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Dump and Chase: Nashville Assassins: Next Generation

Page 24

by Toni Aleo

  “Are you in love with her?” she asks, and I shake my head.

  “I don’t even know what love is.”

  Dad holds out his hand to me. “Why is that?”

  “’Cause I’ve never been with anyone to find out,” I answer, and when I see the tears gather in my mom’s eyes, I look away. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Aiden, it’s a huge deal. We don’t want that for you. You deserve to love someone. To be loved. Don’t let what happened to me hold you back.”

  I look up, meeting her gaze. “That’s hard when I heard you cry. When I saw you try and try to find someone to fill that hole he left you with. You’d lie in bed with me, and I could see the pain on your face. You were never complete, never happy—”

  “Aiden, you were the light of my life. I was always happy—”

  “Yes, with me. But when it was just you, or even with AA, you were sad. You were bitter, you were angry, because all you wanted was the love of your life. You wanted the man who completed you. And I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

  “Can’t do what?” Dad asks, his hand slipping around my mom and scooting her beside him so he can hold her. “We are happy, Aiden. We are in love. This is a great life.”

  “But it doesn’t erase the fact that she was miserable for a long time. Six years, to be exact. So you want me to just give in to that, feel that, and then have it go away?” Both of their faces are filled with such turmoil. “Don’t you remember, Mom? Not everyone gets a happily ever after, so why should I even chance it?”

  Tears stream down my mom’s face, and I hate it. I didn’t want to make her cry. She gets up and comes around the table. I don’t move until she makes me, turning me in my chair before taking my face in her hand. “You chance it for this,” she says, gesturing around the room. “For a family. A home. A love that will last a lifetime. Yes, your father broke me, but he also put me back together. He gave me the best life I could ever ask for—”

  “But I don’t want that pain,” I tell her.

  She blinks as the tears fall down her cheeks, and then she slowly lowers to her knees, cupping my face in both her hands. “The truth is, punkin’, everybody can hurt you, but you gotta find the one worth hurting for. The one who may hurt you but will love you even harder. We’re human. We make mistakes. It happens.”

  As I stare into her flooded green eyes, I find myself asking if Shelli is worth hurting for. I see her blue eyes, her quick grin, and I can feel her laugh in my soul.

  Is she?

  “Punkin’, I found mine, and then I lost him. Did I do things wrong? You’re damn right I did, but I was young, I was hurt, and I was mad. Dad and I both made bad choices, him with the drinking and me with keeping him away from you completely. I tried to stop myself from being hurt again, and I was miserable. I hurt him and he hurt me, but here we are. My heart belongs to him, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, that’s how it is. You find the one you belong to, the one you were made for, and that’s it.”

  I swallow hard as I get lost in her loving eyes. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

  She holds my face. “But is the fear of hurt enough to keep you from feeling complete?”

  I look down at my hands as I absorb everything they are saying. “I hear you guys, but I honestly don’t know what to say. I don’t know what I’m feeling.”

  “Is it serious? You and Shelli?”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat. “I don’t… I think so. I miss her, a lot, and I love being with her.”

  She pats my face. “Ask yourself if you can live without her, and you’ll know if it’s serious or not.”

  It’s serious.

  I don’t say that, though. I just nod as she kisses my temple. “Now we have to figure out a way to protect you from the wrath of Shea Adler when he finds out.” She looks to my dad then. “I can’t lose him. I love him the most.”

  A grin pulls at my lips at the sounds of distress from my siblings in the living room. But then it disappears when I realize my whole family now knows about Shelli. They know I don’t know what I’m feeling.

  But all I want to know is if I’ll get hurt.




  As I sit at the kitchen table, working on the scheduling and other details, I find myself looking back at my phone every minute or so. It’s pathetic and I’m aware, but it’s unlike Aiden not to text or call me. We haven’t gone a day without talking since we started this, and I really don’t know what is going on. Since I have my pride, I refuse to text him first. He said he would text me when he was done with dinner. That was twenty-four hours ago—not that I’m keeping up with it or anything.

