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Safe Harbor (Pine Cove Book 1)

Page 24

by HJ Welch

  And no one else had ever tasted it.

  Possession washed through Dair. He gripped Robin’s hips tighter and he pushed harder with his tongue. He could feel Robin loosening against him, whimpering with pleasure. Dair was going to do everything he could to look after Robin now. That was his job.

  Inside and outside of the bedroom.

  “Dair, don’t stop. Fuck – fuck! Do I taste good? Do you like it? I love it. Don’t fucking stop.”

  Dair hummed in delight, touching himself as Robin babbled dirty words, keeping his cock stiff. He was leaking a little already, so he rubbed precum down his shaft.

  Jesus. In a few minutes, it would be his cock pressing against Robin’s threshold, not just his tongue and lips.

  “Do you want my dick, Robin? Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Robin gasped and spluttered, rutting against the mattress. “Yes, Dair. I want it. Please. Please. I promise I’ll be so good for you. I’ll let you fuck me all night. I want you to come in my ass and eat it out again.”

  Dair grinned. Robin was certainly going to widen his sexual horizons, that was for sure.

  “Okay, baby. Do you want it slow and deep, or hard and fast?”

  He never would have thought he’d be into this much talking during sex. It was hard not to be spurred on by Robin, though. He made Dair feel bold and wicked.

  “Slow,” Robin stuttered. “Take your time. Make it last.” Dair heard his head move against the bedsheets, so he wiped his mouth and looked up at his lover’s concerned face. “If it, um, hurts, can you please stop?”

  Dair crawled up the bed in a matter of seconds, capturing Robin’s lips in a fierce kiss. “Of course. You don’t even have to worry about a thing. Just say the word, and I’ll stop. I’ll never hurt you, Robin. I promise.”

  Robin – beautiful, disheveled, sex-wrecked Robin – smiled shakily up at him. “I know.”

  After another few kisses, Dair retrieved the condoms and lube he’d managed to sneak into his basket at the store. Condoms he was fine with. Lube – well, he figured the more, the better, right?

  Once he was suited up, he slathered his throbbing cock with shiny liquid. Then he coated around Robin’s hole before pushing two wet fingers inside. Robin jerked against the bed, but he was already nodding before Dair looked up.

  “I’m fine. I’m good. Just – fuck me like that for a minute. It’s helping.”

  “I’ll fuck you any way you like, gorgeous.” Dair pulsed his fingers, feeling the inside chamber of Robin’s ass. It was so tight and hot. His balls tingled in anticipation.

  Robin looked over his shoulder, trembling as he watched Dair work. “Touch yourself,” he begged. “Like I did for you.”

  “Like this?” He made a show of thrusting his cock against his hand and Robin moaned wantonly.

  Jesus, Dair could see why he’d enjoyed this as much as he did from the other side. He felt incredibly exposed as he ran his hand up and down his shaft, keeping his cock steel hard for Robin’s pleasure. Their eyes were locked together and Dair had never felt more connected with anyone in his life.

  “Do you like that, baby?” Dair asked. Robin nodded. “Do you want it inside you now?”

  Robin took a deep breath, then nodded again.

  Dair used his one hand to angle his tip against Robin’s hole, pushing through the ring of muscle relatively easily. With the other, he propped himself up over Robin and kissed between his shoulder blades.

  Robin was whimpering and gasping, but he didn’t stop nodding his head, either. “More,” he whispered, biting his lip. “I can take it.”

  “You’re doing beautifully, baby.” Dair kissed the side of his neck and rubbed his chest against Robin’s back. “I’ve got you. You feel fucking amazing.”

  He really did. So tight and hot around Dair’s aching cock.

  Then Dair seemed to go as far as he could, and Robin yelped.

  “Holy shit!” He grinned as tears leaked from his closed eyes. “That! That’s it. Hit that again!”

  Oh, was that his prostate? Dair couldn’t really tell through the condom, but if Robin was happy, he was happy. So he eased out a little way, then pushed back inside Robin. He shook and pressed back into Dair, his face contorted in ecstasy.

