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Page 8

by Unknown

  Glenda felt the woman’s tongue settle an her throbbing clit for a second. There was a moment when she hung in the air, teetering on the brink of a sexual explosion. Then it happened. She felt a pair of thick, hot wet lips closing around that tiny, sparking knob. Florence was applying suction. She felt something hard knotting up in her belly as delightful spasms upped through her aching pussy.

  She begged wildly as she panted and grunted into the dark pink slit of Glenda’s pussy.

  “Ohhhh!” the brunette sighed into Florence’s juicy cunt. She arched her back, tilting her tits up to rub into the soft curve of Florence’s body.

  As Glenda wiggled her finger deeper and deeper into the tight hole of the black woman’s ass, she felt her spread pussylips being kissed over and over again. A hot, wet mouth opened wide as its lips pressed down into her snatchlips.

  Florence’s head bore down, shoving tighter and tighter against the white woman’s cunt. Glenda felt the sucking mouth working on her pussy. No woman had ever done that to her. No woman had even touched her like that. But Glenda felt as experienced and hot as the most promiscuous lesbian in California. She moaned hotly as Florence’s mouth pulled her snatchflesh in gentle tugs. It was like having a dick sliding in and out.

  “Ohhhh, it’s good! Suck me! More! Do it!” Glenda stammered. “In me! In me! In me!”

  Glenda felt the black woman’s mouth go wild on her cunt. It pound tightly into her, spreading the trembling labes and pushing into the tight hole. All the pain and humiliation she’d been forced to suffer disappeared from her mind for a while. All she could think of was that thick, throbbing clit and the tongue and lips that moved rapidly around to soothe it.

  As Florence sucked harder and more violently at Glenda’s cunt, the black woman felt the fingers in her ass pushing farther inside. She groaned like a animal, rolling her around in the air. That wriggling throbbed its way through into her cunt. The walls of the black woman’s pussy vibrated like a bass drum. Glenda’s tongue and finger started working together now, tickling and teasing the sensitive sex-flesh. Florence shoved her sweet, oiling pussy down, trying to fuck Glenda’s tongue. Her soft, black thighs closed gently around Glenda’s head. Her cuntlips spread wide, exposing the hot, round, oozing tunnel that throbbed with lust.

  “OHHHHHHHH!” Florence groaned into Glenda’s pulsating cunt.

  “AHHHHHH!” the brunette responded as she felt the vibrations of Florence’s tight voice echo through her pussy, shaking her clit to the roots.

  Glenda’s nerve endings vibrated crazily as she felt her whole box throbbing as a solid unit. She spread her legs and thrust her ass up, giving her cunt up to Florence in a frenzy of passionate lurching. With each hunch of her bouncing ass, she felt Florence’s wide, rough tongue licking the exposed flesh of her peeled-open pussy.

  “Mama! MAMMMMAAAA!” Alana shrieked for the last time as Sid stuffed his cock into the girl’s sucking throat.

  She gurgled from the sudden oral attack a George and Sam matched Sid’s fucking motion. Their hands ripped at her sensitive flesh as they ignored Alana’s begging pleas and fucked away.

  Keeping her finger up Florence’s ass, Glenda pushed her to one side. Now she was on tap. Rolling over, Glenda hunched down, pushing her tight pussy into the black woman’s welcoming mouth. She could feel Florence’s tongue push up and hold rigid. Straddling the black woman’s head, she worked her ass in a series of short, quick hunches. Glenda learned just how far she could pull up without letting the tongue slip out of her cunt.

  As she concentrated on fucking herself with Florence’s tongue, Glenda glued her lips onto the woman’s black, wide-open pussy. It feels so good to feel something this delicious happening to her. No whips, no crops, no cat-calls. Only the wonderful, tight feeling gripping her throbbing clit as she humped and hunched her sparking, sputtering pussy against his woman’s sucking mouth. It was a wonderful release. Her lips fitted tightly over the soft, fat, hair-covered black box. Glenda shot her tongue inside and kept it rigid.

  “NNNNNNNGH!” Florence cried.