  What did I do?

  When my phone sounds, I look down to see it’s Amelia.

  Amelia: You did nothing. Don’t turn this into something it’s not. He has probably just been busy.

  But even so, he would at least text me. Tell me so. I don’t know… Something seems off. Not that I tell that to Amelia. I don’t want to seem needy or obsessed with him. I’m not… Well, maybe a little. But in my defense, he’s absolutely wonderful. I love spending time with him. I love talking to him. I love laughing with him. I really love being in bed with him.

  Who am I kidding? I love him. All of him.

  Every single fiber of him. And I really want him to love me. I want him to look into my eyes, hold my face, and I want to hear him utter those words. So badly. A part of me wants to believe that he’s getting there, that he actually does care for me, but the other part is telling me I’m delusional. It won’t happen. Aiden Brooks, love me? Please, why would he? I may think I’m enough, but no one has ever been enough for him.


  I look up as Mom comes into the kitchen. She’s wearing her robe, as she should since it’s almost nine at night. Meanwhile, I’m wearing jeans and a tee in the hopes that Aiden will call. Even if he does, I shouldn’t go. I should stay here, even if I don’t want to. I miss him, and he’s leaving tomorrow night for a long road trip. That’s the reason I thought I was staying the weekend with him. It’s rare that they have a weekend off, but with back-to-backs in two different cities, I guess they thought it would be a nice break. It would be, if I were with Aiden.

  “Yeah, trying to get a spot for the shoot.”

  She nods as she pulls out the chair. “You should do it at the arena.”

  I shrug, wrinkling my face at her. “That’s so overdone. I kind of want to do it in a park or even a really rustic house. I don’t know. I want it to feel homey, if that makes sense. Like the guys on the couch with the pups or even in a truck? Just something really down-home.”

  Mom nods. “Well, you could do it here.”

  My lips curve. “That would be free.”

  “What’s free?” Dad asks as he pulls out a chair, sitting down across from me.

  Mom leans into him, kissing his shoulder. “The house, for the spring fundraiser. A photo shoot with dogs.”

  “That would be cool,” he says, wrapping his arm around Mom. They share a look, and I love how in love they are. I want that kind of love, and I want to believe I’ll have it. But for that to happen, Aiden would have to love me. “So I guess you’re liking this gig, then?”

  I nod eagerly. “I am. I love it.”

  “Well, I don’t think anyone could do it as well as you are. You’re gonna make us even more proud of you, aren’t you?”

  I grin at him, nodding. “That’s my goal.”

  He pats my hand as Posey comes into the kitchen. She falls into the chair beside my mom before Mom asks, “Have you decided what you’re going to do about the audition?”

  I look down at my hands. I haven’t told Aiden about it, but I’m unsure what I want to do. I don’t want to leave him, but I have always wanted to be in Chicago. It’s one of my top three shows. I can’t stay for a guy, I know I can’t, and I also suspect he wouldn’t let me. We’re both too goal-oriented. “I don’t k
now yet. I’m still considering it. I haven’t emailed them back yet. I will by tomorrow.”

  “That’s unlike you. Why haven’t you decided?”

  I bite my lip as I look down at my computer. “Just been busy.”

  “While I know you’re working hard on your assignment, I also know that you haven’t been sleeping in your bed.” My eyes widen as I meet her gaze. What is she doing? Dad is at the table. Hello? Did we forget about the angina? She waves me off. “He knows.”

  I don’t look at my dad. “But the angina?”

  She snorts, and my dad chuckles lightly. “Still in full effect.”

  “I have to say, Dad, you’re not even red,” Posey teases. “You did hear that she’s not sleeping in her bed? Which means she’s sleeping in someone else’s. A boy, Dad, or maybe even a man.”

  I glare at my sister. “Do you want me to stab you?”

