An Atomic Love Story

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An Atomic Love Story Page 39

by Shirley Streshinsky


  Acheson, Dean

  Adams, John

  Addis, Dr. Thomas

  Adler, Alfred

  Adler, Felix

  Alexander, Lynn

  Alsos Mission


  Allison, Sam

  Alvarez, Luis

  Arnstein, Edith. See also Jenkins, Edith

  Atomic age

  Atomic bomb: dropped on Japan; first test of; and Germany; horror of; and Niels Bohr; and Soviet Union; and United States; and H-bomb; and struggle for control of; and "Super bomb". See also Gadget, the; Manhattan Project

  Atomic energy

  Atomic Energy Commission. See United States Atomic Energy Commission

  Bacher, Bob

  Bacher, Jean

  Baker, Mr. Nicholas. See Bohr, Niels

  Baker, Zelma

  Barnett, Henry

  Barnett, Shirley

  Baruch, Bernard

  Benedict, Dr. Ruth death of; lesbian relationships of

  Bernfeld, Siegfeld

  Bernstein, Jeremy

  Bethe, Hans; and Robert Oppenheimer

  Bishop, Elizabeth

  Blackett, Patrick M. S. (Baron)

  Bloomsbury Group

  Bohr, Aage

  Bohrs, James

  Bohr, Niels (aka "Mr. Baker")

  Borden, William

  Boring, Ed

  Boué family

  Boyd, William

  Britain: and aid to Soviet Union; and bombing of Münster, Germany; declares war on Germany; and German atomic bomb; Germans bombard during World War II; honor Richard Tolman; and intelligence service; physicists from; and preparation for D-Day; rescue Niels Bohr; and Spanish Civil War; Richard Tolman liaison with; uranium research group and atomic bomb

  Brooke, Rupert

  Bruner, Jerome; and Ruth Tolman

  Boulanger, Nadia

  Buck, Pearl

  Bush, Vannevar

  Byrnes, James

  Cabot, Anne

  Cahn, Leni

  Campbell, Helen

  Caen, Estelle

  Caen, Herb

  California Institute of Technology (Caltech). See Oppenheimer, J. Robert; Tolman, Richard Chace

  Chace, Elizabeth Buffum

  Chadwick, Sir James

  Chaves, Don Amado

  Chaves family

  Chevalier, Haakon; donates for Spanish refugees; friend of Robert Oppenheimer; and Soviets

  Chickering, Alma

  Chickering, Bill

  Chickering family

  Church, Frank

  Churchill, Winston

  Clark, Eleanor

  Clark, Jean: friends with Jean Tatlock

  Clark, Margot: friends with Jean Tatlock

  Clayberg, Lin Ramseyer

  Clouser, William

  Communism; in USSR. See also Anti-Communists; Communist Party USA; Young Communist League

  Communist Manifesto

  Communist Party USA; and Frank Oppenheimer; Jackie Oppenheimer; and Jean Tatlock; and Joe Dallet; and Kitty Dallet; and Kitty Harrison; and Kitty Oppenheimer

  Conant, James

  Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. See United States Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy

  Copland, Aaron

  Dallet, Hilda

  Dallet, Joe; and Communism; death of; and Kitty Ramseyer Dallet; and Spanish Civil War; in French prison

  Dallet, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer; "common law" wife of Joe Dallet; and Communist Party USA; in England; and FBI; hears from Joe Dallet; learns of death of Joe Dallet; loves Joes Dallet; marries Stewart Harrison; offers Joe Dallet's letters for publication; returns to Joe Dallet; returns to United States; sells Daily Worker; separates from Joe Dallet; student at University of Pennsylvania. See also Harrison, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer; Ramseyer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening

  de Blonay, Hilde Vissering

  de Blonay, Johanna

  de Blonay family


  de Silva, Peer

  Dickel Helene "Lanie" Ramseyer

  Didisheim, Jane

  Dostoyevsky, Fydor

  Donovan, William J. ("Wild Bill")

  Duffield, Priscilla

  Duncan, Isadora

  Dyson, Freeman

  Dyson, Verena

  Eagle Hill (Oppenheimer home in Berkeley, Calif.)