  Glenda felt the woman writhe and buck under her. She was determined to keep on top. She tightened her grip and kept putting her cunt down on the woman’s face in hard, short strokes. Glenda felt as if she were doing the fucking, fucking herself and fucking Florence at the same time. She wanted to make the black woman take it and eat it.

  Glenda worked her hips up and down in strong, fucking moves. She shoved her finger in as far as it would go and twisted it from side to side. She felt Florence shaking under her. Her tongue shoved deep into the hot pussy and felt it starting to spurn. She felt Florence hunching wildly.

  Glenda wiggled her finger even more furiously than before, keeping her tongue mashing down on Florence’s clit.

  That was it! Wild spasms of orgasms hit both women at the same time. Glenda wiggled hers in wild delight as she groaned and screamed into Florence’s pussy. The black woman did the same, her buttocks bounding along the floor as she clawed and raked Glenda’s trembling asscheeks with her long fingernails.

  “AHHH! AHHHHH!” Glenda cried out into the mushy box as her clit vibrated against the lapping tongue.

  Glenda felt herself being swept along in a strange sea of lesbian cumming as her cuntal walls contracted over and over again. She grabbed tightly onto Florence and held her in place as she hunched her dripping pussy crazily and uncontrollably onto Florence’s stiff tongue.

  Finally they both finished cumming and collapsed onto the floor. Glenda felt her mind piecing together slowly. She realized that the room was filled with the sounds of wild sobbing. Turning her head and focusing her eyes to the right, the brunette saw her stepdaughter lying spread-eagled only a few feet away from her.

  Cum oozed out of her bleeding pussy and asahole, while more jizz leaked from the girl’s twisted mouth. Alana sobbed, choked and gagged, covering her flushed face with her right arm as she clawed the dirt with the fingers of her left. George, Sid and Sam were standing over her, leering at the girl as she moaned crazily to herself.

  Glenda felt her hair stand on end as she looked more closely at her stepdaughter. The girl’s wild look and choking words told the brunette that the men had finally broken her mind apart!


  “You filthy pigs!” Glenda screamed, springing up to her feet.

  Sam was too slow, and he felt the full brunt of Glenda’s sudden attack. She scratched his face, peeling a much skin as she could off with her sharp fingernails.

  “AHHHHHGHHHH!” the fat man screeched, trying to cover his face as Sid and George pulled the woman away from him.

  “I’ll teach you, you bitch!” Sam howled a blood trickled down his chin. “Come on, Sid.”

  Sam reached out and grabbed his partner by the right arm. George still held Glenda tightly to his body, pinning her arms back as she swore and kicked and spat like a wild woman. Alana gone insane! Their lives were about to end in this toilet of depravity! She couldn’t let them do whatever they pleased without her putting up a fight. If they wanted her to lay her head on the block without a fight, they had another thing coming!

  “We’ve got the money. All you have to do is finish up here,” Glenda heard a familiar voice.

  As Sam pushed the big wooden doom open, two things caught Glenda’s eyes and made her gasp. The first was her own horse Destroyer that was being led into the stable. The second was Peter Thomas following the stable master.

  “Peter!” Glenda cried out in surprise. At first, she thought he was here to help her. But one look at his face told her differently.

  “I’m sorry about all this, Glenda. But it just had to end this way,” Peter said, standing by the doorway and folding his hands across his chest.

  “Oh, Peter. Are you behind all this?” Glenda wailed out, keeping a close eye on the horse and Sam.

  “I’ve been behind it all the time. I needed the money, Glenda. Gambling put me in debt with the wrong kind of people. They’re the kind that send you
swimming out in the ocean with a concrete pair of shoes,” Peter said, motioning to Sam to get it over with quickly.

  “What are you going to do with him?” Glenda asked in a shaky voice as George pressed his stiffening black cock against her plump asscheeks.

  “It’s not my idea, Glenda,” Peter said, shifting his eyes down ad staring at the ground in front of him. “But Sam’s the boss here. After you’re through with the horse, I’m afraid that well have to take care of you and your daughter. In her case, it’ll be a blessing.”

  Peter looked at the young girl. Alana was squatting on the ground now, her eyes wide open and staring blankly in front of her as she babbled senseless phrases over and over.

