The Swords of an Angel: The Guardian's Fall Chronicles

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The Swords of an Angel: The Guardian's Fall Chronicles Page 5

by Urania Sarri

  “Really?” he asked without the slightest sign of surprise in his voice.

  “I sent the previous occupant an e-mail, but she wrote back that she had no idea. So, I decided to keep it until someone looked for it. Blue suggested taking it to an antique expert to find out if it’s valuable.”

  Jerome’s head snapped at me. “Tell me you didn’t.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  He looked relieved. “Do you have any idea how to use it?” he asked, looking back at the sword.

  “Seriously? Even if I wanted to, it doesn’t even come out of its sheath.”

  Jerome came back to sit on my bed. “Too bad. I could teach you,” he said grimly.

  I made a mental note to learn more about Jerome’s fencing skills in the future. Still, the hurt expression on his face disturbed me. Had the old thing on my wall triggered a memory that made him sad?

  “You can have it,” I told him.

  His expression changed instantly. His brows furrowed and his face darkened like he was given the most ominous news.

  “No, it’s yours. It chose you.”

  I would have laughed at that, but Jerome seemed really serious. The last thing I wanted was to argue with him over a rusty sword.

  “Jerome, you sound funny.”

  “I’m sorry. I just have this hunch that you should keep it.”

  “Okay then. I’m keeping it if it’s making you upset.” Time to change the subject. “So, I never expected you’d drop by.”

  Jerome’s face changed back to his sweet, flirty manner. When he took my hand in his, I felt my heart skip a bit.

  “Well, I admit I was worried about you. I didn’t see you at the gym this morning. I was afraid you might be hiding from me.”

  His eyes fell on my hand resting in his, our fingers intertwining.

  I cleared my throat again and tried to keep my voice steady. “Why would I do that?”

  He looked into my eyes. “Maybe because I scared you last night?”

  Last night was magical as far as I could remember; that was until Jerome kissed me. After that, everything was a blur.

  “Only a little,” I said, but when I saw his slouched shoulders, I went on. “God, Jerome! I’m only joking. Did I look scared to you?” I tried to sound playful. Judging by the lopsided smile he gave me, I’d somehow managed to shake out whatever thought was clouding his mind. “Besides, I should apologize for falling asleep. Thank you for putting me to bed and for ... being such a gentleman.” I gave him a bashful smile.

  “It wasn’t exactly what I expected to happen; I have to admit. You fell asleep after we kissed. But I’m trying not to take this to heart.” He flashed a wicked grin at me. “So, what about this thing? Is it contagious?” he asked, moving to my side to lie next to me. His arm was around my shoulder and his face only inches from mine.

  I inhaled his sweet breath, stunned to discover that again he smelled like chocolate. I hoped he’d make the first move because I didn’t want him to find out how irresistible I found him. At least, not yet.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered, almost out of breath. “How brave do you feel this morning?”

  He shrugged with a smug smile that I knew by now how it drove me crazy.

  “As I’ve already told you, I feel you’re worth the risk,” Jerome whispered before his lips brushed mine softly and tenderly. Very slightly, my lips parted. The fierce hunger I felt for him set loose when Jerome’s tongue invaded my mouth to explore, to taste, to arouse until I was limp against him. Sensing my weakness, Jerome drew back, trailing soft kisses to the line of my jaw and behind my ear, making me shiver.

  It took me a few minutes to be able to breathe normally again. His mouth brushed my hair, and I rested my head on his chest, relishing every single moment with him.

  “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?” Jerome asked.

  “Blue downloaded this film on my tablet. The Notebook or something. She apparently thinks it’s a must-see for every girl on earth. Want to watch it with me?”

  I heard him chuckle when he said “I’d love to. Although I don’t think it’s my kind of movie.”

  “Well, Blue said it was a blockbuster. She thinks we should make up for what we’ve missed growing up at the Shelter.”

  “The Shelter?”

