Crucible of a Generation
Page 42
Mothers Mobilized For America, Inc. 75
McGuire, Matthew F. 135
movies 47, 84, 125, 206–7
Mackenzie, Dewitt 46, 73, 210
Moxley, Albert S. 37
MacLeish, Archibald 68, 243
Mr. and Mrs. Cugat (Rorick) 84
MacMurray, John V. A. 65
Mr. Dooley’s America (Ellis) 39
MacMurray, Mrs. John V. A. 65
Mrs. Appleyard’s Year (Hunt) 217
McNair, Lesley J. 22, 46
Muller, Martha Jordan 164
Index 265
Munich Playground (Pope) 39
51; “overwhelming press support” for
Murphy, Adrian 39–40
Washington’s policy 108; on pessimism
Murray, William H. 98, 135
of United States negotiators 94;
Museum of Modern Art 40
presence on desert battlefield 55–6;
Mussolini, Benito 141, 197, 213
President’s performance. 246; pundits
205; “Quizzical College Girl, The”
Nagumo, Chiuchi 146
137; report on investigation of Japanese
Nagumo, Chuichi 146, 249
espionage 201; response to German and
Nakano, Seigo 71–2
Italian declarations of war 216; rules for
Namesake Towns Destroyers Committee
conduct in air raid 184–5; shipbuilding
of the English Speaking Union 76
25; sport 102–3; Sunday newspaper 4,
Nassau Sovereign 13
5; threat of war 44–5, 92, 94; troop National Advisory Committee of United
training maneuvers 23; “United We
China Relief 176
Stand” 175; war preparations 133;
National Association of Manufacturers 77,
wedding reportage xiii, 31–2, 217; “You
Can Help a Great People . . . and Help
National Community Christmas Tree 236
Beat Japan” 176
National Conference of Christians and
New Zealand 72, 178
Jews 242
Nichi Nichi (newspaper) 72, 93
National Council for the Prevention of
Nichols, Morris 31
War 175
Nimitz, Chester W 249
National Foundation for Infantile
Nine O’Clocks 31
Paralysis 137
Nine-Power Pact 9
Natwick, Mildred 53
Noble, Irene 162
Nelson, Donald M. 14, 206
Nomura, Howard 163
Neuberger, Richard L. 37
Nomura, Kichisaburo 46, 57, 92, 107, 143
Neutrality Act 189
Noorsworthy, Mrs. T. M. 87
Newspaper Days (Mencken) 39
No Other Road to Freedom (Stowe) 39
New York Central Railroad 64
Normandie (ocean liner) 223
New York Daily Mirror 161
North Africa 6–8, 43, 46, 68, 71, 89, 118, New York Daily News 161
133, 199, 227, 249
New York Herald Tribune 20
Norway: Neutral and Invaded (Koht) 38
New York Marriage License Bureau 234
November 30, 1941: arts and entertainment
New York Sun 4
38–40; dispatches from Op-Ed Wars
New York Times : Arrival of Buyers 62;
13–16; domestic relations 34–5; automobile advertising 179; Baltimore
economic indicators 24–7; Equal Rights
Bachelors Cotillion 65; books advertised
Amendment 27–8; home economics
in 102; “A Call to Duty” 190; change
35–6; human interest stories 36–7; local of opnions on war 193; “Christmas
geography 37–8; pronouncements and
Buying Off to a Good Start” 25;
positions 9–10; social spectrum 30–4;
concern for Japanese penetration into
spiritual counsels 10–12; stand-off 17–22; Thailand 72; dangers of communism
Sunday newspapers 4–5; threat of war
99; defense of liberty 242–3; defense
12–13, 22–4; world at war 6–9
spending 76; domestic servant notices
Now, Voyager (Prouty) 84
35; editorials in 16; editorial turnaround
Nye, Gerald P. 49, 98, 135
160–1; Eleanor Roosevelt 37; events of December 8, 1941 158; “The
O’Brien, John F. 171
International Situation” 10; Japanese–
