Free Fall Box Set (Loving Summer #8)

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Free Fall Box Set (Loving Summer #8) Page 14

by Kailin Gow

  “Remember the one weekend I came back to the Pad from San Francisco to visit you? Rachel had her boyfriend over, and it was too noisy for all four of us, I got us a room at one of the bed and breakfasts nearby. It was older, but you thought it was charming. The Summer House.”

  I closed my eyes and thought back to that day years ago when Nat had surprised me with a visit from college, and showed up right when Rachel and showed up with her boyfriend with plans of spending the entire weekend shacked up with him and screaming her head off while doing whatever she was doing with him.

  Nat wouldn’t allow it at first and even threatened Rachel to stop or he would tell their parents. Rachel fired back she would tell on him, until finally Nat decided Rachel was going to do what she would. He told her to at least be safe with it.

  Nat and I ended up spending the night at the small but charming Summer House, and making love in front of a fireplace in our room on sheepskin rugs. It was my first time making love in front of a fireplace and on the floor, but Nat made me so comfortable and so in desire for him, I didn’t care. I was so in love with him, and…

  “I remembered how much we loved staying at that inn, whenever we needed to be alone together,” Nat said. “I wanted to have that feeling again so I had this guest room built to resemble that room at the inn.”

  “Nat, I remembered.” I reached out my hand to him. “Why?”

  “Summer,” he said, taking my hand. His eyes were filled with unshed tears. “It was a time I cherished, and I wanted to hold onto the feeling.”

  “Oh Nat,” I clutched his hand tightly in mine. “You didn’t have to be alone that entire time you left us. You didn’t have to face any of it alone. I would’ve been there. Drew and Rachel would’ve been there for you if you’d just let us. We’d gladly help you in any way we can.”

  Nat shook his head. “That wasn’t the problem, Summer. I had to do this on my own in a way I knew how. It was my choice. My wish. You see, Summer,” he turned to me and stared deeply into my eyes. “I finally was able to be in control of my future. I finally had the freedom to do what I wanted to do.”

  I thought of how much I missed him throughout the years, but also remembered how much pain Nat was probably in when I chose Drew over him. I couldn’t blame Nat for leaving rather than sticking around Drew and I, constantly being reminded of what could’ve been.

  “I’m happy for you then,” I said. “I know Aunt Sookie has always said to live our lives fully and with no regrets. Out of all of us, Nat, you’re the one who has. I’ve seen how you’ve built up everything here with your own hard work. Not because you were a billionaire Donovan, but as someone else entirely. You’ve done so much, seen so much, and lived so much; I am truly happy for you.”

  “Thank you, Summer,” Nat said, “Your words always meant more to me than anyone else’s. Now about that shower…you can use this shower.”

  “Okay,” I smiled. “I bet you got the bathroom exactly like the inn’s.”

  Nat shot me a look that said, “Of course,” as I headed into the bathroom. Like I expected from Nat, it was exactly like that bathroom, only with better and newer fixtures.

  I wanted to take a long luxurious shower, but I was in a hurry to finish and get some things done. I’ve been missing for days, and I had to let people at the hospital know I was fine. I had to get in touch with a few people. I had to check up on the teachers I’ve hired to help run Aunt Sookie’s Acting Academy.

  The shower was pure luxury as its heated steam and soft warm water pelted away the stress and tension I’ve had for the past days and weeks. It was just what I needed. I quickly stepped out and walked over to the counter to pick up a fluffy cream towel to dry off, and was looking for a robe but couldn’t find one. The towel, which was smaller than I expected, would do as my wrap. I wrapped it around and tucked the ends in before I stepped out of the bathroom and went looking into drawers of the dresser for underwear. There were silk panties, black lace bras, and even sheer baby doll tops. Nothing practical.

  I finally had to settle for the silk barely there red underwear and black lace bra. I took off my towel, stood up, and slid on the silk panties. They were the perfect size and felt as though it was made for my body. “Nice,” I said to myself. Then I reached down for the black lace bra, stood up, turned around, and gasped, dropping the bra.

