The Swords of an Angel: The Guardian's Fall Chronicles

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The Swords of an Angel: The Guardian's Fall Chronicles Page 4

by Urania Sarri

  I heard him chuckle. “What? You flirt with me, you challenge me, and now that I play your game, you’ve got second thoughts?”

  I bit my lower lip and looked at him, weirdly dazed.

  “Is this a game then?” I mumbled, my rough voice surprising me.

  “Mmm. You wanted my attention. Now you’ve got it. Too late to chicken out. And I intend to take it all the way, sweetheart. All the way. Or should I say ... Guardian?”

  And it happened again. The same weird numbness, the rise of every single hair, the mesmerizing enlarged irises; those golden rings in his black irises was the last thing I noticed before his lips met mine.

  Too late I realized it was more than a kiss. At first, I was melting, my lips parting under a compelling claim of more than my mouth. Only for a flash of a second, something flicked through my mind.

  I had to break the kiss; I couldn’t have been more certain about that. To stop him. But I was now in his arms, my fingers clasping his hair, pulling him hard on me, the kiss now an almost painful crash. I opened my eyes to meet his intense gaze as he drew back a little and it was then that I realized he was breathing me.

  A long, deep sucking of air that left my lungs deflated. Along with the air leaving my body, I could feel how he took everything. I could as well have been lying stark naked in front of him. My body and soul revealed to him. All my secrets exposed; my mind an open book under his dark gaze. And though I was aware that what he was doing to me was my destruction, I cherished every moment by what I could only acknowledge as sheer pleasure; a pleasure that extended further than the physical level, a mystical connection that a specific part of me was able to identify now.

  It must have reached a peak I could no longer control because at some point I collapsed.



  Once again, I was far from proud of myself. Watching Madison’s limp body on the bed where I’d put her a minute ago, only brought more shameful thoughts and self-pity.

  That was my curse.

  My punishment.

  I had to be fed. And I fed on Madison. I took all her energy with every sweet breath of hers until I left her unconscious. It had been so easy to ensnare her! Only for a moment had I felt her snap out of my spell, the celestial creature inside her still too weak to fight me. But I hadn’t missed it. I’d seen straight through it; I could feel the throbbing, outwardly energy and I knew I’d been right. There was a Guardian watching me behind those large, emerald green eyes.

  The tragedy of the situation was that while I knew Madison was my only chance to be fed so much it could take weeks, even months before I needed more, I wished she could be just a human. A beautiful, uncomplicated girl. That, I could deal with. I could leave her behind and move on. But now there was no going back.

  The celestial being had not come to me by accident. It was no surprise that Madison’s human part could not resist me. Not as long as the Guardian remained weak. Dormant. And in the meantime, I could feed on her. Because that was what they had condemned me into. A mere Watcher, condemned to lose energy faster than any other Watcher on earth. Had I not been able to feed occasionally, I should perish. Forever lost. Forgotten. But maybe nothingness would be better than this pitiful human life they had condemned me into. There was always the alternative, but the easy way up was the forbidden path. Drinking human blood in exchange for immortality was never a choice for me. I would never surrender to the dark side even if that meant losing what was left of my miserable life.

  Madison should be okay. I made sure I had messed with her mind long enough. The following morning she would only be able to recall the romantic part of our date.

  I left her room fighting harder than ever with myself and with that urge to lie next to her and just hold her in my arms. To ask for her forgiveness. Her human forgiveness. Because the creature inside her did not know mercy.

  For now, Madison was ignorant of her true essence, and that gave me some time to consider my options. Because I could no longer pretend that I wasn’t attracted to her to the point of self-destruction; a Guardian and an ex-Warrior was a lethal combination, an ominous matching. But our meeting was not a coincidence. I’d been long enough in this universe to realize the irony in that word. Coincidence is the cloak that protects covert intentions and methods that cannot be avoided. There is no such thing as coincidence in The Great Rhetra. There is only room for reason.

