The Good Girl

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The Good Girl Page 1

by Jordan Silver

  She signed a contract, now she belongs to him. The rules were clear. Complete secrecy, no babies and always be there when he wants her. But she’s broken one of his cardinal rules and the consequences may be the loss of the one man who would ever own her heart.

  The Good Girl


  Jordan Silver

  Copyright© 2016 Jordan Silver

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Chapter 1


  I pressed my hands down firmly on the trunk of the car and let him do me. The door to the garage had stopped halfway down but I didn’t care. It was late at night and no one was out and about on my quiet street. Hopefully no one would decide to take their dog out for a late stroll.

  I bit into my lip to keep the wild sounds behind my teeth as I fought to stay upright and not let my knees buckle. From this position his cock was hitting me so hard I was afraid he was bruising me inside, but the pain was too sweet to ask him to stop.

  The only sound in the room was our breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh as his hips bounced into mine from behind. I know I was a sight but I didn’t care. My panties were on the floor still wrapped around my ankles, my skirt was hiked up to my waist and my shirt had been torn down the middle, the buttons scattered somewhere on the darkened garage floor.

  His hands pulled my bra cups down beneath my ample tits and he squeezed as he forced his pounding cock deeper inside me. I arched my back a little deeper and the pressure built.

  I flung my head back against his shoulder and pushed my ass hard into his hips letting him use me at his will. My juices and his pre-cum ran down my inner thighs as the pleasure pain of his fingers tugging on my swollen nipples made me mindless with pleasure.

  I wanted to cry out with the pleasure but knew he’d leave me if I did. It was always this way. He’d show up wherever and whenever he pleased with no prior notice. That added to the appeal, the sordidness of it. For a girl who’d always prided herself on being the good girl, being ravished by his cock in anyway he chose was a sort of release.

  His face was in my neck now and he licked my flesh, attacking all my senses at once. He was so good, so good, and I wish just once I could tell him. Wished to howl it out loud until my throat was raw.

  But there was never much said between us, not since the beginning, but we both liked it this way. At least I used to, but lately, I’ve been thinking of what it would be like to have more.

  More of him, more of the promise of what a real relationship with him would be. I dare not utter those words for fear that that too would drive him away. I showed him what I wanted by moving my body the way I knew would drive him over the edge. But instead it was I who fell off the precipice.

  My legs trembled and my inner muscles clenched as my body gave into the sweet pleasure of climax. In my head I screamed the word yes over and over again and his grunt of pleasure gave me shivers. They were coming more and more often these days those treasured grunts.

  They were like badges of honor to me those grunts. That I could drag them from him when I knew he fought so hard not to give me even that, told me that I was more to him that just a receptacle for his lust the way so many before me had been.

  He stayed buried inside me even after the twitching of his cock had ended. His hands still supped my breasts and his lips still nibbled at my nape. Too soon he pulled his semi deflated flesh from my body and I felt that emptiness acutely. I was already mourning the loss before he reached down and pulled my panties back up my legs and patted them in place over my plump Mons.

  When he was done he leaned over my back and turned my face to his for a kiss. It was the sweetest part of our interludes, the kiss at the end. It was just as intimate as him being inside me. It’s the last thing I cherished before falling asleep at night. Alone in my cold bed.

  “Be my good girl.” Those were always his last words to me and he said them now before ducking under the half opened door and stepping out into the dark. I got myself together and made my way into the house on shaky legs.

  Inside I felt the cold emptiness of being alone again. I was no longer hungry, no longer looking forward to the steak I’d left marinating before leaving for work this morning.

  I hated this roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Hated all the unanswered questions especially now. My hand went to my flat stomach and fear caught hold of me. I’ve been fighting it for the last few days. Ever since I found out.

  Now the anger set in. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Don’t I deserve better? Don’t I deserve someone to hold me at night, to wake up next to me in the morning? Don’t I deserve someone who wanted all of me?

  What had I done? To let myself fall in love with a man of whom I knew there was no hope of him ever returning the sentiment was beyond stupid. I’d rolled the dice and lost, and whatever might’ve been with time, was going to die a swift death very soon.

  I had no doubt of the outcome. By rights I should tell him, he had a right to know. But I just wanted to steal a little more time for myself. Was that so wrong?

  I felt bad for the little boy or girl who would never know their dad. Never know the beautiful, complicated man who’d fathered them. And I felt sorry for myself, for what I knew I would lose before long.

  I walked through the house shedding my shoes and dropping my bag on a chair before heading to the bedroom. My eyes went to the big bed that we rarely shared. Our encounters were always unconventional. It’s something that never seemed planned but always just seemed to happen.

  But I was beginning to learn that nothing with Jonas was left to chance. He was a very precise and methodical man who left no stone unturned to get what he wants.

  He’d always been honest. From the very beginning he’d let his feelings be known, and had left the idea of an affair solely up to me. I knew since the death of his wife and child he’d avoided any real commitment. But that had been more than two years ago. Hadn’t enough time passed for him to be on the mend?

