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The Affair 1 & 2: a New Adult Series

Page 12

by Olivia Grace

  I gasped from the pleasure, and he ignored my shock; staring in my eyes and waiting for an answer.

  Yet, before I could form any words, he told me, “Cum for me.”

  I was shocked. “Here? Right now?”

  “Right now.”

  I was hesitant and full of anxiety because he had put me on the spot. Though the patrons around us weren’t paying us any attention, surely they would notice him finger fucking me.

  “Right now,” he insisted.

  However, his dominance pushed all reservation out of the window. His aggression had my mind so wrapped up that I trusted this man to do anything and take me anywhere.

  With his body turned completely towards me, he kept his left hand on my thigh while the fingers of his right hand assaulted my pussy. I fought hard not to make a sound, not to allow my facial expression to give us away.

  My walls locked around his fingers as they kissed my G-spot.

  Brad looked me in my eyes and whispered, “Cum for me, darling.”

  And that’s all it took. My body obeyed him, and I buried my face in my hands to hide my orgasm.

  But he told me, “No, look at me,” as he took my chin and made me face him.

  I whimpered quietly as he continued to go in and out of me. It was so hard to mask the pleasure that I damn near got teary eyed.

  Thankfully, the orgasm soon came to an end, and he ended his attack. His left hand stayed on my leg as his right hand joined us on our end of the table.

  We laughed at how wet his hand was.

  Though he used a napkin from the table to clean it, he excused himself as he headed for the bathroom. Before leaving the table, he kissed me softly and told me, “Good girl.”

  I watched him walk away; admiring his massive physique and walk full of presence and confidence.

  I couldn’t help myself. I snuck out of the booth and followed him to the bathroom. Luckily, it was private, so I only startled Brad as I slipped in behind him, shut and locked the door.

  His grin was so sneaky. “What are you doing, darling?”


  My lips attacked his. Again, when I thought that I was in control, I wasn’t. Backing me up against the door, his hand firmly held my wrists together over my head. He pinned them there. I barely had time to wonder what he was going to do with his other hand before rough fingers were slipping under my teddy, clawing my smooth stomach. His hand continued its upward journey until he found my breast, cupping it eagerly. His lips never left mine, except to take a moment to inhale before he took control again. His fingers found my hard nipple, and he began to roll the nub between his thumb and forefinger, tugging a little.

  I gasped, my hips bucking against him, my whole body charged with energy and lust.

  In a fluid motion, he’d hoisted me in the air. My legs instantly wrapped around his. He never broke the kiss as he eagerly set his hard cock free and sank into me.


  I was able to escape the bathroom without anyone, but a patron that I’d never seen before, seeing me. I was the happiest dancer in the world that night, as Brad sat in his booth watching me work. He liked “Ginger.” He liked her confidence. He admired her power.

  I was on a natural high. I even started to understand Sabrina’s addictions. Up there on cloud nine, none of my problems or worries existed.

  But, of course, something had to bring me back down to reality.

  Brad had a very early meeting to go to the next morning, so he regretfully made me go home when the club closed at three in the morning. It was my first night since we finally met sleeping without him. In three short days, he had already spoiled me. I couldn’t sleep. The house was too quiet, so my thoughts were so loud in my head. By nine in the morning, I was restless. I decided to make myself useful. I showered and made my way to the hospital to visit my mother, hoping that they were releasing her that day. But first, I wanted to check in on my dad.

  “What’s wrong, dad?” When I walked into his home, he was sitting on the couch clutching a Blue Moon. His wife was sitting solemnly beside him. “What’s going on, guys?”

  I was getting anxious the longer it took them to reply. I couldn’t take any more bad news; we couldn’t take any more bad news.

  Finally, my father spoke through a clenched jaw. “That son of a bitch is going to pin Celeste’s murder on Brad.”

  I sat next to him and put my hand comfortingly on his knee. At the same time, I was trying to gather my thoughts and regulate my heartbeat. My chest tightened. I fought hard not to overreact. “How do you know?”

  “He was cheating on Celeste.”

  There was that faint feeling again. “What? How do you know?”

  “Credit card statements, evidence on his computer.”

  I could have died right then. Obviously none of that evidence had pointed to me. Otherwise my father would have been ripping me a new one. “That doesn’t mean he killed her.”

  Still I felt a twinge of jealousy. I wondered who this lucky woman was. I also wondered how Brad could possibly truly love me if he was cheating on his wife. If he was cheating then, where was this woman now? Did he love me or her? If he didn’t love her, was I just the next temporary fix?

  “You’re right. It doesn’t. But Sergeant Stone is obsessed with making him pay.” My father shook his head. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. “I understand his anger. I would want to make any man pay if God forbid I lost you. But this isn’t right. He didn’t do it. He didn’t pay anybody to do it. He just didn’t do it.”

  My heart went out to my dad as a tear fell from his eye. I leaned against his shoulder, though he was the one that needed the comfort. I was fighting my own tears though.



  For the second day in a row, I found myself in an interrogation room with John on my side. However, that day, I had a funny feeling that I wouldn’t be walking back out.