  I couldn’t yet fathom the reason that brought Madison to me. It had been a long time since I was allowed into the secrets of The Great Rhetra. I had to assume that Madison was in danger. The Cthons, the demonic creatures responsible for many of the tragedies in the human world, would probably know about the human that the Guardian used as a shield. Well, if they wanted her, I wouldn’t let them have her. I knew their methods. They must have already released their Snatchers after her. In the old times, when I was still the Warrior Guardian of The Great Rhetra, I would know every single detail. But my time as a Great Warrior was over.

  I closed the door behind me and locked it with a slight nod of my head. I was grateful for the limited charismas The Ephors still let me use. Otherwise, survival on earth would be unthinkable for me.

  Feeding on Madison made me extra-strong. I should take advantage of this strength to plan my next move. I’d seen the xifos in her room, and that verified my fears that the Cthons would soon find it too.

  The xifos.

  It broke my heart to see it because it made me remember my sword. Now my xifos would not serve me anymore. It was taken away from me, along with my honor and pride. Because back in the old times, I had been the only legitimate proprietor of the Golden Xifos.

  One of The Swords of an Angel.

  “Need some help with this?” Jake’s face showed up behind the bar upon which I had attached just about all the weight plates I could find on the rack. Lying on the bench, I was already frustrated with the easiness I lifted so much weight with; such easiness would be impossible not only for humans but Watchers too. And here I was, lifting it without the slightest effort and without shedding a single drop of sweat. No weight would be enough to break me.

  “What have you done man? Are you trying to crush yourself under this?”

  “Just leave me alone,” I hissed, clenching my jaw before sitting up to drop the unbelievably heavy bar to the floor with a thud. Jake noticed the bar was seriously bent in the middle and shook his head.

  “Easy man. You’ll tear this place apart,” he said. He threw a pair of boxing gloves at me and nodded toward the ring. “Come on. Fight me instead.”

  Jake must have known it was a bad idea. The Watcher was not my match in the fight. Besides, he’d been a good friend of mine for more than five years and the last thing I wanted would be to hurt him. Inviting me on the ring was a mistake.

  I took the challenge anyway.

  A moment later, my fist would have gotten Jake if he hadn’t jumped to the side in his usual supernatural speed.

  “You look much better,” Jake said, hopping around in an attempt to distract me. And avoid another angry blow.

  “So, you fed on her. So what?”

  I hit him with another blow that found a spot on his left rib. Jake winced.

  “I left her unconscious,” I growled.

  “She’ll get her strength back after a good sleep. And some good chocolate.”

  The way I looked at him made Jake instinctively pull back.

  It was only one step, but the move made me snap out of my raving outbreak. I was too close to letting it all out on the Watcher, and that would only make things worse for me. I turned away, taking off my boxing gloves and throwing them to the side.

  “But you...” Jake went on, “...we can’t afford to lose a Warrior like you.”

  It had been a long time since someone had used that word for me.

  “Warrior? You mean an Invalid.”

  Jake’s hand was on my shoulder.

  “Once a Warrior Guardian, always a Warrior Guar
dian. Remember, Jerome. You can always go back. We just have to figure out how. This could be your chance.”

  Jake would always say such things. He tried to plant into my mind the idea that return was possible. He couldn’t be more wrong! I collapsed on the wooden bench and leaned forward holding my head between my hands.

  “I nearly killed her. I... I took too much. When I felt its power, I just couldn’t stop,” I mumbled.

  “I’m sure she’ll get over this. I had Connor call Blue to check up on her. Blue said Madison was fast asleep when they got home. I mean, wow man! She’s never going to forget that kiss. Poor girl.”

  I shook my head at Jake’s pathetic attempt to cheer me up. “Please, Jake! Don’t be such a jerk with this.”

  “What? What? What did I say? Cheer up, Jerome. As far as everyone else is concerned, you gave her a breathtaking kiss. I mean, literally!”

