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The Eternal Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 5)

Page 9

by Chandelle LaVaun

  I frowned. Everest? I had no idea what that meant. Was it a code word? Or was the Fire Stone on Mount Everest?

  I opened my mouth to ask what she meant when the vampire court surrounding their queen parted, and a man sauntered up to us. Wait, no. Not a man. At least he didn’t look like one. He was tall, the same height as Tennessee. His skin was as pale as his queen’s, his face nearly as pretty. His hair was the color of fresh-fallen snow, though his eyebrows were jet black. Where Tennessee had that rough and wild look, this guy was all sharp lines and clean face. He was the Trojan Horse of trouble...most would never see it coming.

  And yet, there was something different about this vampire than all the others. Sweyn had the bloodred eyes she inherited from her demonic blood line of the Unseelie Fae. The rest of her court had red pupils and white irises rimmed with red. It was similar to the Angel Gabriel’s, though his had been gold not red. But then there was this guy, whose white irises were rimmed with a rich, royal blue. I looked him up and down, but with his white coat, I couldn’t see any other details. Otherwise, he blended in with the rest.

  Sweyn’s eyes sparkled as she gazed at him. Her lips curved into a seductive smile. “Everest, penny for your thoughts?”

  Ah, Everest is a person. I took a deep breath and braced myself for his response. The vampire queen wouldn’t have sought another’s opinions in front of her entire court if she didn’t genuinely require it. Or unless she was about to try and pull a fast one on us.

  Easton, if anything goes down, you project armor onto everyone. I didn’t look back to see if he’d heard me. I knew he had. I felt his magic surge to life behind me. It tickled against my back.

  Everest moved to stand in front of Tennessee, then mirrored his stance by holding his hands behind his back. “As I’m sure The Coven is aware, ownership of the Fire Stone is critical for Avolire’s safety. We, too, don’t wish to sever any bonds of peace. However, we cannot simply hand it over. We require a trade.”

  Okay, we expected this, I whispered to my group’s minds.

  Tennessee nodded, and I told myself it was in response to me. “What kind of trade did you have in mind?”

  “If a member of our court drinks the blood of a witch who carries fire’s element, then Avolire would be safe, so long as that vampire remained within our kingdom.” Everest glanced around our group then looked over his shoulder. “My Queen, that is the only way.”

  Sweyn’s grin turned downright wicked. “Those are your terms, Emperor. Accept them, and you may borrow the Fire Stone. Reject them, then good luck closing that Gap before Samhain.”

  Fire’s element. There were only two witches in The Coven who had the power of fire. Emersyn and myself. My pulse quickened, and my stomach turned. One of us would have to do it. We had no choice.

  Emersyn’s aura pulsed with wild, panicked energy. Her magic prickled the back of my neck. Part of me worried that I had too much magic to let a vampire drink from, but the bigger part of me worried what would happen if I let Emersyn do it. I had complete control of my magic. I was stable. But I knew there would be ramifications if I gave them more than just fire’s element.

  “We accept.” Tennessee lifted his hand and gestured behind him, toward my sister. “Our Empress has fire’s gift within her veins.”

  “I’m sure she does.” Queen Sweyn kept her eyes on my soulmate. She pointed one long, pointy, red-painted nail in my direction. “But I want hers.”

  Chapter Twelve


  No. No, no. Absolutely not. Over my dead body.

  “Okay,” Tegan said from behind me.

  Okay? Okay?? How is this okay? I had no idea what she was thinking, but then, I’d obviously learned that well enough already. Except, this wasn’t about me or her being my soulmate. This was about her being the Aether Witch and letting a vampire tap into that kind of magic. There was no telling what consequences would follow.

  But we do know what’ll happen if we don’t get that Fire Stone.

  Shut up, brain.

  She had to do this. I knew it. She knew it. We both probably knew it when we’d first heard the prophecy. That didn’t make it any easier to accept. The truth was, we had no other option. If we pushed for it to be Emersyn, Queen Sweyn would only be stricter on it being Tegan. We were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  Tegan’s arm brushed against mine as she moved to stand in front of Everest, and it took everything in me not to grab her and hold her back. She was a big girl; she could handle it. Besides, I wasn’t technically her boyfriend.

