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Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation

Page 21

by Toni Aleo

  “Whatever,” he says again, and then the line goes dead. While I feel like that had to be done, I didn’t want it to end like this. I truly care for Nico, and he’s also my cousin’s fiancé’s best friend, so I’m sure I’ll see him again. I don’t want bad blood between us, but more than that, I don’t want to mess up what I’ve got with Aiden. He’s so wary when it comes to what we’re building. A lesser woman would give up and run, but I believe in this. I know he’s still figuring it out. While I am hopelessly and unconditionally in love with him and I’m sure how I feel, I know Aiden will get there. I just need to give him time. I need to be patient because I truly believe we can have the kind of love our parents all have.

  The thought of having that makes me grin and gives me that little fluttery feeling in my belly. I want it. I’ve watched my dad love and worship my mom my whole life. The same with Lucas and Fallon. They’ve all had such beautiful love stories, and I want Aiden and me to have that. I want him to realize that he can have it with me because I know I have it with him. No one has ever come close to how he makes me feel, and it’s not because I have some fantasy version of us. I have truly loved him my whole life. I believe I was made to love him. I just hope he was made to love me back.

  I bite my lip as I pull off the highway and head downtown to the arena. I’m not sure what my mom has in store for me, but I’m hoping it’s not something boring. When I turn onto the road that holds the arena, my phone sounds again. I look down to see that it’s Posey.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I need some advice.”


  She hesitates, but then it’s like she’s speaking all her words at once. “Should I get something for Maxim for his birthday?”

  My mouth quirks at the side. “Do you want to?”

  “I do. I saw this amazing stick that I know he’d love but can’t afford, and I thought if I get it, he’d like it.”

  I shrug. “I mean, if you want to, do it.”

  “You don’t think that’s dumb?”

  “Why would it be?”

  “I don’t know. Like, it makes sense that Mom and Dad get him something, but I’m just me.”

  I hate that she feels like that. She’s always so reserved. So self-conscious when she doesn’t need to be. She’s absolutely stunning and smart as a whip. Maxim would be lucky to be with her. “Yes. You’re the girl in love with him.”


  “What? You know what I think. I think you should get the stick and write on the blade that you’re totally in love with—”

  “Goodbye, Shelli.”

  The line goes dead, and I laugh. That’s a first, being hung up on twice in one day. I follow the road through the parking garage up to the top where the players and employees park. I hope Posey takes my advice. She should tell him. They’d be cute together. As I get out of the truck, I’m excited I get to see Aiden soon. The guys had a great road trip, winning all three of their away games. They should be coming home today, but I haven’t heard from him yet.

  Not that I’m watching my phone or anything.

  When it sounds, I rush to look at it, but it’s only an email from a casting director up in New York. I open it as I walk toward the elevators. Before I can finish the email, though, my mom’s voice startles me.

  “Jumpy much?” she teases as she hits the button. My mother is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She’s so classy and powerful in her pencil skirt and flowy blouse. She wears heels that are sky high and make her seem way taller than she is. Her hair is down, matching mine in big, wide curls. I grin as she hugs me from the side. “What has your attention?”

  She looks over my shoulder at the email as we ride down. “A casting director wants me to audition for Chicago.”

  Her green eyes blaze back at me. “The one you always wanted to do.”

  “Yeah,” I say softly.

  “You should go.”

  “You think?”

  She nods as we ride down to the offices. “I do. I know you think you’re done, but maybe one more?”

  I shrug as the doors open, and I tuck my phone into my pocket, deciding to write them back later. “I don’t know. I’m happy here.” But as soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I shouldn’t think like that. While I love being home, the main reason I don’t want to go back to New York is because Aiden wouldn’t be there. This could all go to hell, and I would have missed out on an opportunity to be in a show I have wanted to perform in since I saw it at thirteen.

  “But it’s your favorite. At least go, try out, and then decide after they offer you the lead.”