O’Daniel, W. Lee 157, 171
American negotiations 107; legislation
Odlum, Floyd 15
limiting strikes in defense industries
Office of Production Management (OPM)
113; letters to editor 49, 64–5, 74–5;
26, 77, 206
magazine section of 136; nation at war
O’Hanlon, Virginia 4
205; “Navy Takes Up the Challenge,
Oldsmobile advertisement 68
The” 237; “Our Marines Out of China”
O’Lilly, John D. 171
266 Index
Oliver, Lillian 162
people to attack on 171–5; rumors of
Olsen, Ole 53, 67
women pilots taking part in attacks on
O’Mahoney, Joseph C. 28
167; secret maneuvers of Japanese fleet
O’Mahony, Joseph C. 61
118; Striking Force xii, 145–7, 249
Open Door policy 9, 45
Pegler, Westbrook 193
Operation Barbarossa 8
Pershing, John J. 203
opinions/editorials: December 1, 1941
Peterson, Otto 135
48–52; December 2, 1941 58–60; Pettit, Karl Dravo 30
December 3, 1941 74–6; December 4,
Pettit, Mary Estelle 30
1941 94–100; December 5, 1941 108–9;
Pettit, Mrs. Karl Dravo 30
December 9, 1941 175–6; December
Philippines 154, 199, 210, 221, 232–3
10, 1941 190–1, 193; December 11, 1941
Philipson, Irving J. 10
204–6; November 30, 1941 13–16
Phillips, Tom 182
Orange Bowl 103
Pilkenton, Ruth 87
Oregonian : American Weekly supplement
Pittman, Marvin 111
37–8; “Blueprint for an Empire”
Pitts, Fern 67
editorial spread 37; celebrating Christmas
Plain Words About Venereal Disease (Parran &
244; cigarette advertisement 207; comics
Vonderlehr) 39
38; editorial on Mothers Mobilized For
political wars 60–1
America, Inc. 75–6; “Foe Fleet in Flight
Poorten, Hein ter 132
From Navy” 221; hamburger editorial
Pope, Ernest R. 39
52; moral questions on bombing 225;
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin & Heyward) 67
“Ours The Right and the Might” 175;
Porter, Cole 53
photo spreads 82; stories from 5; stories
Portland Advisory Council for Negroes 171
of real people 101; U-boat attack 75–6; Potts, A. L. 18
war preparations 122
Price Administrator 26
Otis Elevator Company 76
price controls 26–7
Ott, Mel 86
Price, James H. 243
Out of the Night (Valtin) 84
Princeton University 12
Producto Machine Company 76
Paassen, Pierre van 53
Proper Bostonians, The (Amory) 30
Pace, Guy 162
Prouty, Olive Higgins 84
Panama Hattie (Porter) 53
pundits 204–5
> Pankin, Jacob 160
Pappenheimer, Jack 87
Qualters, Tommy 18
Pappenheimer, Mimi 86–7
Quezon, Manuel 132, 154
Parker, Cecilia 84
Parran, Thomas 39
race issues 61–2, 77–8, 96, 111–13, 164
patriotism 87, 213–14
Radcliffe College 37
Peace Vigil 11
radio programs 67–8, 86
Pearl Harbor: aboard Japanese carrier
railroads 52–3, 63–4
before 143; account of losses at 190;
Raine, John 31
bombing of Honolulu and xiii, 138,
Raine, Mrs. John 31
148–50, 159–61, 170, 199–200, 221, 232, Rallis, John 213
250; call for court martial of military
Ramsey, George H. 32
and naval officers who had commanded
Rankin, Jeannette 98, 211
at 183–4, 237; Congressional reactions Raskin, Saul 40
to attack 201–2, 211–12; f liers cited for Rasmussen, Phillip 233
success in the defense of 233; identified
Rathbone, Beatrice 66
as principal target of proposed attack
Ravenstein, Johann von 56
144; impact of bombing on Japanese
Rayburn, Sam 157–9
nationals in United States 163–4; initial
Reading I’ve Liked (Fadiman) 53