  I cast him a warning look. Jake was right. It was more than a kiss, but Madison didn’t have to know. She was mine now. I had enslaved her Guardian essence. Had she known the truth, I wondered, would she have given me her power willfully? Or would she have hated me for taking it from her?

  Jake read my thoughts.

  “She is a Guardian, my friend. You said it yourself; you felt the power inside her. There’s no doubt about what she is. What we have to find out, is why she is a Dormant. And why is she here? Did you notice anything strange at her house?”

  “Yes. She has the xifos,” I said wryly.

  Jake let out a long breath. “I knew it.”

  No doubt Madison would sleep deeply that night, maybe even sleep the following day off. Then she’d experience a lack of strength, probably having to spend all day in bed. Before the following day was over, she should be on her feet again. But what if something went wrong? What if I’d taken too much of her? I decided to drop by her place the following morning just to make sure she was okay. I’d do anything to make her feel better. And I knew exactly what she needed.

  The following morning, Jake found Connor and me in the kitchen. Steaming coffee was already waiting for him.

  “What are you doing up so early? Did you make coffee? I guess someone had a rough night!” Jake teased.

  Connor extended his arms. “Jake, my friend, help me get this man to his senses. He’s driving himself crazy out of guilt for Madison.”

  Jake filled his mug saying, “You think I haven’t tried?”

  “I told you she’d be fine,” Connor started all over again. “You couldn’t have done otherwise. And it’s obvious she’s your match. Who would drink from her if not you? Think about that. If you drank that much from a mortal, you’d kill them. But her... you can have all you need. It’s fair trade if you know what I mean. You watch her; she feeds you. Had she known the truth, she’d go along with this for sure.”

  I chuckled at his last words. “If she’d known, it would mean she’d be an Awakened Guardian. Why would she be willing to feed me?”

  “Because it’s an honor to feed a Warrior like you.”

  I leaned over the young Watcher, planting my palms on the table.

  “Look at me, Connor. Do you see a Warrior? The only Warrior trait they left me with is my need for power, and it doesn’t help they have denied me the source. A Watcher with a hunger problem. No need to butter me up, my friends, but that’s what I am. She’d loathe me if she knew.”


  Chocolate Kiss

  Blue’s head popped out from the narrow opening of my bedroom door, her light blue curls hiding half her face.

  “You have a visitooor,” she sang.

  Still drowsy, despite the hours I’d spent in bed, I tried to open my eyes. I’d been in and out of sleep all morning.

  “Who is it?” I asked, sitting up.

  “I’ll give you a hint. Tall, dark, mysterious, hot.”

  I froze. Jerome? Here? Now? When I look like this?

  “No! I can’t!”

  Blue was at my side, settling my hair around my shoulders.

  “You can’t? Does that mean I can grab him?” She gave me a naughty smile.

  “I’d like to see you try,” I said. “How do I look?”

  “Stunning, as always. A little pale though. Kind of makes you look like a Jane Austen’s character.”

  “Brush! Now!” I snarled. “And give me five minutes.”

  “Ah, well, about that...” Blue mumbled, heading for the door. “Did I mention he’s too anxious?”

  “Is Madison alright? Can I come in?” I heard Jerome’s impatient voice.

  Blue shrugged, giving me an innocent look. Had he been standing behind the door the whole time? I combed my hair with my fingers. A second later I heard Blue meow.

  “She’s fine.”

  Then the door opened, and Jerome stepped inside.

  “Go easy on her. She’s still recuperating from whatever you did to her last night.”

  Jerome must have taken Blue’s warning seriously because I saw him freeze suddenly, looking awfully guilty.

  “Blue! Get out!” I threw a pillow but missed my target as Blue had already slammed the door behind Jerome’s back.

  He picked up the pillow from the floor and approached my bed. In the light of day, I found him even more gorgeous. He was wearing a black t-shirt under a biker jacket, and a pair of worn-out jeans stuffed loosely into his biker boots. His disheveled hair was loose, giving off a bad-boy impression that contrasted with the smooth beauty of his angel-like facial features and the sweet, disarming smile he was giving me.

