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His Every Whim

Page 6

by Liliana Rhodes

  He slipped a finger around the outside of my entrance before sliding it inside of me. I couldn’t take it much longer and somehow he knew.

  As I let out another moan, his tongue worked its magical circles over my clit and his finger moved quicker as it thrusted into me. He pressed his lips around my swollen clit and sucked as I arched my back just a bit and the tingling reached my neck. The pressure within me released and I cried out.

  Drawing in a quick breath, I squeezed the pillow tight between my hands as my orgasm overtook me. I writhed while he continued rubbing my clit with his tongue until I was exhausted as I tried to catch my breath, and he moved up beside me.

  I reached for his face and kissed him deeply as he wrapped his arms around me. Slowly I moved my hand down over his tight body to his underwear. I easily slipped my hand into the elastic waistband and over his large member but was stopped by his hand over mine.

  “You have no idea how much I want to make love to you, but we can’t,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I want to explore every inch of your body. I don’t want to be rushed. I want to take my time and for us both to enjoy every second of it.”

  He kissed me and it took all my willpower to not jump on top of him.

  “We’ve got plenty of time though. You said you’re not working tomorrow.”

  “Unfortunately plans have changed. We have to head home in the morning.”

  I sighed as I laid my head down on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tight against him, reminding me of the contrast between his muscular body and my soft one. Through the cracks of the window shades I could see the sun began to rise. This was the first sunrise I wish didn’t come at all.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Being back from Hawaii meant it was time to move back into the house. While I looked forward to being that close to Ashley, I knew it wasn’t a good idea. Things got out of hand in Hawaii. I should’ve known better than to bring Ashley but I couldn’t help myself. She brought out feelings I never thought I’d feel again. She deserved to have a special day, but I didn’t plan for it to end the way it did.

  I thought about her soft skin and her luscious curves. The way she always smelled like vanilla even though she didn’t wear perfume. I felt myself falling for her but I had to stop, especially if I was moving into that house.

  Ashley wasn’t the reason I hadn’t moved back in yet. Setting the house up, hiring staff, all those things amounted to the fact that I wasn’t ready to be in the house. The closest I’d come to moving in was living in the cottage by the stables.

  Walking towards the door, I grabbed my suit jacket from the hanger which hung on a wall hook. The cottage was only three rooms but it was all I needed. On the outside I played the role I needed to play–the billionaire–but inside I knew what was really important.

  The cottage had handcrafted wood mission style furniture. A small couch faced the fireplace which was the only source of heat. The home was so small, it didn’t need much more. Beyond the couch was the kitchen with a small dinette table. The only doorway lead to the bedroom and bath.

  The entire cottage was smaller than the master bedroom at Jefferson Manor. I grimaced when I thought about that room. It hadn’t been touched. Everything was still in place as it had been three years ago when I moved to the city. Maybe it was time to face it and the demons that existed in there, but I wasn’t ready.

  Too much pain existed in that room. Too many memories. I began to think that having the entire room redone might be a good idea. Get a fresh start. I wondered what Ashley could do to that room.

  The vibrating of the phone in my pocket yanked me out of my reverie. I let out a long sigh when I read the caller ID.

  “Good morning Mother.”

  “Good morning? That’s it? You’ve been home from Hawaii for two days and don’t think of calling your mother? Who raised you?!”

  “Actually the nanny did Mother.”

  “Ha! The nanny. That Miss Amy,” she scoffed. “Who taught you how to read? I didn’t have to do that you know.”

  “No you didn’t Mother. You could’ve let Miss Amy teach me, but you wanted someone to read to you. How many nights did I have to stay up or miss school to read to you while you soaked in your tub?”

  “You’ve always been ungrateful. You’re only talking to me like this because of that floozy you hired. I’ve seen it all before you know. Heard you took this one to Hawaii. Shame you had to rush back, but you didn’t even check on me! I was in the hospital with a stroke!”