  I scoff at her confidence in me as she wraps an arm around my shoulders. She kisses my temple as we head to her office. When the door shuts behind me, I look around at my life on display. Photos of my mom and dad together from when they were dating to the day they got married tell their story in front of me. There are photos of my siblings and me growing up too, but my eyes fall on the photo right above her desk. It’s the one of my mom singing to my dad after a game, when she knew she had to win him over.

  Her big gesture to get him back, after not singing live for so long. It’s one of my favorite pictures and, for sure, one of my favorite stories she retells. I fall back in a chair, and I point up at the photograph. “I wish I had a chance to do Funny Girl.”

  My mom’s face fills with such admiration as she gazes up at the photo, my dad holding her face as she holds the mic at her side. She looks back at me and says, “Oh honey, I would love to see you do that.”

  I grin. “Though I doubt I could ever sing ‘My Man’ the way the great Eleanor Fisher did,” I say, using her maiden name.

  She waves me off. “You’d sing it way better.”

  My heart swells in my chest. She is by far my biggest fan, as I am hers. We share a small smile before she opens up her laptop. I have never thought I couldn’t do something. She always urged me to follow my dreams and never give up. While my dad is my hero, my mom is a role model. I strive to be her, to make her proud. “I love you, Mom.”

  Her loving gaze holds mine. “I love you too, honey.” She winks at me, her lashes kissing her cheeks before she says, “So, let’s get started.”

  I nod as I cross my legs, opening my tablet and taking out my digital pen. “All right, I assume this is to move me. So where am I going?”

  “I want you to work with the foundation.”

  My brows come in. “The foundation?”

  “Yes, the Assassins Foundation for Veterans.”

  A big grin pulls at my lips. “Really?”

  “Really,” she says with just as wide of a grin. “I want you to work with our new boys to get them involved in the foundation. I want you to plan some events for the guys to take part in. I think you should do a team fundraiser and then a gala to raise money for a new shelter I want to build for our veterans who need it.”

  My mind is blown. I’ve always admired the Assassins Foundation, and this is something I am super passionate about helping with. A new shelter? That’s bomb. “Yes, I am so down.”


  “Which new guys?”

  “Wesley McMillian, Boon Hoenes, and then Aiden, of course.”

  The last name sets my core on fire. “Great. I can do that.”

  “You’ll need to really pin the boys down and make them work. They’re all a bit squirrely. Gearing up for the play-offs.”

  “I know, but Wes and I are super cool. Boon is nice, and Aiden is Aiden,” I say offhandedly, but Mom sets me with a look.

  “You still have a thing for him.”

  “No, I don’t…” I try, but she sees right through me.

  “Shelli Grace, I know you, and I know it to be true. I don’t blame you. He’s handsome as all get-out, but remember, that boy has made some bad decisions.”

  I shrug. “That he’s learned from, I assume, of course.”

  Her eyes burn into mine. “Maybe so. He has been on his best behavior.
Nothing like what the GM of the Rangers made him out to be. He’s always on time to practice, minus that time he overslept for the plane ride, and he’s a team player. Everyone loves him, he works hard, and he shines on the ice.”

  While I think all the good could be because he’s with me, I don’t know that it is. I really think he was lost in New York. The shit with that crazy chick messed him up. Being home, finding his own way, and then me—I think it is all clicking for him.

  Since I have nothing to say about that without giving away that I’m totally in love with Aiden, I save the document I have been taking notes in and nod. “I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t.” I look up at her, and she smiles as I get up. “Have you thought about asking him out?”

  I furrow my brow. “Who?”


  I press my lips together, and I know this is the perfect moment to come clean. I tell this woman everything—she’s one of my best friends—but I’m not ready to let her in on this. I don’t want her to get her hopes up for me. She knows how badly I have wanted to be with Aiden, and if something goes wrong, she’ll legit want to kill him. Then she’ll get my dad and his angina involved, and I really don’t need that.

