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Kissing Trouble

Page 34

by Morgana Phoenix

  “I can’t believe he had her in the house,” she mumbled. “Right under our noses. How did we not hear ... that poor girl, down there, alone and us just upstairs?” She pressed a shaky hand to her mouth and shook her head. “We let her die.”

  “There was nothing you could have done,” he told her gently. “Oh!” he said, remembering something. “I had your cars towed to the town mechanic. Sam’s the best out there, but he’s not sure he can do much to—”

  Julie shook her head. “It’s fine. I’ll contact the insurance company.”

  He nodded. “Let me know if they need a police report.”

  She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  Again, he inclined his head. “I should head back. This whole thing has been such a mess.”

  “Sheriff?” she called before he could walk away. “How did you know something was wrong that night?”

  “I didn’t.” He scratched the back of his head. “Nixon gave Luis’s description to a sketch artist and I recognized the face. We hit the road the second I saw it, but we were still too late.”

  Julie shook her head. “You saved our lives.”

  His eyes were sad, but determined. “You saved their lives. I just arrived to make sure they stayed saved.”

  With a bow of his head, he left.

  Julie watched him until he disappeared around the corner. Then she returned to Mason’s side. She pulled up a chair and sat.

  Julie stayed in Salmon Cove. She rented a room at the motel down the block. She phoned her dad to let him know where she was and got an earful from her mother about dying on the road. But she promised them she’d be home as soon as there was some news about Mason’s condition.

  It wasn’t until the next day that she summed up the courage to visit Shaun. She wasn’t really sure what her hesitation was, but it clamped down on her like a metal fist.

  Nevertheless, she straightened her spine and stalked to his room as though she were marching to battle.

  He was sitting up in bed, idly flipping through the channels. It was such a normal thing to see that some of the tension left her gut as she raised a hand and knocked gently.

  Shaun’s brown eyes snapped away from the TV and fixed on her. Surprise flickered in their depths.

  “Hi,” she said, offering him a tentative smile. “How are you feeling?”

  He shrugged. “I got drugged and then stabbed by a guy I considered a friend.”

  Julie lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  There was silence. Then he said, “How are you?”

  It was her turn to be taken aback.

  “Oh, I’m okay. Thank you,” she added quickly. “Just a few bruises, a fractured arm. Nothing serious like you and ... Mason.”

  “Have you gone to see him?”

  Biting her lips, Julie nodded. “He’s still sleeping.”

  Shaun frowned. “Yeah, that’s what they keep telling me. What kind of fucked up place is this anyway? Shouldn’t they be doing something?”

  “I think they are,” she whispered. “It’s up to Mason to wake up.”

  Shaun snorted. “Lazy fuck.”

  He shut the TV off, which she wished he hadn’t, because it had been a good distraction to keep from having to face him. But now with it gone, she had no choice.

  “Shaun?” She stalled by easing a couple steps closer to the bed. “I want to say I’m sorry. You wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for me and what I did.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Julie looked down, waiting for his well-deserved wrath to rain down on her.

  “I’m told you saved my life.”

  Julie blinked. Her head came up. “What?”

  He was watching her, his expression unreadable. “Did you, or didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t,” she said honestly. “I mean, maybe a little, but I’m the reason you got stabbed. I pulled you away from killing Luis and then I just let him...” Tears welled in her eyes. She tried to keep them in check, but they slipped down her cheeks. “I am so sorry.”

  “Yeah, that was a really stupid thing you did,” he agreed. “Should have let me kill that little fucker, but...” He bit the inside of his lip. “I guess we’re cool.”

  It was in his eyes, in his voice, and in the ghost of a smirk he offered her that was as close to a hug as she would ever get from him. He was offering her an olive branch. A truce.

  Julie smiled.

  He looked away. “So, uh, it gets really boring in this place and I’m told I’ll be here a while.” He cleared his throat and glared down at the remote in his hand. “And the fucking place has like three channels. So if you’re, I dunno, bored...”

