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The Wilde Crew: Rhett: A paranormal shifter romance (The Shifters of Wilde Ranch Book 1)

Page 7

by Kim Fox

  “Good,” he said, releasing her hair. Her eyes started to glaze over as he reached for her belt buckle. He tugged it open and slid down her zipper as her heart pounded, her head swimming with dirty thoughts.

  His strong fingers dipped into the waistband of her panties and he pulled them, along with her pants, down her smooth legs.

  Rhett let out a groan behind her as she stepped out of her pants for him and planted her feet back on the pavement. She was spread out wide and fully visible to him, her aching pussy glistening in the broad daylight.

  She could barely take it anymore, her breath was ragged, her pussy was on fire as she heard him unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants down.

  Joan turned to look when she heard his shirt slide off but a strong hand landed on her back and pushed her back down. “Eyes on the hood,” he growled in a sexy voice. “Bend over. Yeah, just like that.”

  She moaned as she thrust her ass into the air, arching her back until it hurt. He splayed his powerful hands on her lower back, and pushed her down, drawing another moan from her parted lips as he positioned himself behind her.


  He gripped her ass cheek as he dragged the tip of his hard cock up her soaking folds, sending warm shivers cascading through her.

  “What a big nightstick you have there, officer,” she said in a raspy voice.

  “Keep talking and I’ll get my handcuffs,” he said, squeezing her ass a little harder.

  She was about to respond when he slipped his tip inside her, making her forget everything as she focused on his delicious cock parting her glistening folds.

  Fuck, he felt good.

  She hadn’t realized how badly she wanted him until now. Her body was aching for him, trembling under his touch.

  He gripped her waist with two firm hands and groaned as he slid all the way inside her.

  “Fuuuucccckkkk,” Joan moaned, tilting her head back as his hard pelvis slammed into her ass. He was in so deep. She would gladly get arrested by this sexy cop any day.

  He picked up the pace, moving faster. His thrusts became harder, longer, deeper, as he fucked her with stronger and more desperate strokes.

  Joan was bouncing around on the hood of the car, the sun beating down on her naked back. It all felt so good. His long cock sliding in and out of her, the hard grip of his hand on her ass, the rhythm that was quickly ramping up to a pounding.

  It was how they belonged, it felt so right.

  “Hold on,” she said, her voice coming out in violent gasps. “Let me turn around.”

  She wanted to see him, to look in his eyes as he fucked her.

  They both gasped as he pulled out and stepped back. She quickly turned, dropping her back down on the warm hood as she stared at his hard cock, his hand gripped firmly around it.

  He grabbed her leg and yanked her up, his hungry eyes locked on her spread pussy. “I want to taste you,” he said, dropping down to a knee. Her body trembled as his lips lowered to her burning hot pussy. “Mmmmm,” he moaned, his warm breath tickling her aching folds.

  She arched her back and cried out his name as he hit her with one delicious lap of his tongue.

  “Like a peach,” he said, licking his lips as he stood back up between her legs. He grabbed his dick with one hand as he spread her legs out with the other.

  Joan was breathing so hard, hornier than ever. She raked her eyes over his chiseled body from his massive chest, to his tattooed arms, down to his sexy-as-fuck abs.

  This was more perfect than she had imagined. And she had imagined it. She had been thinking of Rhett non-stop since that first kiss outside of the bar.

  He slid back into her with a grunt. His dick was just right. Big enough to feel every snug inch as she wrapped around him tightly.

  His abs flexed as he fucked her, his dark eyes alternating between staring at her tits and gazing down at his cock sliding into her pussy.

  Joan quickly glanced over her shoulder down the empty road. They were in too deep to stop, but if someone did drive by they would see her lying on the hood of the police car with her legs spread impossibly wide open as Rhett held her ankles apart and rammed his cock into her over and over again, sending the car jerking back and forth on the rubber tires.

  When her orgasm came, it was deafening, swallowing her completely in a wave of heated bliss. “Rhett,” she whispered as he clung to her body and followed her, gritting his teeth as he released deep inside of her.

