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Kathleen Sears has a wide array of interests and enjoys taking a deep dive into new subject matter. She is the author of American Government 101, Mythology 101, US History 101, Grammar 101, and Weather 101.
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Adorno, Theodor, 169–70
Agricultural revolution, 22
Amiens, Charter of, 110
anarcho-communism, 83–84
assassinations spreading and, 87
Marxism vs., 82–87
propaganda of the deed, 86–87
syndicalism and, 104–5
Arab socialism, 204–6
Assassinations, 59, 86–87, 111, 140, 142
Assassinations, attempted, 118, 126, 131, 228
Atlee, Clement, 186–87, 189, 190
Austrian empire, revolution in, 57–60
Bahro, Rudolf, 240–41
Bakunin, Mikhail, 82–85, 102, 147
Bebel, August, 93–95, 97, 99
Beginnings of socialist thought, 12, 20
Harrington, English Civil War and, 16–18
invisible hand of marketplace and, 19–20
natural rights of man and, 18–19
Sir Thomas More, Utopia and, 12–16
Benbow, William, 108
Benjamin, Walter, 171
Berlin/Berlin Wall, Cold War and, 160–62, 211–12
Bernstein, Eduard, 98, 99–101, 184, 191
Beveridge, William, and Beveridge Report, 187–89
Bismarck, Otto von, 74, 79, 89, 94, 97, 100, 185
Blake, William, 26
Blanc, Louis, 52, 53
Bolshevik Revolution and takeover, 124–28. See also Russian Revolution
syndicalism and, 127
Third International, Comintern and, 114, 134–36
Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III), 72–74, 76
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 33
Bourgeoisie. See Proletariat and bourgeoisie
Branting, Hjalmar, 191–92
Brisbane, Albert, 38–39
Britain. See also Hardie, Keir; Industrial Revolution; Morris, William; Webb, Sidney and Beatrice; Working class
Beveridge Report, 187–89
British Labour Party, 183, 185–89
Chartism, 172–75
Christian socialism, 175–76
creation of welfare state, 184–90
Fabian Society, 100, 179–80, 183, 186, 200
first working-class movement, 172–75
Marx’s exile in, 66, 67
“moral force” in, 174
nationalization of industries, 190
parliamentary elections, 182
Thatcher and privatization, 196–99
utopian socialist movements, 172–81
Brook Farm, 38
Capital (Marx and Engels), 7, 8, 44, 67–71, 100, 144, 148
class consciousness and, 70, 104
fall of, process per Marx, 47
forms of, 8
socialism versus, 7–8
surplus value and, 68–69
Carlyle, Thomas, 178, 181, 186
Castro, Fidel, 226–28
Castro, Raúl, 227
Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène, 54
Chartism, 172–75
Chen Duxiu, 148–49
Chiang Kai-shek, 139, 145, 151, 153, 230, 231
Child labor laws, 25
China. See also Mao Zedong and Maoism
centrality of the peasantry, 148
Chiang Kai-shek and, 139, 145, 151, 153, 230, 231
Chinese Revolution, 145–46, 150–53
communism in, 144–49, 150–53, 155–56
failures of socialism, 10
Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, 154–56
Kuomintang in, 139, 146, 149, 150–51, 152, 153
Long March, 152
Marx, Marxism and, 148–49
May Fourth Movement, 147
New Culture Movement, 146
Sun Yat-sen and, 145, 146, 150
treaty ports, 147
united front, 152–53
Vietnam and, 229–33
Christian socialism, 175–76
Churchill, Winston, 160, 185, 186–87
Class consciousness, 70, 104
Classes, Saint-Simon and, 35–36
“Classical economics,” 44
Cold War, 160–62, 222, 232, 235
Comintern, 134–36
Commonwealth of Oceana (Harrington), 16–18
Communism. See also China; Soviet Union; Stalin, Joseph
anarcho-communism, 83–84
Bahro and, 240–41
collapse in Soviet Union, 211–12
First International and, 84–85, 94, 213
in Italy, 166–68
Marx on, 47
red scares in the US, 218, 222–24
revisionism and orthodoxy, 99
socialism as precursor to, 62
Tito and, 99, 163–65
Vietnam and, 229–33
War Communism, 131–32
The Communist Manifesto, 62–66, 148
Considérant, Victor-Prosper, 38
Critique of the Gotha Program (Marx), 96
Cuba, failures of socialism, 10
Cuban Revolution, socialism and, 225–28
Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward and, 154–56
Debs, Eugene V., 214–15, 216
De Leon, Daniel, 213–14, 216
Democratic Socialists of America, 245–46
Great Depression, 192–93, 219–21
Long Depression, 95
Panic of 1893, 214–15
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (Marx), 42, 44
Developing world, socialism in, 200–206
Dewey, John, 235
Dialectical materialism, 46–47
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Adorno and Horkheimer), 169
