the Night of Sorrows.

  Fol Nacket: Caste Cherid. Born AF 2006. He is the Cherid Magistrate and head of the Magisterium.


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