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Rock My World

Page 12

by Lex Valentine

  Gia wriggled out of his arms and began pulling his clothes off. Once he lay naked before her, she stood up and began to strip out of her own clothes.

  “I’ll show you work, Sin-ful,” she murmured seductively.

  She reached for his already throbbing cock but he stayed her hand, his fingers closing around her wrist. Their eyes met.

  “Gia, getting married means having kids. You know I want them.”

  She sighed and twined her fingers with his. “Okay.”

  Stunned at her capitulation on a subject she’d used to forge a rift between them a week before had Sin jackknifing into a sitting position so he could hold her hands in his and feel her pulse as they discussed the subject.

  “Why are you giving in so easily when you fought me tooth and nail on it before?” he asked bluntly.

  Gia sighed again. Her violet eyes filled with sadness. “I was afraid.”

  That age thing again, he thought. “Were you really that afraid of having kids?”

  She shook her head, her long hair tumbling over her creamy shoulders. “No, I used it as an excuse to put a barrier between us. I needed an excuse to send you away when I was afraid Reinhardt would kill you. It was easy to use this because I truly was afraid of loving you too much. I knew that you could break me. I just never knew how much until you left.”

  He used her hands to tug her closer so he could wrap his arms around her. “I was coming back, you know.”

  Surprise flickered across her face. “Really?”

  “Yep. I already bought the ticket. I figured I’d give you ’til the end of the break to come to your senses before I went back. I didn’t count on you conquering your fear of flying to come after me in less than a week.”

  She shuddered and burrowed closer to his chest, holding him with a strength he knew was born of the agony she’d suffered. “I hurt so bad I would have done anything to get you back,” she said softly. “I never thought I could be the begging type and probably with anything else, I wouldn’t be, but begging you, begging for you… Well, let’s just say I’d do it again if I had to. A thousand times over.”

  The depth of her love shone through every word she spoke and Sin’s heart soared. His mouth touched hers, the pressure light and sweet, but she parted her lips and flicked her tongue out to taste him. Sin’s body began to tremble with the need to possess her. He turned them, pressing her down into the sheets and pillows, his hands caressing every curve and hollow of her lush body. Her leg curled over his hip and he took hold of it, his fingers teasing the delicate back of her knee before moving on.

  Gia’s hands were busy too, stroking over his shoulders, her fingers teasing his rib cage, the ridges of his abdomen, his stiff nipples… If she could reach it, she touched it, weaving trails of fire all over his skin. She cradled him between her thighs, her hips undulating as she ground herself against him.

  Sin kissed her fiercely, his mouth moving over hers with a possessiveness he’d never experienced with another woman. Gia seemed to bring out the caveman in him and he reveled in his power over her. At the same time, tenderness welled at her capitulation and the privileges she’d bestowed on him through it. When a private woman like Gia, one who didn’t let others get close to her, opened her heart to a man, it could be for one reason only. Fierce satisfaction filled Sin’s heart that he was good enough for her love.

  Slipping one hand between their bodies, Sin stroked her wet slit. Gia moaned and moved restlessly against him. Her movements fueled his desire to be inside her. He’d never met a woman who could get him hard in an instant and bring him to the brink in minutes. He pulled his mouth from hers and, leaning across the bed on one arm, he reached into the nightstand with his free hand. He slapped a box of condoms onto the top of the small table and then set a velvet jeweler’s box beside it.

  Gia’s violet eyes watched him nervously as he leaned over her. He brushed a kiss over the tip of her nose.

  “Take your pick, baby. Which do you want from me?”

  Her eyes widened. “If I choose the ring you’re not going to put on a condom, are you?”

  He shook his head. “The ring means commitment. Marriage. Kids. No condoms. Just you and me taking a chance on our future. Maybe we’ll have kids. Maybe we won’t. Just depends on what fate has in store for us. Are you willing to take that chance and be with me forever, whatever the future brings?”

  She drew a shaky breath but didn’t hesitate to nod. “Yes. The alternative is too scary to contemplate.”