  I clenched my teeth and concentrated on breathing normal.

  Everest took a step forward, closing the distance between them. I moved up, unable to stop myself. I was going to let this happen, but I was going to be there when it did.

  Tegan reached up and pulled her hair into that messy bun that made my heart do little weird somersaults in my chest. Her black leather choker was wrapped around her neck, right where it always was. Every day since I’d met her.

  The glyph on my chest flared with heat. Energy pounded from within like it had its own heartbeat. Hold on. I frowned and stared at her pulse throbbing in the vein of her neck. My breath left me in a rush. That pounding wasn’t the glyph. It was Tegan’s heartbeat. I wasn’t sure when that had started. Maybe I’d been too mad at her to realize it, but I now felt every beat and flutter of her heart like it was beating in my chest.

  Everest lifted her thin wrist up to his mouth. White fangs poked out from his lips. Sweyn giggled in delight behind him, watching with anxious eyes like a kid on Christmas morning. She relished this torture...which meant she knew who Tegan was to me. Someone as old as her didn’t miss anything.

  Everest opened his mouth against the inner side of her wrist, revealing huge white fangs. He looked down at Tegan’s eyes then lunged for her throat. One second his mouth hung over her wrist, and the next his fangs sank into the pale flesh of her neck.

  Tegan gasped and grabbed my hand. She squeezed harder than I knew she could. Her pulse skipped a few beats then kicked into overdrive, pounding in my glyph. My heart fluttered. I squeezed back. It didn’t matter that I was mad at her for the twisted game she’d played. It only mattered that the girl I loved was afraid and seeking comfort from me.

  Tegan’s eyes were squeezed shut, and her face was all scrunched up like she was in pain. Everest grabbed her jaw and pulled her closer. Tegan’s ninja grip on my hand tightened as she dragged me with them.

  Tell your boyfriend not to kill me. I have to look twisted like her, or she’ll realize what I’m up to.

  I hissed through clenched teeth. That was Everest’s voice in my head, not mine. Not Tegan’s. Everest, the knight of the vampire court of Avolire. Except his tone was all wrong. It was softer and kinder than it had been. I frowned and a little growl slipped out between my lips.

  Sweyn gripped the edge of her throne and laughed. Her grin looked every bit Unseelie princess, missing any notion of humanity.

  Queen Sweyn is going to try and kill you on your way out. There will be a trap. I’ll come for you. Be ready and watch for me.

  I scowled and let some of my magic flicker from my balled fist. What the hell is going on?

  Everest pulled back, and his fangs slid to their almost-hidden place. He licked his lips. A little river of blood trailed down Tegan’s throat. He ran his finger over the blood then licked it clean.

  Queen Sweyn’s laughter was melodic and maniacal. She bit her bottom lip with her fangs. Her fiery red eyes were locked on her knight. “My dear Everest. You never disappoint me.”

  Something warm and heavy landed on my shoulder. I jumped and summoned my magic to my free hand, but when I looked up, it was only my father’s hand. He squeezed my shoulder gently, but I didn’t miss the pressure of his strength holding me down.

  He cleared his throat. “We have upheld our end of the deal, so now it is time for you to do the same.”

  Everest reached up to Tegan’s throat then ripped he
r black choker right off her neck. Tegan gasped and her heart fluttered. I yanked her back and held her close to my side. The electricity running between our joined hands was the only thing keeping my sanity in check. Everest smirked at her then spun and walked over to his queen.

  “Do the honors, my love,” Sweyn purred.

  She raised her hand, and it was only in that moment that I realized she’d been holding the Fire Stone that whole time. Just like with the Shaman back in Issale, the queen of vampires kept the Fire Stone atop a tall staff. Sweyn’s was made of clear quartz crystal, just like the throne she lounged on. I recognized the milky-white coloring and calming energy radiating off of it. Sitting on top was a red orb about the size of a baseball. The Fire Stone. She held the staff up for Everest as he tied Tegan’s choker around it, just beneath the stone. The silver pentagram charm dangled in the air.

