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Aegis: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 9

by Hollis Wynn

  Thank goodness this is Texas and my windows have a dark tint to combat the heat, which allows me to sit in the back seat cuddling Ainsley while sobbing and no one can see me. That is until Penn opens the back door to secure her car seat and places the bag on the floorboard.

  “Are you okay” he asks in a gentle tone.

  “No, but I will be when we get out of here. I just want to get home.” He nods and closes the back door before getting in the driver’s seat. He starts the engine while I get Ainsley situated. Fortunately, the drive home is quick and because of the country roads, we would know if anyone followed us. That fact doesn’t stop me from twisting in my seat half a dozen times to make sure there is no one behind us.

  Turning into the long drive, Penn slowly winds his way to my house and presses the garage door opener. He pulls in and shifts into park as I throw the door open and run around the back of the SUV to get Ainsley.

  In my gut I know that if anyone was watching us, we would know it, but I can’t shake the fear that Kaiser is here to take Ainsley from me.

  Penn waits for me to get her into the house before he opens the door and slips out into the small garage. Hitting the garage door opener on the wall, he closes everything up and locks the door as it closes behind him.

  “Bella?” I hear him walking down the hall to my bedroom where I’m closing the shades. “Hey. Are you okay?”

  I shake my head no because if I try to speak I’m going to fall apart, and he doesn’t need to see that. I step back and fall to the bed, tears streaming down my face.

  “I can’t do this. He can’t take her from me. And I don’t want to die.” I cry out. “I love her so much.” My heart beats super fast and I feel like I need to run a marathon, except my body is frozen in place.

  He sits down next to me and pulls me tight into his body. “He’s not going to take her from you if I have anything to say about it.”

  “But . . .” I hiccup the word again. “But you can’t save us. You have to report me to the authorities.” Another hiccup escapes.

  “Wait a second. Is Ainsley safe? Yes, she is. Is she abused? No, she’s not. Should I report you? Yeah, I should. Am I going to? No, because she’s better off with you, than the monster who wants her.”

  “But what if someone finds out and you get in trouble?” My voice is weak and broken, much like my heart.

  “We will deal with that if it happens. Tonight, I’m going to stay here with you so you can rest.”

  I lean my head back and glance up at the heart rendering tenderness of his gaze. “Really? You’d do that for me?”

  His lips slowly descend to mine, and he answers my question with a kiss. A kiss that touches every nerve ending in my body. From the tips of my toes to every hair on the top of my head.

  He breaks the kiss and rakes his eyes over my body. “You need a break. Go take a shower. I’ll get her ready for bed and find a funny movie for us to watch so you don’t have to think anymore tonight.”

  “Thank you,” I say, and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “For everything.”

  Chapter Twenty—Pennington

  I watch her walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. This woman has been through so much and now she’s got Kaiser Sharpe after her. If she survives this I’m going to marry her. No doubt she’s the one for me.

  Until this moment, I’ve never even thought about getting married. Work is my mistress, and I thought it would always be that way. Then BellaRose opened the door, exhausted and in a T-shirt and panties.

  That was the moment everything changed for me.

  Thanks, Gramps. You must have known we’d need each other.

  Shaking my head, I snap out of the craziness that has become my life and pull my phone from my pocket. I send a text to Ford so I don’t forget.

  Me: We need to chat tomorrow. You’ll never guess who was in town tonight.

  Ford: God?

  Me: Haha. Smart ass—not even close.

  Ford: Just tell me. I’ve been sitting in this location for hours and am getting bored.

  Me: Kaiser Sharpe. We were having dinner, and he approached the girl who lives in the house next to Gramps.

  Ford: Wait? You’re dating someone, aren’t you? Is it serious?

  Me: No. No. Yes, we were on a date—with her baby.

  Ford: Fine. I’ll call you tomorrow and you can tell me all about it.

  Me: Deal.