  Sin snatched up the jeweler’s box and pulled out a ring. He grabbed her left hand and slipped the cool metal over her ring finger. It fit perfectly. Gia stared at the huge diamond flanked by brilliant dark purple stones.

  “They’re iolites,” he told her, touching the deep violet gemstones. “More precious than amethysts or tanzanite. They remind me of your eyes. There’s a matching band with more of the stones.”

  “When did you get this?” she whispered, touching the stones with a fingertip.

  “I commissioned them a couple of weeks after we first got together.”

  Shock darkened her eyes. “You were that sure of me?”

  He shook his head and leaned down to brush her mouth in a kiss. “I was that sure of how I felt about you.” He reached over and pushed the box of condoms into the drawer. “Do you know I’ve never had sex without a condom? All my life I’ve practiced safe sex. You will be the first woman I’ve ridden bareback,” he teased.

  “First, last and only.”

  Her words came out in a disgruntled tone that made him laugh out loud. He settled himself on her body, kissing her throat. The thought of making love to her and possibly starting their family excited him as nothing ever had. And even more than that was the knowledge that Gia belonged to him forever now.

  “Gianna.” He gazed into her eyes and spoke from his heart. “I love you. I can’t wait to start our future together. How long are you going to make me wait to put the other ring on your finger?”

  She reached up and stroked her hands over his shoulders then cupped his face. “We go back on the road soon. Then it’s seven weeks until Vegas. How does the Bellagio sound to you?”

  “The Bellagio in two months?” Sin grinned happily. “I can wait that long. Are you gonna rock the big white dress?”

  Delighted laughter spilled from her. “Are you gonna rock the fancy black tux with biker boots?”

  “Converse sneakers,” he corrected.

  He kissed her again and she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Her thighs tightened around his hips and he let go of his control. His fingers teased her pussy, dipping into her heated cream, stroking her and flicking her swollen clit. She writhed beneath him, little cries of pleasure escaping her as he drove the flames of her desire higher and higher. He circled her clit and pinched it lightly. She exploded in orgasm, his name on her lips as she convulsed in his arms.

  Sin continued to touch her, not letting her come down from her high. Pinching her nipples, then sucking them, he stroked her with his tongue, loving her with his mouth and hands. Her skin flushed pale pink with passion and her hips pushed relentlessly at his. He could tell that she was desperate to have him inside her.

  Rising to his knees, Sin spread her thighs and rubbed the head of his cock against her wetness. Her eyes widened.

  “Now. Oh, Sin. Please come inside me now,” she whispered, her hands reaching for him.

  Hooking her thighs over his hips, he slowly pushed his cock into her tight pussy, their eyes locked on each other as each inch filled her. She felt like wet satin around his throbbing erection. He’d never experienced such total sensory overload. The combination of being with the woman he loved, the physical sensations of not wearing a condom, and the knowledge that they could create a child from their act of love all pushed him toward what he knew would be an explosive orgasm.

  His first few thrusts were of necessity slow but hard. His control hung by a very fragile thread. While his head wanted to s
avor the rush of ecstasy he felt at the sensation of his naked cock being clasped by her tight pussy, his balls just wanted to show how much the experience turned him on by bathing her in his semen. Once he’d gotten used to how different it felt, he regained some control over his body and set up a rocking rhythm of thrusts guaranteed to push Gia over the edge.

  She locked her legs around him, lifting her hips into his thrusts. Her fingers dug into his buttocks, urging him on. Braced on his arms above her, he stared down at the woman he loved, lost in lust as she arched toward him. With her head thrown back, her dark hair spilled across his pillows wantonly. Incoherent moans and mewls issued from her mouth, growing in strength as his cock pushed ever deeper and stronger into her pussy.

  The first ripple of her orgasm came from the frantic clasp of her vaginal muscles around his erection. Then her body quivered and her head thrashed on the pillows. Eyes wide and wild with emotion, she surged up against him, wrapping her arms around him as she jerked with the force of her pleasure.