reports 153–5; letter from son killed
real estate 35–6
in attack 200; response of American
recruiting stations 234–5
Index 267
Red, Walter Scott 87
Roosevelt, Theodore 30
Reid, Joseph 235–6
Rorick, Isabelle Scott 84
Reif, Gordon P. 213
Rose Bowl 103
Reiss, Kurt 217
Rosenwald, Lessing 135
Remington, Woodburne E. 217
Ross, Nancy Wilson 38–9
restaurant food 64–5
rumors 168–9
Reston, James “Scotty” 158
Runyan, Isabel 31
retail sales 25
Runyan, Mrs. Paul 30
Reuther, Walter 226
Rural Electrification Administration
R. Hoe and Co., Inc. 76
(REA) 60
“Rhyme of the BB-66, The” (Wouk)
Russell, Archibald Douglas 31
Russell, Mrs. Archibald Douglas 31
Richards, Lucyle xiv, 83–4, 113
Russell, Isabel Doolittle 31
Richardson, Mrs. Tom 33–4
Ryan, William Ord 166
Richardson, Tom 33–4
Ryskind, Morrie 215
Ridgeway, Matthew B. 237
Riggs, Tommy, Jr. 12
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral 47
Rings on Her Fingers (Mamoulian) 84
Sanders, W. B. 18
“Road to Freedom” 136
Saratoga Trunk (Ferber) 53, 84
Roberton, Frank 15
Satoh, Hitoshi 107
Roberts, Jack D. 49
Sayen, Frederick R. 31
Robinson, Evelyn King 30
Sayen, Mrs. Frederick R. 31
Rockefeller, John D., III 176
Sayen, William, III 31
Rogers, Mary Pickford 176
Sayre, Marie 169
Rogers, Will 4, 108
SBD Dauntless (scout plane/dive bomber)
Romberg, Sigmund 54
Rooney, Mickey 192
Schanandoah, Chapman W. 171
Roosevelt administration 14
Schleifer, Louis 200
Roosevelt, Eleanor 23, 37, 66, 113–14, 158, Schriner, Samuel A., Jr. 12
176, 189, 238, 240
Scott, Joseph 51
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: accused of treason
Scott, William W. 216
xiii; addresses nation 157–60; as calm Secor, Jay K. 217
and resolute 245–6; Diamond Jubilee
Selby, William H. 227
Ball 137; inquiry as to massing of
Selective Service Training and Service
Japanese troops in French Indo-China
Act 22
107, 148; labor disputes 52; personal Selznick, David O. 176
message to Emperor Hirohito 131;
Senior Service Scouts 23
plea to continue discussions 141–2,
Sergeant York (Hawks) 207
155; press support 224–5; remarks at Seymour, Charles 176
service of Cathedral of St. John the
Shelton, Frances 34
Divine 10; rendezvous with Churchill
Sherman, Philemon Tecumseh 138
182; response to German and Italian
Sherman, William Tecumseh 138
declarations of war 197; responsible for
shipbuilding 76–7
the enmity between United States and
shipyards 25–6
Germany 197; rules for disclosure of
Shirer, William L. 39, 53, 86
war information 205; scrap metal and
“Shooting of Dan McGrew, The” (Service)
iron embargo 9; talks with Japanese
envoys Nomura and Kurusu. 68; visit
Shore, Dinah 86
to Warm Springs 18–20, 45, 98, 113
Short, Walter 237
Roosevelt, Mrs. James 158
Sikorsky, Igor 59
Roosevelt, Mrs. Kermit 136
Simpson, Kirke L. 204
Roosevelt, Mrs. Ralph M. 32
Skinner, Cornelia Otis 53
Roosevelt, Nancy D. 30
Skylark (Sandrich) 54
Roosevelt, Ralph M. 32
Smallwood, John W. 203
268 Index
Smith, C. G. 18
Taft, Donald Mosier 113
Smith, Hoke 162
Taft, Mrs. William Howard 179
Smith, Robert Aura 16
Taft, Robert A. xii, 59, 179
Sockman, Ralph 48
Talmadge, Eugene 111
Sons o’ Fun (revue, Olsen and Johnson)
Taniguchi, Tsuneji 93
53, 67
Tarkington, Booth 176
Soryu (aircraft carrier) 145, 249
Tayama, Fred 173
