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Dark Passion (The Dark Brother Series Book One)

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by Botefuhr, Bec


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  Copyright © 2013 Bec Botefuhr

  Published by Bec Botefuhr, April 2013

  Dark Passion is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the Author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the Author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.


  For everyone who believed in me, who knew that I could do it even when I didn’t believe it. My family, friends, co-workers and everyone who said “You can do it.” Thank you.

  For my husband’s patience and love, and for not hitting me over the head for all the hours I have spent working on my novels. For my gorgeous daughters who are the best children a Mother could ask for.

  For all my fans, for their encouragement and belief, for their kind words and amazing hearts. You all make this possible for me.

  Books in this series

  Dark Passion (Book One)

  Dark Desire (Book Two)

  Dark Endings (Book Three)
























  “Wow, check out this club,” I say to my best friend Ava as we walk through the crowds of people.

  “I know; it’s pretty cool right? Mark told me this is the place to be.”

  “It’s impressive; your boss knows his thing.”

  I look around the massive club, with its raving neon lights and pumping music. We squash through the crowd of people and make our way towards the bar. I look around at the mass of people swarming for drinks and wonder how long it’s going to take to get one of my own. Ava sighs and turns to me, “Club life eh?”

  I laugh, “Yeah.”

  “I say we make a bet.” Ava grins.


  “I say it’ll be ten minutes before we’re served. If I’m right, you pay.”

  “Alright, I’ll play your little game. I say it’ll be five minutes because we’re so dammed beautiful.”

  Ava throws her head back and laughs, and then she shakes my hand, “Deal.”

  I grin at my best friend, and her eyes twinkle with humor. I’ve known Ava since we were just ten years old and we’ve been inseparable since. Completely opposite in looks and personality, and yet we get along like a house on fire. Ava flicks her blonde hair and peers around the bar; she’ll get a drink with one smile, if she really wants to. She’s beautiful. She’s the kind of girl that stops men in their tracks.

  So when I hear a deep, husky voice behind me offering a drink, I’m assuming the man speaking is talking to Ava. Why wouldn’t he be? She’s in a tight black dress and has legs to go knows where. I’m the opposite, wearing short hot pants and a singlet top. My hair is a dark shade of red, and my eyes are a dark emerald green. While I have a nice body, I’m not what most men go for, being that I’m not blonde with huge knockers.

  “Did you hear me? Can I buy you a drink?”

  He’s not speaking to Ava, he’s speaking to me.

  I turn and face one of the most devastating men I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. He’s tall, dark and handsome. His hair is messy and under the light it looks black but it could be dark brown. His eyes are light blue, so light they look like glass. His skin is that creamy olive, and his body is huge, I mean HUGE. If I was to guess, I’d say he stands at six foot two and is a bundle of muscle.

  “Me?” I ask.

  “Yeah you, beautiful,”

  Beautiful? I’ve been called hot, sexy and even fuckable but beautiful? Never beautiful.

  “Oh, thanks, I’ll have vodka and tonic.” I manage to stammer out, Ava shoves me from behind.

  The man smirks at me, then turns and slams his hand down onto the bar. The bar attendant immediately rushes over.

  “What can I get you, sir?”

  Sir? Last time I checked, no one called anyone sir in a club….like ever. Mystery man leans over the bar and puts in an order, and the bar attendant rushes off right away. I stare at the tattoos running up his arms, some Celtic design. It’s very appealing. So is the dark shirt and tight black jeans. Ava leans in and whispers in my ear.

  “Oh my God!”

  “I know,” I grin, turning towards her.

  “He’s totally moving in for the kill, take him home!”


  “Seriously, it’s been how long since you’ve had sex?”

  I sigh. The last time was Danny, my long term boyfriend. That ass went ahead and gave me a good beating because he caught me up town dancing one night. I knew Danny had a temper, but that did it for me. I left him and moved away, and so far I haven’t had any further trouble from him. So far.

  “Ok, you make a valid point.”

  “Here’s your drink,” That smooth velvety voice purrs. I turn again and stare into those crystal blue eyes that have no doubt lured many women to some serious orgasms. I take the drink and flash my best sexy smile. Ava grins at me once before disappearing onto the dance floor. Cheeky shit.

  “Can I have the next dance?” He asks, just as I’m taking a sip.

  “Um,” God, just say yes Willow, what will it hurt? “Sure.”

  He takes my hand and leads me onto the dance floor. I feel giddy and nervous all at the same time. Mystery man takes my hips in his hands, and he begins moving with me. Heat creeps up my cheeks when I realize how close we are. Our bodies are nearly touching, and he smells so fucking good.

  “What’s your name?” He asks.

  “Willow…” I whisper, pitifully.