  I felt a rush of emotion from my soulmate, and I knew somehow we’d be coming back for that necklace one day. Flames shot out of the black leather strap then coiled around the staff like a snake. Sweyn’s eyes twinkled and she giggled.

  “My Queen.” Everest palmed the red orb and waited. Once Sweyn nodded, he lifted the Stone then carried it over to my father. “Handle this with care.”

  My friends sighed in relief. We had the Fire Stone. Three down, and only two more to go.

  I eyed the vampire knight. I had no idea if he was telling the truth that Sweyn was planning a trap on our way out. I had no reason to believe she wouldn’t. But it was painfully obvious Everest and his queen had an intimate relationship, so it boggled my mind to think he’d betray her. What if he was the trap?

  I’d hated every moment of his fangs in Tegan’s throat, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that that had been too simple.

  That was too easy, Tegan whispered into my head. The other shoe hasn’t dropped yet.

  I pressed my lips together and tried not to feel that familiar thrill whenever she thought the same exact thing I was thinking, at the same time.

  “Thank you for being so accommodating.” My father nodded his head in respect, then removed his hand from my shoulder. “We will take our leave now.”

  A shadow swept over us. I frowned and looked up—and my jaw dropped. A stainless-steel roof slid over the glass dome, closing us in.

  Sweyn pursed her lips in a blatant fake pout. “Oh, is it that late already? You’ll have to remain here until sunset.”

  “What?” Timothy shouted and pushed his way through the group until he was up front with me. “We are not hurt by sunlight. You can and will let us go.”

  “I won’t,” Sweyn snapped. Her eyes sharpened on our leader. “This is my kingdom, child. My rules.”

  This is how the trap starts, Tegan said in my head.

  Sweyn snapped her fingers. “Everest, escort our guests to the east wing. They can rest there until the sun has set.”

  “Of course, My Queen.”

  She batted her eyelashes at her knight and trailed her finger down his shirt. “What kind of queen would I be if I endangered my own just because you are not patient?”

  Timothy huffed. “We are not impatient. We’re simply pressed for time.”

  Sweyn turned her laser-sharp red eyes on us again. “There were only three digits in the year I was born, child. Do not lecture me on time. Your rush is a nap for me. Now go. Sleep well. You’ll need it.”



  “No one get comfortable,” Tennessee snapped once the east wing doors were closed—and locked. “We need to be ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

  “And how do you propose we get out of here?” Easton asked and leaned against the wall. “Steel walls, remember?”

  “Leave that to me.” Tegan rubbed over the spot where the vampire had bitten her. “I’m already working on it.”

  Ah-ha. Something had transpired between Tegan and that knight Everest. Unlike my Coven-members, I’d met many a vampire. Manhattan was crawling with them. And feeding off the vein never took that long. At first, I’d assumed it was to torture Tenn a bit, but then I’d felt Tegan’s desires sway from fleeing to conspiring. I’d felt it before when we were planning that dance with Braison. Our fearless High Priestess was up to something, and I suspected the vampire was in on it somehow. Tennessee was harder for me to read because he never opened up, but I’d finally learned some of his tells. He knew something we didn’t, and I knew it connected to Tegan.

  “So what are we supposed to do now?” Willow asked. “We’ve got a long time to wait until sunset.”

  Everyone looked around at each other like someone else held the answer. We were huddled together in a massive hallway with white-carpeted floors and white walls. Elegant chandeliers hung from the ceiling every few feet, but the light coming off of them was dim. There had to be a dozen mahogany doors leading off the hall, which according to Everest were bedrooms. We were supposed to sleep, though I wasn’t sure how well that was going to go for any of us.

  “Well...” Henley walked to the center of the hallway then turned to face our High Priestess. “First, Tegan needs to read the Tarot Cards to see who’s escorting the Fire Stone home. If we have to move fast, then we need to know who’s leaving.”

  “You’re right.” Tegan sighed and moved to sit right in the middle of the hallway. She reached into the pocket of her black leather jacket and pulled out a small box. A wiggle of her fingers later, and it transformed into the tarot deck the Goddess gave us. “All right, let’s see.”

