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Hell's Chapel ( Urban Fantasy

Page 12

by Celia Kyle

  Caith swallowed past the lump in her throat and pretended her eyes didn’t sting. “You love me?”

  Then she had her arms filled with the powerful witch, their bodies close as the woman’s arms wrapped around her. “You’re the sister my mom refused to have.”

  Of course, their sweet moment had to be interrupted. Because now it wasn’t just the soft voice of Momma R and Sam that reached her.

  Nope, it was several, specifically five more.

  “Oh, shit,” her best friend whispered.

  Oh shit was right. Jezebeth released her to race toward the front of the house and Caith was right behind her, hands cupping her breasts to keep them from bouncing out of her top. She hoped Sam was still breathing by the time they got to the living room. They followed the growls, snarls, and threats that poured into the house. The two of them slid to a stop in the entryway, attention on the living room, and Caith saw what she’d expected. Sort of.

  Momma R was arguing with Papa Percy and she could see the affection strung between them despite Momma R’s anger toward the pixie king.

  Papa Alrick had his fangs and claws in place as he roared at a bored looking Sam.

  Behind him, Papa Eron, despite his caring nature, glared at the gel.

  Papa Finn looked annoyed at the situation and not necessarily at the angel. He might not be in Caith’s corner but he wasn’t in the dads’ either. He generally wasn’t big on violence. Unicorns were the embodiment of purity. Mostly. Papa Finn had sex with her mother obviously. But he never got his hands bloody. He left that to the other dads.

  The most troublesome of the dads was Papa Letholdus. He had his favorite blade pressed against her date’s throat.

  With a growl of her own, she bypassed fathers two through five and went right up to the glaring warrior. “Papa Leth, let him go right now.” Her father didn’t respond and she laid her hand on his wrist, wrapping her fingers around the thickness and tugging. “I mean it.”

  “No. We have heard the rumors and we will not stand for this insult.”

  Dear Hell. “You heard rumors? What was said? From who? I can promise whatever was said isn’t true. Now, let the nice-ish gel go.” She tugged again. “Papa?”

  Papa Leth finally turned his attention to her and his eyes were filled with pure fury… on her behalf. If she wasn’t so worried about Sam, she’d be touched by his concern.

  “It has been said this one will not forsake On High for you. That is an insult your fathers cannot abide. You are worth being banished to Hell itself. Even your second father is willing to brave Hell for you should you ever need us.”

  “Truth,” Papa Finn added. Which was a huge sacrifice considering the purity of his soul.

  “We expect no less from your mate.” Papa Leth gave her a small smile. “So we will send this worthless creature on his way and find a male who is good enough for you.”

  Hell save her.

  “Okay. Enough is enough.” She yanked on Papa Leth’s sword arm. “I mean it. We can talk about this like adults.”

  “We are your fathers and we will—”

  “I am an adult. I’m perfectly capable of making my own relationship decis—”

  “Like that spineless Justin,” Papa Percy broke from his argument with Momma R. “Apologies, Alrick, but the wolf is an ass.”

  “Agreed.” The werewolf wasn’t the tiniest bit annoyed with the disparagement of the local alpha. “I hated it when you two were together, but he was a wolf, so I allowed it. But this,” he practically spat, “is an entirely different matter.”

  “Agreed.” The other four fathers chorused.

  Everyone needed to stop agreeing.

  This was so out of hand. She turned her attention to Sam. “I’m sorry about this.”

  Sam grinned at her, his expression revealing his desire for her. “It’s fine. You look gorgeous.”

  That had Papa Leth pressing his blade against Sam even harder and Papa Alrick released a rolling growl.

  “Oh my Hell. You four need to back off.”

  Papa Percy jumped back in. “Why not five?”

  Caith sighed. “Because you know Papa Finn is here under duress. He hates violence.” All she’d wanted was a date. A nice meal. Maybe some making out. Good conversation. Was that too much to ask? Apparently, it was. Growing more annoyed with every thought, she finally laid down the demon-tinged law. “Look, you five are gonna leave right this second,” she snarled, her sounds overriding all other conversation.

