Wolf Tales II

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Wolf Tales II Page 12

by Kate Douglas

  More. She wanted more, wanted her cunt stuffed full of him, filled and stretched to the limit, wanted his mouth on her breasts, his teeth biting at her nipples. She wanted Luc. Only Luc. Forever, Luc.

  He felt it then, the tight curl low in his gut, the painful throbbing in his balls. Going with it, accepting and giving up the struggle for control, Luc threw his head back and howled his own climax, an orgasm so powerful, so perfect, his entire sense of being existed only in those parts where their bodies connected.

  Pumping his hips hard between her legs, Luc drove deep and long and still he came, filling Tia with his seed, marking her within as he’d marked her without.

  Mine! he might have shouted, knew he filled her mind, her heart with his claim. Black spots danced in front of his eyes, flashes of light as if consciousness waned. Tia sprawled beneath him, trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm. Her tight sheath clenching, squeezing, increasing his.

  Tia’s eyes were closed, her lips parted. She was more lovely than anything or anyone Luc had ever seen in his life. Precious to him, unique among women. He couldn’t recall ever feeling as complete, as sated, in his life. Luc slowly lowered himself to lay beside her, but Tia caught him with one slim hand to the side of his face.

  No. Don’t go. I want to feel your weight. Want to keep you inside me for just a little longer.

  Carefully, Luc lowered himself back over her body, nestling his hips firmly into the perfect cradle of her thighs. His head rested on the pillow beside hers, his lips pressed against her throat. The mark he’d left burned a deep reddish purple. He licked it with the tip of his tongue, tasting salt, tasting Tia.

  Luc still felt the clenching, rhythmic spasms of Tia’s vaginal muscles, milking him of every last drop. His cock was no longer so hard, but still he filled her.

  Their chests expanded as one, their hearts beat a syncopated rhythm, stuttering in and out of time together. Luc nuzzled the soft skin beneath Tia’s ear, kissed her jaw, and then leaned close and kissed her gently on the lips.

  He felt as if his world had finally, after a lifetime, come together. He wondered if Tia felt it as he did, if she realized what had just happened between them?

  He tried to speak, but there was no sound. Tried to focus and realized his eyes swam with tears. Raised his head back just enough to see Tia’s face, and saw the glistening silver tracks pouring from her eyes.

  He smiled and brushed away a tear. Instead of looking at him, she turned her head away, but he saw her smile. Knew she understood.

  I love you. He wanted to say it aloud, to shout it from the rooftops, echo the words off the granite walls of the stark Sierra Nevada mountains guarding this small cabin, but his throat felt uncharacteristically tight. His chest burned and he knew his heart must be feeling as blindsided as the rest of him. Luc opened his mouth to try once more to speak, but Tia’s finger pressed against his lips.

  It’s so soon. How can you be sure?

  Luc frowned. Hadn’t she felt what he’d felt? Didn’t she realize how special this was?

  I’m sure, Tia. He pushed down with his arms, raised himself away from her warm and welcoming body. His cock slipped slowly from its warm, wet resting place. Her vaginal muscles tightened, grabbed him as though trying to keep him from leaving.

  Luc felt a surge of blood rushing to that unruly yet terribly needy part of him. Looked down and watched himself swell once more. He tilted his hips forward and filled Tia again.

  He felt her soft sigh as well as heard it. Slowly, softly, he thrust in and then pulled just as slowly out of her hot, wet pussy. Gone was the frantic pace, the overwhelming need to dominate, to fill her beyond what her body could take.

  This time he made love to her. Reverently, showing Tia with each tilt of his hips, each gentle kiss to her breasts and throat, just how much he truly cared, how deeply he loved her.

  She looped her arms around his neck and smiled, but when Luc tried to link, her mind was blocked. It hit him then, what she was doing. She thought she was through, that her last huge orgasm was all she would feel tonight. This was for Luc and she expected nothing more than what it would take for him to come inside her once more.

  What man could ignore a subtle dare like that? Grinning, feeling a step closer to actually understanding this fascinating woman the little girl had become, Luc leaned over and carefully drew one taut nipple into his mouth.

