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Engaging Gren

Page 9

by Marie Harte

  He sighed. “I told you before. Slaves have little rights and even less to wear. I have to try to sell you. In order to do so, I have to showcase your wares.” He gave her scantily clad form, still covered by a towel, a heated perusal. “Trust me, our scheme is already working. Parading you around in any of that is sure to keep us in the auction loop.” He nodded at the items on the bed and briefly explained his visit with Ceril.

  She finished her food and set the drink back on the table. “Are you going to fill Sernal and Rafe in on what you’ve learned?”

  “Later.” He mentally calculated their timetable. “We need to show you off downtown, and then get off this planet before Rorn sends any more peacemakers to keep an eye on you.”

  “More peacemakers?” Her lavender eyes darkened with concern.

  “We’ve got two outside keeping watch. They’re too sloppy to be Sernal’s men. I’ve got a feeling once we’re in the open they’ll make a play to snatch you back.”

  “We can’t have that.” Temis approached the bed and held up the blue silken top and bottom. After a moment, she sighed. “You need to dangle me out there so Rorn keeps his attention away from Sernal. I’ll change and be right back.”

  Gren felt a bit disappointed she hadn’t argued overly about the clothing. But apparently, even she understood the necessity of playing out her role.

  He sat down at the table and filled his body with nutrients while he tried to muster the control he would need to deal with Temis clad in next to nothing. The sexual drive he’d been master of since his sixteenth year flared out of control at thoughts of Temis as his personal slave.

  Should have soothed my cock earlier in town.

  To his shock a vehement, “No!” filled his mind. He started out of his seat, reaching for his absent sword still on Sernal’s ship.

  He glanced around, poised for attack. Expanding his senses only proved he and Temis shared the hideaway alone, confusing him all the more.

  “Well?” Temis’ voice floated through the air like a physical caress, her husky voice a prelude to the vision that soon followed.

  Gren stood motionless as she sashayed forward. Thin blue silk stretched taut to encase her generous breasts, the material barely enough to hold the round globes, plumping them for inspection.

  The pale skin of her corded abdomen invited touching, looking soft as velvet and just as luscious.

  His eyes lowered further to the thin triangle of silk protecting her smooth mound, framing the muscular expanse of long legs that seemed to go on forever.

  Swallowing to bring moisture to his suddenly dry throat, he glanced up to see Temis watching him warily. Her pink cheeks told him she found the outfit highly uncomfortable, but her stubborn refusal to protest further emphasised her acceptance of their roles.

  “It’s typical slave garb,” he said, aware his voice sounded overly deep. He cleared his throat and strove to keep his eyes on her face. Damn, but he was hard as a pike. “I figure one or two turns around town to gather a few supplies should do the trick.” He frowned down at her bare feet. “There are thin sandals in the bottom of the bag.”

  Still flushed, she nodded and bent over to grab them. Gren clenched his teeth at the sight of her taut ass. Bent over like that, the material slid between her ass cheeks like warm water, an invitation few would be able to resist.

  He lunged forward and grabbed the bag out of her hand, careful to minimise physical contact. “Here,” he growled and stalked back to the table.

  She gave him a quizzical glance before sitting on the bed to don the footwear. Flat soles strapped to her feet by long cords wrapped around her calves. When she finally stood, she said nothing, as if daring him to say something crude.

  Not wanting to disappoint her, he leered and winked. “Damn, Temis, but half the town will be a walking hard-on this morning.”

  She blushed bright red. “You are so crude.” He noticed she carefully avoided looking at his crotch.

  “But honest. If we had more time, I’d pry that fabric out of your ass and replace it with my dick. I’m so fucking hard for you.” He glanced down at himself, teasing himself as much as he teased her.

  A wave of feminine craving hit him hard. “There’ll be no more of that,” she spat, though her hard nipples and flushed skin gave protest to her words.

  Good. The more she argued, the better his chance of steering clear of this damned treacherous attraction. All too easily, he imagined her wrapped around his body while he rode her to climax. Just the thought of doing so jarred something deep within his mind, a union of spirit too encompassing for a loner like him.