  Now she had everyone’s attention. Momma R and Jezebeth had the grace to seem afraid while the fathers each had an expression that she clearly read as “or what?”

  Sam was… amused. Well, she’d take amused over disgusted and aching to run for the hills. Mainly because she was already having a hard enough time controlling her wolf. If it had its way, they’d mount him in the middle of the living room, company be damned.

  Caith focused on the more violent of her fathers. She let a hint of her hellfire snake through her veins and settle in her eyes, making flames dance in the orbs. “I will make Chicago look like a campfire, Papa Leth. So help me, I will.”

  He frowned, obviously weighing her words, but the others sensed her conviction.

  “Now, Caith…”

  “Let’s not be hasty…”

  “I like him. I want to go on record that I like the angel…”

  “Do you know how long it takes to regrow trees, Caith Belinha Morningstar?”

  Good to know Papa Eron had his priorities straight.

  Papa Leth narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think you will.”

  “Try me.” She glared back.

  Sam cleared his throat. “Uh, what happened in Chicago?”

  Caith’s nothing was drowned out by everyone else’s. She hadn’t been proud of destroying a chunk of the city with her fire, but what happened was…

  Papa Leth huffed and lowered his sword, his scowl remaining on Sam. “I will let you date our daughter, but if you hurt her, I will draw and quarter you and shit down your throat as you gasp for air.”

  Caith gagged. “Papa Leth, come on.”

  Sam merely raised a single brow. “I was under the impression that Letholdus served On High.”

  Why couldn’t Sam shut his mouth? Why?

  Papa Leth mirrored Sam’s movement. “I will always love and serve On High. My sword is always prepared for On High’s command… But not before my child. I will kill to keep her safe and die to save her life.”

  Tears sprung to her eyes. Her papa, her first father who hardly ever spoke of anything but swords and battle, loved her. Without saying a word, she launched herself at him, hugging him tightly. He patted her back, obviously unused to affection but she didn’t care.

  “I love you, too, Papa Leth.” As quickly as she attacked him, she released him, brushing the moisture away and refusing to meet anyone’s gaze. “Now, all of you get the fuck out.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They didn’t touch as they walked to the car, the crunch of gravel the only sound that broke their silence. Her fathers disappeared, albeit grudgingly, as she sent them away which left her and Sam with Momma R and Jezebeth. Momma R simply gave her a hug and told her to call if she wasn’t coming home. Then Jezebeth had to ask if gels used condoms or did they shoot blanks and not carry diseases.

  She almost sent Jezze for an extended vacation to Hell for that one. Almost.

  The fact that Caith needed help at the bar was the deciding factor.

  When they finally got to Sam’s vehicle, he stepped past her and opened the door widely. She stared at the panel, following the line of the metal to his hand gripping the handle, up his arm, over his shoulder, and she finally focused on his face.

  “I’m capable of opening a door.”

  He grinned and she pretended her body didn’t heat with the curl of his lips. He opened his mouth to respond, but of course someone from the house had to cut in.

p; “Let him open the damned door. He’s being chivalrous and shit.” Jezze’s yell was immediately followed with… “Ouch. Why are you hitting me?”

  Caith sighed and decided getting away was better than arguing about the frigging door. She carefully lowered to the seat, knees pressed together and wiggled her way into the vehicle, hoping she wasn’t flashing vag.

  Sam stared down at her, an unfamiliar light in his eyes.


  He shook his head. “Nothing. Just looking. You’re beautiful, did you know that?”

  Warmth that had nothing to do with his sexiness or her hellfire suffused her face and she shook her head. “I’m just…” she shrugged. “Me.”

  “And I like you.” That was followed by a wink and then he nudged the door closed, leaving her alone in the car.

