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Untamed Fire

Page 21

by Donna Fletcher

  Gaby lay against his chest, her arm draped across his waist and her legs snuggled between his two powerful ones. She felt content, safe.

  Rafael laid quiet, caressing Gaby’s arm. “I was demanding tonight. I did not hurt you, did I?”

  The concern in his voice touched her heart. “You did not hurt me... you brought me the most amazing pleasure.”

  He smiled. He was glad she was the type of woman who wasn’t ashamed of her passionate feelings. He liked when she told him how much she enjoyed their lovemaking. A sudden thought struck him.


  “Yes,” she murmured her voice weary with sleep.

  “No one but me shall ever touch you.”

  His words were adamant and strange to her sleepy ears. Was he telling her that he wanted them to remain together forever?

  “No one!” he repeated adamantly.

  Funny, she thought, drifting into a peaceful slumber, he sounded like a man in love, but that wasn’t possible... was it?

  Chapter Twenty

  Gaby had been busy since sunrise. Dona Maria was beside herself. She wanted everything perfect for the festivities tonight. Fifty guests, influential rancheros, would be attending, many she hadn’t seen since her husband’s death.

  Senor Serra was one of them. Gaby smiled as she walked toward the vegetable garden. Senor Serra had become a regular visitor to the hacienda. Every Sunday he would come and he and Dona Maria would sit in the courtyard talking.

  She was pleased that Rafael’s mother had regained her strength and wasn’t ill any longer. Not that she was ever physically ill, it was mostly emotional, feeling she wasn’t loved or needed anymore.

  Actually, Gaby had worked herself out of a job. The first month she was there Dona Maria needed her constant attention, but as time passed and her strength grew, Gaby found more of her duties were directed to the house and helping Lupe and the staff.

  She didn’t mind, she’d do anything as long as she was kept busy. She couldn’t stand to be idle, do nothing.

  She stopped a minute before entering the garden. She had been here just over three months. Her term of punishment would fast be coming to an end. What then? Rafael had spoken often of her staying on, but she realized that wouldn’t be possible, not under the circumstances.

  Tell Padre Jose!

  Lupe’s voice kept nagging at her. Still, she didn’t know what to do. She picked up her basket and walked into the garden picking the fat squash Lupe had specifically requested.

  The rustle of the bushes on the outskirts of the far end of the garden caught her attention. She heard noises, but they were indistinguishable. She walked toward the sounds wondering if someone was in trouble.

  As she approached the bushes, the noises stopped and so did the rustling. She was about to turn around, thinking it was an animal hunting for food when her eyes caught sight of Nieto’s hat lying near the far edge of the shrubbery.

  She didn’t hesitate; she ran towards it scooping it up. It was crushed and smudged with dirt. Gaby grew angry. If those boys had harmed him, she’d beat them silly. She marched around the bushes calling out his name.

  The area was so dense with undergrowth and trees that there was barely a path to walk along. Some of the bushes had thorns and they tore at her bare arms, leaving long red scratches.

  She stopped a moment to check her surroundings. That’s when she heard the rushing noise, like pounding feet running rapidly toward her. She didn’t turn around, something warned her against it... and so she ran, shoving at the branches that continued to rip at her skin.

  Her breathing grew heavy. Her chest felt as if it would explode from the awful exertion. She didn’t know where she was headed; she just kept going, not daring to take a glance back. Until something hard and solid slammed into her back, sending her toppling to the ground. Her face smashed into the dirt and leaves. Her body was pushed down as her assailant sprawled on top of her, pressing roughly against her. Her unseen assailant grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back. A shiny blade was held in front of her eyes.

  “Move and I’ll cut your throat,” the growling voice warned.

  She didn’t move. The blade was too close, too sharp, too threatening. She remained still.

  The man laughed. “We’re gonna have a good time, you and me.” Then his other hand began pushing up her skirt, fondling her buttocks, pinching the delicate skin until she wanted to scream.

  He moved the blade away from her face, pushing her nose down into the dirt and resting the sharp point against the back of her neck. “Don’t fight me, bitch,” he warned.

  She continued to remain still.

  She bit her lip against his painful pinches and intimate touches. His fingers dug between her legs and she wanted to scream for him to stop, but as if he guessed her intentions, he pushed the blade harder against her neck.

  She felt him fumbling with himself and knew he was getting ready to rape her. She had to do something. She couldn’t just lie there and accept what was happening to her. Even with the knife to her neck she had to try... she had to.

  “You’re gonna like this, bitch,” he said with a laugh. “You’re gonna like it a lot better then what Rafael Cabrillo does to you.”

  Gaby didn’t remember quite what she did, though she knew that her fury sparked her strength and gave her courage. It all happened so fast. Her hand reached for the thick rock as soon as her eyes spotted it. Then with every ounce of strength she possessed she swung it back smashing it against him. Where it landed she wasn’t certain, but it must have been a good shot because he dropped his knife and fell off her.