  She laughs at me as Dad swallows hard. “Mom says I need to relax. That you’re not a baby anymore.”

  “But?” I supply, and he laughs.

  “But I don’t want to know about it, so I’m leaving.”

  He gets up then and heads out as we all laugh together. When we hear the TV come on, Mom looks at me all excitedly as she pats my hand. “So? Who is he?”

  I shake my head. “I’m not ready to say.”

  She pulls her brows in. “Really? You tell me everything.”

  “I know,” I agree as I look away. “But he’s skittish, and we’ve decided to do us before we involve parents and stuff.”

  I feel as if I’ve said too much, but she doesn’t seem to catch on. “So you know his family? Do I know him?”

  “No, we’re just taking it slow,” I lie, but Posey sees right through me.

  “Is it that guy AJ?”

  My eyes widen as I look back at her. Aiden doesn’t really go by AJ, but he did a bit in high school.

  Mom’s brows perk. “AJ who? Posey, do you know?”

  Posey just shakes her head. “No, Mom. I just know she talks to AJ all the time, so I assumed it was him.”

  Our gazes stay locked, and in a way, it’s nice that Posey knows.

  “Is it serious?”

  I smile. “For me, yes. For him, eh, not sure.” When she makes a face, I hold up my hands. “I want to say it is, but like I said, he’s skittish.”

  She shrugs. “I was skittish.”

  I raise my brow. “What? You love Daddy.”

  Mom grins as she nods. “Of course I do, but I was scared shitless of getting hurt, and I was terrified of commitment. It takes one bad relationship to ruin you.”

  I press my lips together. Aiden’s never dated anyone. I really have no clue why he’s afraid of commitment. “How did you get over it?”

  She moves her head toward the living room, where I know my dad is sitting in his La-Z-Boy, watching the hockey highlights. “He never gave up on me. He loved me until I realized he wasn’t going anywhere. Now, look at us. Five beautiful children, a home, and happiness.”

  My lips curve. “You guys are such relationship goals.”

  Posey nods. “Totally.”

  Mom smiles at us both. “It will happen for y’all too. Don’t worry.”

  I glance at Posey, and she looks down, seeming unsure of herself. I know she’s thinking of Maxim, and it bothers me. I want her to realize there are men out there who want her, but she’s caught up on one guy. Just as I am. I didn’t give up on what I wanted, and now I have him.

  When my phone flashes with a call, I look down to see it’s Aiden.

  I lift the phone quickly and stand up. “Excuse me.”

  “Is it AJ?” Mom squeals, and Posey laughs.

  I roll my eyes as I answer it before heading out of the kitchen and down the hall to my room. “Well, hey there, stranger.”

  “Hey. What are you doing?” His voice is soft, a little defeated.

  I hold in my anger. “Nothing. Just working.”

  “Cool. Do you wanna come over?”


  He pauses. “To see me? I leave tomorrow. I wanted to spend time with you.”

  I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Oh, so we’re acting like you’ve been talking to me for the last twenty-four hours? You’ve been radio silent.”

  He doesn’t answer for a moment before clearing his throat. “You haven’t texted me.”

  “Because you said you’d text me when you were done at dinner,” I throw back, and he lets out a long sigh. “So, what happened?”

  He doesn’t speak right away. I wait for an answer, and then he says, “Can you come over, please? I miss you.”

  I purse my lips. “Why? So you can do something cute so I won’t be upset anymore?”

  “Exactly,” he says warily, and I shake my head.

  “You’re impossible.”


  “Fine, but I’m not staying.”

  “Yeah, you are,” he says, and finally, a bit of his cockiness is back.


  “Don’t forget your charger. Your toothbrush is here.”


  “Be careful. It’s raining.”

  The line goes dead, and I shake my head, though I am grinning from ear to ear. I want to see him. I’m annoyed he hasn’t called or texted, but by the way he sounded, I think dinner must have been a shitshow. I don’t know why, though. He was excited to spend time with his family. I tuck my phone into my pocket and grab my charger. I already have a bag there. I head out of my room and down the hall just as my dad comes out of the bathroom.