  Glenda cried and sobbed, covering her face with both hands as she felt the snorting animal’s prickhead swell up and push against her painfully stretched pussy walls.

  Glenda groaned in horror, gripping her cum slicked belly as she felt her stomach racked by painful dry heaves.

  In the background she could hear Alana laughing and shrieking. But this time, there was another voice screaming. It was Florence’s. Then came the sounds of shouting male voices.

  Glenda opened her eyes. Alana had turned into a complete wild woman with the strength of ten men. She was choking Florence, digging her fingers into the black woman’s throat as George and Sid tried to pry her off.

  The brunette rolled to the right just in time. Startled by all the sudden screaming and movement, Destroyer bolted forward toward the half-opened door.

  “Look out!” Sid cried.

  But it was too late. Sam’s back was to the animal as he was running to help George and Sid. Glenda saw that last look of surprise in the stablemaster’s eyes as the big horse trampled him.

  Peter was standing in the doorway, petrified by what had happened. His eyes widened with terror as Destroyer headed for him in his wild way to escape.

  “Nooo!” the lawyer cried, holding the briefcase filled with the money.

  Glenda watched in horror as the air was filled with hundred-dollar bills and the gurgling sounds of Peter Thomas being trampled underfoot.

  “My God!” George cried as the big horse finally lumbered his way out of the stable and ran crazily in the front area near the stable.

  Glenda painfully raised herself to her feet and staggered toward her daughter who by now had left the choking black woman’s neck and resumed her former quiet, babbling state. George took his wife by the arms and dragged her out of the stable. His cock still dangled out of his opened fly as he disappeared into the night.

  Sid had bolted out after George and Florence, running quickly into the black countryside.

  Glenda stumbled out of the doorway and looked around, realizing only now that she was back in her own estate. She looked around the familiar ground. There was Destroyer, calm now and grazing lazily on the tall grass near by. He was completely unaware of the carnage he caused inside the stable.

  Behind her, Glenda could still hear Alana babbling to herself. It was a while before the dazed woman realized that there was a group of shouting, running people heading toward her. Glenda shook her head and saw that Brad headed the group, followed by several police and Hilda.

  “Mrs. Williams!” Brad cried out.

  Glenda looked at him as he ran up to her. A large white bandage was over his forehead, and his left arm was in a sling.

  “Brad?” Glenda said in a strangely calm voice. “They thought I was dead,” Brad gasped out, trying to catch his breath as the police ran into the stable and Hilda mentioned something about trying to find a cloth to cover Glenda’s nude body. “I saw Sam kidnap Alana when I went looking for her. He knocked me out so hard that I guess he thought I was a goner. He and some guy dumped me down the well on the Holmes ranch. But I managed to crawl out and go for the cops.” Brad looked at the still-dazed Glenda. Only now did he see that her body was scarred. “Jesus, what did they do to you?”

  “Diddle-diddle dumpling…” Alana screamed, breaking out into wild laughter as two policemen held her arms and led her out into the still night air.

  “Jesus!” Brad said, staring at the shrieking girl. “It was all Peter’s idea,” Glenda said mechanically.

  “He needed money, and guess he was too ashamed to ask for it or something. He devised this whole wild kidnap scheme to get at my money. He sold himself out to Sam, letting him do this…” Glenda nodded toward Alana “…this to us so he could get the combination of the wall safe where the rest of the money was. Oh God, it’s so sick and confusing!” Glenda covered her face with both hands.

  “We heard about this club of weirdoes before, Mrs. Williams. This time we’ve got you to help break it up,” the chief of police said.

  “What does it matter any more?” Glenda said softly as she watched the police gently put Alana into the patrol car that had just pulled up. “What does it matter?”

  “They’ll be punished,” the man said calmly.

  “Punished?” Glenda asked, turning her head up and looking questioningly at the police captain. “Punished?” she said again, her lower lip trembling.

  Then Glenda felt her stomach knot up as she broke into a loud fit of wild laughter. The flashing red lights of the cruisers lit up the night as Glenda laughed and laughed and laughed.





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