Free Fall Box Set (Loving Summer #8)

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Free Fall Box Set (Loving Summer #8) Page 13

by Kailin Gow

She felt so warm and soft in my arms. Vulnerable, but strong. She moved in close to hug me back. “I missed you, too, Nat,” she said.

  “Thank you for patching me up,” I smiled wryly into her hair.

  Summer laughed. “You were pretty banged up, Nat. For a moment there, you had me worried, only I didn’t know it was you at the time.”

  “Well,” I said, “You did a hell of a job on me. You saved my life.”

  Summer shook her head. “I did what any physician would do.”

  “But you finally knew it was me,” I said.

  “I did in the end,” Summer looked down. Her hands began shaking against my chest. She was trembling.

  “What is it, Summer?”

  “If I had messed up on you…if something would have gone wrong while working on you, I would…I would never forgive myself.”

  I pulled her closer.

  “Why? You’re a damn good doctor. You’ve helped and operated on many patients.”

  “But you’re you, Nat,” Summer said. “You’ve finally returned back to us, and well…you know how much we all love you.”

  “I do?” I asked.

  Summer sighed. “We all care for you so much. So much, Nat. All these years I’ve been wondering what happened to you. And then you return. At first I could hardly recognize you when we saw each other at the hotel. Then I didn’t recognize you when I had to operate on you. So much has happened, yet so much has remained the same.”

  I nodded. “So much has happened. We’ve grown up. All of us. Even Rachel in her own way.”

  “Rachel!” Summer cried. “She has to know about Drew.”

  “I sent word out for the guys to tell her. She’s with my trusted guy, Louis, right now here in the compound.”

  “She’s here?” Summer asked.

  “In my private quarters, where I live.”

  Summer looked around. “You live here?”

  I could see the wheels turning in Summer’s head. She probably couldn’t picture me here, especially the old Nat she knew back when we were teens.

  I laughed. “It’s not all industrial and sterile like this building. There’s an oasis, and area inside that my men and I live in that’s quite nice. They work hard and when they come back from a mission, we all stay here.”

  Summer opened her mouth in awe and said, “Sounds like you’ve got a good place here. How big is it?”

  “Come on,” I said. “I’ll show you.”

  Summer looked over at Drew where he was surrounded by a group of men in scrubs. Nearby were machines I knew Summer had never seen before. Some of them sterilized the room and kept the room at a comfortable temperature while providing music for the physicians to work with while performing intense surgery. Others monitored and tracked Drew’s condition with pinpoint accuracy. Another was a screen showing the surgery live, while flipping back to a computerized screen mapping out where exactly was the bullet lodged into Drew’s heart, and how close the surgeon was to it.

  “They’re getting close to removing the bullet,” Summer said matter-of-factly, her physician side taking over.

  She turned to me and smiled. “With that monitor showing exactly where it is like a map, it makes it a lot easier to find the object. Less guessing and less steps. No wonder the surgeon and his team is moving so quickly. I am impressed, Nat. And thrilled. What you are doing here will help so many people.”

  I nodded, but my heart was bursting with pride and joy at hearing Summer’s praise and approval of my secret medical program.

  “Nat,” Summer said, “I always knew you were a genius. I knew you were the brains behind Donovan Dynamics, but I never would have thought you’d go into the medical area too.” She tilted her head slightly, which made me think of dogs when you talk to them and they tilt their heads. It was an adorable gesture, made even more adorable by Summer. “Why? What made you go into this area?”

  I looked over to where they were still working on Drew. I looked at each and every man there who was trying their best to save my brother’s life. If only we had this team, this advancement in medicine, this ability to create the most effective medicine…Aunt Sookie may still be alive. A few of my good friends and agents would still be alive.

  “You did it for Aunt Sookie, didn’t you?” Summer said, reading my mind.

  “Partly,” I said. “And for my mother and Drew. All these years my mother has been in treatment for depression, and Drew had to take medication for his mental health. If only I can find a cure or something more effective, stronger yet still safe for them; they don’t have to constantly be in treatment.”