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Engels and Marx), 46
Egypt, socialism and, 204–6
Engels, Friedrich. See also Marx, Karl, Friedrich Engels and
birth to university years, 41
education and perspective, 43–44
The German Ideology of, 65
Environmentalism and ecologism, 242
Erfurt Program, 97–98
Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 171, 240
Fabian Society, 100, 179–80, 183, 186, 200
Factories. See Industrial Revolution; Working class
Failures of socialism, 10–11
February Revolution, 49, 50–54, 58
Ferdinand, Archduke Franz, 11, 59
Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria, 58–59
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 65<
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First International, 84–85, 94, 213
Folkhemmet, 195
Fourier, Charles, and Fourierism, 37–39, 64
France. See also Trade unions
February Revolution, 49, 50–54, 58
Franco-Prussian War and Paris siege, 74–76
French Revolution, 30, 33, 42, 64, 72
Paris Commune, 78–81, 95, 130
Second Empire, 72–74
workers’ insurrection, 76–78
Frankfurt School, 169–71
Franz Joseph I, 57
French Revolution, 30, 33, 42, 64, 72
Friedman, Milton, 198, 237
Friedrich Wilhelm IV, emperor of Prussia, 57, 89
Gambetta, Léon (and guerillas), 75, 76, 105
Gandhi, Indira, 203
Gandhi, Mohandas, 202, 203
General Confederation of Labor (CGT), 108
General German Workers’ Association, 90, 93
The German Ideology (Engels), 65
Berlin, Berlin Wall, and Cold War, 160–62, 211–12
Ferdinand Lassalle and, 90–93
Frankfurt Parliament, 55–57
Frankfurt School, 169–71
General German Workers’ Association, 90, 93
German Confederation, 55
German Social Democratic Party (SPD), 93–96, 112, 185
North German Confederation, 94
revolution in states of, 55–61
social democracy beginnings, 89–90
socialists in World War I, 111–15
Glasnost and perestroika, 210–11
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 209–11, 212
Gorz, André, 241–42
Gramsci, Antonio, 166–68
Great Depression, 192–93, 219–21
Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, 154–56
Greeley, Horace, 39
Green socialism, 239–42
Hansson, Per Albin, 193, 194
Hardie, Keir, 181–83, 186
Hargreaves, James, 23
Harrington, James, 16–18
Harrington, Michael, 245
Hatzfeldt, Countess Sophie, 91
Haywood, William D. “Big Bill,” 216–17
Healthcare, socialized examples, 9
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, and Hegelians, 41, 42, 43, 46–47, 65, 82
Henry VIII, King of England, 12, 13
Ho Chi Minh, 229–32
Horkheimer, Max, 169–70
Humanists, 13, 14
“Hungry Forties,” 48–50
India, socialism and, 200–201
Industrial Revolution
agricultural revolution and, 22
birth of factory system, 24–25
in continental Europe, 32
“dark satanic mills” and, 26–27
eighteenth-century population explosion and, 21–22
growth of factory towns, 26–32
in Russia, 115–16
second wave of industry, 28
small business owners created in, 29
urban working class origins, 28–29
weaving becoming modern industry, 22–24, 27–28
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies), 216–18
Internationals, 114. See also First International; Second International; Third International
Israel, kibbutz movement, 200–201
Italian communist party, 166–68
Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 207, 208
Jefferson, Thomas, 17, 232
Kay, John, 23
Kibbutz movement in Israel, 200–201
Kirov, Sergei, assassination, 142
Kreuger, Ivar, 192–93, 194
Kropotkin, Peter, 80, 85–86, 87, 147
Kulaks, 133
Kun, Béla, 135
Labour Party, British, 181–83
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 90–93
Lectures on the Philosophy of World History (Hegel), 46
Lenin, Vladimir
architect of Bolshevik Revolution/takeover, 126–28
assassination attempt, 131
birth, family, and education, 126
identifying socialism as precursor to communism, 62
jailed/exiled as organizer, 126–27
Paris Commune and, 80
pseudonyms, 126
on revolutionaries bridging class lines, 80
Russian Revolution and, 124–28
testament on Stalin and Trotsky, 138
Third International, Comintern and, 134–36
Trotsky conflicting with, 113, 137
What Is to Be Done? by, 127
Zimmerwald Movement and, 114
Li Dazhao, 148–49, 150
Liebknecht, Karl, 112
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 93–95, 99
Locke, John, 18–19
London School of Economics, 180
Long Depression, 95
Louis Philippe, King of France, 49–50, 51, 55, 60