  “Nice name.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, but keep dancing. Song after song passes, and he seems to be fixed on me and only me. I feel like the luckiest girl alive right now. He dances with me, gets me drinks and asks me very basic questions about my life. Part of me wonders what’s happening, he isn’t really making any sort of move on me and yet, he won’t seem to leave me alone.

  “Oh my God,” Ava whispers when I finally free myself from mystery man an hour later.

  “I know, he seems fixed on me and only me.”

  “You should feel flattered; do you see all the women batting their eyelashes at him?”

  “I know why, he’s gorgeous.”

  “Do you think he’s like…a stalker or something?”

  I laugh and wave a drunken hand in her face. “No, God, he’s nice.”

  “Well…if I don’t see you later, I’ll know where you
are,” she grins, waggling her eyebrows.

  I grin and return to the dance floor. Mystery man follows me out and hands me another drink, which I swallow quickly. We begin dancing again, this time getting a little friskier. His hands are on me, and I’m clutching him with need. It’s been far too long since I’ve been with a man; it’s about time that changed.

  “What do you do for a living?” Mystery man asks, his hot breath tickling my ear.

  “I was an office assistant, but at the moment I don’t have a job,” I yell.


  “What about you?”

  His blue eyes sparkle with amusement, what did I say that was so funny?

  “Just a mechanic,” he answers.

  “Oh, that’s good. What’s your name?”



  “I have to go to the bathroom,” I say, hearing my voice starting to slur suddenly.

  “I’ll take you.”

  I look up at him, and his blue eyes are telling me he’s very serious.


  I begin stumbling towards the bathroom. Why do I feel so light headed? I haven’t had too much to drink and yet I can’t seem to get my footing. I was fine ten minutes ago. I know I’m an easy drunk, but shit, I’m not that easy. Johnny escorts me down the hall with his hand on the small of my back. When we reach the bathroom door, I go to open it but my hand keeps missing the door knob. Something’s wrong.

  “Come on, there’s a toilet out back that’s quieter.”

  I look up at him, and I’m fairly sure I just got double vision. He takes my hand and pulls, not leaving me time to protest. Alarm bells are going off in my head. Where’s Ava? Maybe she saw me leave and will follow. Why would there be a bathroom out the back? I try to pull my hand from his, with no success. I’m too drunk and he’s too strong. I’m unable to get one foot in front of the other, let alone escape his hold. I trip and fall, stumbling and slurring until he finally reaches down and lifts me.

  “Let me…go,” I slur, my voice slipping.

  He doesn’t answer, he just keeps pulling me. Soon we are outside and the fresh air hits me like a brick. Where’s Ava, why isn’t she behind me? Does she even know I’m gone? I feel my head spin wildly and my vision blurs. Before I know it, everything has gone black.


  They say instinct tells you when something is wrong, or your gut, whichever you’d like to go with. I knew something was wrong the minute I opened my eyes. The first thing I notice is that I’m not in my room. The second is that I’m in a stranger’s room and the third, I am tied up. I struggle to pull my hands free, but they won’t budge. After four failed attempts at sitting up, I finally get it on the fifth.

  The room I’m in is very nice. I know that sounds like a stupid thought to have, but it’s the first thing that comes to my mind. It isn’t a crammy cell and I’m not hanging by a hook from the roof. That has to be a good thing, right? The room is large, with a king sized bed and its own bathroom and toilet. It all seems quite normal, until my eyes fall on the door. It’s locked and has a key pad to get out. Worse, the windows are all barred.

  I begin struggling again, realizing that perhaps this situation isn’t the best to be in. I try hard to remember how I got here, but all I can recall was dancing at a club. Oh God, did that man I was dancing with take me? Is he a rapist? Murderer? Maybe I’m over reacting; maybe we slept together and I just can’t remember. Maybe he’s into that BDSM stuff or something. It would make sense.

  I hear the sound of keys being pressed, then suddenly the door swings open and I’m faced with Johnny. I remember him well enough, but in the light of day, he’s even better looking. He’s only wearing a pair of jeans and his chest is huge. He’s covered in tattoos and his body…holy shit that body. I bite my lower lip as I take in the sight before me. Maybe we did sleep together, God, how unfair that I can’t remember.

  He turns to lock the door behind him, and I see across his back, in big, black letters he has written ‘JAGGER.’ Is that his nickname? Or maybe he’s a die-hard fan of Mick Jagger. Stranger things have happened. He walks over to the bed, his blue gaze scanning me. He doesn’t look like a rapist or a murderer, but that’s not to say he isn’t. Sometimes the best looking men are the most dangerous.

  “Why am I here?” I ask, my voice is hoarse and my throat is dry.

  He raises a brow and smirks. Ok, so maybe we did have sex and played dirty little games.

  “You’re here because I need you to be.”

  “Did we…”

  His eyes widen a moment and his face turns stone hard.

  “I didn’t fuck you; I have no intentions of fucking you. Is that what you think this is? You think I tied you up and put you in a secured room because I’m some sort of freaky sex fiend?”