  That was how they continued to move, slow and sensual as Robin relaxed and welcomed Dair completely inside him. Dair could tell when he was more at ease as he turned and looked over his shoulder.

  “Kiss me,” he begged Dair.

  Their tongues and lips moved messily against each other as they chased their increasing climaxes. Dair wanted to speed up, but he’d promised Robin to take it slow. However, the way Robin was pushing his ass against Dair’s cock suggested he’d changed his mind.

  Dair caught Robin’s earlobe between his teeth and tugged. “More?”

  “Oh, Christ, yes,” Robin replied, half laughing, half sobbing. “Fuck me hard. Go to town. You feel incredible.”

  Dair gave him a fierce, wet kiss, then leaned back. He grabbed Robin’s hips with both hands to give him some purchase, then began to pound.

  The motel bed squeaked and rocked against the wall. Dair hoped they didn’t have neighbors, but there was no way he was slowing down now. Robin was matching his pace, and somehow they made their way onto their knees. Robin scrunched the bedsheets up in his fists, pressing the side of his face against the mattress.

  Dair had enough room to reach down and find Robin’s hard, bobbing cock with his hand. As soon as he wrapped his fingers around it, Robin howled, his whole body stiffening.

  “Gonna come. Fuck me, Dair. Don’t stop, like that, harder – harder!”

  The air in the room was damp and hot, filled with the sounds of flesh slapping and men grunting as Dair slammed again and again into Robin. He was just about able to keep his hand on Robin’s length, so he felt it right away as he began to come.

  Robin screamed a few more choice profanities into the mattress as his whole body quivered, riding out his orgasm. Dair rubbed Robin’s cum on his belly and over his softening cock.

  This was his boyfriend. And he’d pleasured him like no one else had.

  Dair’s chest bloomed with happiness as his climax rushed to greet him. He filled the condom inside Robin, gnashing his teeth as his balls emptied. For a few moments, they both simply stayed there, satisfaction slowly creeping through their bones.

  Dair rubbed along Robin’s sides and kissed his back. “Was that okay?”

  Robin laughed, somewhat hysterically, and for a second Dair panicked. But then he shook his head and grinned over his shoulder at Dair.

  “Okay? Are you insane? That was phenomenal. I’d ask if we could go again right now, but I’m utterly destroyed. In the best possible way, of course. Oh my god. That’s what I’ve been missing out on? No, fuck that, it wouldn’t have been like that with anyone else. Dair, I…”

  He seemed to realized he’d been babbling. His expression softened as he eased himself off Dair’s cock. He snagged Dair’s hand and tugged him down on the mattress to lie beside him. His skin was damp and his lips red and swollen. He rested his hand gently against the side of Dair’s face.

  “I love you. That was perfect.”

  Dair knew he was equally unkempt, but he didn’t care. Robin was right. Everything was perfect. “I love you too, hon,” he whispered, then kissed his lips tenderly. “I told you, you’re magnificent.”

  Robin threw his head back and laughed up at the ceiling. “I’m not sure how we’re going to top that. That was easily the best fuck of my life. I won’t be able to walk straight for days.”

  “I’d prefer it if you never walked straight, in any sense of the word.” Dair hugged Robin to him as they both chuckled in exhaustion. “And I’ll find a way to top it, don’t worry. I want to always be finding ways to make you happy.”

  Robin sighed and snuggled against him, burrowing his face against Dair’s neck, wrapping his arms and legs around Dair’s body. “That makes two of us. You make me feel
like I could conquer the world.”

  Dair smiled and kissed his cheek. “Let’s conquer it together, then. My little koala.”

  Robin squawked in horror. “No, you did not?”

  “Look at you!” Dair laughed and hugged Robin closer to him. But he was right. Robin was clinging to him like a koala to a tree.

  Robin closed his eyes and laughed as well while Dair quickly removed the condom and threw it in the direction of the trash. Maybe next time if they decided to stop using protection Dair would take Robin up on his offer to eat him out again post orgasm. He also knew they’d need to clean themselves up soon and probably get some sleep before sunrise.

  But just for that moment, they lay in each other’s arms, completely at ease.

  And in love.