  To avoid the connection, he leapt on the one thing still bothering him. “Temis? Did you hear someone in here with us earlier?”

  She refused to meet his gaze. “What do you mean?”

  To his surprise, he couldn’t read her mind. His attempt to pry into her thoughts, to make her tell the truth, fell flat. What the hell else could go wrong with this woman?

  “You were in the shower, and I was out here. I heard you say ‘no’.”

  “I did not.” She tossed back her hair and started stuffing the remaining slave clothes into the sack. “Look, we have to get moving if we’re going to stay on track.” She bent over again and he closed his eyes to keep from seeing that smooth ass.

  “Although, now would be an ideal time for you to come clean.” She straightened and stared at him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re either telepathic or empathic, and maybe something else.”

  He wondered where the hell this was coming from. I distinctly feel a woman’s presence in your mind, Lurin had said. Then Gren recalled entering her dream, feeling the strong hold she had in her alternate reality.

  “You ‘know’ I’m telepathic? Seems like I should be accusing you of the same.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t try to deny it, Gren. There’s no way you could have gotten me off Lady Justice the way you did unless you drugged me, and I know you didn’t. Then there’s the fact that you look in perfect condition despite the savage beating you took only two days ago.”

  She waited, and he knew he had to tell her something. She was too intelligent not to notice his differences.

  Damn Sernal. Why had the peacemaker demanded Temis work with him? The situation was growing annoyingly difficult. That a Thesha had to go so far to hide his powers…

  “You want to know my secrets?” Gren glared at her, pressing her to accept his explanation. “I’m a telepath with strong empathic traits. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been a fast healer. I don’t like my gifts advertised because it makes people less inclined to share information. And information is power in my line of work. More than that, it’s a lifeline.”

  He focused hard, harder than he should have had to, and saw her frown and reach for her temples. Sensing her pain he immediately withdrew his mindtouch, taking with it the hurt he’d caused.

  Because of his nature, the pain he received tripled, and it took all of his concentration not to appear injured.

  “Okay,” she said slowly. “I believe you.” She tossed the bag of clothing at him. “Now what?”

  “Now you wait while I finish my food,” he wheezed. He cursed Sernal to hell and replenished his energy with several succulent fruits. Aware of her stare the entire time, he kept his attention on the food.

  Once he finished, he swept the remaining fare into the bag and tossed it and her sack over his shoulder. He then opened a hidden storage cabinet in the wall and unlocked the panel. He withdrew a long, sharp sabre and scabbard.

  The frustrated fury on her face soothed him a bit.

  “Missed that, did you?” He shoved the blade into the scabbard and affixed it to his waist. Then he withdrew the silken leash and collar he’d hidden earlier in his pocket.

  “What is that?”

  “This is your handler’s way of holding onto his property.” He stared at the items with disgust. “It’s a common slave practice and one I’
ve adopted because it’s necessary, not out of any desire to degrade you,” he added softly.

  She eyed him warily but must have sensed his aversion to the practice for she slipped the collar on without a murmur. She attached the leash and placed the end of the strap in his hand.

  “Well, Master, what are we waiting for?” Temis gave him a cocky grin before she schooled her expression into one of vague adoration. She stroked his biceps, curling her fingers over his muscle. “Let’s show Reykhold your captive peacemaker.”

  Gren stared at her, aware at this moment that though he held the leash, she somehow held the reins.

  Chapter Nine

  The walk through town had made Temis want to cringe. Men and women appeared out of nowhere on the sparsely populated street, all begging to touch, to sample her delights.

  Gren managed an arrogant yet frighteningly intimidating demeanour, stating boldly that he had other plans for his tasty little slave anytime anyone asked.

  Tasty little slave.

  In the private, smoke-filled room, she eyed him through narrowed lashes, waiting on her knees by his side, while his friend Ceril tried to see through her clothing.