  Summer gazed into my eyes before she patted my hand, “Sometimes Nat, I wonder how you’re too good to be true.”

  I felt like blushing. A harden man like me blushing was unheard of, and I wouldn’t be caught dead blushing in front of my men at my compound. But only Summer can make me blush. Only Summer has ever known me as a scared, desperate kid growing up. “Still clinging to a perfect image of me, aren’t you, Summer?” I teased. “You haven’t seen me when I wasn’t that good.” My voice took on a deeper tone with some gruffness as I lowered it and said into her ears, “I’ve been very bad, Summer, so bad every part of me is classified as a lethal weapon.”

  Summer suddenly shivered next to me, and it wasn't even cold where we stood.

  “Drew’s in capable hands,” I told Summer. “I bet you’re hungry and ready for a change of clothes. How about I take you straight to my quarters on the Oasis as I call this place, and you can relax and get comfortable there.” I nearly blushed again. What is with me being so close to Summer and feeling all school boy nervous around her?

  “If Drew is going to be…”

  “They can contact me any time while I’m here. Should anything goes wrong or if they need us to be there, they know how to get ahold of me. You and I need to take a break too. After all, you just came out of a hostage situation and, well, we need to get you checked out too.”

  “I’m fine,” Summer said. “Believe me, I’m fine. Xavier didn’t harm me at all. He treated me like a queen and well…I didn’t suffer a bit.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Summer was calling The Dragon by his true name, and she seemed to be close to him. Almost as though she was protecting him.

  Maybe Summer wasn’t all that well.

  Shoot, this was when I regret not being around enough to know if there was something very amissed about Summer’s behavior. She was held for days, maybe even weeks by The Dragon. He was the only person she saw and most likely they had began to bond, get close to each other. Being held hostage can mess with someone’s psyche pretty badly. I know. I’ve been held hostage a couple of times throughout my missions, and I knew a few of my men here at the compound had too. They all eventually had to go through some psychiatric evaluation and sessions to get back to normal. I knew Summer was tough as steel mentally and psychologically, but even the toughest can break down so I wasn’t taking a chance on her going untreated.

  “Summer, do you even know what kind of man The Dragon is?” I asked. She can’t possibly have any affections for this person if she knew how he could be responsible for the cold-blooded killings of a string of people who got in his way. He and his gang of criminals were known to have gunned down rival crime rings to take over territory in the smuggling of weapons, drugs, contraband, you name it.

  “No, Nat,” Summer said. “I don’t. But I’m telling the truth when I said he didn’t harm me physically. In fact, he made my stay there very pleasant.”

  “Pleasant, huh?” I could not believe my ears.

  “I won’t go into any details but he could be a romantic gentleman if he wants to, and…”

  “So he’s a charming psychopathic killer, Summer. Women love him no doubt, but you’re in a much better place here than being his hostage at his place. Come on, I’ll make us something to eat. I remember how you used to love me cooking for you. It was one of the simple pleasures I enjoyed doing for you every morning when I would spend the
weekend with you at the Pad.” I couldn’t help picturing how beautiful Summer would look in the morning, her hair tousled and messy from our boundless lovemaking the night before. I would hold her in my arms afterwards and just sleep with her until I had to get up to make breakfast. I was so in love with her then that I would do anything for her. Even watch one chick film after another, which we would do sometimes when I flew down to Malibu from San Francisco.

  “I would love to eat anything you make for me,” Summer said, walking out of the medical building with me. “I haven’t had one of your delicious Cinnamon Honey and Bacon Pancakes in so long.”

  I laughed. That was a dish I made up just for Summer because she wanted to try having bacon in her pancakes. Not surprisingly, she loved it. And so did Drew and Rachel. “I haven’t made that in years, but I’ll make a stack just for you. Come on. I’m getting hungry myself.”