  I was well aware that I wasn’t the first woman he’d enjoyed in the past year and a half, but like all silly young girls I hoped against hope that I would be the one he chose. The one who would mend his heart and gain his undying love forever.

  I knew that he wasn’t seeing anyone else at the moment. For the last three months since we’d started I was the only one he’d been with. But was I any different than all the others that came before me?

  Will I wake up one day and find that I was never anything more to him that something to do to pass the time? Just like all those others had been? Did he see all of us the same way? Or did I mean just a little bit more to him than they had?

  All these questions plagued me, as I got ready for bed. This was the part of the evening I dreaded most. This is when I laid awake for hours weighing the pros and cons of carrying on the affair. Or here of late the big question was when should I tell him? My stomach grew queasy at the thought.

  I fell asleep still no closer to an answer and woke in the morning with butterflies because I knew I would be seeing him soon. I hurried through my morning ritual while sipping a cup of herbal tea and chewing on a gutted toasted bagel.

  I rushed out the door not because I was running late, but because seeing him first thing in the morning always made for an almost perfect day. Not to mention the one time we were both in the office before the others were due, he’d taken me against the wall in his office. That was still one o
f my favorite memories.

  I liked it when he lost control like that. When he went against one of his own rules as if he couldn’t help himself. As if his need for me was just as strong as mine for him. There had been a lot of moments like those in the last few weeks. But now, just as I was beginning to think we might stand a chance at happily ever after, my body had betrayed me.

  Today was not to be a repeat more’s the pity. Rachel, the new temp had beaten me there and was taking him a cup of coffee when I walked in.

  A pang of jealousy hit me and I fought it back as I plastered a smile on my face. “Oh hi Thalia you’re in early.” It was on the tip of my tongue to accuse her of the same thing but I came up with an excuse as I fought my disappointment. “Yes I had some stuff to catch up on from yesterday. Figured I’d get a head start before the day got going.”

  I hate the way she just smiled without saying anything. She does that a lot, as if she’s too preoccupied to be bothered. I’ve noticed a lot of little idiosyncrasies about her, but could never quite figure out if she was a little scattered, or if she was deliberately snubbing me.

  She was in and out of his office, three times, I counted. What could she possibly have to talk to him about this early in the morning? She’d been hired as a sort of assistant to me, while I was his personal admin. Something I never asked for and certainly didn’t need. But I had no say in the matter.

  There was absolutely no reason for her to be in there and even less reason for her to be here this early. Was this it? Was she my replacement? The thought made me sick to my stomach. I studied her under cover of my lowered lashes and felt everything I wanted slipping through my fingers.

  She was everything he was rumored to like before he’d chosen me. Blonde, leggy, a bit young, but she couldn’t be that much younger than my twenty-five. Still, I could see why he’d fallen for her. She was pretty if a little scatterbrained. That last was a shock. I would never have expected him to go for the easily excitable type. And unlike me she seemed to be very relaxed in his presence. Though my problem stemmed more from heightened awareness than unease.

  Chapter 2


  I booted up my computer and tried to make myself look busy but I couldn’t concentrate. I wanted to march into his office and demand to know the truth. How could he come to me last night if he knew he was planning to move on? Or was he still in the training stages with her?

  I remember what that was like and the idea that he would share that with her just a few short months later made me feel murderous and sick. Was she feeling that special glow after one of his smoldering looks? Was he touching her even when he didn’t have to? Going out of his way to crowd her just so he could be close?

  I watched her every move every time she went in and out of that room, my anger growing with each trip. I was very close to doing something I never would’ve imagined myself capable of. I’ve never been much for confrontation, choosing rather to back down and walk away. But this was worth fighting for. I was gearing up to do…something, not sure what, when his voice came through the intercom on my desk.

  “Ms. Carmichael, come in here please.” His voice jolted me and I got up from my seat to answer his call.

  “Yes sir?” I kept my head down refusing to look at him. He sees too much, and I knew how he’d react to any show of what I was feeling, especially in the work place.

  I took down the notes he gave before turning to leave the room. He was so impersonal, so detached almost. I felt deflated as I made my way back to my desk. It was over, I was sure.

  I hurried through the day until it was time to go to lunch and though I had no appetite, I needed to get out of there. My phone buzzed just as I was taking my bag from the drawer.

  “Yes sir?”

  “Go home.” My heart fell to my toes and I felt sick. Had he just fired me? I couldn’t think. Retrieving my bag I left the office and the building in a trance. I don’t remember getting home or dragging off my clothes before dropping into bed in tears.

  I cried for my broken heart, for what could’ve been if only he’d given us a chance. The earlier anger was gone and all that was left was a deep void of dark emptiness.

  I didn’t hear the door open or the footsteps as they made their way to the room where I laid. I felt the impression of someone climbing into bed with me, and my eyes flew open in fright.