  Edsall, John T.; friend of Oppenheimer

  Einstein, Alfred

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.; orders investigation of J. Robert Oppenheimer

  Eliot, T. S.;

  Ellis, Havelock

  Emergency Committee in Psychology

  Enola Gay (Boeing B-29 Superfortress)

  Erikson, Erik

  Ethical Culture School (New York City)

  Ethical Culture Society. See New York Society for Ethical Culture

  Farrell, Tom

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); and Kitty Dallet; and Kitty Oppenheimer; and Robert Oppenheimer; and Jean Tatlock; and Mary Ellen Washburn

  Fenton, Ernest

  Fenton, John

  Fenton, Marjorie. See also Tatlock, Marjorie Fenton

  Fergusson, Francis

  Fermi, Enrico

  Fermi, Laura

  Fermi Award

  Field, Herbert Haviland

  Field, Letty: death of; friends with Jean Tatlock; mother of

  Field family

  Fisher, Anne. See also Tatlock, Anne Fisher

  Franco, Francisco

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Freeman, Margery (sister of Ruth Benedict)

  Freud, Sigmund

  Friedman, Clara

  Friedman, Ella. See also Oppenheimer, Ella Friedman

  Fuchs, Klaus

  Furman, Robert

  Kusaka, Kiyokata, and wife

  Gadget, the. See also Atomic bomb

  Gallup, George

  Garrison, Lloyd

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  Gartz, Gloria

  Gell-Mann, Murray

  General Advisory Committee (GAC). See United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

  George (friend of Hugh and Jean Tatlock)

  Germany; and atomic bomb; bombardment of England; invades Denmark; invades Soviet Union; and Jewish refugees; in North Africa; and persecution of Jews; and scientists; sinking of Lusitania; and spies; United States declares war against; United States fights against. See also Hitler, Adolf

  Goebbels, Josef

  Great Britain. See Britain

  Groves, General Leslie; brings Frank Oppenheimer out for first test of atom bomb; military director of Manhattan Project; mission accomplished; names Robert Oppenheimer head of secret laboratory; orders Alsos Mission to check German nuclear bomb progress; presses for test of the Gadget; Robert Oppenheimer recommends Los Alamos for site of Manhattan Project; and Robert Oppenheimer; secretary for; staff of investigates Kitty Oppenheimer; test of atom bomb; witness for Robert Oppenheimer

  Graham, Lillie Belle

  Gray, Gordon

  Grayson, Harry

  Harrison, Helen

  Harrison, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer Dallet: and Communist Party USA; divorces Stewart Harrison; as a horsewoman; marries Robert Oppenheimer; and Robert Oppenheimer; pregnant with Oppenheimer's child; and Stewart Harrison; student at University of California, Los Angeles. See also Oppenheimer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer Dallet Harrison

  Harrison, Richard Stewart marries Kitty Dallet; remarries; resembles Robert Oppenheimer; wife Kitty Harrison divorces

  Heisenberg, Werner

  Hempelmann, Louis

  Hilgard, Jack

  Hirohito (Japan's emperor)

  Hiroshima, Japan

  Hitler, Adolf; assassination attempt on; and atomic bomb; commits suicide; and Denmark's Jews and secret weapon; takes power in Germany

  Hobson, Verna

  Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover, J. Edg
ar; and Robert Oppenheimer; and hearing for

  Horgan, Paul

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

  Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University: and Robert Oppenheimer

  International Atomic Energy Commission

  Italy; United States declares war against

  J'Accuse (Wolfgang Liebeneiner, director)

  Japan; atomic bombs dropped on; attacks Pearl Harbor; submarines off coast of California; surrenders; United States war against

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jenkins, Edith

  Joe-1 (Soviet's first nuclear bomb)

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Jung, Carl

  Katz, Dan

  Keitel, Apollinaire

  Keitel, Bodewin

  Keitel, Wilhelm

  Kennan, George

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kent, Mary Tolman

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Kipphardt, Heinar (play In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer)

  Lansdale, John; testifies at Robert Oppenheimer security clearance hearing

  Lauritsen, Charlie

  Lauritsen, Sigrid

  Lawrence, Ernest; and Frank Oppenheimer; and Robert Oppenheimer; opposed to politics; and "the uranium problem"

  Lawrence, Molly

  Le Gallienne, Eva

  Le May, Curtis

  Lewis, Roger

  Liebeneiner, Wolfgang

  Lilienthal, David; chairman of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; testifies for Robert Oppenheimer