  “It was actually an orphanage. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, I guess.”

  “I can’t wait to find out. I’ve already told you.”

  “But I’m warning you; I might fall asleep again. I still feel a little drowsy.”

  “Let’s do something to keep you awake then,” Jerome said, and my heart fluttered in my chest.

  He reached for the bedside table to take another piece of chocolate, and I thought with disappointment that although I’d love a bite, I’d rather have a bite of Jerome’s sweetness. That was before Jerome did his thing again. Putting a piece of chocolate between his lips, he lowered his head to mine with a chuckle. We played with the melting pleasure between our lips until the chocolate melted away and we were left sucking its remains off each other’s lips.



  That night, I was in no mood for training. Not without Madison around. Cleaning up at the gym after everyone had left, was supposed to distract me. Then why did I keep recalling Madison’s low moan as I licked the chocolate from the edge of her lips?

  Her sweet breath was calling me, but this time I was able to resist. Probably because I was still full. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t hungry. It wasn’t her power I craved. It was much more.

  It was a good thing that Madison couldn’t recall the weirdness of our first kiss. I hated having to mess with her mind about it, but I couldn’t risk it. She wasn’t ready for the truth yet. She’d probably never be ready for it. And that bothered me. As it bothered me that I could not admit how the previous night had been more than just feeding. With all the human girls I’d fed on so far, things had been so easy. I ensnared them, fed on them and messed with their memory before disappearing while they were still lightheaded. I guessed I should be thankful for the fact that I’d been able to wipe from Madison’s mind that scary part. Because I had not missed that instant panic in her eyes when I sucked her usia. The celestial creature inside her had tried to protect itself, but I was expecting that. My seductive skills to the fullest, it had been easy to subjugate the weak Guardian through its human shield.

  The relationship between Warriors and Guardians had been a controversial issue for centuries. Warriors fought while Guardians made sure The Great Rhetra was protected. Very rarely their paths crossed and then the Guardians had to yield to the power of the Warriors. Those were the rules of The Great Rhetra.

  I had felt the proud creature’s resistance in Madison, as much as I had felt its inexorable compliance to my demand. It must have recognized some of the Warrior traits that I still had. What would happen once the Guardian was awake and realized I was an Invalid, was an issue to deal with in the future.

  For now, I hated that the human part of Madison was so ignorant and unable to escape my talent to seduce. She didn’t have a chance. There was no way she could resist me and what was I doing? I was taking advantage of her. I knew it was wrong. That is why I had tried to stay away from her when I felt the Guardian’s presence in the gym the very first time she showed up. That had been the wisest decision I’d made so far.

  When Madison told me her own story, how she survived, how she lost her past, where she grew up, how she became instantly connected to the two girls that still followed her and how easily the xifos had found her, I was convinced that our meeting was not accidental. The way the Guardian had possessed her in order to come to the human world in that covert way implied that there was much more to her story. It also meant that this was a very powerful Guardian. Saving those who must be saved was not unusual for a Guardian. Using them as a shield? That was not so common. As far as I was concerned, Madison was part of my punishment. And that had
to stop.

  I had no idea about what The Great Rhetra had in store for me or Madison, but my instincts screamed that she was in danger. That she had to be protected. But what if it was me who put her in more danger? What if next time I fed on her I couldn’t stop? I didn’t have the right to use her human heart for my benefit.

  As long as I wasn’t given any orders about what The Ephors were expecting from me, I should walk away. At least, this way I would spare myself the guilt, just for once.

  Later that night I knocked on Jake’s door.

  “I need a word with you.”

  “What’s the problem, Jerome?”

  “Connor has to take over Madison’s training from now on. Give me a job that will keep me on the sidelines for a while. Until I find a new Coven.”


