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Captive: A Bodyguard Romance (Hollywood Guardians Book 1)

Page 11

by Heather Ashley

  I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt safer than I do right now, and that’s especially fucked up considering what happened to me only a couple of hours ago.

  By the time my shift ends, I’m tired as hell and more than ready for a shower and bed. The last drunken a-holes managed to drag themselves upstairs fifteen minutes ago, and I’m almost done closing everything up for the night. Connor still hasn’t budged from his spot at the bar, his eyes dark and fixed on me even now like he’s afraid if he takes them off, someone might come along and steal me.

  “You’re staying in my room from now on,” Connor finally announces as he slides off the barstool and steps behind the bar to grab my hand. I don’t even care that some of Ruthless’s blood is still dried on there. I just want to get the hell out of here and curl up in Connor’s strong arms and forget today even happened.

  I don’t have it in me to argue, and frankly, I don’t want to, so I nod my head and follow him back to his room. For once, I don’t have to be strong or hold myself together all alone after one of the guys gets overly handsy and it’s straight-up nice. The way Connor keeps looking at me tonight makes me think maybe I won’t have to handle things on my own—if I don’t want to—ever again.

  It should probably scare me, the finality of the thoughts running through my head, but it doesn’t.

  Not even a little.

  When the door closes behind us, he pins me against it and kisses the hell out of me until I’m breathless. He pulls back, and my lips are bruised, and I can feel his breath against them, but all I want to do is pull him closer and do it all over again. He has other things in mind and rests his forehead against mine, speaking more quietly than I’ve ever heard before. “I wanted to kill him.”

  “I know.” I lift my hand and slide my fingers against his ribs and down his side, relishing the hard planes of muscle underneath his tight, black t-shirt.

  “Would you have hated me if I did? If I go hunt him down now and finish what I started?” He’s looking at me now with eyes so close to mine they almost look like one single hazel eye.

  “I could never hate you,” I tell him as I twist my fingers into the hem of his shirt, pushing it up so I can feel the smooth skin underneath.

  He reaches up and runs his thumb across my lower lip like he’s imagining it’s his tongue, and my breath catches. I want his tongue all over me, covering every inch until I forget everything but him. Connor surges forward, and a moan gets stuck in my throat as he kisses me hard—almost angrily—burying his tongue inside my mouth and tasting every bit of me he can reach.

  My hands fly up behind his head, and my fingers dive into his hair, pulling him closer by the silky strands. I can’t breathe, but I don’t care. My lungs are screaming for oxygen, but the only thing I want is to fill my body with nothing but Connor.

  He rips his lips away from mine, pushing my hair off my neck and kissing down the side until I’m a quivering mess. Between my legs feels like a lake of liquid heat, and my panties are officially destroyed. My heart is pounding, and my clit throbs with every desperate beat.

  Connor’s tongue replaces his lips as it runs up the side of my neck. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, and my fingers curl into his skin, leaving half-moon indents where my nails dig in. “I want you so fucking bad,” he growls between strokes with his tongue that I swear I feel on my clit.

  “Connor…” I whimper his name, unable to form the words to express what I want—number one being his mouth on my pussy.

  He leans back with a smug as fuck smile on his face. “Something you want, little demon?”

  Every nerve in my body is on fire, screaming for his body on mine, and he damn well knows it. “You to fuck me,” I growl, deciding I’m too impatient to wait for him to go down on me. Maybe we can do that for round two.

  It turns out Connor has other ideas as he bends down and grips me under my thighs, picking me up and tossing me on the bed. I squeal as I bounce, and I don’t have time to blink before his hard body is covering mine. My legs spread apart as he settles his weight between them and grinds his hips into mine. The friction of his erection against the seam of my cutoff shorts is the best kind of torture.

  He pins me to the bed by my wrists above my head as his other hand slides down between us and flicks open the button on my shorts. Connor leans down and kisses me as he shoves his hand down my shorts, sucking on my lower lip as his fingers glide across my soaked entrance.