  Her cry came out strangled with emotion and Sin felt an answering cry rise within him. Heat streaked down his spine, settling into his groin in a rush as his orgasm hit him suddenly like a tsunami rising rapidly and relentlessly, drowning everything in its path. Her name burst from his lips as his cock jerked inside her, spilling his seed in a hot rush.


  Sin held her tightly, his mouth caressing hers in a kiss filled with love and promise. Silvery tears spilled from her eyes and he gently brushed them away. He held her reverently, with all the gentleness he’d never had the chance to show her before.

  Gia stared up at him, eyes luminous with emotion. She touched his mouth with a fingertip and in a soft voice, choked with love, she sang to him.

  Lay with me

  Close to my heart

  Breathe my air

  Let my love start

  To heal your wounds

  Our love unfurled

  You hold me tight

  And just rock my world

  Sin’s chest ached with the love she roused within him.

  “I wrote that song about the man I dreamed would one day love me. That means I wrote it for you, Sinclair. You are the beat of my heart. The air that I breathe. You rocked my world right down to its foundations until my world has become…you.”

  Sin knew that they were sweaty and cum-stained and sticky. He knew that his weight had Gia pinned to the mattress. He knew that outside his bedroom door were his family and her band and the tour and the threat of Reinhardt. But in that moment, in the cocoon of their love and commitment to each other, nothing else in the world mattered.

  “Baby, I’m glad you feel that way, because you rocked my world from that very first night and I can’t live without you.”

  He kissed her again, their tongues dueling sweetly. Then he pulled back slightly and sang a snippet of the song they’d written together.

  My eyes, my arms are open wide

  My heart knows that this is right

  Always my soul belongs to you

  Traded for a piece of heaven tonight

  Gia grinned up at him. “Wrong key, Sin-ful,” she murmured wickedly.

  Sin shook his head. “No way. My song. My key.” He lifted her hand and kissed her ring finger above the ring he’d placed there. “My woman.”

  She threw back her head and laughed joyously. Sin felt his world turn on its axis as she opened her arms, drew him close, and proceeded to rock his world once more.


  Nine Weeks Later

  Bellagio Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas

  Gia straightened James’ tie, then moved on to Derek’s, Joey’s and Ray-Ray’s.

  “Stop fussing,” Heidi ordered. “Your bridesmen all look just fine despite the fact that I can’t get them to remove their fucking sunglasses.”

  Gia grinned. All the men except James wore sunglasses in deference to the hot Nevada sun that awaited them on the Bellagio’s terrace.

  “You go on out there. We’ll be fine. I just need a minute with my guys,” Gia told her assistant.

  Heidi gave her an “are you sure?” look, but then smiled and slipped out the door. Gia had fielded an endless parade of those looks and questions ever since she announced that she was marrying Sin. No one had any objections to her being with Sin. They just had a tough time accepting the fact that she’d turned totally traditional and would be making their union legal.

  Truthfully, she’d had some reservations. One of the biggest had to do with Reinhardt. Fortunately, he’d been caught on the California-Oregon border the day after she’d shown up at Sin’s house begging him to take her back. Reinhardt had found an online article from Sin’s local paper about the star being back in town. Once he’d known where to find Sin, he’d headed straight there. The authorities had found a diary on him that detailed his thoughts about Gia, his plans to rape her, kill her and kill Sin. Coupled with all the other laws he’d broken, this time the authorities had enough evidence to put him away for a very long time.

  Her other reservations, about being too old for Sin and being too old to have kids had been put to rest by Sin’s own mother. She’d told Gia about having Sin’s younger brother Rich at the age of forty. And Sin’s stepfather, whom Gia had liked instantly, turned out to be a dozen years his wife’s junior. Seeing how Sin’s mother and stepfather had made the cougar relationship work for twenty years settled Gia’s fears. By the time they’d left Oregon, Gia couldn’t wait to put a ring on Sin’s finger.

