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Redemption: Book 2 of Warner's World

Page 3

by Dave O'Connor

  There was a significant pause as Pious took in this last statement. Soola’s tone was ominous. Pious was quickly weighing up options. It was obvious they were outgunned and could not enforce their claim.

  Before Pious could crystalize his response, Soola added “We can, however, help you pursue the sleth. Our best estimate is that they have withdrawn to their base on Zuon. We do not seek conflict with you Humans.”

  Pious knew that this was about as good as he was going to get at this stage. “We thank you for your offer of intelligence on the sleth. However, we will refer the matter of territorial rights to our Federation Council. In no way do we relinquish our rights nor acknowledge your claim to this space. This will be a matter for further diplomacy.”

  “As you wish Commodore” said Soola. “In the meantime, you will submit your craft to inspection. Please prepare to be boarded.”

  “I’m afraid that that will not be possible Admiral” responded Pious. “Such a demand is not the act of a friendly power.”

  “It is the rogan way” said a contemptuous Soola. “Submit to boarding or leave forthwith.”

  Dave typed into the console in front of him. The words “Warp to Doban” and “report to Fleet” flashed on the main screen for Pious to read and to queue Ella and Ivan. Pious turned to Dave and nodded. Ella stood by ready to execute and Ivan was madly constructing a report to send to Fleet before they went into warp.

  “All right Admiral we are leaving” said Pious and he promptly terminated the comms exchange.

  “Washington this is Hermes. Warp to Doban immediately” commanded Ella. “Prepare to Warp. Warp in 2 minutes.” She turned to Ivan. “How long Ivan?”

  “One minute” he replied without looking up from his console.

  Turning to Chase, Ella ordered “Set coordinates as per contingency plan Bravo and relay to Washington.”

  “Roger Maam” replied Chase as he selected the contingency plan and hit Commit. The coordinates for the jump were inputted to the nav systems and a data packet sent to the Washington and automatically routed to its nav system. The battle display was updated simultaneously in the command centre as it would be on the Washington.

  As soon as Ella saw the update she asked “Ivan…” but he cut her off. “Report sent Maam.”

  Ella ordered “Warp in 5, 4, 3, 2, warp!”

  After the initial jump Pious undid his harness, stood up and turned to Dave “Come on. We need to discuss options” and he headed out in the direction of the briefing room accompanied by Justine Packer.

  “Right Sir” responded Dave and to Ella “thank you Ella. Hand over to Aubrey and come with me. You too Chase, Art.”

  They made haste to catch up with Pious. They could tell he wasn’t happy. He didn’t look any happier when they sat down around the briefing table.

  “Well it never rains. Does it?” he said once they were all seated. “What arrogance!” His face was starting to go red. Christine put her hand on his trying to calm him down. He half looked her way and nodded his appreciation, regaining some composure. “Right then. What did you make of that?”

  The others looked to Dave. They obviously didn’t feel comfortable with talking first. “It’s certainly not what we expected” said Dave stating the obvious. This Admiral Soola sounds like someone used to getting his own way. I suppose that comes with having a huge fleet of ships at your disposal. Chase what did the intel system determine on their fleet?”

  Chase was bringing up the intel display on the console. “Looks like four caps, ten lights and four fighters – most likely on CAP. So at least one of those caps must be a carrier of some sort. There was also a further six transports on the far side and we detected another five shuttles either in transit to the asteroid or on the surface.”

  He manipulated the console to fire up the main holographic display in the centre of the briefing room. The rogan fleet ships could be seen above the asteroid. Chase adjusted the controls to zoom in on the surface where there was an obvious facility of some sorts.

  “The fidelity isn’t that good I’m afraid” apologise Chase. “Could be anything…accommodation, stores, workshops. But it’s not extensive. So I’d say a temporary staging base.”

  “So our estimates of about Chelora were probably correct” said Pious “which means their real base is elsewhere…maybe at Zuon. What do you think Dave?”