  With a moan he tumbled onto her, holding Joan close and kissing every inch of her body that his lips could reach.

  She slid her trembling hands into his hair and held him to her chest, never wanting to let go, never wanting to leave him.

  Joan had found more than a friend in Rhett, she had found a lover and a potential mate. He calmed her bear at the same time that he stirred her into a passionate frenzy.

  He was a keeper alright.

  And Joan wasn’t about to let him go.


  “That was the best encounter with the police that I’ve ever had,” Joan said, leaning back in her seat with a satisfied look on her face. “You’re a good cop.”

  “Wait until you meet bad cop,” Rhett replied with a grin.

  That had been so sudden and unexpected, but it felt so natural and so right. He reached over and rested his hand on Joan’s thigh. She smiled as she placed her small hand on his, sliding her fingers in between his as she turned to him with a sexy smile.

  He was so happy that they had taken their relationship to the next level. Not only did he get to have hot sex with a stunning girl, but now he was able to reach out and touch her whenever he wanted, and that was almost worth more to him. His fingers were always tingling with the need to touch Joan whenever she was around.

  “I hope I don’t get any calls today,” Rhett said as they drove down the road in the police car. “If we don’t we can grab an early dinner, go to the lake and have a picnic.”

  Joan smiled as she gazed out the window. “That sounds perfect.”

  Right on cue, the radio crackled on. Shit. Let’s hope that this is only Loretta falling asleep on the radio again and she hit the button by accident.

  “Rhett,” she said through the fuzzy speakers. Damn. Well, he had already gotten lucky this morning. Getting lucky twice was a bit too much to ask.

  “Hey, Loretta,” he said, clicking on the handset. “Did you get the bloodstains out of the carpet?”

  “No,” she said, “but I moved a plant over it and now you can barely see it.”

  Rhett pictured a large plant sitting in the middle of the hallway where Kylee delivered her baby and chuckled. I’m sure that doesn’t look out of place at all.

  “We have a domestic disturbance call,” she said.

  “Okay,” Rhett said, taking a deep breath. “Any chance that Emry and Nathan can go on it? We had a bit of a stressful morning.”

  “I asked them,” she answered. “They’re driving to Aqualand for the day. The whale Tummo has a show at four o’clock and they really wanted to see it.”

  “Well, in that case,” Rhett answered, rolling his eyes. Those two were much more trouble than they were worth. “Where is the call?”

  “The Wilde Crew again,” Loretta answered. Rhett lowered the handset as he glanced over at Joan. She was sitting a little straighter in her seat as she listened.

  “Okay,” Rhett said with a sigh. “I’m heading there now.”

  He turned off the radio, looked up and down the quiet street, and then did a U-turn, heading back towards the ranch where the Wilde Crew lived.

  Rhett held his breath as he sped up the car, wondering what Joan was thinking. Her bear would definitely be better off as an alpha of a crew, but why did it have to be the Wilde Crew?

  He couldn’t get the image of Gunner and Joan out of his head. Her cheeks were flushed red, she was breathing heavily as he leaned in and whispered in her ear. Rhett had tried to hear what he told her but the noise of the bar drowned out the lion sh
ifter’s voice.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea if I go too,” she said, rubbing her thighs with her palms.

  Rhett sighed. He didn’t want her anywhere near Gunner. He wanted to selfishly keep her all to himself, wanting to eliminate any threats or competition to their relationship.

  But the truth was, she needed to dominate over a crew. She needed the Wilde Crew and they needed her.

  And more than anything, Rhett wanted her to be safe, fulfilled, and happy. If that meant she had to be around Gunner every day than he had to take that chance. He just had to trust and hope that Joan liked him as much as he liked her.

  “I think you should come,” Rhett said with a heavy heart. “You helped them last time, you can do it again.”

  Joan leaned over in her seat and nodded. “I really like you, Rhett. I’m glad that the steakhouse called the cops on me.”

  His heart beat faster, his worries dissipating. “I really like you, too,” he said, smiling at her. But did she also like Gunner?