  “She’s not a floozy. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Yes she came to Hawaii with me, she’s my assistant and I was speaking at a conference. And as for your stroke, I went to the hospital as soon as I got back, they told me you were fine and discharged within an hour which is what you told me on the phone. Nothing’s wrong with you. That shouldn’t have surprised me.”

  “Well you’ve had other assistants and never taken them to Hawaii. Do I need to meet this one?”

  “This is different–”

  “Oh really?” She interrupted. “I seem to remember another one of these assistants of yours that you took to Hawaii. How do you think she would feel about it? Did you think about that? How would Darcy feel about you taking someone to Hawaii?”

  I seethed with anger. My mother knew all the buttons to press. She always did things like this whenever she felt she wasn’t getting enough attention.

  “Mother! Don’t go there. Don’t you dare talk about Darcy! You didn’t even like her.”

  “It would break her heart if she knew. You know that. I didn’t raise you like that.”

  “You didn’t raise me, remember?”

  I hung up the phone and punched the wall. I couldn’t speak to her anymore. I didn’t want to hear it but she was right. How could I do this to Darcy? If she knew she’d be crushed. Hawaii was our place.

  I dialed a number as I walked to my car.

  “This is Xander Boone. I need a bouquet of two dozen red roses with Hawaiian orchids. Deliver it to the usual address. Yes, 2674 Wordsworth Drive. Thank you.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  While I loved my new life at Jefferson Manor, I missed Hawaii. The day Xander planned for me was the most incredible day of my life. It was something I would never forget. I hoped we would spend more time together during the rest of the trip, but it simply wasn’t meant to be.

  We had been back two days and I hadn’t seen or heard from him. I knew something important happened that he needed to come back for, but I ached not knowing what was going on. It made me wonder if that night we had in Hawaii was a mistake.

  I wandered down the hall of the second floor, as I tried to find something to get my mind off of him, and ended up in front of the double doors of the master bedroom. Xander planned to move in soon, I didn’t even know what the condition of that room was. Tara told me to stay out and I did.

  It was clear that the nights Xander spent at the Manor, he stayed in the cottage. I realized it was his car I heard come and go from there, and had seen him leave in the morning since the cottage was visible from the study. I wondered why didn’t he sleep in the master bedroom.

  Curiosity got the better of me. I paced the floor in front of the double doors at the end of the hall. No one was around. The staff was busy downstairs. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it. It was unlocked.

  As I entered the master bedroom, I saw a completely decorated room. Nothing was covered, it still looked lived in. The antique furniture matched the rest of the house and was adorned with ice-blue accents not much different than the color of Xander’s eyes. I pushed back the drapes and watched the dust dance in the sun’s rays as they streamed through the windows.

  I didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t see what was so wrong with the bedroom that he would rather stay in a tiny cottage.

  In the corner of the room I spotted a vani
ty. Why would a man have a vanity in his room? Only one thing sat on the vanity, a picture frame. A wedding picture. Picking it up I immediately recognized Xander from the old photo in the newspaper. He was clean cut and smiling. The bride next to him was stunning in her antique white lace gown and loose brown curls around her face.

  The frame slipped from my hand as realization dawned on me. He’s married? It didn’t make sense. Where was she? I went to the closets and saw they were filled with clothing, some with Joshua’s label. Joshua didn’t mention anything, but…

  I suddenly remembered when we arrived at the hotel the front desk clerk asked if someone was with him. Did she mean his wife? When the hotel manager ran over, I swore he said “Mrs” but I thought he assumed we were married, now I realized he meant Xander’s wife.

  My heart sunk in my chest then ached. How could I think I was special to him? All this time I thought was stopped our relationship was only because he was my boss.

  The ringing of my cell phone shook me from my pain.


  “Hi, I was looking for Xander Boone and his office gave me this number. He placed an order for flowers and I’m leaving now to deliver them. Can I verify the address with you?”

  “Yes, you can. What address did he give you?” I didn’t know what came over me but I needed that address. I was going to confront him for making a fool of me.

  “2674 Wordsworth Drive?”

  “Yes, that’s the correct address.”