  “Could well be Sir” replied Dave. “It’s our only lead. I suspect the rogan are all too happy to let us mop up their enemy. But does this encounter with the rogan change our mission?”

  Art was visibly anxious at this point. Dave could see him shift his position in his seat.

  “It certainly complicates matters. That’s for sure!” said Pious. “Their presence must be responded to. We need first to find out a whole lot more about them. Where have they come from, for a start.”

  “They have one obviously superior capability to us” said Ella “they could communicate in perfect English. How could they do that if this is supposed to be first contact?”

  Dave just shrugged his shoulders and looked around at the others. No one had an answer.

  Ella went on “We need to find out what their intentions are, not just in terms of Chelora but in regard to the rest of Federation and Alliance space. They struck me as though they didn’t care much for establishing good relations.”

  “But that could just be their temperament” chimed in Art. “As he said ‘it’s the rogan way’. Maybe they are used to imperial rule in their own space and have had little experience in diplomacy with other races. We just don’t know and we should be careful about jumping to conclusions in regard to their intent.”

  “Well said Art” said Pious. “That’s a good reminder to us all.” He then pondered for a moment and continued “if I was on the Federation or Alliance council I would want answers to these questions as soon as possible. I would expect that the commander on the spot would realise the import of this development and focus resources to get this intel.”

  “But surely Sir” said Art “we can’t abandon our original mission.”

  Pious pondered some more. Art looked across to Dave with an imploring expression. Dave felt for Art. He was weighing up in his own mind the competing priorities.

  But before he could say anything Pious responded “no we can’t do that either. We will have to split our force.” Pious looked to Art. He could see a little relief on an otherwise anxious face and he knew that Dave would want to support his best friend.

  “OK I think it best if we assign the Hermes to pursue the sleth to Zuon leaving the Washington to reconnoitre the Chelora sector and gain whatever intel they can on the rogan. In particular we need to know where they are coming from, how big a force they have, what facilities they are building or enhancing on Chelora, and any movements to and from Chelora. They should also provide an early warning should these indicate a move on Federation or Alliance territory. If the opportunity presents itself, there may be scope for further contact with the rogan. But this would have to be handled very carefully.”

  While Pious paused Christine chimed in “Perhaps Julian, you and I would be best to accompany the Washington to handle such an opportunity. I would also like to report back to Alliance Council at the earliest opportunity. I realise that the Federation Fleet will relay the report young Mr Kiralenko sent earlier but the arrival of another powerful neighbour on the scene adds pressing need to formalise our temporary union.”

  “Quite so my dear” agreed Pious. “But that will leave any negotiations with the sleth down to you Dave.”

  “I understand Sir” said Dave. “You can rely on me. Peace if we can, war if we must.”

  “Exactly so” said Pious as he looked very seriously at his subordinate.

  Chapter 7. Klaster 2350, 22 June

  ‘There it was again - that annoying klaxon’ dreamed Rihan. She had been asleep for over an hour. ‘Where is that annoying sound coming from? Go away!’ But then her consciousness intervened. “Oh shit!�
� she said and reached for her communicator.

  “Yes what is it?” she asked but she wasn’t sure it came out clear or not. She was trying to force herself to wake up.

  “Maam…this is Liz” said LCmd Liz Adair, her deputy base commander. “We’re under attack. You need to evacuate down to the mine right now. Do you understand you must go right now? I will hold the blast doors open for five minutes.”

  “Right, Liz…I’m on my way” said Rihan. She terminated the call, jumped into her suit, pulled on her boots, fastened the seals on the suit, threw her normal clothes into her back pack, grabbed her helmet and side arm and ran down the stairs of Shangri La. Thankfully the sensors tracked her movement, lighting up the path ahead.

  “Prepare buggy” she yelled and the facilities AI went through the protocols and prepared her vehicle. By the time she reached the dock, it was already idling. She flung her gear in the back, climbed in and barked “Emergency lockdown in 1 minute.” She then floored the accelerator and the buggy ramped up velocity. She glanced at the rear camera view to see the dock doors close behind her, all window shields raised and all lights turned off.