  Lilienthal-Acheson Report

  Lofgren, Ed

  Los Alamos, New Mexico; bomb developed at; chosen for Manhattan Project; top British physicists at. See also Atomic bomb; Technical Area (secret heart of Manhattan Project)

  Los Alamos Ranch School

  Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

  Macfarlane, Donald

  Macfarlane, Jean

  Manhattan Engineering District (called Manhattan Project)

  Manhattan Project; and General Leslie Groves; secret heart of; traitors among. See also Oppenheimer, J. Robert; Technical Area

  Marks, Anne Wilson

  Marks, Herbert

  Marshall, George

  Marshall Plan

  MAUD Committee (British uranium research group)

  May, Rollo

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCarthy, Mary

  McCarthy era

  McKibbin, Dorothy

  Mead, Margaret: friend of Ruth Benedict; friend of Ruth Valentine

  Military Intelligence

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent (poem "Renascence")

  Miller, George

  Moreno, Dr. Jacob Levi

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline

  Morrison, Emily

  Morrison, Phil

  Murrow, Edward R.

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nagasaki, Japan

  National Defense Research Committee

  National Research Council

  Nazis; and atomic weapon; euthanasia program; refugees; and World War II;

  Nelson, Margaret ("Maggie")

  Nelson, Steve

  Newcomb, Ted

  New York Mineralogical Club

  New York Society for Ethical Culture

  Nichols, Kenneth

  Nuclear bomb. See Atomic bomb

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

  Olden Manor (Princeton, N.J.): home of Robert Oppenheimer and family

  Oppenheimer, Ella Friedman (mother of J. Robert Oppenheimer); death of. See also Friedman, Ella

  Oppenheimer, Frank (brother of J. Robert Oppenheimer); and brother, Robert Oppenheimer; and California Committee on Un-American Activities; career of; and first test of nuclear bomb; he and wife start museum in San Francisco; higher education of; and House Un-American Activities Committee; leaves Communist Party USA; marriage of; member of Communist Party USA; moves to Colorado; at Oak Ridge during World War II; as object lesson in imperfections of democracy; and physics; trip to Corsica and Sardinia; trips with brother; teaches at University of Minnesota; resigns from. See also Oppenheimer, Jacquenette ("Jackie") Quann