  It didn’t take long for him to round the hood and slide behind the wheel. The vehicle roared to life, the deep rumble of the engine vibrating the air with its throaty growl.

  “Ready?” He raised his eyebrows in question.

  “As I’ll ever be.” She was so in over her head.

  Sam popped the car into gear and it took no time to pull away from Jezebeth’s house and jump on the highway. The vehicle purred its way down the road and she took a moment to examine the interior, the supple leather seats, the sparkling dash, and the… new car smell?

  “Where’d you get the ride?”

  He glanced at her, smile in place and she found herself answering it with ease. “Half-fallen, huh?” His gaze flicked to her cleavage and then it traveled over her body, seeming to trace her curves with his focus. “I knew you wouldn’t want to transport there with me, so I needed something.” He shrugged.

  “Is it stolen? Not that I care.” She was a demon after all. “I just wanna know if we’ll be chased down by cops.”

  “Borrowed.” He stressed the word enough to know the answer to her question was yes.

  That had Caith laughing. “If you’re not careful, you’ll become a permanent resident of the…” That was the question to be answered with their date—possibly dates—wasn’t it? “Uh, right,” she cleared her throat. “So, where are we headed?”

  Sam’s smile was strained now, lips tight and happiness no longer reaching his eyes. “You’ll see.”

  “Okay,” she knew her grin was equally tense.

  The quiet that surrounded them was awkward as the car raced down the road, and she wasn’t sure how to return to their teasing attitudes. Rather than try, she let the oppressive silence remain. Hopefully when they got to their destination, she could banish the unease.


  The drive continued, bright lights of the city greeting, but instead of stopping at Orlando’s center, he continued through town. Civilization drifted away, buildings becoming sparser and street lamps lessening.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Told you it was a surprise.” The tick of the turn signal followed his words as they turned onto a nearby street.

  Another five minutes and they pulled into a packed parking lot. Cars squeezed into each space and some simply pulled onto the grass. Sam swung their car around the building and took an area overshadowed by the place. The spot was completely empty and bare of others, but considering its lack of lighting, she could understand the lack of occupants. If she wasn’t a dem and he wasn’t a gel, she’d probably be a little concerned as well. Considering they were probably the most dangerous beings in the area, she wasn’t worried.

  The second they rolled to a stop, she reached for the handle except a soft, warm touch on her leg had her stopping and looking back at Sam.

  “Stay put for me? Lemme get the door.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she was a big kid now, but instead, she released the lever. “Sure.”

  The smile she received was worth it. Even her wolf enjoyed the expression, practically whining in approval and whining that she was ready to claim him. Now.

  But they couldn’t. Not when things were so up in the air. When he came to her, ready to sacrifice for her, she’d sink her fangs into his flesh and mark him. Well, as much as a gel could be marked. She wasn’t sure they could scar and it wasn’t the time to ask.

  The click of the latch drew her attention to him and she placed her hand on his, allowing him to help her teeter from the car. The shoes were gorgeous, but she wasn’t used to heels and she prayed to On High and Hell that she wouldn’t embarrass herself. When his gaze dropped to her legs once again, his expression heating with desire, she figured embarrassing herself a little was worth that look. He wanted her.

  She let her attention drift to the juncture of his thighs and found him hard and thick for her. Further proof he craved her.

  But craving, wanting, wasn’t enough for Caith.

  Dammit, why did she keep focusing on what he wouldn’t do? She needed to look at what he was willing to experience and consider for her. He could have simply flitted back to On High and left her wolf pining for him. Instead, he was here, they were together, and they were about to do… something.

  Sam drew her forward and she easily acquiesced to his silent request. Yes, she complied and then complied again until he had her front pressed to him. His cock throbbed against her lower stomach, the familiar length seeming to reach for her, beg for her heat. She was more than willing. More. Than.

  He released her hand and brought his up to cup her cheek, thumb sliding over her cheekbone. “Did I tell you that you’re gorgeous?”