  I thought I was alone, but I wasn’t.

  In the doorway, carrying a tray of sliced fruit and delicious-smelling pastries was Nat, who had changed into a fresh set of clothes, and had freshened up himself.

  He stood there in silence, his eyes running up and down my body. Dark with desire.

  I attempted to cover my breasts with my hands, but Nat said in a low voice strained with desire, “Please don’t cover them. Just let me look at you.”

  I lowered my hands and turned around to face him. My lips had parted, and I felt my breathing becoming softer and softer.

  Nat took a few steps closer to me until he stood in front of me. He reached out a hand to touch my hair, pulling it back off my face, and said, “You’re so beautiful, you take my breath away.”

  “Nat…” I barely croaked out his name, my throat felt so dry.

  “You’re more beautiful than when you were 18, Summer.” He moved his hand to my face, cupping my cheeks with the palm of his hand. “No woman can compare to you, Summer, no matter how much I tried to erase you from my heart, I can’t.”

  He leaned his forehead onto mine and said, “I’ve tried to drown myself in my work, in missions, in other women, but I can’t forget how I feel about you.”

  “Nat, you’re always going to be someone special to me,” I said, touching his cheek gently. “You’re part of me, my past, who I am. I can’t forget you too, and…”

  “Nat? Summer?” a familiar voice said at the doorway.

  Nat closed his eyes and let out a deep breath while still holding my face, which had gone a bright shade of red.

  It was too late to pull back and act like nothing was going on. I was in Nat’s arms, my hands cupping his face, with my naked body pressed against him.

  “Rachel?” I asked, looking at the woman dressed all in black and sporting a purple streak in her jet black hair. I blinked thinking I was dreaming up a Rachel from her teen days. She used to wear her hair like that when she was 18, but opted for a sophisticated but edgy style as a glamour girl today.

  “I thought I heard voices and had to check,” Rachel said. “I just didn’t think…”

  “Mr. Knight?” an unfamiliar voice said behind Rachel. “Excuse me, sir, for not checking on you earlier, but…oh…” A very handsome and very muscle-bound young man in his early to mid-20s was staring at us, his mouth nearly open in disbelief.

  “Luis, please take my sister into the living room and wait for me,” Nat said. “We’re finishing up here and will be out to join you soon.”

  “Yes, sir,” Luis said, his face still holding that expression of disbelief.

  When Luis and Rachel left, I let out a deep breath before collapsing onto the bed. “What just happened? How do we explain…”

  Nat sat down next to me and said, “Don’t worry, they won’t say anything. And, technically, nothing happened. I should’ve knocked before stepping into this room, but I didn’t think you’d be done showering so quickly. You’re probably the only woman I know who can shower and get ready so fast.”

  “It’s from being on call all the time,” I said. “I’ve learned to do everything quicker.”

  Nat laughed. “That’s my Summer. Now I’ll let you get dressed.” He patted my head, got up, and left.

  I took a deep breath and let it all out. My entire body felt flushed and numb, yet I was trembling all over.

  “Damn,” I said to myself. “After all these years, why can’t I stop my body from reacting like some school girl to Nat like that?”

  What was wrong with me? I loved Drew, and when he recovers from being shot, we’re going to get married.

d that will be that.

  Chapter 3


  I nearly lost it when I saw Summer standing there fresh out of a shower, naked and looking like a sexy hot goddess. She had filled out more, gotten curvier around the hips, rounder and smoother bottom, longer and toned legs. Even after being kept captive by The Dragon for days, she looked like perfection.

  She was in my arms, in front of me, solid and real. Not a memory. Not some dream I kept having, but the real Summer. I’ve only watched her from afar for years when I left. I didn’t get to touch her even while freeing her from The Dragon. This time, I got to hold her beautiful naked body in my arms as I had last held her before she made her decision, and damn, I wanted to keep holding onto her that way.

  I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath as I walked down the hallway to where Luis was standing, and Rachel was sitting on the leather sofa.