Southern Association of Colleges and
Taylor, Deems 53
Secondary Schools 111–12
television programs 67
Soviet Power, The (Johnson) 84
Terminello, Anthony 162
Soviet Union: decisive victory before
Terry, Bill 86
Moscow 223; effects of war against
That Day Alone (van Paassen) 53
Germany 249; engaged in defensive
They Died with Their Boots On (Walsh) 54
battles with Germans 74, 131; Germans
Third Army (U.S. ) 22
in retreat from 234; its battles against
This Is the Army (Berlin) 218
Japan 7; its operations in Eastern
Thomas, Elbert 59
Front 90; its troops pursuing German
Thomas, Lynn C. 58
armies retreating from Rostov 54, 68;
Thomas, Norman 216
Operation Barbarossa 8; in Tripartite
Thomas, Shenton 56
Pact 177
Thrower, Jay Robert 236
Spellman, Francis J., Archbishop of New
Time (magazine) 20, 176
York 47
Tinkham, George Holden 109
Spinks, Richard 235
Tirpitz (battleship) 200
spiritual counsels 10–12
Tobey, Charles W. 183, 202, 211–12
sports 66, 86, 102–3, 149, 217, 218
Togo Shigenori 45
sportscasters 67
Tojo, Hideki 9, 10, 18,
19, 21, 47, 233
S.S. Coamo xiv
Tone (cruiser) 145
Stalin, Joseph 5, 14, 245
Total Espionage (Reiss) 217
Staples, Henry Lee 12
Tower, Pamela 217
Steiger, George J. 239
trade union movement 179
Sterling, Gordon 233
Trading Day 79
Stevens, Risë 54
transatlantic passenger trade 26
Stewart, Mrs. Eugene 15
treason 138
Stewart, Tom 183
Treasury of Gilbert & Sullivan, A (Taylor) 53
Stimson, Henry L. 97, 121
Trimble, Mrs. F. H. 15
St. Louis Post-Dispatch 225
Tripartite Pact 141, 177, 189, 197
Stone, Mrs. Harlan F. 65
troop training maneuvers 22–3
Stowe, Leland 39
Tucker, Henry Saint George 10
Strange, Michael 215
Tucker, Sophie 53
Strange Woman , The (Williams) 84
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) 67
Straus, Oscar 217
Two-Faced Woman (Cukor) 47
Straus, Oscar S., II 217
Strauss, Lewis 172
U-boats 75, 90, 237
Sugar Bowl 102–3
United China Relief 176
Sulzberger, Mrs. Arthur Hays 136
United States Rubber Company 215
Sun Bowl 103
University of Iowa 13
Sundahl, Maurice 162
University of Pennsylvania 13
Sunday newspapers 4–5
Unthank, DeNorval 62, 171
Superior Linen Company 76
Urban League Bulletin 243
Supply Priorities Allocation Board 178–9
U.S. Army 27, 43, 46, 109, 145, 199
Surrealism 40
U.S. Coast Guard 140, 168, 185, 187
Suspicion (Hitchcock) 53
U.S. Congress 21, 211–12
Swing, Raymond Gram 175
U.S. Constitution, Eighteenth
Synthetic Cleaners Committee 26
Amendment 24, 113
Index 269
U.S. Department of Commerce 25, 27
Defense Savings Stamps 22; college
U.S. House of Representatives 21, 26
students 12; defense of liberty 242–3;
U.S. Marines 18, 51, 127, 158, 210, 232, 234
editorial turnaround 161; Ford opinion
U.S. Navy xiv, 43, 145, 154, 170, 183,
100; human interest stories 82; nation
210, 237
at war 205; “Peace or War in the
USS Arizona 149, 150, 170
Pacific? ” 72; portrayal of Secretary of
USS Barker 162
State Hull 92; President’s performance.
USS California 150
246; report on Veterans of Future
USS Cassin 170
Wars 13; restrictive covenants 135;
USS Condor 146
“Righteous Might” 175; stories from 5;
USS Constitution 215
support of Administration 224–5
USS Curtis 150
Watch on the Rhine (Hellman) 53, 67
USS Helena 150
Webb, Clifton 53
USS Honolulu 150
wedding reportage 31–2, 101, 217