  “I have some questions for you, Brad.”

  The fact that Sergeant Stone was the one asking the questions that day verified my gut feeling.

  “Were you cheating on my wife, son?”

  That I was. Celeste had neglected my needs for so long that I found myself in bed with other women. These women needed little to no persuasion to please me. Their quiet and timid demeanors were a breath of fresh air. They respected my power and submitted to me.


  My honesty shocked him.

  “Were you in love with any of these women?”

  I was a cheat. None of them pulled at my heart strings, however. Karrie was the only that had ever done that. She was the only one that I could possibly share a real life with. But, by the look on Sergeant John’s face, I wouldn’t get the opportunity to.

  “Don’t answer that, Brad.”

  I ignored John, answering, “No.”

  “Is that why you killed Celeste? Because you wanted to get rid of her?! Was it cheaper for you to kill her, Brad?!”

  “Don’t answer that, Brad!”

  “I didn’t want to be with your daughter because she was a bitch.” Sergeant Stone’s chubby face turned beet red. “But I did not kill her.”

  He ignored my sincerity. It was obvious that, whether he believed me or not, he wanted me to be guilty. “The night of Celeste’s murder, you said that you didn’t leave your beat, but your partner says otherwise.”

  My eyes bucked. So did John’s.

  “It’s on record that Officer Sanchez states that my client did not leave, not even for more than five minutes to pee,” John argued.

  “Officer Sanchez’s statement has changed.” The smirk on Sergeant John’s face was menacing.

  I started to speak again, but John cut me off. “Don’t say anything else, Brad.”

  That time, I listened.

  “Thirty-minutes is long enough to leave your beat, kill my daughter and return to Officer Sanchez, who admits to falling asleep in the squad car while you supposedly went inside of the restaurant
to have lunch.”

  “Somebody obviously coerced Officer Sanchez to change his testimony. This is ridiculous!” John almost leaped over the table. He was flabbergasted, but I wasn’t.

  “It’s not ridiculous,” Sergeant Stone hissed. “It’s probable cause.” He looked towards the officer, who stood in the corner of the small room. “Cuff him.”

  The officer approached me. He grabbed me by my armpits, standing me up.

  “I am going to search every part of your life,” Sergeant John threatened. “I will find out who you paid. I will find out how you did it.”

  I couldn’t even focus on Sergeant John’s words. The sounds of the cuffs locking drowned out everything.

  “Brad, I am going to get you out of here,” John told me as I was cuffed. “You’ll be out my morning.”



  I failed at helping my mother dress as the news coverage played on the small television in her hospital room.

  “Wow. So he did kill her.”

  My mother’s words pierced my heart. Her words broke my heart into even more pieces.

  I tried not to cry. I tried so hard. Cameras were forced into Brad’s face as officers forced him into the back of a squad car. They were hauling him off to Lake County Jail.

  His lawyer was shown next, swearing Brad’s innocence. He ensured that Brad would be free on bail by morning.

  I hoped so.

  My heart went out to him. He was so much more to me than a hard cock and a rough, passionate kiss. I had become accustom to the way that he made me feel. I wanted him to be innocent for selfish reasons, admittedly.

  My mother sighed. Her face was balled up with tension. I helped her into her coat as she told me, “Your father is probably a wreck.”

  I sighed in agreement. That was the only bodily function that I could manage. I listened to the news anchor, spilling the scandalous details of his affairs. Amber. Tracy. Laura. Hotel rooms. Flowers. Fine dining.

  I couldn’t believe it. For years, he’d cheated on Celeste. The times that he spent in my inbox pursuing me, he was pursuing others. I wondered if that meant that what we had was fake. I wondered if I was just another notch on his belt. I wondered if anything he’d ever told me was real.

  “Hi, Miss Stahl. I know you’re happy to be leaving this place.”

  My mother met the doctor’s eyes with happiness in her own. “I sure am.”

  “I’ve already sent your prescriptions to the pharmacy to the Walgreens on Kennedy Avenue. You should follow up with your primary care physician in a few weeks.” Then he added with a smile. “I don’t want to see you in here again.”

  She smiled as well. “You and me both.”

  I gathered my mother’s purse. Patient transportation arrived to push my mother to the main entrance. Their voices were in the distance as they made small talk with one another. My mind was in another place. I couldn’t see or hear anything. That is, until we were met at the main entrance with cameras. News cameras were everywhere. WGN. Fox. ABC. Mics were lunged into my face. There was shouting. Lots of shouting. I turned towards my mother. The patient transported was pulling her back into the automatic double doors. Both of them wore shocked expressions.

  “Karrie, how long have you been having an affair with Brad Miller?”

  “Is he capable of murder?”

  “Did you know that he was married?”

  I was a deer caught in headlights. I was numb. I was scared. I was pissed.

  Before I could follow my mother - before I could scurry back into the hospital - there was a grip on my elbow. I turned to fight, but it was my father.

  “Get out of here. She isn’t answering any of your questions!”