  I’ve been around long enough now that I know where Ainsley’s bottles and stuff are, so I get to work making a bottle and changing her for bed. She’s been a good little girl and just chilled out in her seat while Bella was having her break down.

  I have just laid her down when I hear the water turn off in the bathroom. I’m glad that she took some time for herself, even if that means she cried her heart out under the water. Mom always told Zoe to take a shower when she gets upset. Something about the water washing all the stress and anxiety away. I’m not aware of any scientific evidence but it worked in our house so why not try it.

  I close the door quietly so I don’t shock her awake and head into the living room. I turn off the overhead lights that Bella must have turned on when she came in and replace the brightness with a small lamp on the side table.

  Searching through the movie collection, I decide on The Waterboy, because if Adam Sandler can’t make her laugh, then nothing can. I get the DVD into the player and sit down on the couch.

  I lay my head back and make a list of things I need to talk to Ford about tomorrow. I really need to head into the office on Monday, but with Kaiser in town, there is no way I can leave the girls here on their own. Bella would flip out and I’d worry about her.

  She comes into the living room in a pair of holey sweatpants riding low on her hips and a tank top that shows off a thin strip of skin above the waistband, with her damp hair in some kind of twist. Fuck, those pants are sexy.

  Quickly, I adjust myself so she doesn’t think I’m here just to get her out of those pants. She picks the blanket up that’s hanging over the back of the chair and sits down beside me and cocoons herself in it.

  “What are we watching?” she asks and yawns. I know right then it doesn’t matter what we watch, she’s going to be asleep soon. Adrenaline is great because it fuels the fight or flight response, but once it stops, the drop is hard. She’s teetering on the edge and if she can let go, she will sleep hard as hell.

  “The Waterboy is cued up. You, good with that?”

  “I love this movie.”

  “Then here we go.” I press play on the remote. The movie starts and not even ten minutes later, she’s fast asleep, her head on my shoulder.

  I finish watching the movie and turn off the lamp, allowing myself to go to sleep with her curled up next to me.

  I don’t know how long I sleep, but I startle awake. Lifting her head off my shoulder, I lay her down on the couch and then walk to the kitchen window, looking out to see what is going on. I don’t see any lights, but something isn’t right. Walking through each room in the house, I check and nothing is out of place. Ainsley is sleeping, and everything is still around us.

  After a quick trip to the bathroom, I gently wake Bella up. “Would you like to go get in your bed?”

  She mumbles something unintelligible as she sits up, so I help her into the bedroom.

  “Stay with me, please?” Her voice is soft and her eyes heavy with sleep.

  I’m not sure if she even knows what she’s saying, but nothing is going to make me leave her tonight.


  “What are you doing tomorrow?” I ask Ford. “Why don’t you come spend the afternoon with us? I’ll grill some burgers and we can hang out.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. I’ve been working a ton of surveillance and I’m so damn tired of being cooped up in a car.”

  “Then I’ll see you around noon tomorrow,” I say. “I think you’ll like Bella.”

  “Dude, it doesn’t really matter if I like her, because it soun
ds to me like she’s already taken.”

  “Well, you’re not wrong, but I’d like you guys to get along, so she can hang out with us.”

  I hear the engine turn off and he is getting out of his car. “I just got to the gym, so I’ll see you tomorrow. Let me know if you want me to bring something and I’ll pick it up on the way.”

  Then he hangs up and the phone goes dead. Plugging it in to charge, I head into the garage to mow the yard. I want to get as much done around here as I can this afternoon since Ford is coming over tomorrow and I need to head into the office this week.

  We all slept in this morning, then I made bacon and eggs for breakfast while Bella fed Ainsley and then let her lay on the floor. She calls it tummy time and I’m not sure what the point is, but she thinks it’s important, so I just listen and nod.

  The hours pass quickly as I ride the mower back and forth, cutting strips of green across the yard and down to the water’s edge. Then I trim all around the houses before heading inside for a long cold shower to rinse off all the grass and sweat from the heat of the day.

