Internet Book Piracy
Page 29
Marvell Semiconductor, 196
Matossian, Juan, 103
McGraw-Hill, 118–119, 122
Media Link, 110–111, 107, 107
Mega, 184
Megaupload, 69, 123. see also Kim Dotcom Megaupload case
memorandum of understanding (MOU), 193
Mertzanis, Zoi, 219–221
Meybiks Nigeria Publishers, 90
Microsoft Office, 225–226, 227
Mobile9, 62
monetizing writing
alternative platforms, 53–55
AtContent, 53–55
using websites, 49–53
Mother Jones, 108–109
Motion Picture Association, 89–90
Motion Picture Association of America, 202
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 104, 107, 112, 193
Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC), 115
Mountford, Peter, 76–77, 107
Mr. Turner, Still Alice, 97
music and film industries’ battles
damages and the Sony hack, 96–102
legitimate alternative development, 113–116
new developments of, 105–113
problems with pirates, 95
RIAA (the Recording Industry Association of America), 102–103
targeting file-sharing, 103–105
Music Licensing Insider’s Guide, 16
Musicmetric, 70–71
Muso, 125–126
Nairobi International Bookfair, 79
Napster, 68–69, 71, 103
National Association of Attorney Generals, 198, 206
National Book Development Board (Phillipines), 84–85
National Broadband Network, 86–87
National Cable and Telecommunications Association, 104
National Economic Security Group, 199
National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center, 200
National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center), 191–192, 194, 197, 205–209
National Sheriff’s Association, 198
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), 191–192, 197, 198–200, 206, 242
NBCUniversal, 69–70
Neij, Fredrik, 186–188
Netflix, 65, 70, 103, 111, 114, 125, 128–129, 132–133, 136, 188
Netgear, 196
NetNames, 69, 82, 125
New York Times, 170
News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), 90
Nguyen, Qyunh Trong, 226
Nigeria Copyrights Commission (NCC), 90
Nigerian Publishers Association (NPA), 79
NinjaVideo, 219–221
notifying website hosts, 155–158
Nu Image, 103
Obama, Barack (President), 72–73, 100, 109–110, 212
Observer, 77
Office of the United States Trade Representative, 213
Okereke, Ngwobia, 79, 187
“Online Book Piracy: The Myths and the Facts,” 62–63, 118
“Online Piracy of Entertainment Content Keeps Soaring,” 69
Operation Fastlink, 194
Operation In Our Sites, 211–212
Operation in Our Sites, 205, 219
Ortmann, Mathias, 112
P2P technologies. see Peer to Peer (P2P) technologies
Pacal, Amy, 100
Palomino Productions, 21, 22
Pandora, 114
Paramount Pictures, 111
Parrish, Robin, 113, 187
Pastebin, 98
Patent and Trademark Office, 10
PC Pro, 188
Pearson Education, 118–119
Peer to Peer (P2P) technologies, 42–43, 69–70, 71, 104
Perkins, Jeramiah B., 218–219
Peterson, Kody, 189
Photoshop CS5 All-In-One for Dummies, 121
physical property, 8
Picasa, 127
Pierre, Roger, 14–16
“piracy czar,” 72–73
“Piracy Hits Local Book Industry,” 78
“Piracy Is Not Your Enemy,” 133
“Piracy’s Ripple Effect on the Global Economy,” 68
PiracyTakeDown, 70
damages caused by, 67–73
identification of, 29–30
identity of, 169–173
rebuttal to advocates, 59–65
sharing is natural, 63–64
strategies to combat, 231–235
technological responses to, 125–131
using to make money, 49–55
victim of, what to do, 237–244
Pitt, Brad, 97
plagiarism, 35, 113
Popcorn Time, 111
“Popcorn Time Lets You Watch Any Movie for Free (P.S. It’s Illegal),” 111
Powrie, Lucy, 135
Press and Communications Agency (Russia), 82
Price, David, 125
Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008, 197
Prohibition comparison, 39
Protect IP Act (PIPA), 106
“Protect Yourself from Book Pirates,” 234
publishers’ battles
growing call for alternatives, 131–137
legal actions, 118–121
other strategies, 121–122
the problem, 117–118
technological responses to piracy, 123
Quicken, 227
Quilca, Jiron, 80
Raman, Mythili, 189
Random House, 170
“Rant on E-book Piracy, Sociopaths and Rampant Criminality,” 92, 127, 27, 60, 71, 118–119
Rdio, 136
real property, 8
Reats Music, 136
rebuttal to piracy advocates
difference between ebook and physical book sharing, 64
everyone’s doing it, 64–65
free publicity, 63
“it’s not stealing,” 62
need for low cost books, 62–63
the problem, 59–62
sharing is natural, 63–64
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), 71, 104, 193
Recording Industry of America Association, 202
Red Touch Media, 68
Redbox, 111, 125
reference tools, copyright laws, 159–162
Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC), 198
Register of Copyrights, 148
Reidy, Carolyn, 122
“Researcher” Duncan, 30–36
Restivo-Alessi, Chantel, 136
Rhapsody, 103, 114
RIAA (the Recording Industry Association of America), 102–103, 114
Rights Alliance, 187
Roberts, Jeff John, 119
Rockwood Foundation Research Unit, 73
Rogen, Seth, 100
Rose, Stephanie, 108
RosettaBooks, 121–122, 126
Rudin, Scott, 100
Sandoval, Greg, 183
Schmitz, Kim (Kim Dotcom), 181–186
Scholes, Wayne, 68
“Schools Accused of Abetting Book Piracy,” 77
Schroeder, Randy, 16–19