  “By Feru’s balls, Gren. That is the finest set of tits I’ve ever seen.” Ceril managed to conceal the drool no doubt pooling between his fat jowls. And not only did he smell awful, but he spread his legs wide, making no effort to hide the puny erection beneath his barrel of a belly.

  Gren grinned and stroked her shoulder, petting his slave. She wanted to bite his hand off. As if he sensed her annoyance, he eased his hand towards her breast in warning.

  She immediately calmed herself and focused on Gren. She knew meeting Ceril hadn’t been necessary, but a test to see if she could pull off her ruse. The only thing that made this not as bad as it could have been was Gren’s hostility, worn close to his body like armour.

  He disliked parading her around as much as she hated it. And though he hadn’t joked any more about it, she knew he wanted her with every breath he took.

  She leaned closer to his touch and he moved his hand back up to her shoulder, letting her know he’d received the message that she could handle this little show.

  Temis sat on her knees waiting for him to finish small talk with Ceril. She still didn’t believe Gren’s tale of being a ’telepath with empathic traits’. She’d never heard of a telepath being able to cause telepathy in another. Controlling dreams was one thing. Hearing another’s thoughts, feeling another’s feelings, was a distinct impossibility for a woman with her background.

  The fact that she still sensed Gren’s desire so strongly, that every now and then she heard a glimpse of his powerfully projected thoughts, captivated her imagination. Though she strove to remain distant, a large and growing part of her wanted to learn all his secrets.

  When he’d thought about relieving his arousal in town, she been enraged enough to protest. That he’d mentally heard her ‘No!’ had shocked her into instant retreat. That and the fact she was jealous in the first place. Ever since she’d shared intimacies with Gren, she’d been acting like a stranger to herself. And jealousy was nowhere near the top of her list.

  Though a strong woman, Temis had never thought she might have to face such a challenge in her lifetime. Being tortured or taken hostage, forced to kill in order to preserve life, those instances she had easily imagined and come to terms with. But sharing another’s thoughts?

  She still couldn’t be sure Gren wasn’t hearing her. She thought the solid barrier she’d erected earlier in the day held fast, but she couldn’t be sure. She’d felt his tentative probe several times along their walk but refused to yield.

  A physical tugging pulled her attention back to Gren. She forced herself to regard him with a hazy expression.

  “She sure is beautiful.” Ceril sighed.

  “I know. But you should have seen her before I dosed her food with mernal. A peacemaker with attitude who couldn’t see herself as anything but the law.” Gren’s full lips curved into a grin that made her catch her breath. “Of course, after a night with me she toned down quite a bit.” Ceril chuckled and she wanted to bite Gren wherever she could reach him. As if a night with him could tame her. Ha. “There’s a hot, wet woman under all that law. So fine and full, just waiting to be set free.”

  He trailed a hand over her nipple, and a burst of heat made her instantly wet. Pleasure exploded in her core. She couldn’t contain a moan of pleasure as she leaned into the hand on her breast.

  Ceril fairly leap out of his chair. “You’re sure you have to leave now? Just an hour with her, Gren. Okay, a half hour. Ten minutes?”

  “Sorry, Ceril. Those peacemakers are breathing down my neck. I guarantee the minute I leave they’ll be on me. Better I get her safely aboard the shuttle and gone before they come after you for helping me.”

  Ceril nodded dejectedly. “Good point. But damn me, she’s got me so ready. Carrna, come here, girl!” he called to a pleasurer lingering outside the small room. “Good luck, Gren. And let me know how things turn out.”

  Gren waved and stood, careful to wait until Temis stood with him. The leash between them wasn’t very long, and as tight as the collar was, a hard tug would hurt. Made of Nebe silk, the collar didn’t pinch, but it left little room to escape.

  “Come, love,” Gren cajoled as he pulled her with him. She stared straight at Gren, conscious of Ceril’s moans behind her. She couldn’t help a blush, nor the niggle of irritation at Gren’s laugher.