  My heart went into overdrive when I saw that it was him. The anger was back in a flash and I lashed out. Just as with all our previous dalliances there was nothing said, just furious blows raining down on his head his chest and anywhere I could reach.

  He laughed, it was the first time I’d ever heard it and it stopped me in my tracks. His face was transformed, softening with his smile. Still he didn’t say anything, just nuzzled my neck before making his way down to my chest.

  His hand found its way between my thighs and I spread them for him to find what he was looking for. His fingers teased me before dipping inside where the heat was already building. How was he able to quell all my fears with just a touch? Why did I have no resistance? Even when I was mad enough to kill.

  His teeth surrounded my nipple and I filled his hand with my juices. He lifted his head from my breast and found my mouth with his while his fingers drove into me harder.

  I couldn’t wait for his sweet weight to press me into the bed. Always I was on my hands and knees in front of him, but at night alone with my dreams, he always covered me.

  Now for the first time since the beginning he was giving me what I wanted. He moved my leg out of the way with his hip as he lifted my ass in his hands.

  I waited for the moment when he entered me, when all that I thought was lost was mine again. I closed my eyes in ecstasy as he slid his beautiful cock into my waiting quivering flesh.

  I opened them again to look up at him. The look in his eyes had me dragging his head down to mine. I’d never taken the initiative before, always waiting for him to make the first move. But after the morning I’d had I needed this.

  He let me get away with it. Let me get away with forcing my tongue into his mouth as I slid my wet pussy on and off his cock. He bit my lip and I flew into orbit.

  His large hand fondled my tit as he stroked into me nice and slow. I wrapped my legs around his ass and let him have me the way he wanted. My hands roamed over his back and down to his ass pulling him in harder. I was breaking so many rules now, but I wanted him to see what he would be missing if he threw me over for that teeny bopper.

  I wanted to beg him to fuck me, wanted to say any one of the many salacious things running through my head. Instead I let him have his way, caring only about his pleasure, giving him what he needed from me.

  My legs were pushed back to my ears, spreading me open wider for his pounding thrusts. It was heaven, the wild way he went after me, like he had lost control.

  He felt larger this way, like he was reaching farther inside me than ever before and I reveled in it. Behind my closed lids all I saw was him and that look in his eyes. Why couldn’t we stay like this forever? I wanted the sweet pleasure to go on forever, wanted to have him deep inside me, making me feel alive, keeping all the doubts and fears at bay.

  I felt the soft touch of his finger against my cheek; it was the sweetest touch we’d ever shared. My eyes opened on his with tears brightening them. He hadn’t changed, that look was still there and my heart almost exploded in my chest.

  The light kiss on my lips was also new, and my heart reacted for another reason. What did it mean these changes? To go from stark fear to uncertainty to hope, was doing a number on my equilibrium. I wanted to touch him too, but that was out of the question, unless it was in a sexual way and I’d already used up my quota for the day.

  I didn’t want anything marring this perfect moment, so instead I tried to show him with the movement of my hips and ass beneath him, and the tightening of my inner muscles as he pumped in and out of me repeatedly.

  I knew when he was about to cum inside me, his eyes went t
o half-mast, his head went back and he gritted his teeth to withhold any sound from escaping. Some people say a woman cannot feel her man’s seed shooting into her body; that was a lie.

  I felt the warmth as he gave me his most precious gift. He didn’t wear a condom. He hated them, so left it up to me to see to our protection. He’d already had his doctor check us over for any form of disease in the beginning, so there was no fear of that.

  But he needed protection against giving me a child, his child. My eyes flew open at the thought. Would he believe me when the time came? Would he believe that I hadn’t set out to trap him?

  A few weeks ago I’d had a very bad sinus infection. The doctor had given me this new antibiotic that was supposed to be stronger than the ones before it.

  Because I wasn’t used to the pill, I’d missed a few days in my confusion, and had decided to start over the following month. I don’t know why I’d done that. It wasn’t a conscious thing on my part. But the inevitable had happened and now I felt trapped. Not by him, but by the decision I had to make.

  Fear gripped me until I calmed myself down with the reassurance that it will be okay. I hadn’t done it purposely. Surely he’d understand. If only I had the answers, if only I could make this alright.

  The jetting of his release into my body triggered mine and I tightened even more around him as I too climaxed in the most spectacular way.

  He left my body and I wanted to scream at the emptiness he left behind. Instead I closed my legs to keep the mixture of our juices from running out and onto the sheets. I needn’t have worried. He’d been so far inside me this time that there was hardly any. It was all deep inside me. I wish I could hold onto it forever.

  He walked to the bathroom. He would know where it is. This was his house after all, or more to the point, the house he’d set up for me. He’d chosen the house, this particular house, for privacy sake. A condo would’ve done just as well for what we were doing here, but there would’ve been too many people, too many eyes.


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