  I went to one of the lockers and took out a lab coat, placing it over Summer’s almost sheer white summer dress. I couldn’t help looking at her full round breasts, flat stomach, and the soft curves of her hips seen through the dress. She must’ve thrown it on in haste without bothering to wear underwear and a bra when she was trying to run out of The Dragon’s mansion. Now that that was over, and my men including Luis who flew from Hong Kong to L.A. to follow the Dragon, were still there, cleaning up the place, making things disappear as though it was never there, and even getting rid of any evidence of a shooting there; it was time for me to take care of Summer. And the first thing I did was button up her lab coat before I led her through my compound full of red-blooded men who, although loyal to me, would not help doing a double take on Summer as she walked through. Wearing that summer dress was beyond temptation, and although I love my men like brothers, Summer was off limits for Drew’s sake. And if anything was to happen to their relationship, then maybe for my sake as well.

  What can I say, if it wasn’t for the fact Drew was my brother and I loved my brother and protected him; Summer would be mine right now.

  Chapter 2


  I don’t know what to think of Nat’s compound at first. Whatever it was, it was fascinating and impressive. From just the little glimpse I’ve already had of this place, I knew Nat put a ton of thought and care into building this Oasis of a place.

  From walking through the compound, fenced in by massive walls, I felt as though I’ve stepped into a resort complete with a beautiful garden, waterfalls, gazebos, and even a tennis court, basketball court, Olympic style swimming pool.

  There were buildings around that resembled the medical facility. Plain non-descript buildings, but well-built and modern. “Those are where we have research and development, even labs. Since we’re a security company, we also house some of our servers here, under the strongest security. As you probably know from being around Donovan Dynamics for years, security companies like ours and Donovan Dynamics tend to have very high-profile and large clients whose security requires the utmost care.”

  I nodded. Without Drew or Rachel ever telling me, even Nat when we were together, I figured they had clients that were large corporations around the world, banks, hospitals, and even the government. They needed the highest level of security, and this place…The Oasis, with its walls, electronic surveillance, around the clock highly-trained men and perhaps women, could be one of the most secured places around.

  “Nat,” I turned to him. “You built all this, including a security company like Donovan Dynamics all in a matter of a few years?”

  “Andrew Knight,” Nat said. “I’m now known as Andrew Knight. It’s an identity I’ve had since getting out of the FBI’s program.” He grinned. “Heard of The Never Knights?”

  I broke out into one of their songs. “Yeah, of course. Who haven’t? They sold how many records?”

  “I helped them with a few of their problems, and well, I am sorta adopted by Keith Knight. Hence, my new identity, Andrew Knight. I drive fast, live fast, and even have a penthouse or two somewhere around the world.”

  Summer laughed. “I thought that guy mentioned on the cover of Forbes’ top youngest bachelor billionaires looked familiar. So you’re the one and only Andrew Knight. No wonder we haven’t seen you around. You’ve been busy building empires, chasing crime ring lords, and having adventures all over the world. You have been living life to the fullest. Aunt Sookie would’ve been proud.”

  We had walked through the garden and into an area that seemed more separated and secluded from the rest of the resort-like compound. A courtyard done in an Asian fashion stood in front of us. “This is my personal garden,” Nat said. “I spent a lot of time in Asia and had grown to admire the peacefulness of gardens and nature there.”

  “All this time, and I never knew you had a green thumb,” I joked.

  Nat laughed. “I didn’t too. I never had the chance to start a garden when I worked for my father.”

  “And what else have you been up to? What part of Nat will I discover next?” I asked, walking ahead of him and skipping into a hallway that seemed to keep going.

  “Stop,” Nat said smiling. “It’s right here.”


  “The door,” he touch a panel in the wall, which seemed like a part of the wall, which opened, revealing a small electronic panel. He placed his hand on it, and the door next to it, opened. I had to look at the door a few times to see that it was made of a kind of material that seemed like a shatterproof bulletproof thick frosted glass.

  As soon as we stepped in, I realized we were in a house. A beautiful, well-decorated modern house that looked like it belong on the cover of Architectural Digest.

  “This is your place,” I said.