  Party Girl

  I looked at my bright pink nails. The color had been Blue’s choice, and I had ruefully gone along with that; mainly, because I didn’t care. It was another girls’ night, only this one we were spending indoors. It involved a total makeover with beauty masks, hairdos, and nail polishing; chocolate ice cream breaks included. I thought we’d rather name it Blue’s night. Had it been my choice, I’d only keep the ice cream part. But, given that my friends had gone out of their way to cheer me up, I played along.

  My efforts to convince them that the whole thing was to unnecessary had been disregarded. Because there was nothing wrong with my mood. I was satisfied with myself as I’d made remarkable progress in my training program. The changes were obvious in my body; my muscles were toned, my stamina increased, my self-confidence boosted. Besides, I was having fun training with Connor. There had been no weird moments, no breathtaking falls or incidents of embarrassing physical contact. And I hated every single moment of it, but no one had to know, right? Because another thing I was getting good at, was keeping my feelings to myself; the bond that connected the three of us had become looser than ever, at least from my side.

  It was obvious that Blue and Megan still communicated in that peculiar, spiritual way, with jokes they filled in for each other that I could not find amusing, or through a hypersensitive empathy for each other’s emotional state. Everything that bizarrely left me on the sidelines.

  There had been no adequate explanation why Jerome had stopped training me, but it was crystal clear that he was avoiding me. Once or twice I got a glimpse of him at the gym, but he always disappeared behind closed doors before I had the chance to talk to him. Besides, I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk to him at all. Did I really want to hear his excuses? Could I bear hear him say that what happened between us was nothing more than a fling?

  Very carefully, so that I wouldn’t ruin the bright pink on my nails and earn Blue’s scolding, I took my cell in my hand to check my text messages.

  “So, how was training today?” Megan asked casually.

  I didn’t take my eyes off the cell phone as I said “Fine. Connor’s really cool.”

  “Did you get to see Jerome at all? I heard Jake’s keeping him busy with stocktaking. He’s probably good at paperwork. Among other things.” The girls chuckled.

  “Have you seen my tablet?” I ignored them.

  Blue’s chuckle stopped abruptly. “It’s on the kitchen counter.”

  She watched me put away my cell with a sigh of frustration. “I’m sorry hon, but we can’t keep on doing this. We can’t keep pretending to ignore this huge elephant in the room.”

  I smiled awkwardly. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s been three weeks since your date, and he still hasn’t even called?” Blue asked.

  Megan sat on the daybed next to me, bringing her knees to her chest.

  “How do you explain this? He came to visit when you were sick, and we all thought it was so romantic. He stayed until late afternoon in your room until you were asleep. He watched The Notebook with you, for heaven’s sake! And then he just forgot about you? Something must have happened.”

  I looked at my nails again and shrugged. “Something happened. We kissed, and I fell asleep. Not exactly what you’d call romantic, right? But it’s okay. I’m okay. And you should be okay too.”

  “You know what?” Megan said licking a spoonful of ice cream. “That doesn’t seem right. I mean, I’m worried about you. I heard you scream last night. I hadn’t heard you do that since when you first came to the Shelter.”

  That startled me. I had completely forgotten about my nightmare. Megan’s comment brought it all back.

  “That had nothing to do with Jerome. It was only a nightmare, Meg. You’re going to love this one. I was standing in front of a huge, black monster. It was coming at me. Then I had the sword in my hands, but it wasn’t that old. It was all shiny and golden. And then I cut the monster in two. How badass is that?” I licked the remaining chocolate on my spoon, letting the memory of Jerome’s chocolate kisses flood my mind. These memories were all I had of him, but they were enough to warm something in my chest, to wake the butterflies in my stomach.

  “You’re a badass monster slayer! That’s my girl!” Blue cheered coming to her feet.

  I examined my nails once more. “I’m so over Jerome,” I said in a most sullenly manner, hoping it would scare the butterflies away.

  I saw Blue exchange a meaningful look with Megan. “Clearly. And this is the perfect timing for our surprise to you.”

  She reached behind the armchair to pick up a fancy shopping bag. “Look at this!” she said, putting the bag on my lap.