  ROBIN AND DAIR’S bubble of peace and tranquility had lasted until the next morning. After waking, more naked snuggling and a second much-needed shower, they had decided it was finally time to face the music and head back to Robin’s home. They had a lot of questions to answer, after all.

  Peyton very kindly gave them a lift, meaning they didn’t have to risk an Uber in their still-damp clothes. She was positively bouncing with smug happiness, fully aware of what Dair and Robin had gotten up to in their room without Robin having to say a word. He would have been embarrassed, but he was too loved up to care.

  He recalled walking up to the front porch at the start of the week, how nervous he’d been to hold Dair’s hand. Now he just felt pride and contentment.

  Of course it was Jay who opened the door. He grinned, looking between Dair and Robin before pulling Robin into a hug. “The cat’s out of the bag, I’m afraid, love birds. At least Mom and the others are up to date with the rest of us now.”

  Robin groaned. “How mad is she?”

  Jay winked at them and Peyton. “Come see for yourself.”

  The house was overflowing with people. Robin’s mom was bustling fretfully around the kitchen. The rest of his family, as well as Peyton and Emery, had been banished to sit at the table, not allowed to help with the jugs of coffee and mountains of bagels she was distracting herself with. Robin saw one dollop of cream cheese disappear into a mug, and Smudge was dutifully chasing her slippers around to snuffle up all the crumbs.

  “I just don’t see why you had to lie?”

  “Sorry, Mom,” Robin said sheepishly. “It wasn’t really a lie.”

  “Oh, it so was,” Kestrel cried scandalously. “You made up a boyfriend! Which is so dumb because any idiot could see Dair was crazy for you.” She rolled her eyes and unashamedly fed Smudge some bacon.

  Robin tried not to fidget in Dair’s lap. There weren’t enough chairs, so he’d only protested feebly when his boyfriend had pulled him down onto his legs. But he was feeling a little sore after last night’s escapades. Thinking about that made him blush, though, which would only make his siblings tease him more.

  “Okay,” Dair conceded. “It might have begun as something different. But I think we’ve loved each other in some way for a little while now. We just didn’t know it could change into this.”

  “I did,” Peyton announced cheerfully. “I’ve been patiently waiting for this to happen for months. But Robin was terrible at letting me leave you guys alone. He had a massive crush on you since day one.”

  “I – what?” Robin spluttered. “Shut up.”

  Jay laughed, sipping his coffee. Then he grimaced, possibly having gotten the cheesy mug. “I told you, bro. There was nothing fake from the moment you guys got here.”

  Their mom banged a plate of waffles on the table. “Oh, sorry, sorry.” She flapped her hands.

  Emery flinched where he was huddled in Ava’s lap. He was wearing sunglasses and looked vaguely green. Robin could practically smell the tequila seeping from his pores. “Mother, mercy,” he whimpered, making Kestrel snicker.

  Ava appeared to be using Emery as a kind of shield. Usually, Robin’s oldest sister was the fiercest of them all. But at that moment she was alternating between sneaking glances at Peyton and hugging Emery to her like a human pillow.

  Weird. Robin thought Ava liked Peyton?

  “I just feel so silly.” Robin’s mom was wringing her hands and fussing with the pile of waffles, straightening them up. Robin’s dad looked up from his newspaper with a fond smile, then took her hand to hold in his own.

  “Youngsters,” he said sagely.

  Swift leaned over the table and clapped Dair on the shoulder. “Hey, I guess sometimes you just take a while to figure out these things, right?”

  Emery snorted. “Not me. I was-”

  “Gay in the womb,” several people around the table chimed in simultaneously.

  Emery smirked and flipped them the bird.

  Robin’s mom huffed and tapped his hand back into his lap. “And as for this business with Mackenzie-”

  “Nope, I’m done talking about him,” Robin interrupted firmly. He knew his family would be distressed after they heard what had almost happened at the country club. But in the end, everything had been fine. “I’ve wasted far too much time over that asshole-”

  “Language,” his dad grumbled.

  “You’re right,” Peyton said, nodding and patting his hand. “I’d call him something much worse.”