  Her grin broadened. “Are you asking me to keep you company?”

  “No!” He shot her a furious sneer. “I don’t need anyone buzzing around my head. I’m just saying...”

  “Gotcha,” she said, biting back her twitching lips. “I was going to grab some chocolate pie from the cafeteria later. I wouldn’t mind some company.”

  Shaun shifted, looking at anything but her. “Yeah, whatever. Like I said, I’m going to be here awhile so ... whatever. It’s not like I can stop you.”

  Still grinning, Julie turned and left him without a goodbye. She wandered her way back to Mason’s room, feeling lighter. Like some invisible weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was practically skipping by the time she reached his door and pushed inside.

  Mason wasn’t alone. In the few minutes she had left his side to visit Shaun, two people had made themselves at home on either side of Mason’s bed. They both glanced up when Julie barged in.

  For a moment, no one spoke. Mason’s heart machine filled the silence with its constant beeps. Julie felt her cheeks warm the longer she stood there under the curious scrutiny of Mason’s parents.

  “Julie?” Heather Brody straightened, removing her hand off her son’s brow to turn her lithe body fully in Julie’s direction.

  “Hello Mrs. Brody,” Julie murmured. She turned to the tall, handsome man that was an older version of his son and inclined her head slightly. “Mr. Brody.”

  There was never any reason for Julie to spend time with the older Brody’s. Aside from the occasional greeting in passing, she was fairly certain they never shared two words to each other. The fact that they knew her name at all was a shock in itself.

  Heather was a beautiful woman with a sleek mane of auburn hair that set off her fair complexion and dazzling green eyes. She had elegant features, a thin, upturned nose, full, red lips and a figure that was all willowy. She wore a scarlet dress with a thick, gold belt and red pumps. She looked like someone off to a board meeting, not sitting in a hospital.

  Her husband, David was her matching set. Handsome with a kind face and dark hair. His blue eyes reminded Julie so much of Mason’s that she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

  “I’m sorry,” she blurted. “I was just...”

  “Sitting with Mason?” Heather inquired with a little smile. “We know. The nurse told us.”

  “Oh...” Embarrassment seeped up her neck in a hot wave and flooded her face.

  “How are you, Julie?” David asked.

  She absently touched her arm with the cast. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  David nodded grimly. “We are simply in shock about the whole ordeal. Luis always seemed like such a great kid.”

  But he wasn’t a kid, Julie thought, remembering Nixon’s comment about Luis being in his thirties, but appearing much younger. He had certainly fooled a lot of people.

  “Yeah he did,” she whispered.

  “The sheriff said you saved Mason’s life,” Heather said.

  “And Shaun,” David added.

  “Yes, of course, and Shaun’s,” Heather corrected quickly. “We may never be able to repay you for that.”

  Fidgeting restlessly, Julie shook her head. “Really, I didn’t. Truthfully...” She touched the thin scar across her throat where Luis had let the knife bite into her skin. “Mason saved mine.”

  She left the Brodys to sit with their son while she made a run down to the cafeteria for chocolate pie. Shaun was still flipping through the channels when she stepped into his room, two pie slabs in hand. Neither spoke as she handed him his, along with a fork, and took a seat in a hard, plastic chair next to his bed to watch Downton Abbey.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  In the week that followed, Julie met a whole lot of Mason’s family. Heather and David, or maybe Maureen and Dean, must have told them about her, because no one was surprised or confused at the sight of her next to Mason’s bed. They walked in almost expecting to see her. Some, even those she didn’t know, greeted her by name. In the case of Great Aunt Lucy, Julie got a crushing hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a comforting pep talk.

  “He’ll be fine,” Lucy said, holding Julie’s face between withered hands. “He’s a strong boy. You just have faith in him.”