  “Thank you, the flowers should be there in a few minutes.”

  I didn’t know that address or where it was, I just knew I had to go there. I ran out of the house and got into the Audi Xander gave me. I entered the address on the GPS and left.

  The address took me further out of town than I expected. The old roads were bumpy and treelined. A few times I thought I had taken the wrong turn but continued following the GPS’s directions. Finally I made the last turn on the instructions–entering a cemetery.

  “You have arrived at your destination. 2674 Wordsworth Drive.”

  “You stupid piece of shit!” I yelled at the GPS as I smacked the dashboard.

  A car came up behind me so I had to drive forward to get out of its way. As I drove I thought I spotted Xander’s Aston Martin. I pulled up behind the car, recognizing the license plate–Boone2.

  Getting out of the car, I looked over and saw Xander holding a bouquet of flowers as he stood, head lowered, in front of a grave stone. As I got closer I read the stone: Darcy Boone - Beloved Wife.

  My heart went out to him. The year on the grave stone said she died only three years ago. Everything made sense now. I knew Xander well enough to know he was sensitive, his mean front was just to protect himself from others. I reached up and put my hand on his shoulder.

  “She was everything to me. Part of me died with her. I never thought I would feel for someone even an ounce of what I felt for her.” He cleared his throat. “Until I met you.”

  He didn’t move. He stared at the grave. I didn’t know what to say. Everything I thought of seemed weak and trite. I rubbed his back softly hoping he understood my own feelings for him.

  “I can’t do this. You have no idea how much I want to. How madly I’m falling for you.” He turned and glanced at me then looked back at the grave. “I can’t go through this again. I can’t lose another piece of myself, and it will happen. I can’t be around you. This has to end.”

  “What are you saying? I don’t understand.”

  “You’re fired. I can’t be near you anymore. The more I see you, the longer I’m with you, the more I’m falling in love with you. I can’t do that. I’m better off alone. I can’t take the pain of losing someone again.”


  “No.” He shook his head, still lowered towards the grave. “Remember the man I was speaking to in the conference room when you brought me the flash drive? I didn’t introduce you to him but he’s an old buddy of mine. We started our companies around the same time. He needs an assistant and said he would love to hire you. I know you need a job so I arranged that for you if you want it. Also, I know you have no place to go so you can stay at the Manor until you find your own place. I’ll stay at my condo in the city.”

  “But Xander, don’t I get a say in this?”

  “No. This is how it needs to be.”

  He pulled a single red rose from the giant rose and orchid bouquet. Holding onto the one flower, he gently placed the bouquet on the grave stone before touching it delicately. He then turned around and quickly grabbed me, holding me tight, his lips pressed against my forehead.

  The tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around him tightly as I sobbed. Being in his arms always felt so right and now it was over. I didn’t want to let go but I knew I didn’t have a choice.

  He stepped back, breaking my hold on him. Gently wiping the tears from my cheek with his thumb, he softly kissed my lips then handed me the single rose before walking to his car.

  I stood frozen to the ground as I watched his car head out of the cemetery. I didn’t care about the job or where I would live, I only cared about losing him. He might have been falling for me, but I fell for him–hard. A part of me left when he did and I knew I would do anything to get that part back.

  The continuation to His Every Whim will be released in January.

  Author’s Note

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  Links to some of my titles

  Short Stories

  Wanting Him #1

  Having Him #2

  Choosing Him #3 & full series

  Her Vampire Guardian

  Per His Request #1

  Per His Command #2-coming soon!


  A Captive’s Submission

  His Every Whim

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  About The Author

  Liliana Rhodes writes erotica and erotic romance with fun, engaging characters. Blessed with an over active imagination, she is always writing and plotting her next stories. She enjoys movies, reading, and listening to music. Liliana lives on the east coast with her husband, son, two dogs who are treated better than some people, and two parrots who plan to take over the world.


  His Every Whim

  Copyright © 2012 by Liliana Rhodes

  Cover by Liliana Rhodes

  Photography: ©Depositphotos / konradbak

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.




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