  He took her with him out a side exit and immediately guided her into the darkened portion of the alley away from the main street. Pressing her into the steel wall of the building, he ground his iron hard arousal against her belly.


  Hard lips closed over hers with fiery need. A wave of desire hit her with such intensity it knocked her knees from under her. Only Gren’s firm grasp kept her upright against the wall. “Oh, wow.”

  “Don’t move,” he murmured against her mouth. “The peacemakers are at the end of the alley waiting to take you. Just go along with me to distract them.”

  “Are you sure this is all for their sake?” she asked in a soft, breathy voice, angry that he so easily stoked her passion. “I don’t think—”

  “Good. Don’t think, just feel.” He thrust against her, and their clothing might as well have been nonexistent. She swore she could feel his naked cock against her flesh. “I want you to come for me, sweet. Get nice and wet.”

  He nuzzled her neck, and the need to come burst through her as heat welled in her centre. She moaned his name as he pumped against her belly. Odd sensations filled her mind, visions of intimacies with Gren so shocking they could only have come from him.

  Definitely more than a telepath, she thought as she cried out her orgasm, right there in a public alleyway still wearing what little clothes she’d been given. Before she could say anything, Gren left her sagging against the wall.

  She dazedly stared at the scene before her, not sure what was real. Gren fought two peacemakers, one of whom she recognised as Rorn’s man. Gren knocked both men unconscious with ease and left them in a heap on the ground.

  He turned to her with a ferocious glow in his eyes, a blazing green light that called to the woman inside her.

  Then he blinked and returned to her side.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Just fine,” she answered and yanked his head to hers. She sealed their mouths with an aggression that surprised her.

  He tasted so sweet, so full of life and energy. She thrust her tongue between his lips and he groaned. But it wasn’t enough.

  Reaching between them, she burrowed her hands into his trousers, sighing when her palms closed around his turgid length.

  “No, Temis,” he gasped but pressed helplessly against her. “No time,” he whispered as she began pumping him.

  “Yes, Gren.” She stroked him and returned to him the images she’d recently viewed.

  He grew harder and his hot cock
burned in her palms.

  “Now’s the perfect time,” she purred and kissed him again.

  She couldn’t explain her desperate need to touch him, to bring him to the edge of desire and further. Touching him was like a drug, addicting as it pushed her higher and higher.

  His large hands grasped her shoulders as if to push her away, but instead he held her tight as she primed him, readying his climax. His balls grew tight, hard and warm in her hand while she played with him. The foreign, masculine shape of him captivated her. She’d kissed him there, tasted the male salt of his seed.

  “Oh, sura, I can’t take any more,” he groaned and spilled into her hands. He shuddered while warm, white cream filled her palms. He gave her quite a lot of it, and she smoothed the moisture over his long shaft, relishing his moans of repletion.

  When she sucked hard on his tongue, he tensed and shot a second load over her fingers. A burst of energy filled her, a joyous flare of power that made her feel stronger and more alive than she’d ever before felt.

  She opened her eyes and stared at Gren’s harsh face thrown back in bliss. He seemed to glow, his body bathed in a preternatural light that illuminated the alleyway.

  His unsteady breathing matched hers. When he finally opened his eyes, his fathomless black gaze pulled her until their souls seemed to touch.

  She must have blacked out, for the next thing she knew, she laid in a small cabin aboard a foreign vessel. When she sat up, she wavered, lightheaded yet in no way pained.

  Gren’s voice floated to her from another part of the ship. As soon as she regained her bearings she joined him in the small cockpit of what looked like a shuttle/fighter hybrid, a Mornian craft, judging from the steel construction around her.

  “Hello,” Gren greeted her with a husky voice, his eyes lingering on her breasts before lighting on her face. “Feeling better?”

  “I feel amazing,” she admitted and sat next to him in the only other seat available in the narrow room. She stared at him hungrily, wanting him all over again. “Did you drug me?”

  He gave her a sharp glance. “No. Why? Do you feel ill?” He set the autopilot and turned to her.


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