  She set the deck down then waved her hand over the stack. Her rainbow mist swirled over the cards. She reached down and flipped the first card. Lily’s beautiful face smiled up at us.

  Lily sighed. “Knew that was coming.”

  Henley smirked. “The Sun Card to protect against any vampire who might try to follow you.”

  Tegan nodded then flipped the next card over. Sky-blue eyes and sandy-blond hair filled the card.

  Easton cursed a line of relieved obscenities. He threw his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders and pulled her into his chest. “Thank the Goddess.”

  Tegan pulled the next card but hesitated to flip it. She bit her lip and took a deep breath. I knew what she feared. I feared the same. I fought the urge to look at Emersyn in fear it might jinx us. Tegan flipped the next card. Braison’s red head appeared. Tegan glanced over to Paulina then quickly flipped the next card over. But our Puerto Rican Death Card wasn’t the face looking up at us. It was Kessler.

  “Flip it again,” Paulina said in a rush. “Pull another. Please.”

  Tegan flipped the next card and exhaled roughly. It was black. No one else was leaving the quest.

  “No!” Paulina yelled. “No. Damn it, no. Can’t I go with him anyway?”

  Kessler sighed and shook his head. “I would gladly trade places with you, Paulina, but we must follow the Goddess’s guidance.”

  Paulina’s eyes filled with tears. She buried her face in her new boyfriend’s chest and wrapped her arms around him. Braison’s face fell as he held on to her. We’d been fortunate enough to not have lost anyone on our last quest, but I knew all of my Coven-mates were still mourning the loss of Cassandra and Libby. I may not have been around for those, but I’d grown close to all of them in such a short time and my heart broke just thinking about it. Hell, we almost lost Henley and Tegan. That had been traumatic enough. The awful truth was...there was no guarantee anyone would make it back home.

  I looked down at Emersyn and found her staring at the ground with a dark expression. I tapped her elbow. When she peeked up at me, I winked and gave her a little smile. A light blush hit her cheeks. She smiled and leaned into my shoulder, then stayed there. I had to fight the urge to grin. My soulmate and I had had a rough start, but she was coming around. I glanced over to Tennessee to gauge his reaction. He’d been harboring some serious anger for his soulmate. But the way their gazes were locked on each other’s, I knew that phase was over. They stared at each other like they’d di
e if they looked away. I shook my head and wondered just how we’d all missed that.

  Guess seeing another guy sucking on your girl’s throat will snap you out of it.

  “So that’s done. The rest of us are going,” Willow grumbled. “To meet the fairies. Great. But what do we do now?”

  I glanced around the hallway. Everyone was fidgeting or pacing. Or both. We’d never make it through the day without losing our minds.

  Tell them to go to sleep, Tegan said into my mind. She sat on the ground shuffling the deck of cards and not looking at me. They need your magic tonight, Devil boy.

  We all looked exhausted and stressed.

  Tennessee closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

  We couldn’t meet the fairy court running on fumes. We’d never survive their games.

  I sighed and summoned my magic. It warmed my veins. I cleared my throat. “Go find a bed and sleep for a few hours.”

  Like flipping a switch, they all turned and headed into the bedrooms. Even Tennessee stormed off toward a room at the far front of the wing and slammed a door shut.

  “Okay,” Emerson said through a wide yawn. “I’ll try.”

  I chuckled. Before I could stop myself, I leaned down and pressed my lips to her forehead in a light kiss. “Sleep well, Buttercup.”

  She smiled. Her cheeks flushed bright pink. “As you wish.” Without another word, she turned to her left and went inside the closest room.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

  I spun around and found Tegan watching me. Her eyes were clear and sharp. Her aura rumbled like a thunderstorm.

  I frowned. “Does anyone’s magic work on you anymore?”

  She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes like she was thinking. “I’m not entirely sure of that.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Well, you should listen anyway.”

  “No, I don’t want to yet. I need to process everything.” She rubbed over the two fang marks. “Besides, I’m working on our escape plan.”


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