Scientific elite, 36
Second International, 71, 112, 134, 182
Settlement movement, 188
Small business owners, 29
Smith, Adam, 19–20, 44, 236
Social democracy
about: overview of, 88
beginnings in Germany, 89–90
Bernstein, revisionism and, 99–101
Bismarck’s anti-socialist laws, 97
Communist Party split with Social Democratic Party, 96
defined, 88–89
Erfurt Program, 97–98
General German Workers’ Association, 93
German Social Democratic Party (SPD), 93–96, 112
Stalin threatened by, 136
Socialism. See also specific countries
about: overview of, 5–6
capitalism versus, 7–8
as communism precursor, 62
creation of welfare state and, 184–90
in developing world, 200–206
evolutionary, 100–101
failures of, 10–11
goods and services in, 8
Green, 239–42
ownership in, 8
political approach to social change, 9–10
Scandinavian, 191–95
socialized property examples, 9–10
this book and, 11
in Western Europe, 184, 238
Zimmerwald Movement, 112–14
Socialist Revolutionary Party, 125, 131
Soong Ching-ling and Soong Mei-ling, 145
Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). See also Russian Revolution
about: defined, 120, 210
censorship and extension of central power, 129
Cold War and, 160–62, 222, 232
collapse of, 207–12
executing “opponents of the state,” 131
failures of socialism, 10
foreign troops in, 131
glasnost and perestroika, 210–11
growth of, 143
imposing line on foreign communist parties, 136
kulaks, 139
Lenin, Bolshevik takeover and, 128
New Economic Policy (NEP), 132–33, 139
socialism in one country, 143
socialism in power, 128–31
socialists as “reds,” 130
under Stalin, 141–43
suppressing counterrevolution, 129, 130–31
War Communism, 131–32
Whites’ counterrevolutionary attacks, 130–31
World War II and, 157–59
Stalin, Joseph
birth, education, and political beginnings, 141
consolidating power, 139–40
executions by, 142
Lenin testament on Trotsky and, 138
Soviet Union under, 141–43
Stalinism and, 142
threatened by social democrats, 136
Trotsky vs., 137–40
Stalinism, alternatives to, 163–65
The Stories of Venice (Ruskin), 177
Strikes, general, 108–10
Strong, Anna Louise, 244
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 234–35
Sun Yat-sen, 145, 146, 150
Surplus value, 68–69
Sweden, social democracy in, 192–95
Syndicalism, 102–10, 127, 217
Thatcher, Margaret, 196–99, 236
Thiers, Adolfe, 74, 77–78, 79–80
Third International, 114, 134–36
Tito, Josip Broz, 99, 163–65
Trade unions
Charter of Amiens and, 110
early creation of, 29–32
General Confederation of Labor (CGT), 108
general strikes, 108–10
labor exchanges and Federation of Labor Exchanges, 105–8
new education system for, 107
rise of radicalism and, 29–30
Russian Revolution and, 117, 121, 127
syndicalism and, 102–10
Trotsky, Leon
Bolshevik and Menshevik factions and, 113
conflicting with Lenin, 113, 137
expulsion and exile, 139–40
leadership in Soviet Union, 137
Lenin testament on Stalin and, 138
negotiating treaty with Germany, 129–30
non-Bolshevik background, 137–39
on revolutionaries bridging class lines, 80
Stalin vs., 136, 137–40
Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 18–19
Ulyanov, Vladimir, 126. See also Lenin, Vladimir
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union
United States
antiwar movement, 233
Cold War and, 160–62, 222, 232, 235
New Deal, 219–21
Reaganism and neoliberalism, 236–38
red scares, 218, 222–24
socialism and the future, 243–46
socialism growing in, 216–18
socialist movements in, 213–15
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 234–35
Vietnam and, 229–33
about: definition of, 14
Harrington’s revision of, 16–18
Saint-Simon and, 34–36
Sir Thomas More, Utopia and, 12–16
socialist movements in Britain, 172–81
Utopia (More), 12–15
Vietnam, communism and, 229–33
Walęsa, Lech, 207, 208
War Communism, 131–32
The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 19–20
Weaving, becoming modern, 22–24, 27–28
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 100, 179–80, 183
Welfare state, creation of, 184–90
What Is to Be Done? (Lenin), 127
Wigforss, Ernst, 193–94
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, 89, 94
Windischgrätz, Alfred, 59–60
Wobblies (IWW), 216–18
Working class
birth of factory system and, 24–25
Blanc’s “social workshops” and, 52
building cooperative institutions, 32
child labor laws, 25
eighteenth-century population explosion and, 21–22
French Revolution and, 30
industrial, rise of, 21–25
poverty after Napoleonic Wars, 30–32
radicalism, rise of, 29–30
right to work demands, 52–53
Russian Revolution and, 116–20
social democracy organizations, 90
urban, creation of, 28–29
wage levels, 92
World War I
effect on socialism in America, 217
origins of, 59, 111
socialists in, 111–15
Soviet-Germany treaty, 129–30
Zimmerwald Movement and, 112–14
World War II
formation of Vietnam and, 230–32
Tito in, 99, 164–65
USSR fighting for life, 157–59
WPA projects, 220–21
Yuan Shikai, 146
Yugoslavia, Tito and, 99, 164–65
Zimmerwald Movement, 112–14
Zinoviev, Grigory, 113, 114, 134, 139
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Contains material adapted from the following title published by Adams Media, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.: The Everything® Guide to Understanding Socialism by Pamela D. Toler, PhD, copyright © 2011, ISBN 978-1-4405-1277-3.
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