Luddites, 27
Mao Zedong and Maoism, 144–45, 149, 150–53, 154–56
Marcuse, Herbert, 170–71, 239
Marketplace, invisible hand of, 19–20
Marx, Karl
“classical economics” and, 44
communism and, 47
Critique of the Gotha Program by, 96
daughters of, 71
as editor, husband, socialist thinker, 42
exile in Britain, 66, 67, 172
Feuerbach and, 65
Freud and, 171, 240
Hegel, Hegelians and, 41, 42, 43, 46–47, 65, 82
method of, 64–65
Paris Commune and, 80
perspectives on other socialists, 64–65
on religion as opiate of the people, 176
value of a commodity per, 69
women laborers and, 68
Marx, Karl, Friedrich Engels and
Capital by, 7, 8, 44, 67–71, 100, 144, 148
The Communist Manifesto by, 62–66
dialectical materialism and, 46–47
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by, 46
Engels completing Capital volumes, 70–71
friendship of, 45
in/after revolutions of 1848, 65–66
liberal newspaper of, 56
“odd couple” of socialism, 40
anarchism vs., 82–87
“cultural,” Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School and, 166–71
Second International and, 71, 112, 134, 182
Materialism, dialectical and historical, 46–47
May Fourth Movement, 147
McCarthy, Joseph, and McCarthyism, 222–24
Mensheviks, 113, 120, 124–25
Mine explosion, strikes after, 109–10
Monetarism, 198, 199
More, Sir Thomas, 12–16
Morris, William, 26, 177–78
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 204–6
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 202–3
Neoliberalism, Reaganism and, 236–38
New Culture Movement, 146
New Economic Policy (NEP), 132–33, 139
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 50, 60
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 115, 119, 120, 121–23
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 246
One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 170, 240
The Organization of Labor (Blanc), 52, 53
Palmer, A. Mitchell, “Palmer Raids,” 218
Paris Commune, 78–81
Past and Present (Carlyle), 177
Paul, Lewis, 23
Pelloutier, Fernand, 106–8
Perestroika, glasnost and, 210–11
Phalansteries, 37–38
Pinoche, Augusto, 237
Platt Amendment, 225, 226
Poland, Solidarity and reforms in, 207–8
Potato blight, 48–49
Proletariat and bourgeoisie
“artillery of the proletariat,” 87
Austrian empire and, 57–58
class consciousness
and, 70, 104
The Communist Manifesto and, 64
“dictatorship of the proletariat,” 47, 78–79
evolution or revolution for the proletariat, 96
French Revolution and, 53, 64
proletariat and/or peasants, 84, 116–18
socialism in one country and, 143
US socialist movements and, 213–14
“vanguard of the proletariat,” 127
Propaganda of the deed, 86–87
capitalism versus socialism, 7–8
English seizures of, 12
socialized, examples, 9–10
Utopia perspective, 14–15
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 60–61, 102, 104, 107, 147
Pullman strike, Debs and, 214–15
Reaganism, neoliberalism and, 236–38
Reason and Revolution (Marcuse), 171
“Reds,” socialists as, 130
Red scares, 218, 222–24
Revisionism, 99–101
Revolutions of 1848, 48–54
Europe in upheaval, 49–50
February Revolution in France, 49, 50–54, 58
in German states, 55–61
“Hungry Forties” and, 48–49
impact on socialism, 60–61
Marx and Engels in/after, 65–66
right to work demands, 52–53
Ricardo, David, 44, 67, 92, 179
Roosevelt, Franklin D., New Deal and, 219–21
Ruskin, 26, 177
Russian Revolution
beginning of, 115–23
“Bloody Sunday,” 119
Bolshevik Revolution and takeover, 124–28
Comintern and, 134–36
Duma (advisory council) and, 120–21, 123
end of serfdom and, 117
February 1917 revolution, 122–23
first revolution (1904-1905), 118–22
Industrial Revolution and, 115–16
Lenin and, 124–28
October Manifesto and, 120
peasants, proletariat and, 116–18
Russo-Japanese War and, 118
worker protests/insurrection and response, 119–22
Russian Social-Democratic Worker’s Party, 137
about: founding of, 124
becoming Russian Communist Party, 134
minority as majority, 124
Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, 123
Socialist Revolutionary Party and, 125, 131
splitting into two factions, 124
What Is to Be Done? (Lenin) and, 127
Zimmerwald Movement and, 113
Saint-Simon, Henri de, 34–36, 64
Sanders, Bernie, 243–44
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle), 181
Sawant, Kshama, 244
Scandinavian socialism, 191–95
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