  Rachel looked like she was in shocked, while Luis remained stone-faced.

  I had to pull it together. Drew was still in critical condition, and I had to focus on getting him back.

  “Nat!” Rachel looked up when I entered the room. “Thank God you got Summer back, and you’re alright.” She jumped up and ran over to me, hugging me tight. “For a moment, I didn’t know what to think. I heard from Luis, that Mr. Donovan had been shot and was having surgery right now. That’s why I couldn’t go and see. I thought it was you at first, Nat. I…”

  I shook my head. “I’m fine, as you can see, Rachel.”

  “It’s Drew. Oh no,” Rachel cried. “How bad is it?”

  I led her back to the sofa and sat next to her. “Drew was shot in the heart, and it was a miracle he was able to make it this far.”

  Rachel’s face went pale, and tears gushed down her cheeks in a stream. I pulled her to me and held her. I knew how she felt, but I couldn’t let anyone see me that way.

  Not in front of Rachel. Not in front of Luis. Not even in front of Drew would I ever let them see me break down and cry.

  My thoughts turned to Summer again. No wonder why I loved her so much and felt so much for her. She was the only one I could cry in front of, the only one I can be vulnerable and scared. She was the only friend and family I had who I could be myself in front of, and still feel like I was loved.

  After Rachel’s crying subsided, I held her and said, “Drew will pull through. He always does. When he does, you can help Drew and Summer plan for their wedding again. This time, let me at least help with sampling the dessert. Chocolate cake or maybe coconut crème cake? Is that what Summer and Drew finally settled on? I can’t decide between those two flavors myself. Chocolate or coconut. Chocolate or coconut…”

  “Both!” Rachel finally said. “Summer had me order a beautiful white and blue 5-tier cake that alternated between chocolate and coconut crème with each tier. Genius! She can have both flavors instead of one.”

  I laughed. “That is a great idea.”

  “And for those who didn’t want either flavors, I chose a vanilla cake for one tier and red velvet for another,” Summer said, walking into the room, now fully covered up in the blue dress I picked out for her, sparkly sandals, and a sparkly blue sapphire and diamond flower barrette in her long full hair.

  She looked like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine, and everyone was captivated by her cheerful yet sweet sophisticated look.

  “Summer!” Rachel rushed over to hug her. “I almost thought I’d never see you again. I…” she burst into fresh new tears and Summer started crying too. “Excuse us,” Rachel turned to me and Luis. “I need to talk to Summer alone.” She grabbed Summer’s hand and led her away and out of the room to the guest bedroom.

  I was glad for the reprieve. Having Rachel around was good for Summer, and having Summer to occupy Rachel’s time at the compound while waiting to hear about Drew was a lifesaver for Rachel. I was sure Rachel would be bored with the security details at the Oasis, and itching to get out to go back to her old life of Hollywood parties, glamorous events, and photoshoots.

  Luis walked up to me and said, “Glad you’re back, Sir.”

  “Glad to be back,” I said. “Thanks for keeping an eye on my kid sister. She can be a handful at times.”

  “It was no problem,” Luis said.

  “I know you wanted to be there with the team to help take down The Dragon, but I’m glad you were here to protect Rachel. The Dragon lost his little brother Jorge at the shootout. I had to take him down before he could shoot and kill Summer and Drew. He got away, but I don’t think it’s the last we will hear of him. We still have his servers and now we have Summer. He lost everything that would give him leverage over me. And now he’s alone without his brother and his men. He’s got nothing to lose. He will make his move soon.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about Mr. Donovan’s condition,” Luis said. “But happy for you in being able to rescue your lost love, Summer, Sir.”

  “Oh Summer,” I said, “Yes, it was worth everything to have her back.”

  Luis broke out in a big wide grin, “Summer is…um, one hell of a woman, isn’t she? I mean, wow. I could see how you could never forget her after all these years.”

  I smiled, despite myself. “She sure is. Seeing her, it’s as if time stood still. Someday, Luis, you’ll meet a woman who will turn your entire life upside down. You’d do anything for her, do anything to be with her. And you’d do everything you can to protect her.”