  He growls and sits up, letting my wrists go and yanking my shorts and panties down, tossing them aside before grabbing my tank top and ripping it off, too. “I’m going to fuck every bad memory of tonight out of you until all that’s left is you and me,” he promises, his voice husky as hell, and it wraps around the dark corners of my soul and makes me want to purr.

  Connor gets rid of his clothes so fast it makes me giggle, and before I can catch my breath, he’s on me again, tongue tangling with mine and fingers sliding inside me. I cry out when he curves them up, hitting a spot I didn’t even know existed until right now. “Holy fuck,” I pant, closing my eyes against the intense sensation.

  It almost feels like I have to pee… until the feeling suddenly morphs into the most intense orgasm of my life, and my whole body is tense while I squeeze the fuck out of his fingers. My back arches off the bed, and my heart is beating frantically in my chest.

  A literal explosion just consumed my body, and I need a second to pick up the pieces, but Connor’s having none of it. He slips his fingers out of me and licks them clean as he stares at me through half-lidded eyes full of primal lust that makes my nipples go diamond-hard.

  “Christ, you taste good,” he groans, the words dripping with ecstasy. He moves to kneel between my legs, and the metal bar piercing the tip of his cock catches the moonlight through the side window.

  Shit, how could I have forgotten about that magnificent little bonus?

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he orders, his voice rough, but I’m not fast enough, and his fingers grip my hips as he flips me over and yanks my ass up, so his dick is shoved right up between us. Connor slides his shaft across my heated flesh, coating himself in my arousal and driving me insane. Every pass of his cock along my core makes me shift my hips to try and get him to sink inside me, but he won’t.

  My legs are shaking from my first orgasm, and I’m so empty I could scream, but when he drives inside me all at once, I can barely breathe. When he’s fully sheathed inside me, he stays like that, our bodies as connected as we can possibly be while he rotates his hips against mine.

  That familiar pressure is already building inside me again, daring him to move and push me over the edge. “More,” I gasp, and he starts to fucking move.

  He pulls out and slams back in, starting deep, wild thrusts that have me gripping the blanket in my fists to keep myself grounded while he owns every inch of my body. His balls slap against my clit with every thrust, over and over and over, and I’m so fucking close to coming that I want to cry every time he moves away.

  My whole body is trembling, and I’m sweaty. I can barely breathe, but I don’t even care. He must feel how close I am as my pussy spasms around him. “Fuck,” he grits out, and I can tell his jaw is clenched by the way the word sounds. He reaches around to rub my clit with the heel of his hand, and I come so hard my arms collapse, and I think I black out for a second.

  Connor never stops fucking me through it, but he slows his pace, wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me back up while my body clenches around his. “Jesus,” he groans in what sounds like a mix of appreciation and pain, and my whole body is languid and relaxed.

  When I can hold myself up on my own, my reprieve ends, and his control snaps. Every thrust of his hips sends his dick deeper, that metal barbell on the end rubbing up against me in a delicious way that has me climbing toward my third orgasm of the night.

  But who’s counting, right?

  His fingers dig into my hips so hard I’m sure they’ll leave bruises as he buries himself
as deep inside me as he can, and lets go, coming violently with a roar. His hips grinding against mine as he tries to push himself even deeper throw me right over the edge with him, and my body convulses around him one more time.

  When I blink my eyes open, I’m on my side, Connor still buried inside me but spooning me from behind. The only light in the room is from the moon, and I’m so sated and content, all I want to do is crash. “Feel better?” he asks as he nuzzles his face into my neck, his breath cooling down my skin where my hair is a sticky, tangled mess.

  “Mmm,” is all I can manage, and he chuckles, this indulgent, self-satisfied sort of sound before he pulls the blanket up over us, and I close my eyes.

  “Told you I’d fuck the day away,” he whispers, and a small smile crosses my lips as I drift off. Turns out he was right.