  She didn’t look back to see if she knew her attacker... her only thought was to get away. She kept running, her breathing heavy, and her leg muscles screaming in protest and still she ran. Finally, she broke through the brushes into a clearing.

  Carlos spotted her and hurried his horse over to her. She scrambled to get up on the saddle with him.

  “Please,” she pleaded, trying desperately to join him, “get me out of here.”

  He was shocked by her disheveled appearance and assumed the obvious... she had been attacked. He hoisted her up in the saddle behind him and rode hard and fast to the hacienda. And he prayed that he would not have to be the one to tell Don Rafael about this.

  Lupe was summoned to Gaby’s quarters immediately. She was beside herself when she saw her condition.

  “Oh Madre Dios!” she whispered and crossed herself.

  Gaby attempted to calm Lupe. “It’s not as bad as it looks. My arms are just scratched. They look bad because of the blood. And my face is only smudged with dirt. See,” she said and began wiping it clean with the wet cloth from the basin.

  “Sit,” she ordered, “and I will tend to you.”

  “I will stand,” Gaby said, having tried to sit and finding it too painful at the moment.

  “What did he do to you?” Lupe asked softly as she began to clean her cuts.

  “Nothing, he did nothing.”

  “But he tried?”

  “Yes,” Gaby whispered, “he tried.”

  Lupe shook her head as she cleaned the cuts and wiped her face. They didn’t speak. They worked together in silence each at a loss for words.

  The door flung open with such fury that it rattled anything that wasn’t secured. “Leave, Lupe.” Rafael’s command left no room for refusal. She dropped the cloth and hurried out, the door slamming shut quickly behind her.

  Gaby stood still as he approached her, although her bottom lip began to quiver slightly.

  Rafael was furious. He never thought such rage could exist inside him. He thought he had experienced it all the day he had found his wife and child murdered. But his rage had returned far worse than it ever had been. He not only wanted to kill whoever had hurt Gaby, he wanted to make him suffer.

  “What happened?” he demanded.

  Gaby’s stomach clenched. How could she tell him what happened when she didn’t want to think about it,
didn’t want to recall it. Reluctantly and hesitantly, she detailed the attack, though when she reached the part where her attacker had taken liberties with her, she began to choke on her words.

  “Sit, querida, and tell me,” he said and gently pushed her to sit in the chair.

  “No,” she yelled before her tender bottom connected with the hard wood.

  Rafael stiffened and gripped her shoulders trying hard to contain the anger growing ever stronger within him. “What did he do to you?”

  “Please, Rafael, don’t make me tell you. I can’t right now.”

  “Then I’ll see for myself.” His hand went to her waistband.

  She grabbed it. “No.”

  “Then tell me.” His voice had calmed but not his anger.

  “Rafael, please,” she begged once again.

  Suddenly his rage was replaced by her pain. And all he wanted to do was chase away her suffering. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

  She sighed, grateful for the comfort he offered. His arms, and only his arms, could provide the haven of safety where she was free to cry and wash away the horrible ordeal.

  She buried her face against his chest, his shirt muffing her cries for what seemed like an eternity to him. But he did not let go of her; he held her tightly, keeping her safe and allowed her, her tears.

  When she finally spent most of them, she sniffled and raised her face to him. “He didn’t rape me,” she said matter-of-factly.

  He looked down at her; his expression serious. “What did he do?”

  Gaby swallowed hard and fought the impending tears. “He touched me.”

  “His touch was hurtful? That is why you cannot sit?” he asked, his fury once again mounting.

  She nodded. “His pinches were brutal.”

  Rafael felt his whole body grow rigid with fury. “Let me see.”

  She shook her head and attempted to step away from him.

  He wouldn’t let her; he held her firm and remained silent.

  “Please, Rafael, I cannot,” she said and dropped her head against his chest.

  His hand soothed her, stroking her hair, but he remained silent. She relaxed against him until his hand descended to her buttocks.

  “Rafael, no,” she protested and attempted to pull away.

  “Shhh, querida,” he soothed not wanting to upset her any further. He eased her head to rest upon his chest. “Just let me touch you and prove to myself you are all right.”

  She didn’t argue. She felt so very safe in his arms, and though it seemed childish she had the feeling that if he touched her there, he would take away the pain and make it all better.

  His touch was gentle and kind as he examined the welts with his fingers. He could only imagine what they looked like. He wanted to see for himself, but he knew he would only cause her more pain and embarrassment if he forced the issue.

  He continued to stroke her backside, easing not only her pain, but his as well.

  “You will go nowhere alone and you will let me know your whereabouts at all times.”


  “No buts. You will do as I say or else.”

  “Or else what?” she asked.

  Rafael didn’t have to see her face to see that she was smiling. He was relieved, although he wanted her to realize just how serious the situation and what protective measures must be taken.

  “Or else you may die.”

  Gaby pulled away from his chest, but not out of his arms.

  He didn’t allow her to speak, placing a finger to her lips. “There has been one murder. I will not see another, especially on Cabrillo land.”

  “Do you think the man that did this to me murdered Padre Manuel? I really didn’t get to see him. He remained behind me, out of sight.”