  She smoothed one hand over the white silk of her custom Monique Lhuillier gown. The structured corset bodice laced up the back with satin ribbons and bared her shoulders and back in a very sexy manner. As a counterpoint, the full satin skirt belled out in a traditional design with layers of tulle beneath and a detachable train that seemed to weigh about twenty pounds to Gia, who either had to carry or drag the damn thing. She thought she looked pretty traditional by most standards, despite the swirling black lines and red heart of the tattoo that decorated her left biceps, proclaiming, “I was made for Sin.”

  At least the redness of the new tattoo had dissipated in time for the ceremony, she thought wryly.

  James cleared his throat and pointed to the clock. Gia stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Ain’t never been a bridesmaid before,” Ray-Ray said with bemused smile. “Guess there’s a first time for everything.”

  “And a last,” Derek snorted, tugging at his tux jacket awkwardly.

  “It could be worse. At least I’m not making you carry flowers,” Gia pointed out.

  They all made faces at her words and she grinned again.

  “I don’t expect to ever do this again,” she told them. “So I want to do it right and I want to show Sin how much he means to me by giving him the trappings, the words, the piece of paper, all of it right down to this fucking train that feels like I’m pulling Mount Everest behind me.”

  Joey snickered and she smacked him in the arm.

  “I realize that I’m not a very conventional person and having four men as attendants instead of women is kinda pushing the envelope. But I don’t have four female friends and even if I did they don’t belong walking down the aisle with me. You guys are my family,” she explained. “You belong at my side when I say those vows to Sin. Until he came along, you were the only men in my life, the only men I loved. It’s fitting that you give me away to him.”

  Derek cleared his throat noisily. “Gia, as uncomfortable as the penguin suits are, I know I speak for all of us when I say that we wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he informed her in a husky voice that gave away his emotions.

  The other guys nodded their agreement. Someone knocked on the door and Steve, their stage manager, stuck his head in. He held up his hand and beckoned to them just as if they were about to go on stage. Gia took hold of the arm James held out to her. The others kissed her cheek one by one and lined up in front of her. Steve threw open the door and the so
und of Rock My World drifted to them. Ray-Ray stepped out into the sunshine, walking down a staircase to the terrace followed by Joey and then Derek.

  Gia drew a deep breath and looked at her engagement ring winking from the hand that held her bouquet of sterling roses. The lavender of the flowers and the deep purple of the iolites were the only color she wore that day. The words and music she had written long ago at the start of her career flowed around her. Sin had given her everything she’d dreamed of having when she wrote the song.

  The music changed and James squeezed her hand. “It’s time,” he murmured, bending to press a kiss to her cheek. “Break a leg, darlin’.”

  They stepped out onto the balcony as the haunting, beautiful piano notes of Piece of Heaven swelled around them. Gia and Sin had recorded the song just for their wedding, with Sin playing the piano and Gia singing. Sin had sung along only on the last chorus.

  Gia clung to James’ arm as they stepped carefully down the staircase to where the rest of Firewire stood waiting for them. Across from the band, Sin stood with Wade at his side in the best man’s spot. Sin’s eyes met hers and the music he wrote for her filled her soul as she walked toward him. The hand that held her bouquet pressed against her belly where their child already nestled. They’d had the pregnancy officially confirmed only the week before. Gia thought it the perfect wedding gift for the man she loved.

  When they reached Sin, James took her bouquet and put her hand in Sin’s. She looked up into her lover’s blue eyes and found them dark with emotion.

  “You are my piece of heaven, Gia Santora, soon to be Gia Carstens,” he whispered.

  She smiled at him and reached up to brush back a lock of his sun-streaked hair. “That’s good, ’cause yanno, Sinclair, you totally rock my world.”

  And then, despite the fact that it wasn’t yet time for the groom to kiss the bride, Sin bent and took her mouth in a swift, hard kiss. “I guess we’re just rockin’ together then, Gia, cause you rock mine too,” he admitted softly.


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