  “I hope I will be so lucky as you, Sir, to find that type of love. But the Dragon…what do you want us to do about him? Do you think he will be a threat to us here? Do we need to prepare for a possible attack like the one he had Jorge pull earlier?”

  I looked Luis square in the eyes and said, “We should always be prepared for anything like that. Sooner or later, we will be discovered, and our location identified. If a kid like Jorge can locate us and find out exactly where the servers were, then more dangerous and smarter bastards than him would find us too.”

  “Right,” Luis said. “I’ll order more men to stand guard along the perimeters.”

  “There’s another thing,” I said. “You and I are not the only one who think Summer is quite a woman. The Dragon…he seems to have developed affections for her. Knowing how he is, he could be insane enough to come looking just for her. I know you have your hands full watching out for Rachel, but I’m trusting you in keeping an eye on Summer, too. Most likely she and Rachel will be together most of the time while they’re here so it shouldn’t be as hard to watch both of them. I would personally watch Summer myself, but I have to take care of a few things right now.”

  “It’s an honor for you to trust me with Summer, Sir,” Luis said.

  “I’ve known you for a few years now, Luis, and you’re the best man to do it.”

  “Thank you,” Luis said.

  I patted his shoulder and walked over into the guest bedroom. Rachel and Summer were on the bed, chatting away, as though they were back in high school. I poked my head in and said, “I’ll be back. If you need anything, Luis will help you get it.”

  It was as if I wasn’t there, the way Rachel and Summer were so engrossed in their conversation.

  I slipped out of my quarters and quietly slipped non-detected amongst my own men into the storage area where The Dragon’s servers were kept. What was The Dragon so desperate to get from the servers that he would risk his own brother? I had to find out.

  I placed the servers one by one into a large Louis Vuitton wardrober with wheels and locked it. Wheeling it outside the secured room, I left the wardrober near the entrance of my courtyard. One of the guys from maintenance walked by and I stopped him. “This wardrobe belongs to Miss Donovan. Be sure to take it to my headquarters and tell Luis Mr. Knight needs to be placed in the Malibu Pad guest room.”

  “You got it, Mr. Knight,” the man said wheeling the wardrobe carefully into my private quarters.

  As soon as I saw the wardrober get pick up by Luis and brought inside my quarters, I left t
o go check with my men in the surveillance control room.

  Once I get a few things out of the way, I was going to go back to find out what was The Dragon hiding all along. But first things first…I had to get the servers moved and secured somewhere no one but me had access to.

  Although I cared about and placed a lot of trust in my men at the compound, something kept popping up at the back of my mind when Jorge and his guys were able to locate where the servers were kept. No one outside would know we had the servers at this location. And no one would know which building and what location in the building were the servers kept, without it being one of my own men.

  It was a disturbing thought since I had interviewed, screened, and checked every single man who stepped foot into the compound. They were like brothers to me so it was an even larger betrayal.

  To think…one or more of my men was a mole for The Dragon, now had me at the edge. My once secured sanctuary for me and for many of those who came here to be safe, was now compromised, and I had to find out who the mole was before he could inform The Dragon and other crime lords about everything.

  Chapter 4


  Heading for the Control room, I saw a figure in a hideously brown with big shoulders pantsuit and loafers walk towards me.

  “Mr. Knight, I’ve been looking for you,” Hector ran up to me, out-of-breath, and sweating.

  I gave him a handkerchief and watched him wipe his brow with it. “What have you been up to? Looks like you just ran the marathon.”

  “The Dragon…he was spotted heading east on a private jet,” Hector said.

  “Where is he going?”

  “To Hong Kong or even Japan.”

  “He’s heading out of the country then. Good, maybe now I can sit back and relax for a change.”

  “Aren’t you going to go after him, Mr. Knight?” Hector asked. “If we hurry, maybe we can catch him and finally apprehend him. He’s one of the last ones on your list to get.”


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