  She glanced at the console and noticed she had used nearly two minutes of her precious 5 already. The sealed road to the Pulton 1 mine shaft was 6 km long and she was now hurtling at nearly 200 kph. It was going to be close. Driving at this speed commanded her full attention.

  But then her attention was yanked to the right and up as a huge pulse of light lit up the night sky. “Shit…nukes” she exclaimed.

  She desperately wanted to call Liz and check that the evacuation was in hand, that everyone was safe but she was coming up to a curve in the road and had to exert all her focus lest the vehicle careen off.

  Another pulse ignited in the sky. It looked like a small star exploding. ‘Way off…maybe 100,000 kms’ she thought. And another. ‘Oh boy…this is real bad!’ she exclaimed silently.

  There ahead she could see the entrance lights. She braked, smooth but with increasing pressure. The buggy decelerated.

  “Rihan where are you” demanded Liz.

  “I’m just coming up to the entrance now. Hold on.”

  “We have incoming…suspected nukes…impact in less than 2. Hurry!”

  The huge door had been left partially open with just enough clearance for the buggy to slip under. A guard waited inside at the dock. As she pulled up alongside he hit the controls to close the door and jumped in. He turned to his commanding officer and barked his own order “Go!”

  Rihan hit the accelerator and charged off down through the inner doors. Each closing as they went through. Time was running out fast. She miscalculated the amount of space she would need to turn and pull up into the inner dock. She knew it almost straight away. The brakes screamed but too late. The buggy rolled as she turned and skidded across the large open area.

  The elevator guard raced over and opened the top most door. The front guard was shaken but recovering. The elevator guard pulled him out and together they dragged Rihan through the opened door. She was unconscious. The elevator guard gave the fireman’s lift and hauled her on top of his shoulder. The other guard grabbed her kit and they raced for the elevator.

  She was lain down in the corner of the light lift and the elevator guard hit the control to descend. He barked orders for the baffles to close as they descended.

  Then it came. A massive shock force rocked the elevator and flung its passengers from one side to the other. By the time the second wave hit there was no one conscious in the lift, no one to see a pool of blood forming under Commander Kabel.

  Chapter 8. Hermes over Doban 1110, 25 June

  It was ten minutes into the briefing session with the Washington staff. Cmdr Reina Suzuki and her ops officer, Lt Bil Braag, were listening carefully to Pious as he listed the recon tasks for their new mission. There was a knock on the door and Ivan Kiralenko entered without an invitation.

  “Excuse me Sir but I have an urgent message from Admiral McDermot” said Ivan. As he handed the ePaper to Pious he tried to stop his hands from shaking but it was no use. Everyone noted the look of shock on his face. His mouth was set grimly and he watched knowingly as Pious read the message.

  Pious took a deep breath in and leaned back into the chair. Then he announced “Bad news I’m afraid. The sleth attacked Klaster three days ago inflicted severe losses on the Wasp Group. Klaster was nuked.”

  A shock wave hit everyone in the room. Pious looked directly at Dave and continued “Most survived on the ground. Rihan is alive but she’s lost the baby. I am so sorry Dave.”

  Dave had lost touch with his surroundings. He could see Pious talking to him but he didn’t hear a word. He could see Art’s arm come around the back of his shoulder but he didn’t feel any touch. His focus was now far away.

  His beloved Rihan had been subjected to a nuclear attack and their combined hope made manifest in embryo form had been dashed. How could this be? ‘My third child killed in this war. How can I bear this?...Where is the grace?’ His physical body was taking in deep breaths as wave after wave of emotional stress overwhelmed him.

  Part of him tried to exert control, to regain composure. He was the Captain after all. But Art was standing in front of him now and pulling him up. He gave into it.

  He was ushered down to his cabin and placed on his bed. He rolled over to face the wall and like previous times when he was a young boy and under great stress he retreated into sleep.