  Maureen and Dean visited without the kids. It was apparent that the two had resolved their issues and decided to give their marriage another shot, because they strolled in, arm in arm.

  Julie was still pissed at the two and didn’t say much, except to tell them that she quit and that she was keeping the money that she had so very much earned. Maureen didn’t seem overly thrilled about the latter, but neither protested.

  “I heard what you said to Maureen,” Heather said one afternoon as they sat watching Sex in the City on Mason’s TV set. “About quitting.”

  Julie nodded.

  “I’m proud of you,” Heather said.

  “I feel bad, but...” She bit her lip, glanced at Mason in the bed between them. “I just can’t deal with them right now.”

  “Understandable. Maureen’s my sister and, Lord knows, I love her and Dean and the kids, but I seriously want to beat the two of them with a bat.” She grimaced. “Too soon?”

  Julie laughed. “No.” She checked her watch. “It’s lunch. Did you want something from the cafeteria? I promised Shaun a banana parfait. I think he’s addicted to them.”

  “When’s he getting released anyway?”

  “Um...” Julie had to really think to remember the date. “Next week. I think the nurses have had it with him and his grumpy ways.”

  Heather sighed, rolling her eyes heavenward. “That boy is never going to find a woman.”

  Chuckling, Julie grabbed her purse, bent at the waist, brushed a kiss to Mason’s mouth before heading for the door. She paused on the threshold to glance back.

  “Did you want anything?”

  “No, David is bringing me something on his way from the office. I’m just waiting for him.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  With a wave, Julie slipped from the room. She moved quickly as she always did, too afraid of leaving Mason’s side for very long. In under ten minutes, she had her food and was rushing back when a commotion had her quickening her strides.

  Julie sprinted in the direction of the noise, the bag bouncing against her thigh. She took the corner sharply and spotted Heather in the hallway, talking rapidly and loudly at a doctor who was asking her to calm down.

  Heather saw Julie and her eyes grew enormous. “Julie! Mason—”

  That was all Julie needed to hear. She dropped the bag in her hand and tore down the hall, nearly plowed over a nurse, but kept running towards the room and Mason. She came to a skidding halt before she could knock Heather to the ground. Her hands closed around the other woman’s arms.


  Not waiting for a response, Julie shoved past Heather and threw herself into the room, terrified of what she might find.

  The machines were shrieking. The sound was deafening. David was in the room, so were two nurses and another doctor. They were holding something down on the bed, but it was thrashing and snarling at them.

  “Let go of me!” she heard someone roar. “Where’s Julie?”

  “Mr. Brody! You need to calm down or you’ll tear your stitches!” the doctor was pleading.

  “Where is she?”

  Heart hammering, Julie pushed deeper into the room.

  David caught sight of her and his face lit up. He lunged forward and grabbed her arm and dragged her closer to the bed.

  “Mason! She’s right here. Look, she’s fine.”

  She was thrust forward like a sacrificial lamb. The nurses and doctor jerked back and the figure on the bed ceased his struggling.

  Mason, still tied to machines and tubes, was panting. He looked wild and vicious and on the verge of killing anyone who got in his way. But there was a sheen of sweat on his brow. It soaked his gown and flattened his hair to his face. The blankets were a knotted mess around his legs like he’d been trying to kick them off. He stared at her like he couldn’t trust his eyes.


  She ran to him before anyone could stop her. His arms were open and waiting to catch her when she threw herself against his chest. Her arms, cast and all, slid around his shoulders and she held him to her, eyes closed as she murmured a prayer of thanks.

  “Jesus, Julie...” he growled into her shoulder in a tone riddled with anguish. “You’re okay.”

  Maybe it was the feel of his breath against her neck, or the steady patter of his heart beating against her chest, but she dissolved in a fit of inconsolable, hysterical sobs that rocked her entire body. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, gripping him as though afraid he might vanish if she gave even an inch. Her ears rang, louder than the anguished wails ripping from her throat.