  He sat at the bottom of the bed, and I slowly pulled my legs to the right to make more space for him.

  “Hey you!” he said.


  “I... heard you overslept. Feeling a little lazy today?”

  “I wish. I’m a little under the weather. No big deal.”

  “Yeah. I know. Your friends told me. Something you… ate last night?”

  “Mmm. I don’t think so. It doesn’t seem like food poison. I just feel weak. I almost fainted trying to go to the bathroom this morning.”

  Jerome arched a brow. “It could be the tequila.”

  “You think I drank too much?”

  Jerome shook his head musingly. “Whatever it was, I think I have the right medicine for you.”

  “You do?” I felt the strong urge to put my hand in his hair. A flash of a memory of me tugging his dark curls the previous night made the inside of my palm almost itching to feel them again.

  Jerome reached for something in the inside pocket of his biker jacket. “An old, traditional medicine.”

  “Chocolate?” I looked at the large bar in his hand. It was my favorite dark chocolate.

  “An old treat for cases like yours. I know you like this one. I’ve seen you sometimes take bites after training.”

  “All right. Now, that’s embarrassing.” I covered my eyes with my hands.

  “It shouldn’t be that embarrassing. Next time you’ll have to share,” he said.

  Had I ever seen him smile that much before? His usual, pouty face seemed to be an old story.

  Jerome unwrapped the chocolate and cut it in the middle. “Now, I’m sharing this with you, if you like some.”

  Normally, I’d jump at the opportunity for such a treat, but today my stomach was still twirling.

  “I... I’m not sure.”

  But Jerome was already leaning over me, the small piece of chocolate caressing my lips. “Chocolate? Really?”

  “Open up. Trust me, Madison. Please?”

  How could I not do as he asked? I opened my mouth, my eyes locking with his the whole time. The sweet pleasure melted in my mouth, going to all the right places, filling something that was inexplicably hollow inside me.

  “There you go. How is it?” Jerome asked.

  “Nice. And sweet.” I closed my eyes relishing the mouth-watering flavor.

  “Yes. So sweet,” I heard him whisper, and I knew he wasn’t talking about the chocolate. Despite my
sick paleness, I was suddenly very aware of my blushing cheeks.

  When I looked at him again, he was scanning my room with the curiosity of a child in a confectionery store. He seemed to be really interested in the old sword hanging on the wall. His distraction gave me the chance to compose myself.

  “Tell me something, Madison. How come a girl like you sleeps with a sword on her bedside?” Jerome asked.

  “You like my sword?”

  “It’s... interesting. It must be old.” He turned to look at me again. “Are you interested in swords or do you keep it here for protection?”

  “Yeah. From guys who sneak into my bedroom, like you.”

  He gave me his most innocent smile. “I’d never sneak into your bedroom.”

  “But you still think I need protection.”

  Jerome shook his head. “Not as long as I’m around.”

  I couldn’t help laughing at that. “Can you even imagine how pompous that sounds?” I asked.

  Jerome shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

  He came closer and leaned towards me to brush the line of my jaw with the back of his palm. I closed my eyes, surrendering to a kiss that never happened. When I opened my eyes again, he had sat up, his hand now resting on the silk quilt.

  I cleared my throat. The moment was over.

  “Can I touch it?” Jerome nodded to the sword.

  “Knock yourself out.”

  I watched him walk around the bed to where the sword was hanging. I’d been unable to get rid of the old thing for a long time so I finally decided to keep it. Jerome traced the sheath with a pained expression. He stood in front of it, then bent his head like he was saying a silent prayer before he looked back at it with what I could only identify as absolute awe.

  “It was here,” I said.

  “Hmm?” He took a moment to comprehend what I was saying.

  “The sword. It was here before me. It’s sort of weird, but it came with the apartment.”


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