  “Well aren’t you?”

  He glares at me. “You’re here Willow, because your Father has some very vital information and we need to get him out of hiding.”

  My chest seizes. What sort of sick bastard is he? My Father died three years ago. How dare he!

  “My Father’s dead, you bastard,” I hiss.

  “No, he’s not. He’s in Witness Protection because he delved in the wrong places and ran with information my boys and I need.”

  His boys? What the hell is this? Maybe I’m being punked, yes that would make sense.

  “Is this a joke?”

  “Do I look like I’m joking?”

  He doesn’t look like he’s joking, and my heart seizes. Maybe he’s got it all wrong or maybe he has the wrong girl. My Father’s dead, I went to his damn funeral!

  “I…my Father is dead,” I whisper, my voice not coming out as hard as I would have liked.

  “I said before, he’s in witness protection; it’s their job to make you think he’s dead and it’s my job to get him out.”

  “Why me?”

  He smirks and I no longer see beauty. Right now, I hate this man standing in front of me and my survival instincts begin taking over. If he’s going to hurt me, then I can’t change it but I sure as shit can make sure I stay cool, calm and collected.

  “When he hears of your kidnapping, he will step forward.”

  “You’re assuming my Father loves me,” I blurt, before considering how my words might sound.

  He looks momentarily stunned, like maybe he’s made a mistake, and then he shakes his head. “You’re his daughter. He will come for you.”

  “And what if no one reports me missing?”

  He narrows his eyes, “I know what you’re doing and it won’t work. Your family will report this.”

  “My Sister doesn’t see me often, it will take her at least a month to realize something’s off. My Mother’s in a mental institution and has been for eight years. So tell me, wise guy, how do you suppose this little plan will work?”

  Suddenly he reaches forward and grips my face in his hands, leaning in close. “I would advise you keep your mouth closed, I’m not here to argue with you. I have a purpose for you, so just be quiet and do as you’re told.”

  He lets go of my face and with a little push, I fall backwards. I struggle in my binds but I can’t get free. He pulls a knife from his jeans and walks over. I clamp my eyes shut, don’t show fear. It will all be over soon. He rolls me onto my stomach and crushes my head into the pillow with one hand, I brace for the stinging pain in my back, but it doesn’t come. Instead, he cuts the binds and lets me go. I don’t dare move. It’s a trick, it has to be. As soon as I move, he’s going to hurt me.

  “You can’t get out of this room, so don’t try. I’m not going to hurt you; I have no intentions of hurting you. I just need you until your Father shows his face. We can make this easy or difficult. Do as you’re told and it will pass quickly and smoothly. Don’t do as you’re told, and things could get messy. I don’t want to have to go for your Sister, so just do as I ask.”

  “My Father would do nothing for my Sister, she isn’t his child.” />
  “No, but you would do anything for your Sister and if that threat keeps you here, then so be it.”

  I clamp my eyes shut, don’t cry, be strong. He wants weakness. When I open my eyes, his gaze is fixed on my face. He doesn’t look so bad, but that doesn’t mean he’s not.

  “Just leave her out of this,” I whisper.

  “Then do as I say and this will run smoothly.”

  “I don’t deserve this,” I snap, finding my strength. “Are you so pathetic that you have to steal an innocent girl just to get some information?”

  He takes hold of my shoulders, and I take the opportunity to kick my legs, connecting with his hip. He roars and leaps backwards, and I roll off the bed and start crawling towards the door. He snarls a curse and spins around, gripping my ankle and pulling me back. I kick him again, hitting something I can’t see. He leaps on top of me, pinning me to the floor. I squirm in his grip, desperation coursing through me.

  “Let me go, please, I’m begging you!” I scream.

  “You can make this easy or hard on yourself,” he says, his breath on my ear, his voice like steel. “I don’t want to have to punish you Willow, but I will. The choice is yours, do as I say and your stay here will be manageable, if you don’ won’t be.”

  “I’ll never give in to you; mark my words I will get out of here!”

  “Stop it, enough!” He roars, lifting me with one quick movement and depositing me on the bed. He holds the knife out towards me and I freeze.

  He stares at me for a long, long moment before he turns and walks out of the room, slamming the door and trapping me once more. I scream and hurl curses at him, but it’s too late, he’s gone. I smash my fists into anything I can find, and soon I’m on the ground heaving and crying. This is all my fault, I took drinks from a random stranger and now I’m paying for it. I should know better, I’m Twenty Two years old!

  My heaving turns into hyperventilating and I begin gasping for air; I can’t stay here, I can’t be trapped in this room for months…or years. I claw at the carpet, my face burns from where he hit me. My body is trembling and I can’t force myself to calm down. All this over my Father? Who is apparently alive? How could he do this to me? How could he lie? I thought he was dead, only to find out he’s alive and doing illegal things.


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