  Rhett pulled into the narrow road that led into the Wilde Crew’s ranch. What is with these guys? He could already hear them, snarling, fighting, growling. It was like their crew’s anthem.

  Joan’s small frame tightened the closer they drove. She had her eyes closed, breathing in slowly through her mouth. Her bear was reacting to the chaos in the only way she knew how: by trying to come out and dominate.

  Rhett shook his head as he pulled over and saw Rory’s wolf sprint by and disappear into the old barn. What the hell are they doing? Ruining his picnic with his new girl, that’s what.

  Joan jumped out of the car before he even cut the engine. Oh no. He saw her rip off her shirt just in time to save it, because a furious grizzly bear exploded out of her.

  “Wait,” he called out as he climbed out of the car.

  But the bear took orders from no one and stormed off towards the door of the barn with her massive head in the air and the fur on her strong back standing straight up.

  Rhett hurried after her, running into the barn behind her.

  “What the hell?” he said, stopping short when he saw inside.

  Cole and Ashton’s bears were standing side by side growling at their opponent standing in front of them. Gunner’s lion was outnumbered but still standing claw to claw with the two bears. His golden mane was matted in sticky red blood and he had a deep cut down the side of his face.

  He snarled at Rhett when he saw him.

  Rhett clenched his jaw and glared back at the vicious cat. He was tempted to channel the animal and take him over, making him lie down helplessly while the bears chewed him to bits. Rhett didn’t like this guy. He didn’t like any threat to his mate.

  Joan’s bear marched right up to them, looking from animal to animal with strong, unwavering eyes. She truly was magnificent. A strong, confident alpha who could make the toughest of guys cower before her mighty paws.

  Rory’s wolf ran to Rhett’s side and then shook violently as he phased back into his human form.

  “What’s going on?” Rhett asked when Rory’s wolf disappeared back inside of him.

  “Gunner is trying to fight for the alpha position,” he answered, swallowing hard. “He was really pissed off before he phased. I think it’s going to be a fight to the death this time.”

  Rhett’s chest tightened as Joan got closer. He wanted to stop her, to pull her out to safety, but she had to do this. Her bear needed structure. She needed a crew. She needed to do this.

  Stopping her now would be selfish, just fulfilling his need to protect her. So he watched with a heavy heart and let her do what she was born to do.

  “Thanks for coming,” Rory said, watching the scene nervously. “I didn’t know what else to do so I called you.”

  “You called me?” Rhett said, jerking his head to the side. The wolf shifter nodded.

  Rhett was touched. It was one thing to be called by neighbors complaining of a noise disturbance, but it was another thing to be called by the crew itself to come help. Maybe he was going to be a good shifter cop. Maybe he had truly found his calling.

  “I did,” Rory said with a nod. “You two are practically part of the crew now anyway. At least, you will be one day.”

  Rhett was about to ask him what he meant but Joan let out an angry roar, her bear advancing slowly on Gunner.

  The bleeding lion, snarled his teeth as he backed away from the huge bear. Joan stepped forward, leading him into the corner.

  Gunner was the strongest lion that Rhett had ever seen, but even he had nothing on Joan’s bear. He was convinced that only a skin shifter could stop her. Only he could stop her.

  But right now he wasn’t about too. Maybe she would finish Gunner for him.

  The lion lowered his head and hissed at Joan as she approached, not intimidated in the least. Both Cole and Ashton phased back into their human forms to watch the show.

  “Fucking cat,” Ashton said, glancing down at the two long cuts on his arm. Blood was leaking down his bicep and dripping off his elbow onto the old wooden floor of the barn. “He scratched me.”

  Cole just laughed. “You’re too slow, man. Duck and weave. Duck and weave,” he said, bobbing his head like Muhammed Ali in his prime.

  “I’ll show you duck and weave,” Ashton said, squeezing his hands into fists. He almost threw a punch but they both turned back to the show when Joan’s bear lunged forward.

  Gunner’s lion didn’t fight back. Either he knew that it was hopeless and he’d certainly lose, or (Rhett thought that this was more likely), he didn’t want to hurt Joan, even if it was just her bear.

