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Beyond the Red

Page 29

by Ava Jae

  All the squishy hugs, cuddles, and gratitude to Astasia, who’s been my supporter and #1 bestie for longer than she hasn’t and was there when the very first version of Eros and the Sepharon were imagined. I’m glad I hogged you in second grade.

  So much gratitude will forever go to my amazing agent, Louise Fury, and to Rachel Brooks, both of whom believed in my weird alien book first. Your unfailing enthusiasm has literally changed my life.

  Stars, hugs, and high-fives to my lovely editor, Nicole Frail, with your helpful, warm, fuzzy-making, and hashtag genius-making A+ notes (#TeamEros!). And a big thank-you to the rest of the Sky Pony team, especially Sarah Brody for the gorgeous cover I still can’t stop looking at, Kerri Frail for that perfectly amazing map, and Joshua Barnaby for making my nerdiest dreams come true with that incredibly awesome interior design.

  Beyond the Red’s fabulous CP team, Laura, Caitlin, and others: you guys saw Red first and your insights and encouragement were instrumental in how it developed. Extra-special shout out to Laura, who came up with the title that was later tweaked into Beyond the Red, and to Team Fury, whose editorial notes never fail to inspire.

  To Vicki and Kate, my lovely CP/support team, you may not have read the early drafts, but I hope you both know you’ve helped me grow so much as a writer. Red wouldn’t be here without you two, either.

  To my freshman year English teacher who helped me write my first ever query letter: that book wasn’t meant to be, but you helped me get here first. And to Mr. C, I kept those notes tacked onto my final senior AP Lit project for years and looked to them for encouragement more times than I can count. Thank you.

  Hugs to my mom, for never saying wanting to be an author is a ridiculous dream, to Richard, for always enthusiastically asking about book news, even when you don’t entirely know what it means, and Cristina, for being the first to listen to many of my stories, Red included, even though you fell asleep half the time.

  To my Twitter lovelies and friends who are too many to name, but mean so very much to me—I can’t thank you enough for the DMs, emails, hugs, and unwavering support. To Team Rogue YA, the Sweet Sixteeners, enthusiastic book bloggers, and the Community of Awesome, thank you all for reminding me how blazing amazing the bookish community can be.

  And finally, to you, reading this book. You guys make my dream possible every day. Thank you, thank you. Your kind words will stay with me wherever the stars reach.

  Glossary/Pronunciation Guide

  Note: /r/ is rolled (similar to a Spanish /r/) and /j/ is closer to an English /y/.

  a/al (ah/ahl): the (places, objects, etc.)

  alaja (ah-LAH-yah) and nejdo (NEY-doh): stringed instruments

  Avrae/Sirae (AH-vray/SEE-ray): plural forms of Avra and Sira

  el/ol Avra (el/ohl AH-vrah): my/your majesty; Avrae are rulers of the eight territories

  azuka (AH-zoo-kah): a powerful drink, somewhat equivalent to alcohol

  el ljma si …(el LYEH-mah see): my name is …

  ikrat (EE-kraht): death

  kaï (KAH-ee): prince

  Kala (kah-lah): God

  kazim (KAH-zeem): wildcat

  ken (kehn): the (people and living beings)

  kjo/sjo (kyoh/syoh): plural forms of kaï and saï

  ko (koh): a ruler’s spouse; ranks directly under the ruler

  lijarae (lee-YAH-ray): umbrella term equivalent to LGBTQUIAP+ people

  ljuma (LYOO-mah): a tangy fruit

  naïjera (nah-EE-yeh-rah): relax

  naï (NAH-ee): no

  orenjo (oh-REN-yoh): honor that is earned

  [City] ora’jeve: (oh-RAH-yeh-veh): [City] greets you (all)—the equivalent to “Welcome to [city].”

  or’jiva (ohr-YEE-vah): greetings (to one person)

  saï (SAH-ee): princess

  Safara (SAH-fah-rah): the planet the Sepharon and nomads live on; in a separate solar system from Earth

  Sephari (SEH-fah-ree, as pronounced by Sepharon; SEH-fur-ee, as pronounced by nomads): the language all Sepharon speak

  Sepharon (SEH-fah-rohn, as pronounced by Sepharon; SEH-fur-on, as pronounced by nomads): the native species of Safara

  sha (shah): yes

  shi (SHEE): instruments of fire dancing, occasionally used as weapons

  (sun)sets: equivalent to a day

  el/ol Sira (el/ohl SEE-rah): my/your high majesty; the Sira is the high ruler who all Avrae must submit to

  term: month (50 sets)

  ulae (OO-lay): a traditional uniform worn by Ona’s military men since before the Great War

  ve (veh): sir

  zeïli (zeh-EE-lee): a leaf that’s dried and smoked for a relaxing and mood-boosting effect




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