  I opened it to find a small red dress.

  “When did you get this Blue?”

  “It doesn’t matter when I got it, but who I got it for,” Blue shrugged.

  “This is for me? What’s the occasion?”

  “Happy birthday!” both girls shouted.

  I looked at them with a puzzled face. “You know it’s not my birthday.”

  Megan snapped the dress from my hands. “It could be your birthday. It’s been almost a year before we last had a birthday party for you.

  “Come on Maddie, don’t spoil this for us. Let’s have some fun!” Blue towed me up, and Megan held the dress in front of me.

  “Red is definitely your color!” Megan said. “You should wear it more often.”

  “And it does match your pink nails!” Blue chuckled.

  When we lived at the Shelter, the girls used to pick a random date to celebrate my birthday as nobody knew when my real birthday was. The point was to surprise me, and they managed to do this every time. And I loved them for this.

  “Thank you, guys, I do love it,” I whispered watching them through glassy eyes.

  “And you’re so going to wear it tomorrow at Waves.” Blue seemed thrilled.

  “Why would I go there tomorrow?”

  “It’s your party silly!” Megan said laughing.

  I took a minute to realize what was happening.

  “NO!” I sank in the daybed, covering my eyes with the dress that was now in my hands.

  Blue jumped on me.

  “I know! It will be great!”

  We hugged and laughed, holding on to each other as we used to do when we were at the Shelter. Only now I noticed an edge of despair in our laughter. Something had got in the middle, a subtle barrier that, despite their efforts, kept me at a distance. Something was changing. I was changing. And I hated it.

  The party was a success, and that made Megan, who had personally organized everything, über-excited. Almost all the students in our guesthouse showed up, because who wouldn’t grasp the chance to have fun just before the summer was over? Megan didn’t need to invite anyone to the party; She just hung a large banner on our balcony announcing it and that was all it took for everyone to show up at Waves. Even the trainers from the Academy gym showed up. Everyone but Jerome. I smothered the urge to ask about him. Blue was right. He was the elephant in the room, but I was tough enough to ignore him. That was my night, and I was determined to live it to the fullest. After all, I was the birthd
ay girl.

  A little after midnight, the party had turned into a cooldown. The music had changed from a fast dance beat to a slow song about shattered hearts and broken promises. Connor nodded and I gave him a sweet smile, putting my arms around his neck. I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by the music, feeling Connor’s hands around my waist, imagining someone else’s hands holding me, someone else’s warmth against my body.

  Connor seemed far from relaxed. The tall, sturdy trainer seemed edgy all night, his eyes scanning the place over and over again like he was expecting something to happen. Looking over his shoulder, I saw Blue wink at me as she too swayed to the rhythm in Jake’s arms. I tried to spot Megan among the crowd when I felt Connor’s body stiffen.

  “May I?” I heard Jerome’s husky voice behind me.

  Connor dropped his hands and stepped back as Jerome took his place. His arms caused a tingling sensation everywhere he touched. I planted my hands against his chest in an effort to put some distance between us, but he did not seem bothered.

  “Happy birthday Madison,” he said with a slight curve on the edge of his lips.

  “Thanks,” I whispered, trying to take my eyes off his face and succeeding only for a second. How could he be even more gorgeous than I remembered? I let my eyes rest on the harmony of his features for a moment, welcoming the weird feeling of easing comfort that overwhelmed me.

  “Sorry I didn’t buy you a gift. I’ve been kind of busy.”

  I arched a brow.

  “What? No chocolate this time?”

  Jerome chuckled softly. “No. Just me. But I do have a surprise for you.”

  What was he thinking? That he would show up three weeks after we’d made out and pretend everything was okay? I was well over him, and I should make this clear before he tried any of his seducing tricks on me again.

  “Yeah?” I said frigidly. “Well, I don’t care.”

  Jerome’s brow furrowed with worry. His grip tightened. “Madison,” he whispered.


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