  He’d even removed his coat and put it over my face. Like I was a spectacle. Like I should be ashamed of what I’d done.

  I could hear the news anchors behind me, shouting at me.

  I cried. Underneath my father’s parka, I cried.

  Suddenly, I felt myself being pushed. I landed on a seat. The smell was familiar. I was in my dad’s SUV. I kept the coat over my face. I heard my door shut. A few seconds later, another and then the engine turning. When the car began to move, I appeared from under the coat. I couldn’t look at my father. I knew that he was disappointed.

  “Tell me that you weren’t sleeping with him while he was married.”

  He couldn’t look at me either.

  “No. I swear. It just happened recently.”

  He let out a sigh of relief. But relief only came over him. I was mortified.

  Mortification quadrupled as my father pulled up to my house. News vans were everywhere. We sped by and headed to his home, only to find his yard full of men and women with microphones. He turned red and decided to head to Sabrina’s.

  “I can’t believe this. He is half your age. What the fuck was he thinking?”

  My father neglected my sexuality so much that he blamed Brad, not me.

  “I need to go back for your mother.” His eyebrows were curled. His fingers combed his forehead.

  I sighed as I stared at Sabrina’s doorway. She was standing inside of it with frantic eyes that were as big as the moon.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I barely said as I climbed out.

  “We’ll talk later.”


  “Get your ass in here, Stahl.”

  I finally felt relief when I looked at her. I walked towards her house watching her pleasing, sneaky grin.

  “Your face is all over the freaking news!”

  Leave it to Sabrina to be totally ecstatic about this.

  “Come on.”

  She took me by the hand, pulled me into the house and whisked me up the stairs.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you were boning Brad Miller,” she shrieked after closing her bedroom door. “Was it good? How does he look naked? Oh, God, please tell me that it’s big…”

  I cut her off. “Sabrina,” I muttered as I collapsed on her bed. I threw my forehead into my hands. I couldn’t wrap my head around this. I didn’t know what to freak out about; the fact that Brad was a whore or the fact that I still wanted him.

  “I can not believe that my best friend was having an affair with Brad Miller and did not tell me.”

  I met her eyes. She still wore that devilish grin. I shook my head. It felt so heavy on my shoulders. “Sorry to let you down, but I was not having an affair with Brad Miller.”

  She was confused, so I explained. “Brad was cyber guy.”

  She gasped. She was so dramatic. She held her chest like she was about to have a heart attack.

  “He came to the strip club, spotted me and requested a dance…”

  “God, that’s hot.” She was nearly drooling.

  I had to admit that it was. It was indeed hot. Inferno hot. Blazing. Volcano heat. Heat rose in my core just thinking about it.

  She sat next to me and threw her arm around me. She looked at the dread in my eyes and smiled. “Everything will be okay. This will be old news by next week. Do you want me to get drunk and run into something to take the heat off of you?”

  We burst into laughter as we hugged one another.

  “I’m so glad that you finally fucked up way more than me.”

  Again, we laughed.

  “Yea, well, my fuck up was short lived,” I had to tell her. “It was only three days…”

  “The best three days of your life?” Her smile was that of a Cheshire cat.

  It made me giggle. It felt so good to laugh. “Yes,” I admitted. “Yes, it was the best three days of my gawd damn life.”

  I was a marked whore. There was a scarlet letter on my chest. However, I wore it proudly. I had no boyfriend. My business was being plastered all over the news as I sat on Sabrina’s bed. However, I didn’t regret one minute of my time with Brad. He was being convicted of murdering his wife, but he should have been praised for giving me life.

  By morning, he’d made bail.

called by that afternoon. “Karrie, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Those other women… I was stuck in a marriage that I didn’t want to be in. That was my way of dealing. But my feelings for you; they are so real, darling.”

  That touched my soul, but what was also real was the severity of all of this. What was real was the murder conviction that he was fighting. He would no longer be able to blow my mind every night if he wanted to fight this case and win.

  I wanted to ask him if what we had real. But when I thought about it, it didn’t matter. Whether his feelings for me were real or not, his impact on my life was very real. He’d taught me so much. He’d given me so much confidence. He taught me how to own my sexuality. He’d helped me define myself. I would be a changed woman forever. It was all thanks to him.

  Six months later, on a hot summer day in July, Brad was found not guilty. By that time, our small town had forgotten about the scandal. I had also forgotten about it. I left Brad and Tyler behind and had moved to Chicago. Sabrina and I loved living near Michigan Avenue in the big city. By day, we attended class at U of I. We were going to be nurses. I still did most of her work. She still supported me every night at Pink Rhino.

  I never saw or heard from Brad again. It wasn’t necessary. The thrill was gone. He’d served his purpose. I was now a woman. That insecure little girl was gone. That timid girl had washed away. I knew what I wanted. I knew how I wanted it. I was in control of my life, every aspect of it, and it was all thanks to Brad Miller. It had taken some hurt and pain to get to this point, but I appreciated every minute of it.

  Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, and lose in order to gain because most of life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain.

  The End


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