  I carefully untangle myself from her and lean back, watching my cum drip out of her in the light of the moon as she sleeps. I want to roar in satisfaction like the beast I keep caged within, but I won't wake her. Instead, I'm happier than I have any right to be now that I've claimed her as mine. No one will touch her again as long as I'm alive.

  No. Fucking. One.

  I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight. Fucking Ruthless put his hands on her—on my woman. I never would've thought I was one of those guys who got all possessive over a pretty girl, but here I am, and it feels like the most natural thing in the world.

  She calmed me down earlier, but now that I'm not distracted, and she's safe, it's taking everything in me to stay in this room and not go cut off every single one of Ruthless's fingers, mostly because if I did, I'd be leaving Gigi here unprotected.

  To be fair, it'd be quicker if I just cut off both hands.

  I eye the knife on my nightstand, but Gigi sighs and moves her hand across the sheets like she's looking for me. I make a mental note to revisit what to do about Ruthless tomorrow and climb into bed with her, wrapping myself around her body as tightly as I can without waking her up.

  After tonight—hell, after everything she's been through up to this point in her life—I don't care what Savage says. I'm taking her out to do something fun tomorrow, and if he doesn't like it, he can deal with me.

  I make another mental note to figure out why the hell he's still keeping her trapped here like a goddamn slave, considering he doesn't seem to want to fuck her or let any of the other club brothers use her for what women in biker gangs are usually used for. Something about her situation feels fucking wrong, and I need to find out what it is.

  Gigi herself doesn't seem to know, which means more digging on the prez and his father.

  For now, that can wait. I've got plans for her—both tomorrow and forever kind of plans—and for tonight, I'm able to relax a fraction knowing she's sleeping peacefully in my arms.

  Right now, in the inky blackness of the night, surrounded by Gigi's warm skin and sweet scent, my eyelids are getting heavy, and I'm ready to crash. Tomorrow feels like a world away, but before I let myself sleep, I check for my gun under the pillow because I sure as fuck am not about to allow any of these assholes to touch her while I do.

  Once I'm satisfied, I tighten my arms and pull her closer, letting the exhaustion take me under.

  "Seriously?" Gigi asks, staring at me like I've lost my damn mind. All I do is give her my favorite cocky grin.

  "Do you think I'd lie to you about this?"

  Her pretty lips part with her sigh. "I trust you. It's just hard to believe you can get away with getting me out of here for an entire day without any kind of backlash."

  I lean against the dresser, folding my arms across my chest and her eyes drop to watch. I may flex my muscles more than necessary, just because. "I didn't say there wouldn't be consequences, but whatever happens, I'll deal with them. We're getting the fuck out of here and doing something fun. Now stop questioning me and go get ready."

  She watches me with those skeptical green eyes of hers for another minute before a slow smile takes over her face and illuminates the whole goddamn world. Then, she skips off to the bathroom to shower and prep for our day out.

  "You've got half an hour," I grumble because I'm cranky as fuck I can't follow her in there and soap her up. I know if I do, we won't be able to sneak out of here before everyone in the club is up. I'll have to explain why I'm taking her out when she's a prisoner here, and I don't exactly have the okay.

  Better to ask forgiveness than permission.

  Twenty-nine minutes later, Gigi steps out of the bathroom with her damp hair in a braid over her shoulder, in cutoff shorts and a tank top that shows off her flat stomach. She looks good enough to eat, and all thoughts of getting the hell out of here completely flee my mind. I start to prowl closer, ready to pull her into my arms and devour her for breakfast, when the hopeful look in her eyes stops me in my tracks.

  She needs this. She needs it more than I need to feel her wrapped around my dick. Besides, my cock isn't going anywhere. There's always after.

  "Okay, little demon. We need to hurry, so keep your head down and your steps light." Opening the door, we step out into the hallway, and we move as quickly and silently as we can manage. My motorcycle boots are heavy as hell, and I'm not exactly a small guy, so my steps are loud as shit in the silence of the early morning, but we still manage to escape the building without anyone waking up and coming into the hall.