  “No, I don’t think he sees me like that.”

  She narrows her eyes. “I think he may.”

  Her words make my heart pray she is right. “I don’t know.”

  “See how it goes working with him. Maybe something will blossom?”

  I wave her off. “I don’t know. He seems pretty focused on his job.”

  She shrugs. “Maybe he doesn’t have the right distraction?”

  Oh, he does.

  I have to hide my grin to make sure she doesn’t see that I am it. “I’m gonna head out. I gotta get to the bar for my shift tonight.”

  She nods. “Please consider going to the audition.”

  “I will,” I promise as I step around the desk to hug her tightly. “Thank you for this opportunity. I’m excited to do it.”

  “I know. You’re going to do great. Call Aunt Grace if you need help.”

  “Duh. She’s gonna be my planner.”

  She kisses my cheek. “Good thinking. Love you, honey.”

  “Love you,” I say as I walk out of her office. When I shut the door, I lean against it as I exhale. I have admired this foundation for a really long time, and I finally get to help do something great for it. I’ll be working on it, side by side with Aiden.

  I really don’t know how this day could get any better.

  BROOKS HOUSE IS PACKED to the brim. I’m not sure what’s so special about this Thursday, but everyone is out. There is a wait for a table, and my tip jar is overflowing. It’s been a great night. Everyone has been really receptive to my playlist, and the requests that have come in have been fun to perform. The only downside is I haven’t heard from Aiden. Like, at all. I wasn’t sure if I should text him, so I just let it be.

  Which is driving me crazy.

  With my eyes closed, I let my voice fill the room as I move my fingers along the piano. “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is one of those songs that isn’t done well without the all-out passion coming from the heart. I remember when I was nine and my mom taught me this song. We’d sing it while we did dishes, cleaned my room and the bathroom. It brings a smile to my face because I can still see my mom pressing into my gut and telling me to sing out into the world. I still use that advice to this day. Especially when I’m onstage.

  When I finish the last lyrics, my pinkie hitting the final note on the piano, I open my eyes as my voice drops off. The room erupts with applause, and I sigh softly before reaching for a drink of my water.

  That’s when I see him.

  Aiden sits at the end of the bar, one foot up on the lower rail, while his other is against the floor. He’s wearing a fitted suit, a powder-blue color that makes his eyes seem blue instead of gray. His hair is down, tucked behind his ears, and his eyes, well, they’re on me. A small grin pulls at his lips, and my breath catches. I want to close the distance between us. I want to wrap my body around his and kiss that naughty mouth of his. Only problem is, not only is Stella here, but so is Fallon.

  Speaking of Fallon, she comes around the bar, hugging him tightly, and I know I have to look away. Or she’ll see me with stars in my eyes only for him. Everything around me is crackling. I’ve missed him terribly. I look down at the piano, and something inside me wants to play Taylor Swift’s “Sparks Fly.” I move my fingers along the piano, and when I start to sing, I feel his gaze on me. Unable to keep my eyes closed, I open them to find I am right. Aiden is watching me, his eyes so intent on me as I sing the song that reminds me of him. Of us.

  Fallon comes over to him with a plate of food, setting it down in front of him, and she looks over to me, a big grin on her face. Aiden says something, and she agrees, her eyes bright as she looks down at her firstborn. You can’t deny how much she loves Aiden. Sometimes I think he’s her favorite, and I can’t blame her. He’s absolutely amazing. When she walks away, his gaze moves over me once more, and the look in his eyes leaves me completely breathless.

  I tear my gaze from his—or at least, I make it seem that way for the simple fact that I know people could be watching. When I finish the song, I notice he gets up as the crowd claps and cheers me on. But all I see is him, and all I hear is my heart pounding in my chest. He comes up to the piano and leans on it before sliding a napkin toward me.

  “Stella and my mom think I’m up here requesting a song, but really, I wanted to ask if you’d come over tonight.”

  My lips quirk. “I would really like that.”