  Time passed. How long? Dave was unaware. Then he remembered he was in the middle of the briefing when he received the news. He felt guilty for having broken down like that in front of everyone. Part of him was embarrassed for displaying such lack of strength and composure. But he knew he had to forgive himself.

  He sat up and swivelled his legs over the side of the bed. ‘Meditate. That’s what I’ll do’ he said to himself. But a loud knock on the door came. Dave stood up and opened the door.

  Pious was standing in front of him. “Can I come in Dave?” he asked.

  “Sure” said Dave and he motioned for Pious to enter. Pious sat on the visitor’s chair by his desk while Dave took the main chair. “I’m sorry Sir. I lost it back there.”

  “Yes you did Dave. I realise you have been through a lot. We all have. But you know why I have come here right now, don’t you?”

  “You need to know if I’m up to command” replied Dave.

  Pious nodded. “That’s right. We don’t have a lot of time. The Hermes must pursue the sleth while the trail is warm and the Washington must get on with its surveillance mission. I have to know whether you are able to continue.”

  “I’ll be alright Sir” said Dave. “Just give me a minute and I will come back down to the briefing room.”

  “Excellent” said a relieved Pious. “We will be waiting for you.”

  Chapter 9. Hermes over Doban 1240, 25 June

  Dave walked down the corridor to the briefing room. He realised he had been asleep for just over an hour. Oh well he had to put on a brave face. Part of him wanted to cry. But he called on his old friend, his mantra and began repeating it as he walked on. By the time he got to the opened briefing room he felt stronger and more composed.

  As he walked in the others were waiting. Most were engaged with their consoles, looking up some information. Chase was issuing commands updating the holo display to show the planet Zuon and the surrounding solar system.

  Dave could see at a glance that he had already selected a point of entry and a blue ribbon extended from it showing his intended approach route to the planet. There were some probes with smaller route lines indicating where he planned to send these to aid in their intel gathering and comms. He liked Chase’s diligence. He just got on with things. “I see you have a plan for us Chase.”

  Chase turned and smiled at his boss. “Yes Sir I do. Would you like me to run through it?”

  The others brought their attention back to Dave. They acted like business as usual. He appreciated that. “In a mom
ent, Chase. First I would like to apologise for losing it back there. It was a bit of a shock. I’m OK now and I would like to find out what I missed.”

  Ella took charge as if on some pre-arranged queue. “Sure Sir. The details are pretty sketchy but it looks like the sleth warped into Klaster and fired a series of nukes, destroying one of our caps – the Akagi. The Wasp group dispersed and the sleth pressed to within range and launched several nukes at Klaster. All but two was intercepted. The Wasp group fired off its own nukes severely damaging several enemy ships before they warped away.”

  “Any estimate of their warp destination?” asked Dave.

  “Only that their departure direction could place them arriving at Chelora or Zuon or anywhere in this sector for that matter” responded Ella.

  “Well regardless” said Dave “I reckon this rules out any peace overtures. Do you agree Sir?”

  “Definitely” said Pious. “The Admiral’s orders are to nuke Chelora and get back to Klaster post haste. But this was issued without his knowledge of the rogan. So I am substituting Zuon in its stead.”

  “What about trying to find Chalker?” asked Art.

  “I’m sorry Art” said Pious “but you need to realise that the chances of her surviving are very slim indeed. In any event this latest attack cannot be allowed to go without retribution. We are in a very bloody war indeed and the interests of mankind as a whole must come before the interests of any individual.”

  “Oh with all due respect Sir” stated Art “we wouldn’t be here at all if it wasn’t for Sue’s efforts on Klaster and you know that. We owe her to at least try.”

  “You are correct” said Pious “humankind owes Sue a great debt but risking the lives of everyone else on this ship, who also put their lives on the line over Klaster, is to do a disservice to them. It’s for the greater good Commander. I am sorry but my orders stand.”


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