  He felt Tia’s heart flutter beneath his lips as he suckled and nipped at the sensitive flesh. He licked first one nipple and then the other, biting gently, then squeezing each one tightly between his lips.

  Tia’s breath hitched in her throat and a flush spread across her dark skin. Smiling, Luc continued giving attention to her breasts, but his right hand journeyed south, cupping the smooth globe of her buttock, finding the crease between her cheeks.

  Thrusting slowly with easy, shallow forays into her tight, slick pussy, Luc sensed the moment Tia realized he was going to make her come again. She tilted her hips to take him deeper. Spread her legs to bring him closer.

  He traced the crease between her cheeks, pausing longer and longer on each pass over her tight sphincter, pressing just a little bit harder, timing the thrusts of his finger to the more powerful thrusts of his cock.

  Tia whimpered and her body twisted. Luc tried to link, but the block remained. He drove his cock in deeper, harder, pressed against her ass with his finger and then dipped his fingers into her pussy from behind, finding her lubricating fluids, dragging them back over her perineum, and pressing once more against the tight ring of muscle.

  Luc pulled up her knees and rocked back on his heels, dragging Tia with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist as once more Luc grabbed her buttocks and held her while he pounded inside. This time his middle finger breached her ass and he stretched her tight opening, forcing his finger past the first and then the second knuckle.

  Tia whimpered and strained against him. Luc felt his cock through the wall of tissues and thrust harder, faster, matching each move between his finger and his cock.

  He added a second finger as Tia strained against him, pinning her to his body. Like a piston now, driving into her, holding her prisoner front and rear, he tilted his hips to put pressure directly on her swollen clit with each inward thrust.

  Her body stiffened, tightened around his cock and his fingers. Her tiny whimpers went from choppy and breathless to one long, harsh cry. Pumping hard, Luc emptied himself in her clenching body, slipped his fingers free, and fell with her to the twisted sheets.

  This time there was no gentle collapse. He fell, full weight over her heaving breasts, until Tia giggled and shoved weakly at his chest.

  “Okay. I give.” She barely gasped the words, but Luc understood.

  Laughing, he rolled to one side. “Wanna go for round three?”

  She turned her head on the pillow and looked at him out of narrowed eyes. “Is this some kind of contest?”

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy yourself.” Luc raised himself on one elbow in order to see her better. He picked up a twisted length of hair and tickled Tia’s nose.

  She batted away his hand.

  “Why are you blocking me?”

  Tia blinked, but she didn’t look away. “I don’t know. I’m not doing it on purpose. I think it’s too much, too soon. Too intimate. When we made love and linked, I felt you. I was you. I felt the pressure in your cock pressed deep inside me, I knew how your balls ached when you held back an orgasm that was screaming to get out. I…” She sighed. “I’m not ready for this much intimacy this suddenly, Luc. I’ve only learned today what it feels like to run through the woods on four legs. You’ve known for twenty years. I remember you as an adult when I was a kid. Suddenly we’re on even ground, but it feels terribly shaky to me. Give me time to adjust, okay?”

  She brushed the side of his face with long, gentle fingers. Luc turned and kissed each one. She’d figure it out before too long. There wasn’t a shred of doubt in his mind. She would love
him as he loved her. Tia would be his mate for all time.

  She had to. He leaned over and kissed her mouth, tasted the flavors that already made his heart whole, and knew there was no other woman in all the world who could complete him as Tia could.

  Luc slept soundly beside her. Tia stared wide-eyed into the darkness. Her body still hummed with the strength of her orgasm…make that orgasms. Damn. She’d never come so hard or so often in her life. It would be easy to credit it to Luc’s amazing technique, but there was more to tonight than mere ability as a lover.

  A sense of wonder filled her. Not only had she shifted, become a wolf, and run through the night beside this man, she’d let him into her soul. Tia brought her fingers to her lips and rubbed them slowly across the sensitive surface. Luc kissed her like he meant it. Made love to her as if she were the only woman in his world.

  He said he loved her. Luc couldn’t love her. Not after such a short time.

  You’ve loved him since you were a kid.