  “You leaving?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I’ll be back tomorrow.”

  I go to step around him, but he stops me. His eyes search mine, and I find I’m holding my breath. If he tells me I can’t go, I won’t. “Shelli, is he good to you?”

  His eyes are so full of worry, they make my heart stop. “Of course, Daddy. You know me. I won’t settle for anything less than perfect. Not with you as the example.”

  He nods firmly. “Good. You better not.”

  “I won’t.”

  He wraps an arm around my neck and pulls me in. “I love you, darling.”

  And because of how he loves me, I know how I want to be loved.


  WHEN AIDEN OPENS THE DOOR, our eyes meet. I go to say something witty, something a little bitchy, but he looks overwhelmed. He lets out a long sigh before he pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. He nuzzles his nose into my neck, and I close my eyes as I hold him. We stand in the doorway for what seems like hours, our hearts beating and our breathing in sync.

  When he pulls back, he kisses my lips. “I missed you.”

  “Not enough to call me?” I ask, not able to let go of my annoyance.

  He laces his fingers with mine. “Rough night, and then I had practice this morning.”

  “Still could have texted me,” I remind him as he leads me in.

  As he shuts the door, he says, “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I throw my keys and charger on the table by the door before looking up at him. “What happened?”

  He shakes his head. “Too much crap to even talk about.” I go to ask what, but then I notice a mason jar of yellow daffodils on the counter. I look over at him, and he holds his hands up. “I swear, I got them last night. I’m so not trying to be cute about not calling. I really am sorry.”

  I walk to the counter, skeptical, but then I notice a card beside them. It’s a narwhal that is saying “You’re one of a kind!” I open the card, and inside, in his messy handwriting, it reads:

  Just because…

  They reminded me of you.


  I press the card to my chest as I look over my shoulder at him. “They reminded you of me?”

  “They’re bright and make me happy when I look at them.”

  My heart explodes in my chest. Holy swoon, Batman. “And you bought these last night?”

  “I picked them out of my mom�
�s garden, and I bought the card at the gas station last night.” I eye him, and he shrugs. “I have the receipt.”

  My face breaks into a grin. “This is very sweet.”

  He comes up beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my jaw. “You’re sweet.”

  “Will you tell me what happened?”

  He hesitates. “I’d rather take you to bed.”

  I search his gaze. “Where is Asher?”

  “Who cares? I don’t,” he answers as he nuzzles my neck.

  “So Asher pissed you off?”

  He nods. “But I don’t want to talk about him either.”

  “Is he the reason dinner went badly?”

  “Yes.” He kisses my jaw. “Did you know I called you tomato head the whole first month after you were born?”

  I smile. “I didn’t, but since I came up, does the bad dinner have to do with me?”


  My heart picks up in cadence. I press my lips together. “Do they know?”


  “But you don’t want to talk about it?”


  I move my fingers along his jaw. “Should I be worried?”

  “No,” he says fiercely. “Everything is under control.”

  I tip his jaw up so our eyes meet. “Are you okay?”

  He leans his head into mine, his gray thundercloud eyes burning into mine. I feel so special under his gaze. So beautiful. So complete. In a gruff voice, he whispers, “I am now.”

  It’s funny… So am I. I was waiting for the anxiety to come, knowing his family knows. That they’ll tell my parents. But I don’t care. For once Aiden’s lips meet mine, nothing matters.

  Only us.



  I RACE one of Tampa’s defensemen into their zone for the puck. I gotta get there before icing is called. Thankfully, I do, and they wave it off. What I don’t expect is for the 900-pound Igor-looking motherfucker to slam me into the boards. My face goes into the glass, and yup, I’m going to feel that tomorrow. Maybe Shelli can kiss away the pain. That’s the only good thing about tomorrow, seeing her. First, though, I gotta win this hockey game.


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