  The sun is up, and I slip sunglasses onto my face when we move outside, but it's still early, and I don't think I've ever been more thankful for hangovers than right now. When we get to my bike, I walk it out of the row it's parked in and away from the buildings before starting it. I'm sure I'm not the only guy around here who likes to go for the occasional morning ride, so if I'm lucky, no one will be bothered by the sound of the engine rumbling to life.

  Once my bike's had enough time to warm up, I swing my leg over and sit down, gesturing for Gigi to climb on behind me. She gives me this smile that makes my heart stutter in my chest like I'm making all her dreams come true by sneaking her out of here, and I can feel myself falling.

  I already know I'm fucked. She might as well tattoo her name on my blackened soul because I'm never letting her go. I can't tell her, though. Not here and not like this. I look around at the dusty landscape, the dreary plants, the dull colors, and the rundown buildings. The beautiful soul with her arms wrapped around me and her cheek resting on my back is worthy of so much more than this. Until I can follow through with my promise to give her everything, I'm not sure I've earned the right to her love.

  That doesn't mean I'm not a selfish bastard who's going to take whatever she'll give me in the meantime.

  "Hold tight, beautiful," I call out over my shoulder before I twist the handle, and we're tearing down the packed dirt drive toward the two-lane highway.

  The wind whipping around me is still cool, but Gigi pressed up against my back is providing some much-needed body heat. Her thighs are clamped around me, and if I focus, I swear I can feel the heat between her legs. My dick takes notice, and I have to focus on the road to keep myself from popping a full-on boner, which would be uncomfortable as fuck straddling my bike the way I am.

  The drive into the farmer's market for breakfast isn't nearly long enough. I'm tempted to keep going all the way to California just to keep Gigi stuck on the back of the bike and plastered against my body.

  My need to take care of her and keep her safe overrides my body's craving, so I pull into the parking lot and reluctantly stand up, holding out my hand to help Gigi off the bike. She looks around at the market, the colorful tents and displays of produce and other handmade shit probably unlike anything she's ever seen before.

  "What is this place?" she asks me, leaning into my side like she's drawn to me, and I can feel the smug satisfaction pulsing through my body as I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer.

  "The local farmer's market. It's not much, not like the one I've got at home, but I bet they have something good for breakfast." She looks up at me
like she can't believe I'd bring her here and isn't quite sure what the fuck to make of me, but I don't care. I'm all about giving her new experiences. If that includes having a meal outside of the deep-fried, heavy shit they serve at the clubhouse, even better.

  If I was home, I wouldn't put half the shit in my body I am while working this case.

  We wander through the stalls, stopping when Gigi sees something she wants to touch or smell or check out. I don't mind—it's a breath of fresh air compared to being on that fucking compound. It's a glimpse at what life can be like when I get her free of that place.

  I think about how she has a GPS tracker implanted somewhere under her skin and slip my phone out of my back pocket and shoot a text to Savage letting him know she didn't run, she's with me, and I'll explain when we get back. No doubt he'll be pissed, but I'll deal with that later.

  When we finish checking out every single booth, we circle back to the one with fresh cinnamon rolls and snag a couple, wolfing them down in the shade under a tent.

  I try to ignore the way Gigi closes her eyes and leans her head back, moaning as the pillowy dough and spiced sugar hit her tongue, but it's impossible, and I have to move my dick since it's hitting at a bad angle and making me want to undo my pants to get some relief.

  It's been more than a decade since I've had this much trouble controlling my damn cock, but Gigi is magic like that. One moan and I'm ready to dive inside her and never come up for air.

  She's watching me with a pretty pink flush creeping up her neck and cheeks, and I realize I'm staring at her like she's a mythical creature I can't look away from, and really, she is. Somehow she managed to snare my attention in a way no one else ever has, and I've never been happier to be focused on one woman than I am right now.

  Gigi is magnificent, and I could spend all day staring at her like the obsessed bastard I am, but we have places to be. "Climb on," I tell her, patting the seat behind me. She doesn't waste even a second before her incredible body is wrapping around mine, and we're back on the road.


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