  “Um…” Caith licked her lips, mouth suddenly dry.

  Sam followed the move with his gaze, blue eyes blazing hotter. Without a word, he brushed his mouth over hers, the kiss soft and sweet despite the passion that filled him. He was a vision of barely restrained male, one bound and determined to keep the kiss light.


  On his next ghostly caress, she let her tongue come out to play, lapping at his lips and drawing a groan from within him. His hold changed, arms around her waist and pulling her firmly against him as he fought to deepen the kiss as well. Their bodies matched, her curves molding to his hardness with ease. They were a match, dem and gel. He just needed to see that now.

  Their tongues tangled, passion rising higher with each lap, lick, and caress. The longer it continued, the hotter she became, pussy moistening in preparation of his possession. He would fill her, stretch her, sink into her…

  But he wouldn’t.

  Caith pulled from the kiss, yanking her mouth from his and then buried her face against his shoulder. They were both panting, fighting for air.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Sam placed his cheek atop her head. “You shouldn’t apologize. I enjoyed our kiss.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “I’ll never deny your touch.”

  No, he’d just deny himself completion.

  Instead of voicing the words, she eased from his grasp and refused to acknowledge his statement. She occupied herself with tugging her skirt down and flicking a speck of invisible lint from her shirt. “What kind of place is this?”

  He didn’t answer at first, probably waiting for her to meet his gaze, but that wasn’t happening until she got herself under control.

  When he finally sighed, she knew she’d waited him out. “It’s a place free of our kind.”

  She frowned and finally looked at him. “Our kind?”

  He leaned down, his sweet scent drifting over her. “No dems, no gels, no tweens.”

  “Neutrals?” Specifically humans.

  “Yup, just you, me, and others who can’t hate us for what we are.” He snared her hand and tugged her until she faced him once again. “It’s a blank slate. I wanna get to know you without all the BS that goes with everything else.”

  That had her chuckling and leaning close, lowering her voice before she spoke. “Gels can say bullshit now?”

  “If they can borrow cars…”

  With a roll of her eyes
, she stepped away and twined their fingers before continuing toward the front of the building. “C’mon, Mr. Bullshit.”

  “Hey, I might be offended,” he grumbled but she didn’t hear any real heat in his voice.

  “Where’d you bring me anyway?” They rounded the corner of the building and she spied the bright light. She furrowed her brow and turned a questioning look on Sam. “The Corner Bar?”

  Sam shrugged. “It used to be on the corner. They moved and didn’t want to change the name.”

  “How well do you know this place?” She stepped aside as he tugged the door open and granted them entrance. The second he stepped into the darkened room, she had her answer.


  “What’s up, man?”

  “Long time no see!”

  “Hey, baby. Missed you.” That feminine purr snared Caith’s attention and she swung her gaze to the lithe woman slowly slinking toward them. Slinking. Like a cat in heat.

  Caith was more than happy to spay the bitch. Didn’t she see…

  She was ready to tear into the human female—and Sam, if he moved toward her—but he saved his own ass. He ducked behind Caith, wrapping his arms around her waist, tugging her against him. His scent enveloped her and the growing anger immediately slithered back inside her.

  “Tori, how are you? I’d like to introduce you to Caith.” Sam rushed the words out, seeming to be in a hurry to deflect the female.

  Good. She’d hate to scorch the woman from the earth.

  Tori stopped short and her gaze traveled over Caith from head to toe. From the woman’s expression, she didn’t like what she saw. Tori flicked her fingers toward Caith. “What are you doing with that?”

  Caith’s beast snarled and snapped, anxious to tear the woman to shreds. Her hellfire was in complete agreement and was happy to let the wolf take the lead. She’d been reminded about Chicago and was a little hesitant to ease forward when the beast would get the job done.

  “Tori,” Sam snarled, and for a gel, it was impressive.

  Not scary, though, as evidenced by Tori’s response. “What? You had this and you’re going after that.”


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