  She easily submitted him and then stepped off, shaking as she phased back into her human form. Gunner phased next and soon, Rhett was the only one in the old empty barn who had any clothing on at all. It looked like he had just walked in at the start of a gang bang.

  Rhett hurried to cover her with a tarp but she just pushed his hand away. She looked at home here with the crew and that’s what shifter crews did: they saw each other naked. Even co-ed shifter crews. It was just something that Rhett had to get used to, although he didn’t know how he was going to get used to other men staring at his woman naked.

  “That was fast, Gunner,” Ashton said with a grin. “I always knew you were a cat but I didn’t think you were such a pussy.”

  A low growl rolled out of Gunner’s throat. “I already told her,” he said, glaring at Ashton. “If she wants to be the alpha of our crew, then I’m okay with it.”

  Rhett’s hurt eyes darted to Joan. When did he tell her that? She hadn’t mentioned a thing to him.

  Joan smiled tightly at him and then picked up the tarp, slipping it around her body like a towel. Maybe it was when Gunner had pinned her outside of the bar bathroom and whispered into her ear.

  Rory bounced over to her. If he still had his tail out, it would be wagging. “Please, Joan,” he begged. “It will be so awesome if you’re our alpha.”

  Her gorgeous amber eyes turned from Rory to Rhett. He could tell that she wanted this, she needed this. But where would that leave them?

  Joan would be living on a ranch with a bunch of good looking guys and at least one of them wanted her as badly as he did. Would it only be a matter of time before her eyes turned from his to the muscular lion shifter who was looking at her with hopeful eyes?

  He had to take that risk. He wasn’t about to hold her back over his insecurities.

  Rhett swallowed hard as he nodded to her.

  She wasn’t asking his permission, but he could tell that she was asking for his advice. It would be the best thing for her bear, and so for her as well. He thought she should do it.

  “I know how you feel,” she said to Rory, “and how you feel,” she said, turning to Gunner. She turned to the two grizzly bears. “What about you two? Last chance to back out.”

  They looked at each other, like two old friends who could communicate only using their eyes.

  “Just to make it clear,” Joan said,
raising her chin. “If I want the position, I’ll take it. I’m just asking for your opinions.”

  Cole shrugged. “It could be a bit embarrassing having a girl as our alpha, but your crazy bear can kick the shit out of anyone who is stupid enough to say anything. Go for it.”

  “I’m in too,” Ashton said, cracking his tattooed knuckles. “Your bear is something special. I’d be honored to have a vicious roaring bitch order me around.”

  The corner of Joan’s lips curled up into a smile. Rhett’s heart started pumping faster. She was going to take it. He could tell.

  Only time would tell if they would stay together while she ran her crew and he lived a different life with the knuckleheads, Emry and Nathan. He hoped that it would all work out.

  Remember, shifters mate for life. If she chooses you, nothing can stop us.

  “I’ll stay,” Joan said with her hands on her hips. “Under one condition. Rhett comes too.”

  Rhett nearly choked. He wasn’t expecting that.

  “Awesome!” Rory said, pumping his fist. “Now we have five shifters and a-” He turned to Rhett with a raised eyebrow. “What are you?”

  “A skin shifter,” Rhett answered.

  “Cool,” Rory said, nodding his head. “We have five shifters and a skin shifter!” He turned back to Rhett. “What’s a skin shifter?”

  “What do you say, Officer Douchebag?” Joan asked, staring at him with a grin. “Want to get wild with us? Come and join the Wilde Crew.”

  Rhett cleared his throat. All eyes were on him. “I already have my own place.”

  Joan snorted out a laugh. “Please! I saw your place and no offense but you’re one broken appliance away from living in a junkyard.” She turned to the boys and nodded. “Rhett is staying.”

  Rhett’s eyes settled on Gunner who was staring him down with violence in his eyes. He had wanted Joan all to himself too, and now Rhett was being dragged into the deal like some kind of unfair bait and switch. He wasn’t happy.

  “I don’t want to live with a fucking cop,” Gunner said, his massive chest heaving up and down with deep, angry breaths.


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