  “Good. See you when you get off?” I nod, and then he taps the piano. “Also, sorry I suck. My phone died, and I left my charger in Calgary. I would have used someone else’s, but no one would give up their chargers. I may have a bit of a reputation for stealing them.”

  “Likely excuse,” I tease, and he grins.

  He taps the napkin and then winks before walking away. I watch his tight ass in those slacks, and I can’t wait to meet him back at his place. I’ve missed him so damn much. I look down at the folded napkin, and when I open it, my heart explodes in my chest.

  I missed you. A lot. I really want to kiss you and hold you in my arms. Don’t make me wait long. It’s already been long enough. Bring a bag, because you aren’t leaving.


  I look up just as a sexy grin moves across his lips, and I swear I fall for him all over again.

  And I thought my day couldn’t get any better.



  MY BACK HITS the wall as I hold Shelli in my arms, our mouths in a fiery embrace of need. God, she feels good in my arms. Her thighs squeeze my hips as her mouth tortures mine. She threads her fingers through my hair as I draw out her soft and sexy moans. I squeeze her ass as I hold her, wanting her closer. Wanting her naked. I try to make it to my condo, but I’m too lost, and fuck it, I don’t want to be found. Not when I’m with her.

  When I finally get us to the front door, I fish out my keys as she continues to kiss me, raking her teeth along my jaw and neck. She’s driving me out of my mind. Completely. I was a little hesitant leaving her that note. I was worried that it was silly to say those things, but if this is the response I get when I tell her I miss her… Well, damn it, I’ll tell her every second. Especially since it’s the truth.

  I missed her like crazy these last few days. The phone wasn’t enough. I wanted to feel her, touch her. Kiss her, taste her. I want to consume her. I missed the way she smelled. The way her thighs squished against my legs when we lay in bed. I missed her hair. I missed her eyes—fucking hell, I’ve missed all of her. It’s odd and something I don’t do, but I counted down the seconds every day until I could get back to the hotel to talk to her. There were warning bells, but I ignored them, especially when Shelli smiled. Or laughed. Yeah, her laugh gets me.

  Who am I kidding? She knocks me on
my ass, and I don’t even want to get up because I know she’ll get on top of me.

  I shove the key in the lock and turn it before pushing the door open. I take only one step before my brother’s voice fills the room. “Please don’t fall on me and start having sex. That would be really awkward.”

  Shelli tears her mouth from mine, and her face turns beet red. “Oh!”

  Annoyance rattles me. “Asher, what the fuck?”

  He looks up at me innocently. Like me, he’s huge, taking up the whole couch. Wide shoulders, tall as hell, and thick. He works out, a lot, which I tease him about since his whole look is that of a total dork. He wears these thick, black-framed glasses, and his hair is always a mess, but then, he’s jacked. It’s really comical. He’s like the one genius who doesn’t get thrown into lockers. Hell, he might do the throwing. His eyes are a weird combination of green and gray, but all I see is my dorky baby brother. I haven’t seen him in a couple months, and don’t get me wrong, I love the guy, but I really don’t want to stop kissing Shelli.

  Unfortunately, she’s already climbing down my body. “Asher! Oh my God! I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  A happy grin covers Asher’s face as he gets up to hug Shelli.

  “Please, don’t stop your assault on my brother’s mouth for my sake.”

  She smacks him. “Shut it. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Great, even.”

  She gushes, her eyes bright. “Aw, wonderful! How’s Jasmine?”

  She knows my brother’s girlfriend’s name? “She’s great, thanks for asking. She’s actually out of town on a lacrosse trip. Figured I’d come home, visit while she’s gone.”

  Shelli holds out her hands. “She is such a beast. I love watching her play.”

  She’s watched the girl play? “I didn’t know Jasmine played lacrosse.”

  They both look at me, and Asher scoffs. “Since that’s the first time you’ve ever said her name, I wouldn’t think you did.”


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