  There was that. She’d followed him like a stray puppy when she was small, fantasized over him when she was a prepubescent teen. Loved him, heart and soul, when she elected to go away to school with Shannon rather than stay home and have him break her heart.

  Why was it so hard to accept the fact that her fantasy was coming true?

  It had been easier to accept the fact that Chanku were more than mythical creatures than it was to believe in Luc’s love. Of course, watching Tinker shift from man to wolf that first time had been pretty convincing, as far as myths went.

  Tia smiled with the memory. Her pussy clenched as the image of Tinker’s beautiful, dark, and dangerous nude body filled her mind.

  Therein lies the quandary.

  How could she tell Luc she loved him when thoughts of Tinker turned her on? How could she commit to one man when she’d been fantasizing about sex with all five? Luc had had twenty years to accustom himself to Chanku sensuality, to the concept of sexual freedom while loving one mate.

  No matter what her heart believed, it was going to take time for Tia’s head to accept. Until she fully understood this new reality, Tia knew she couldn’t truly give all her love to Lucien Stone.

  Not yet.

  Rolling over, Tia pressed her body close along Luc’s back. Already he felt familiar and wonderfully dear to her. In her heart, for now, he was her mate.

  Once they mated as wolves, Luc would be hers for all time. The explanation had seemed so simple when he first described it.

  Chanku mated for life, yet did not consider themselves fully bonded until they’d come together as wolves. She pictured Luc taking her as a wolf, fucking her hard and fast in the deep, dark woods, his cock locking them together during climax, claws raking her sides as he held her…. The visual image made her pussy clench, made her chest feel tight.

  Not yet. It wasn’t the act that frightened her. It wasn’t even the commitment. No, Tia knew that if she searched her heart, she would find it was doubt that Luc really, truly loved her.

  He couldn’t fall in love in days. Not a love with the ability to last a lifetime. What if they bonded and he grew tired of her? Would he be trapped forever with a woman he loathed? Someday soon, she might be ready. Someday when she believed his words of love. For now, Tia figured she’d take what she could get. Sighing, she snuggled close against Luc’s warm back and drifted slowly into sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Luc woke Tia in the early afternoon hours, sliding his cock deep inside her pussy from behind, bringing her out of sleep with a slow, steady, wonderful invasion of her body. Wrapped in his embrace, both breasts cupped in his warm palms, Tia groaned and snuggled her bottom close against Luc’s belly.

  He slowly thrust his hips forward and then just as slowly withdrew. She felt as though he went even deeper from this angle, filled her more completely.

  Tia leaned her cheek against Luc’s arm and nuzzled. She pressed her hips back, rubbing her buttocks against his belly. A shaft of sunlight caught her eyes and she blinked. Tia realized the sun was already past its zenith. They’d slept away most of the day. She kissed Luc’s wrist, running her tongue along the tendons and raised veins. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

  “Please do.” He kissed the back of her neck, licked over the tender spot where he’d left a noticeable bite the night before, and tilted his hips, thrusting his cock deeper, harder. “I intend to wake up like this every day for the rest of our lives.”

  “That’s a long time.” She was no closer this afternoon to a declaration of love than she’d been the night before.

  Luc slowly withdrew until the tip of his cock rested at the mouth of her pussy. With glacial slowness he filled her once more. “It’ll never be long enough. I don’t think I can ever get enough of this…of you.”

  “Mmmm…feels so good.” She couldn’t answer him, wouldn’t. Not yet. Not until she was sure. He pinched her nipples and tugged. His palms were hot where they cupped the full sides of her breasts, her nipples burned when he pulled and squeezed. Tia wriggled and pressed her butt close to Luc’s belly, but it wasn’t enough.

  Luc must have sensed her need, or maybe it was his frustration over her lack of reply. Suddenly he was lifting Tia to her knees without breaking rhythm. Raising her buttocks, kneeling behind her with his cock deep inside her weeping pussy while Tia rested her cheek on her crossed arms.

  Each stroke took him deeper. His hands clutched at her hips with bruising strength and he slammed into her, filling her with each downward thrust, leaving her empty and wanting each time he withdrew.