  “-and,” Robin continued, “I’m not going to let him affect my life anymore. He doesn’t deserve that power. I’m looking to the future, and that includes Dair.” He smiled down at his boyfriend. “A lot of Dair.”

  His boyfriend grinned and gave him a sweet kiss. Kestrel pretended to barf. “Eww! Get a room!”

  “Well, I guess you guys are already living together.” Jay nodded his head. “That gives you a head start.”

  “Oh, no, we’ll keep our own rooms for now,” Robin said quickly. “Dair doesn’t want all my geeky crap in his space.”

  Dair raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know. I’ve become quite a big fan of koalas myself recently.”

  Robin was sure he blushed crimson.

  “So, you’ll be heading back to Seattle soon, I guess?”

  Robin looked at his mom. Her voice was cheerful, but her eyes were glassy as she wiped down the perfectly clean counter.

  Robin glanced at Dair as he slipped off his lap, then went to go wrap his arms around her. “Yeah, we’ll need to head off soon to beat the afternoon traffic. But we’ll come visit soon, okay? I promise.”

  She hugged him back. “I wish you didn’t live so far away.”

  For the first time in a decade, Robin was shocked to realize that he wished he didn’t live so far away either.

  It seemed so clear to him now how he’d spent all these years running from his past. But it wasn’t Pine Cove he had been avoiding. It had been Mac and the way he’d made Robin feel throughout his whole adult life.

  After a week here, Robin had the scent of the forest back in his lungs. The glint of the now conquered lake in his eyes. His family and friends’ laughter ringing in his ears. He wasn’t sure he was ready to go back to the rigorous hustle and bustle of the city grind, but their lives were waiting for them there. He, Dair, and Peyton all had jobs and…well, they were probably each other’s closest friends, but they had their apartment waiting for them. Not to mention all of Dair’s many pets Peyton had entrusted their neighbor to pop in and feed for a couple of days.

  They couldn’t extend their trip, even if they wanted to.

  But Robin’s heart filled with joy as he realized there really wasn’t anything stopping any of them from coming back whenever they wanted. Keeping up with Emery and his siblings on social media was nothing compared to making dinner together or walking down the boardwalk or staying up all night talking over beers.

  Robin wanted to go to Sunny’s for breakfast and challenge Dair to air hockey in the arcade. He wanted to walk Smudge in the park holding hands, not shying away when they ran into someone Robin had once known in town.

  He was done hiding himself
from Pine Cove. He wanted the people here to see what kind of man he’d become. Because he had a sneaking suspicion they’d all be as proud of him as he was starting to be of himself.

  Three hours wasn’t that bad a drive, especially if they left super early. They just needed to plan ahead. But still, when they were all packed up and heading out the door, Robin found it harder to say goodbye than he thought.

  His mom was openly crying, even though she was laughing at herself. She wiped her cheeks and forced several packed sandwiches into Robin’s hands. His dad clapped him on the shoulder and told him how proud he was of him. Then he went to go inspect Dair and Peyton’s tires despite them having already done so.

  Swift and Ava made him promise to come back while summer was in full swing so they could try and get him in a canoe. They were very keen that his one and only experience on the lake was not the previous night’s near-death calamity. Robin swore he’d give it a go and was surprised when he found he really meant it.

  He was largely okay until he got to Jay.

  Being back with his twin had felt so right. They were two halves of the same whole. A bit like how Dair made him feel complete, but obviously in a totally different way. Jay had been the first person to champion Robin and always saw the best in him.

  Robin felt recharged by all his family. How could he have forgotten the way they made him feel valued and truly seen? Even snarky, hungover Emery got a little emotional when they hugged goodbye.

  “This place isn’t the same without you,” he mumbled before kissing his cheek noisily and leaving a lip gloss stain on Robin’s jaw.

  Robin chuckled and tried to rub it off. He wanted to tell Emery he might be right, but he wasn’t sure he could without getting tearful. “Thanks,” he said instead. “Love you.”

  “Okay, that’s far too many feels for this time of the morning. Time to pose!” Emery waved them all in front of his phone, having produced a selfie stick out of nowhere. “You too, Mr. and Mrs. Coal. That’s it. Now everyone say ‘sparkle’!”


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