  Rafael didn’t like the picture her words painted. When he found the bastard, he would pay. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to take any chances. The padre always treated you as his favorite. Did he ever confide anything in you, even something you may think unimportant?”

  Gaby thought. There was that one night, but that only concerned her, and she had promised the padre she would tell no one. She shook her head. “Nothing I can think of right now.”

  “Think on it, you may remember something,” he said. “And meanwhile, you will listen to me, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Rafael, I will listen. I will always inform someone of my whereabouts.”

  He shook his head. “No, you will always inform me of your whereabouts.”


  “Me!” he insisted.

  She agreed with a quick nod.

  “Rest for the remainder of the day.”

  “I feel fine and I wish to help. There is much to do.”

  Rafael realized she didn’t want to be alone. She was still somewhat fearful and rightfully so after what she had suffered. “Good. There is much to do in the house. Stay there and see to the chores.”

  She agreed with a smile and hugged him.

  He returned her hug, not wanting to let go of her, preferring to keep her near but knowing at the moment that was not possible. He had to let her go and see to securing the ranch, but first he had to kiss her. He needed to kiss her, taste her, revel in her sweetness. And so he did, lingering and savoring the taste of her until finally he forced himself to bring it to an end... for now.

  “I will send Lupe to finish helping you,” he said as he reluctantly let go of her. It did not help that she clung to his shirt and that he had to ease her hands off him. She did not want him to leave as much as he did not wish to go.

  When Rafael finally stepped outside, he took a deep, controlling breath before issuing orders to Lupe. “See to her and make certain you and the other servants keep an eye on her at all times. I will also make certain that a guard remains close by. Gaby is not to be left alone. And don’t let my mother or the guests hear of this.”

  “Si, Don Rafael,” Lupe said, understanding this was not to be gossiped about. She hurried into Gaby’s quarters, wanting to make certain the young girl was all right.

  He turned to Carlos who had remained outside Gaby’s door. “Round up fifty good vaqueros and see if you can hunt the bastard down. If you find anyone—that doesn’t belong on Cabrillo land—bring him here to me.”

  Carlos nodded and turned to carry out his orders.

  “And, Carlos.”

  He turned back around.

  “Make sure no one touches him... I want that pleasure.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  By early evening Gaby was feeling her old self again. The scratches on her arms weren’t as noticeable after they had been cleaned and salve put on them. Her backside was healing nicely, especially since she had not sat down since the incident. There was little soreness and Lupe had informed her that the redness was almost gone.

  What did remain was the nagging feeling that her attacker had been watching her. He had to have been to have made the remark about Rafael. Somehow the assailant had known she and Rafael had been intimate and the only possible way for him to have that information was for him to have been watching them.

  She had to tell Rafael of this. It was important that he know, perhaps later, after the guests left she could seek him out.

  Satisfied with her decision, Gaby finished dressing. Dona Maria had specially requested all the household staff to wear the new white outfits she had ordered made for the occasion. It was a simple white blouse and skirt with a white sash. It was nice, but plain.

  Gaby decided tonight she would wear a special piece of jewelry. Actually, the only piece of jewelry she owned. She lifted the frayed, blue cloth from the drawer and carefully laid it on the dresser. She pulled back the material and smiled.

  She would never get over the beauty of the cross. It was a fairly large gold cross hanging from a heavy chain. A circle sat behind it with Latin words engraved in the areas that weren’t attached to the cross.

  Padre Manuel had called her into his personal study one eve
ning. She had been frightened, thinking she had done something seriously wrong to have been called there.

  The old padre had told her then. She had not believed him at first. How could she? How could she believe, at fifteen, that she was not the Alvardos’ true daughter, that she had been left at the mission doors when only a babe.

  He had given her the cross that night, explaining to her that it had been left in the basket with her. He assumed it was the only connection to her true parents. He told her that she must never tell anyone, that he had kept the secret for years and wished it to remain so. He had insisted that it was better for all concerned.

  She had often wondered if he had known who her true parents were, but was bound by his religious duty not to divulge the information.

  Gaby placed the cross around her neck. It rested comfortably between her breasts. Whoever her parents had been, they had wanted her to have a remembrance of them. She was grateful for that, but she was also grateful that the Alvardos had taken her in and made her one of their own. They were her true parents.

  Gaby quickly worked the white ribbon into her braid, fearing she was late. She had promised Lupe she’d help arrange the food on the tables that had been placed in the courtyard for the evening event. She grabbed her sandals from the foot of her bed and raced out of her quarters. She was slipping them on her feet as she entered the hacienda to see if Dona Maria needed her before she helped Lupe.

  She was struggling with one reluctant sandal, not paying attention to her direction and collided with Ignacio.

  “In a hurry?” he asked, steadying her with his hands and squeezing her arms as though he had no intentions of letting her go.

  “Yes,” she answered and attempted to pull away.

  “Not so fast. I find I need assistance.”

  Gaby was reluctant to ask what type of assistance he required. “I’ll get one of the servants to help you.”


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