  “How could you tell?” Nat asked, so close behind me, I almost jumped, not realizing if he even took a deep breath and expanded his already muscular chest, the front of him would be touching my back and bottom. I could feel the heat that emanated from him against my back, and I suddenly felt my mouth grow dry. I was highly conscious of him behind me, and if I leaned back a little more, I would be riding his lap. The thought made my breathing a little harder.

  “Summer?” Nat leaned into me, his hand on my shoulder as he turned me around to face him. “Are you alright?”

  His face was so close to me I can see the gold flecks in his greenish blue eyes. He was breathtakingly gorgeous. And I was…I looked down at myself and saw that my dress was splattered with blood, from Drew and Brandi. I felt sick looking at the dried blood. My hair…it was a tangled mess, and I wasn’t wearing anything underneath my dress. How did I even forget all of that?

  “I must look like a zombie,” I said. “I…”

  Nat smiled and held my shoulders while looking into my eyes. “You look beautiful, Summer. No zombie can compare to you.”

  I playfully pushed Nat and said, “Great, you admit I look like a zombie. I think I was having such an adrenaline rush with everything that went on, that it’s finally dawning on me what I went through.”

  “That’s okay, Summer,” Nat said, pulling me close to him and holding me as I trembled into him. He felt warm, strong, and secure. He even smell musky like a man. I looked up to see his eyes on me, his breath had become softer, slower. His large hands were kneading my back, massaging it, taking away all the tension between my shoulder blades.

  “Hmm,” I purred. “Whatever you’re doing with your fingers, it feels heavenly.”

  “Something I picked up in Thailand when I was there for a few months,” Nat said.

  “I bet you were a hit with the ladies,” I teased. “With your eyes, your full lips, your wavy full hair, and your bod…” I was looking at his chest and running my eyes up and down his hard sculpted abs, torso, and arms. I gulped.

  “Go on,” Nat said, smiling. His eyes twinkled and I almost melted at the dimples on his cheeks.

  “Dimples…” I said. “When did you get dimples? Why didn’t I ever noticed them?”

  Nat moved up to me and it looked like he was about
to kiss me. “Maybe it’s because we were always this close to each other whenever we got together. Maybe…” he reached up his fingers to lightly trace my cheeks, “When you saw me, you could only think of what my fingers or my lips were doing to you…”

  “Maybe,” I swallowed as his fingers went down to the front of my breasts. He looked down, and a look of pure hunger crossed his face before he pulled back.

  He swallowed and said, “There’s a shower in the guest room down that way, and there’s a shower and a bathtub in my room on this side. You’re welcome to use either.”

  “I don’t have any clothes,” I said.

  “I have some women’s clothes in the guest bedrooms,” Nat casually said walking down the hall towards the guest bedrooms. I followed him into a corridor and turned into a nicely decorated and pretty room that reminded me of a country bed and breakfast bedroom. It had a woman’s touch, and for a moment, I felt a tinge of jealousy at any woman who would be spending the night with Nat. But who was I to feel this way when I had made the choice years ago to be with another man? Nat was free to be with anyone, and I had to accept it.

  “Women’s clothes?” For some reason I couldn’t help wondering if Nat had women over all the time for him to have clothing for them here. “Don’t tell me you’ve started cross-dressing? No wonder why you were so interested in what I wore when you stayed at the Pad.”

  “Funny, Summer,” Nat said, walking into the closet and pulling out a few dresses. “This one’s about your size,” he said, placing a blue dress on the bed. “There should be everything else you’d need in those drawers,” he glanced over to a cream dresser. It looked familiar.

  “This room,” I said. “Why do I feel as though I’ve been here before?”

  “Because you have, Summer,” Nat said, sitting down on the bed. “Don’t you remember?”

  The cream silk comforter, the little blue wildflowers on the wallpaper…this room looked out of place in Nat’s modern contemporary style house. Why would he have his guest bedroom styled in the way of a room at a cozy bed and breakfast inn? “Remember?”


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