  Mason tightened his arms around her ribs to the point where she couldn’t breathe. His fingers locked in her hair, holding her face mashed against his throat.

  “Shh,” he whispered, stroking her back. “It’s all right. I’m here. I’ve got you.”

  That only made her hold him tighter and cry harder. Hot tears burned down her face to soak his gown.

  “I thought I lost you,” she forced out between every ragged breath.

  He shook his head. “No, I’m right here. I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

  The tremors lessened. The tears slowly abated. Yet she kept on holding him, unable to let go.

  “I love you,” she whispered into the warm skin of his neck.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered back. “I love you so much.”


  One year later...

  “As you can see, the place is spacious with plenty of room to expand.” Jacqueline Roberts waved a well-manicured hand over the airy loft as though she were a sign turner on Wheel of Fortune. “There are two bedrooms on the main floor, a third upstairs in the loft. The kitchen is state of the art and stainless steel. There is a full bath upstairs and a small powder room down here. And of course, don’t forget the one-eighty view.”

  No, Julie thought as she walked deeper into the room. You definitely can’t forget the view.

  It was breathtaking. Each sheet of glass was fifteen feet high and lined three of the four walls, framing the glittering city below. She also liked that, while the loft held the red brick motif most lofts did, there was wood flooring and a modern flare that felt comfortable. Most of the main floor, she noted, was one giant room that was divided from the kitchen by a black counter. She liked that, too. It left room for possibility. Beyond the kitchen and the row of stairs leading up to the loft was a narrow hall that opened to the three doors tucked away in the back. It was certainly big enough for what she wanted with room to spare.

  “So what do we think?” Jaqueline clapped her hands and turned on her ice pick heels towards Julie.

  “I like it.” Julie replied. She turned her gaze to the third person in the room. “What do you think?”

  Mason scanned the room slowly before settling his gaze on her. “I like it.”

  Julie smiled.

  Jaqueline looked euphoric. “Fabulous! Let me just run downstairs and grab the papers. We’ll sign them now and the keys are yours.”

  As the blonde bombshell made her escape
, Mason crossed the room to Julie. She was opening her arms to him even before he reached for her.

  “I guess we found our home.”

  She nodded. “Looks that way and it’s close to both our families and Shaun, who has been perpetually bitching that your weekends together keep getting cut short because you always arrive late and leave early.”

  He tucked her face into the hollow of his throat and rested his chin on her head. “Let’s not forget it’s close to the school, so no more two hour long drives for you.”

  “Or five hours for you to get to the office,” she added. “It looks like we really lucked out with this one.”

  He planted a firm kiss to the top of her head and pulled back. “Let’s not forget this means more you and me time.”

  She made a hum of pleasure. “I definitely like that best.”

  He grinned and it never failed to amaze her how happy she always got seeing it. The searing realization that she had come so close to losing him cut through her as it always did, making her want to grab at him and hold on.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Blinking back tears, Julie nodded. “Yeah, sorry.”

  He touched her face lovingly, his head cocked to the side. “You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”

  Swiping at the single tear that leaked free, she looked away. “I can’t help it. I almost lost you.”

  She was back in his arms again, her face pressed into his shoulder.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby,” he whispered into her ear as he did at least once a day. “This apartment is the beginning of everything. A new start. What happened before ... it’s not going to touch us here. I’ll make sure of it.” He closed his fingers in her hair and lightly tugged her head back. “Now, kiss me.”

  Laughing, she rose up on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  The End


  My Soul For You, book 1

  You are cordially invited to have your heart’s desire come true.

  For Kaitlin Claremont this is a very tall order. What wouldn’t an orphan girl living over of her aunt’s shop wish for? But when her one night of passion in the arms of sexy and completely out of her reach Kaleb turns into a nightmare, Katie realizes quickly that nothing is as it seems and there is so much more to Kaleb O'Reilly than she ever bargained for.


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