  His thoughts slammed into her every bit as hard. She felt his frustration and anger with every bruising penetration. We can have more, Tia. Imagine me covering you, my wolven body holding you, my swollen cock locking us together, tying us together for a lifetime. You won’t be satisfied until you submit. I know this, Tia. I know you.

  She felt her own anger boil to the surface. No, Luc. You don’t know me. Tia raised up on her forearms and turned to glare at him. Luc’s chest glistened where sunlight from an open window caught the beads of sweat in his dark hair. A menacing scowl twisted his face, but his eyes practically shimmered with arousal, with a fierce need to dominate. To take her in any way he could.

  Damn, she couldn’t remember ever being this turned on in her life! No man had ever made her feel this way. None had dared.

  Luc drove into her harder, faster. Tia braced her shoulders and spread her legs wider. His cock rammed hard against her cervix, but pleasure far outweighed the pain of such deep and thorough penetration.

  Tia met his intensity with her own. Yes, she would take him—on her terms and her terms only. She practically snarled at Luc as her body shuddered beneath each searing thrust.

  Anger gave her strength, desire powered her need. She blasted him with her thoughts. You know the sixteen-year-old, the child. You haven’t got a clue who the woman is, what she can do, how she thinks. When you finally know her, then we’ll talk of two wolves fucking. Not before.

  Luc shifted. Between one heartbeat and the next he changed from man to wolf. Tia rolled away from him before he completed the shift, pulled free of his cock, turned and faced him from her corner of the mattress, like a fighter facing an opponent on the opposite side of boxing ring.

  Hair hanging in tangles, chest heaving, she knew she must look like a dark, naked witch. No matter.

  She would not shift. No way in hell would she let him take her like this. Not now. Not yet. Her pussy throbbed, her breasts ached, and shocked laughter bubbled in her throat. Damn you! That’s cheating!

  Luc stood on all fours at the end of the mattress, wolven head hanging low, eyes narrowed, his pink cock glistening beneath his belly. Almost sheepishly he sat back on his haunches, panting. You can’t fault me for trying….

  Oh, but I can. Tia leaned back against the wall, her legs sprawled out in front of her on the tumbled sheets. She sent him a long, slow, seductive smile and then palmed her breast with one hand. L
uc’s head came up, but he didn’t shift back. His cock swelled once more, bumping against his furred belly. He watched her every move.

  Tia plucked at her nipple with one hand while she slipped the fingers of her other hand slowly between her legs. Closing her eyes, Tia leaned back and stroked herself. The wet, sucking sounds of her fingers dipping into her engorged pussy and then rubbing around her swollen clit seemed overly loud to Tia’s ears. She rubbed her left palm over her right nipple, broadcasting loudly in her mind how she imagined Luc’s hand there, imagined his rough calluses on her tender flesh.

  The wolf whimpered and then lay down on the mattress with his nose on his paws. Tia grinned, lowered her eyelids until she barely saw through the narrow slits, and concentrated on her pleasure. It was really enjoyable, knowing how horny Luc was, how much he wanted her. She dipped her fingers in and out of her streaming cunt, circled her clit, and then repeated the process. Slowly, very methodically, and with great drama, Tia brought herself to climax. Gasping, sighing, and collapsing weakly against the wall, she finally opened her eyes and smirked at Luc.

  He watched, panting, from his end of the mattress. After a moment, he sat up. His cock bobbed against his belly with each breath he took. The knot at its base had forced its way past his sheath and Tia knew it took every ounce of Luc’s willpower not to take her. Stoically, he held his position at the far side of the mattress from her.

  Biting back a smile, legs trembling from the force of her orgasm, Tia held out her wet fingers for Luc. Ears back, he leaned close and licked each one clean of her cream. When he was through, Tia stroked him between the ears and then stood up. “Good boy. Now behave or you can go outside. I’m going to have some breakfast. Care to join me?”

  By the time Luc got out of the shower and dried off, he was beginning to see the humor in the situation, in spite of the fact that he had a hard-on that could drive nails. Damn, but she pissed him off! He had to admit, though, Tia had gotten the last word.


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