  When I’m finally dressed, I check my phone and there is a message from Bella.

  Bella: I roasted a chicken and sautéed some squash if you are hungry.

  I notice that this was sent an hour ago and she may have cleaned it all up, so I text her to make sure she’s cool with me coming over.

  Me: I just got cleaned up. Is there any left?

  Bella: I made a plate for you just in case. Come on over.

  Me: Be right there.

  When Gramps died and I inherited the property and the position of caretaker, I certainly didn’t think it included a woman and a baby. But I’m grateful they’re part of the package.

  Chapter Twenty-One—BellaRose

  Ainsley is laying on the floor, kicking her legs around and cooing at me when Penn comes in.

  “How are my girls doing?” he asks.

  Before I answer him, I glance up and notice he is smiling at us. His words unleash a swarm of butterflies in my belly. “We’ve had a good day. Thank you for taking care of the yard.”

  I heft myself up and meet him in the kitchen to pull his dinner out of the fridge. I’m spent from the emotions of the last couple months and it’s taking all my energy to not let it get to me. “I didn’t know how late you would be, so I put it away.”

  I unsnap the lid, put the container in the microwave, and set it for two minutes. He pulls me to him and kisses my neck.

  It’s at that moment, when the scent of fresh soap and masculinity surround me, I realize how comfortable we are with each other and how close we’ve become. This summer wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t here.

  “Thank you for staying last night,” I say as his kisses trail up my jaw and to my mouth.

  “You’re more than welcome,” he says and continues exploring my mouth, his tongue swirling around mine until the microwave beeps and breaks the spell.

  “Saved by the bell.”

  He opens the microwave and pulls out the container, dropping it on the stove. “Shit!”

  Using the fork I set out, Penn pushes the food around, trying to cool it off. Instead of waiting, I hand him a plate and he dumps the container onto it.

  “This smells amazing,” he professes as he stabs a piece of chicken with his fork and blows on it, lifting the plate as he leans back on the counter.

  The sound of gravel hitting metal steals the moment, and I move closer to the window, peeking through the blinds. Headlights move up the driveway and a car comes into view.

  “Are we expecting someone?” I turn and ask Penn.

  He sits his plate on the stove before stepping behind me and looking out the window. “Looks like the sheriff decided to pay us a visit.”

  Penn bends his neck to kiss mine, then heads to the front door to meet the sheriff. Without wasting a second, I walk over and pick up Ainsley, holding her tightly to my chest and kiss the top of her tiny head.

  First Kaiser, now the sheriff. What the hell? Something’s fishy around here.

  I wait a few minutes before walking to the door to give Penn a moment to assess the situation.

  I’m grateful that I hadn’t turned on many lights in the house. I’m able to lurk in the shadows, waiting for some sort of sign from Penn. After hearing him laugh, I decide to show my face so it doesn’t look like I’m hiding from anyone.

  Taking a deep breath, I step over the threshold and steel my spine. “What an unexpected surprise. How are you doing, sheriff? Is there anything we can do for you tonight?”

  The headlights from the cruiser cast dancing shadows in the trees. Moving toward where the guys are standing, I stop at Penn’s side. He slides a thick arm around my waist, pulling me to him effortlessly like I’m a feather.

  “Good evening, Ms. Rogers.” He tips his hat in a gentlemanly fashion, but he’s far from a gentleman. When our eyes connect, there is something cold and calculating about the way he looks at me. A shiver runs up my spine. “Just thought I’d stop by and see how everything is going with Mr. James. Rumor has it that he’s fixing up the place to sell.”

  “Well, I’d hate to lose him as a neighbor. It’s been wonderful having him here to help especially since my baby is so young. I used to have more time on my hands,” I explained, looking down at a content and quiet Ainsley.

  If he can lie to my face, I can do the same. Though the part about Penn being wonderful isn’t a lie at all. His presence has been life changing for me. If he wasn’t here, I would have locked us in the house and only ventured out when it was absolutely necessary.