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, 130
Scribd, 130–131, 169–170
Semeny, Alex, 47, 53–55
Seppala, Timothy J., 188
Sheehan-Miles, Charles, 62, 63
Sheikh, Naveed, 226–228
Shepard, Sandra, 7–11, 47, 49–53
Sibling, 108
SiDiM, 128
Simon & Schuster, 122
“Sizing the Piracy Universe,” 69
Sky, 89
Skywalker Digital, 127
Smashwords, 62–63, 238
Smith, Matthew David Howard (Dead1ne), 219–221
Snappzmarket, 188–189
social sharing sites, 17
Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), 193
“Somalia: Book Piracy Kills Author Creativity,” 77–78
Sony, 136
Sony and losses, 67
Sony hack and losses, 96–102
Sony’s Information Systems Service (ISS), 98
South China Morning Post, 80
Spotify, 114, 128–129, 132–133, 136
Stallone, Sylvester, 103
statutory damages, 15–16
statutory protection, 5–6
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), 72–73, 106
strategies to combat pirates
“How to Combat Book Piracy,” 232–233
Jason Boog, 233–234
Pavarti K. Tyler, 234
Stephanie Lawton, 233
Streaming Media Magazine, 106
subscription model of distribution, 44–45
Sunday News, 78
Sunde, Peter, 186–188, 240
Svartholm, Gottfrid, 186–188, 113
Symantec, 199
takedown notice, 14, 17, 23, 49, 125, 141–142
takedown notices, and counterclaims, 163–167
Takedown Piracy, 127
Talemwa, Moses, 77
TalkTalk, 89
Tangled, 107
Task Force on Intellectual Property, 201
Tech Times, 113, 224–225
technology and book distribution, 42–43
TekSavvy, 88
TERA Report, 89
Thay, A. Otto, 36–39
The Alchemist, 72
The Battle Against Internet Privacy, 3
The Company You Keep, 108
The Expendables, 103
The Expendables 3, 112–113
The Game of Thrones, 95
“The Guardians of Peace,” 97
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 71
The Hurt Locker, 88, 91, 95
The Interview, 96–97, 99
The Lego Movie, 86
“The Long Lasting Battle Against Online Movie Piracy,” 103
The Pirate Bay, 90, 110–111, 132, 186–188
“The Pointlessness of Fighting E-Book Piracy,” 131–132
The Survival Guide to Working with Humans, 170
The Week, 136
theft of intellectual material
damages, 15, 21, 22
importance of copyrighting material, 5–11
Internet as a tool to avoiding, 16
and loss of creativity, 18, 25–26
TheVerge, 97
30 Days to a More Powerful Memory, 62
Thomas, Jammie, 102–103
Thomas-Millard, Naturi, 132
Thomas-Rasset, Jammie, 123
Thomson Reuters, 104–105
Titlow, John Paul, 121
To Write Love on Her Arms, 97
TorrentFreak, 71, 83–84, 108
Townley, Rick, 123–124
Transparency Report, 126
Trusted Copyright Removal Program, 126
Turnbull, Malcolm, 86
Twentieth Century Fox Film, 111
2012 Special 301 Report, 213, 215
Tyler, Pavarti K., 234
Uganda Intellectual Rights Organization, 77
Uganda Revenue Authority, 77
Umstattd, Thomas, 133, 127, 127
Unidam, 127
United States Trade Representatives 301 Report, 84–85
Universal City Studio Productions, 111
“Updated: Book Publishers Force Down Piracy Sites,” 119, 127
US Chamber of Commerce, 71
US Copyright Law
chapter 5 (f) and (g); mistakes and misrepresentations, 163–167
chapter 512 (a) (b) and (c); liability limits, 147–153
chapter 512 (c) (3) (a and b); website hosts, 155–158
chapter 512 (d) and (e), reference tools and educational books, 159–162
chapter 512 (h) identity of infringers, 169–173
chapter 512 (j); injunctions, 175–178
remedies for infrigement, 142–145
US Criminal Code, 243
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 205
US International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEAs), 214
US Patents and Trade Office, 213–214
US Postal Inspection Service, 225–226
Usenet, 122
uTorrent, 187
van der Kolk, Bram, 112
Variety, 187
VAT Act, 79
Verrier, Richard, 69–70
Vester, 112
VEVO, 114
victim of, what to do
check website privacy policy, 240
contact a lawyer, 242–243
creat of list of companies and organization, 239
learn who pirated your book, 237–239
note times listed, 239
notify Google and Yahoo, 242
print out homepage of website, 239–240
pro-active steps, 243
report site, 242
report site to law enforcement, 242
send takedown notice, 240–242
Village Roadshow, 86
Virgin Media, 89
Virginia State Police, 198
vKontakte, 213, 127
Voltage Pictures, 88, 90–91, 95
Wang Qishan, 213
Warner Brothers Entertainment, 111
Washington Times, 123
website hosts, notifying of infringement, 155–158
websites, monetizing writing, 49–53
Weinstein, Michael, 130–131
whack-a-mole effort, 3, 23, 53, 196, 247
“Who Is Hosting This?,” 71
Whoer.Net, 170
WhoIs Record, 238
“Why It’s Getting Harder to Sue Illegal Movie Downloaders,” 108–109
“Why Winning a $7,000 Piracy Lawsuit Could Be the Worst News Ever for Book Publishers,” 121
WikiHow, 232
Wiley (John Wiley and Sons), 21, 25–27, 60, 118–119, 120–121, 122, 170, 242–243
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Internet Treaties, 215
WordPress for Dummies, 21, 60, 121
World Intellectual Property Day, 202
Writer Beware, 130
Writers Beware, 242
Yahoo, 148
Yi, Eugene, 224
YouTube, 114, 125–127
Zhang, Suibin, 196
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