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert; answers Atomic Energy Commission charges; appears on Edward R. Murrow CBS show See It Now; asked to resign as Atomic Energy Commission's General Advisory Committee consultant and refuses; asked to share information with Soviets; and purported defection to; and astrophysics; and atomic bomb; and Aunt Hedwig; and automobile driving; and Bhagavad Gita; begins work on "uranium problem,"; birth of; birth of son; and brother, Frank Oppenheimer; builds house at St. John, Virgin Islands; a celebrity; calls Stewart Harrison wanting to marry Harrison's wife; chairman of Atomic Energy Commission's General Advisory Committee; classified documents removed from his possession; and conference on atomic theory in London; and Communist family members and friends; and confusion on sexual matters; considers himself loyal American; contemplates suicide; as "Coordinator of Rapid Rupture" to design atom bomb; creates new field of theoretical physics; and daughter her; death of; death of mother; death of father; decides to fight loss of top-security clearance; defends use of atomic bombs on Japan; delivers influential BBC Reith lectures in England; delivers lecture at Cornell University; delivers lectures at University of Oregon; and depression; and directorship of Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University; and drinking; early schooling of; and emotional breakdown; enemies of; and FBI; family of; and his father; father names him Julius; and father-in-law; "Father of the Atomic Bomb; and FBI; and Fermi Award; and first test of nuclear bomb; names it Trinity friends of. See also individual names; and the Gadget; and German relatives; girlfriends of. See also individual names; gives William James Lectures at Harvard; has throat cancer; and H-bomb; and hearing before Atomic Energy Commission panel; witnesses for and against; and his admirers; home of, at Los Alamos, New Mexico; hires defense attorney; and hydrogen bomb; and J. Edgar Hoover, Hoover; and hearing for; says not a Communist Party member; and Kitty Harrison; and Kitty Oppenheimer; ladies' man; and leftist organizations (later called Communists); last illness and death of; at Los Alamos, New Mexico; honored at; at Los Pinos, New Mexico; and Lost Mine; loyalty questioned; and "love"; and Manhattan Project (Los Alamos). See also Oppenheimer, J. Robert: and atomic bomb; marries Kitty Harrison; to meetings at Berkeley Radiation Laboratory; meets with head of Atomic Energy Commission; memorial service for; and mother; death of; and mother-in-law's suicide; and New Year's Eve; and New York Mineralogical Club; nickname of; and nuclear physics; as object lesson in imperfections of democracy; and offers for postwar employment; opposed to "Super" bomb; parents of; and Boris Pash;and Ava Helen Pauling; and Linus Pauling; in Perro Caliente, New Mexico; personality of, described; and physics; and "poison apple; possible espionage agent; postgraduate work of; primary author of Lilienthal-Acheson Report; at Princeton, New Jersey; questioned by Boris Pash; refuses treatment for wife's alcoholism; reputation battered; and sailing; and secretaries; and Security Hearing Panel; skeptical about nuclear-powered aircraft and hydrogen bombs; and son, Peter; chooses wife over him; and Spanish relief; suggests site at Los Alamos; at summer camp; student at Cambridge; student at Harvard; student at Gottingen, Germany; studies at University of Leiden in the Netherlands; studies in Zurich; suffers with colitis; takes leave of absence from teaching; talks to reporter about Atomic Energy Commission hearing; and Jean Tatlock; teaches at California Institute of Technology (Caltech); teaches at University of California, Berkeley; testifies before Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy; testifies before House Un-American Activities Committee; and theoretical physics; conference on, held in his honor; and Ruth Tolman; and the Tolmans; and top-secret project during World War II; top-secret security clearance questioned; rescinded; by Atomic Energy Commission; takes pills and alcohol; traced by Military Intelligence; travels to Berkeley; travels to Brazil to lecture; travel to Europe to lecture; travels to Colorado; travels to Japan; tries to help German Jews escape Hitler; tries to po
ison tutor; troubled adolescence; and U.S. government; and Virgin Islands; willing to work with "pro-bomb" people; works with federal government in Washington, DC; witness for former student; worried about being caught in anti-Communist hunt; writes autobiography. See also Strauss, Lewis

  Oppenheimer, Jacquenette ("Jackie") Quann; in Berkeley, California; conflict with Kitty Oppenheimer; member of Communist Party USA; leaves Communist Party USA; moves to Colorado; in Perro Caliente, New Mexico; opinion of Kitty Oppenheimer; Ruth Tolman's opinion of; she and husband start museum in San Francisco;

  Oppenheimer, Julius (father of J. Robert Oppenheimer); and artworks; and son Robert Oppenheimer

  Oppenheimer, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer Dallet Harrison (wife of Robert Oppenheimer); abandons daughter; accuses husband's secretary of affair with him; and atom bomb testing; and atomic energy policies; and automobile accident; birth of daughter; of son; calls Dean Acheson; considers more education; and communism; death of; dependent on husband's secretaries; and drinking; erratic behavior of; faculty wives dislike; falls and breaks ankle; and family's Nazi connections; and FBI; and gardens; and General Leslie Groves; gives up graduate classes; goes home to parents without new daughter; hears of attack on Pearl Harbor; and horseback riding; and husband's Fermi Award; and Joe Dallet; life of; at Los Alamos; fails to fit in at; and security at; works in doctor's lab at; marriages of; and morality of atomic bomb; and her mother; commits suicide; estranged from; and motherhood; and Robert Oppenheimer; and his throat cancer and death; jealous of; and psychological problems; personality of described; plans biography of Robert Oppenheimer; pregnant with daughter; with son; in Princeton, New Jersey; fails to fit in; at Perro Caliente, New Mexico; returns to Berkeley, California, after war; and sailing; and Security Hearing Panel; and Robert Serber; and sister-in-law; suffers with colitis; pancreatitis; starts Crossroads Nursery School; takes up watercolors; and Jean Tatlock; testifies at husband's Atomic Energy Commission hearing; and Ruth Tolman; travels to Brazil; travels to Japan; and treason; and Virgin Islands; visits Europe; works in lab at University of California, Berkeley; and women friends. See also Dallet, Katherine ("Kitty") Vissering Puening Ramseyer


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