  Fear can be paralyzing. I’m grateful he has kept me from living in that state.

  “Don’t worry, darling,” Penn replies to the Sheriff’s ridiculous statement. “I could never sell Gramps’s place.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear. I’ll make sure to set the rumor mill straight,” Sheriff Vic says with a crooked grin.

  Slimy bastard.

  “If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to serve and protect,” he proclaims, like he actually believes the words he is spewing.

  What a crock of shit. This man is fishing for something, I just don’t know what yet. Maybe Owen’s closet in the bunker has some information that will help us.

  “Thanks so much, Vic. Have a good evening and tell the family I said hello,” Penn says with a fake smile plastered across his face..

  It dawns on me that I recognize the look as conciliatory, and the realization warms my heart.

  Vic stares at us for a moment too long, but instead of saying anything, he returns to his car. We stand together, waving as he turns the cruiser around to drive back down the caliche road and away from us. I stare at his taillights until he hits the first bend and they fade into the night.

  “Maybe we should start locking the gate when we enter and exit,” I tell Penn and spin on my heel, walking up the porch steps back into the house just as the baby gets fussy.

  Not wasting any time, Penn follows me into the house and retrieves his plate from the stove. “If we’re going to keep staying here, I think we need to invest in an electronic gate. It will make it easier for you when you’re heading into town.”

  “I agree. We need a little more security. It kind of freaks me out that just anyone can come up the driveway.” I glance up at the clock and note that it’s almost eight. “I need to get her ready for bed. You’re welcome to stay if you like.” I know that my tone is flat, but having Vic show up with no warning has put me on edge.

  “If you need some help, just holler,” he offers and keeps eating.

  I wonder if this is what it’s like to be married. One person is anxiety ridden, and frankly pissed, while the other just smiles and keeps on eating.


  Walking into the bathroom, I turn on the water in the tub and let it warm up before filling her tiny baby tub. While that fills, I gather her pajamas and a clean diaper, placing them on my bed. Laken always told me t
hat Liberty hated bath time, and it was a constant battle, but Ainsley is the exact opposite. She loves the bath, and that makes my life much easier.

  Once the baby bathtub is filled with warm water, I place a warm rag on her belly while I wash her hair and the rest of her tiny body. She coos and smiles at me while I talk to her.

  The towel is sitting on the toilet next to the sink and I pick it up with one hand while keeping the other on her so she doesn’t wiggle around too much. Wrapping her in the pink towel, I carry her to my bedroom and gently lay her down to rub lavender baby lotion on her delicate skin before putting her diaper and pajamas on.

  “My little munchkin is growing. Looks like we need to do a bit of shopping,” I tell her as I notice that this outfit is a bit snug. She doesn’t complain and gives me the biggest smile to date. “Now, let’s go feed you, Princess.”

  When I exit the bathroom, there is a bottle prepped and ready on the end of the bar—just waiting.

  “Bottle is ready,” Penn tells me as he washes up and places the fork in the strainer next to the sink.

  I know I shouldn’t be angry with him because it’s not like he invited Vic over, but my gut tells me there is more to this than I know. Considering the position I’m in, I don’t want any more surprises.

  Or unwelcome visitors.

  Chapter Twenty-Two—Pennington

  “Thanks for coming,” I say in greeting to Ford before handing him a beer.

  “No problem, man. It gives me an excuse to get out of the city. Plus, I’ve not been out here before. It’s pretty nice.”

  “Yeah. I’m considering selling the house and moving out here permanently,” I announce, and Ford’s head whips around.

  “Really?” His eyes widen. “I can see it as a vacation home, but not to live here full time. It’s over an hour to the office without traffic. That’d be a helluva commute.”

  “That it is, but there is something about being able to disconnect and leave work there. At least hopefully that will happen in time. Currently, Kaiser Sharpe is in town and approached Bella at the bar. Then last night the sheriff showed up unexpectedly at the house. She’s totally freaked out and I don’t know what to do.”


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